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New Southeastern Kentucky Geological Map Released by KGS

Lexington , KY. (June 12, 2006) - A newly-published geologic map of southeastern Kentucky provides a wealth of useful information for local governments, developers, economic resource industries and others who need information on the geology and geologic resources of this region.

The 33 x 62 inch paper map (scale 1:100,000) and the digital data used to create it are both published by the Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS) at the University of Kentucky . They are the result of detailed assembly of digitized 7.5-minute geologic quadrangle maps of the area, known as Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle (DVGQ) maps.

Entitled Geologic map of the Kentucky portion of the Pikeville 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, southeastern Kentucky , i t is compiled and co-authored by Carl Petersen and Thomas N. Sparks. It is the ninth of a series of such maps being developed and produced by KGS.

Kentucky is geologically mapped at a scale of 1:24,000 and is represented by 707 of the 7.5-minute geologic quadrangle maps. In 2004 KGS completed a $3.8 million project to convert the original paper versions of these large scale maps to digital vector format

Twenty-three of the 1:24,000 scale maps were compiled to create the new map at a 1:100,000 scale. The new map has the high degree of accuracy and detail as the original maps in addition to a fresh perspective on regional trends in geology for the area.

“This map and its text portions contain a large amount of useful information” says Sparks , a KGS geologist. “Its ‘Economic Geology' section describes the production and reserves of resources including coal, oil and natural gas. The geology depicted on the map and the text can also assist in determining information about local and regional groundwater flow as well as the challenges of finding level land for construction.”

Representing an area of approximately 1,084 square miles in southeastern Kentucky , the map includes portions of four Kentucky counties (Floyd, Knott, Letcher and Pike) and the cities and towns of Pikeville, Whitesburg, Elkhorn City , Fleming-Neon, Wheelwright, Wayland, Pippa Passes , Hindman and Blackey.

The digital vector files used to create this map are available from KGS on CD-ROM for $10 per individual DVGQ and can be used in geographic information systems (GIS) and other computer software. The digital data sets allow GIS users to combine the geologic map data with other data for multiple purposes, including analysis of landslide and slope stability risks, and assessment of mineral resources. The digital data sets can also be used to create custom maps; they are ideal for land-use development and planning.

Paper copies of the larger Pikeville quadrangle map are available from the KGS Public Information Center on the UK campus for $8 each plus shipping and may be ordered by calling (859) 257-3896 or toll free at (877) 778-7827.


A small section of the Pikeville 30 x 60 minute quadrangle map, showing the level of detail in the publication.