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Oil and gas overlay map
An oil and gas overlay map on a 1:24,000-scale U.S. Geological Survey topographic quadrangle map base can be created at our Publication Information Center for $25. For other variations please call 859.257.5500 x126 for pricing.
We use the National Geographic TOPO! software ( for the base and then we download the oil and gas data from our Web site for that quadrangle.
The TOPO! software only creates one symbol (diamond shape) for the location of all the types of oil and gas well data. We can only attach a record number to the diamond symbol, which then can be looked up in our Oil and Gas Well Records Search database.
For a $10 setup fee, plus $0.05 per well, we can incorporate the downloaded data into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and print out a hard copy.
These maps can be created by anyone using downloaded oil and gas records data and the National Geographic TOPO! software (, which we sell for $75. The downloaded oil and gas data can be imported into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet on your computer