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KGS Advisory Board Chair Named Geologist of the Year
KGS Director and State Geologist Jim Cobb presents Karen Thompson with the AIPG-KY Geologist of the Year award for 2011.
Lexington, Ky. (May 10, 2011) Karen Thompson, a project manager and professional geologist with Smith Management Group in Lexington, was honored recently by the Kentucky Section of the American Institute of Professional Geologists as the Geologist of the Year. The award was presented by Frank Ettensohn, president of KY-AIPG and Kentucky State Geologist Jim Cobb.
Thompson works as a consulting geologist with private companies, government agencies, and non-profit corporations to remediate contaminated sites across Kentucky and protect Kentucky’s land, water and resources. She received her master’s degree in geology from the University of Kentucky and has worked in industry and government. She currently chairs the Kentucky Geological Survey’s Advisory Board.
The Kentucky Section of the American Institute of Professional Geologists selects a geologist each year who has distinguished themselves in the conduct of their professional life and career as a geologist. Thompson has been a leader in her field and demonstrates the highest levels of the professionalism.