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New images now available from Kentucky Groundwater Data Repository

If you’re interested in information on water wells and springs in Kentucky, you now have online access to much more information about them through the Kentucky Groundwater Data Repository here, managed by the Kentucky Geological Survey at the University of Kentucky. Nearly 300,000 scanned images of well and spring records have been recently added to the Repository. It was created in 1990 by the Survey and now contains information about more than 92,000 water wells, 5,100 springs, and 58,000 sets of water-quality analyses. The information is collected by State agencies, other organizations, and independent researchers.  Historically, the water well records have included location, usage, depth, and static water level, among other information.

Now, with the permission of the Kentucky Division of Water (DOW), scanned images of water well inspection forms, monitoring well records, spring inventory forms, plugging records, and various types of water-quality analyses are also available in the Repository. These images are generated by the Division as a result of their Certified Well Drillers Program, which requires that every water well in Kentucky be installed by a certified driller. More information on the drillers program is available here.

KGS received the images from DOW in July, and they were processed and placed online October 1st.   Well and spring searches in the Repository’s database will produce an Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) file for every record that has images available."We very much appreciate the Division of Water for providing these scanned images to enhance the Repository," says KGS geologist and Repository manager Bart Davidson.  "They provide additional information that is not otherwise obtainable, such as drillers’ notes on lithology at the time of drilling. The images will not only assist the general public, but also drillers themselves as they assess possible drilling locations.”

Users of the Repository should note that only records coming from the Division of Water (i.e., AKGWA numbers starting with "0” or "8” (well records), or "9” (spring records)) have these images available. Not every record will have images.  The .pdf files may contain one or more pages, with each page corresponding to a scanned document associated with that well or spring.

An example of a scanned record now available in the Groundwater Repository.