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Positional Cloning and Characterization of RCT1, an Anthracnose Resistance Gene in Medicago
H. Zhu
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
Project Description
We have delimited the RCT1 locus within a physical interval spanning approximately 180 kb located on the top of M. truncatula linkage group 4. RCT1 is part of a complex locus containing numerous genes homologous to previously characterized TIR-NBS-LRR type resistance genes. To date, candidate genes for RCT1 were isolated and we are in process for complementation test.
The RCT1 gene cloned from M. truncatula will contribute to our understanding of the mechanisms underlying resistance against C. trifoii in Medicago. RCT1 will likely be functional when transferred to alfalfa varieties, thus providing a new tool to the genetic improvement of alfalfa.
Yang,S., Gao, M., Deshpande, S., Lin, S., Roe, B., and Zhu,H. 2007. Genetic and physical localization of an anthracnose resistance gene in Medicago truncatula. Theor. Appl. Genet. (submitted)