Alvy Creek Formation in eastern Kentucky and parts of the Alvy Creek in
Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia
Hensley Member
Princess District
Licking River District
Southwestern District
Hazard District
Big Sandy District
Upper Cumberland River District
West Virginia
new terminology
Middlesboro Subdistrict
Harlan Subdistrict
Bee Rock Sandstone
not preserved
not preserved
bottom part of Rockcastle Sandstone Member
[below surface] bottom part of Bee Rock Sandstone
[below surface] bottom part of Bee Rock Sandstone
bottom part of Bee Rock Sandstone
bottom part of Bee Rock Sandstone
bottom part of sandstone
bottom part of Bee Rock Sandstone
McClure Ss.
Alvy Creek

Hensley Member
Hensley Member
Hensley Member
 Beaver Creek, Stearns No. 3 or Contrary coal


upper part of Raven coal zone
Aily coal

Coal Cliff member
Coal Cliff member
Coal Cliff member
marine zone
Douglas Shale
Stearns No. 2 or New Livingston coal
Tunnel or Raven coal
Tunnel or Raven coal
Raven coal zone
Lower Douglas and Bradshaw coals
shale member A
Stearns No. 1.5 coal
Jawbone coal
Iaeger coal
Stearns No. 1, Hudson, Horse Lick, Livingston or Lee No. 1 coal
Tiller, Castle and Upper Seaboard coal zone
Lower Iager coal
Sewanee Sandstone
upper part of Sewanee Sandstone
upper part of Sewanee Sandstone
upper part of Sewanee Sandstone
upper part of Sewanee Sandstone
upper part of Sewanee Sandstone
upper tongue of Middlesboro Sandstone