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Postdoctoral Fellowship: Carbon Storage Consequences of Land Use Change in the Tallgrass Prairie Region of North America
R.L. McCulley
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
Project Description
This study is the first regional attempt to assess the consequences of long-term row crop agriculture and recent grassland restoration efforts to soil carbon and nitrogen pools and microbial communities. The data collection and lab analyses are complete. I have analyzed the data and presented the results at two different national meetings. I am currently writing the work up for publication in a refereed journal. I have also made my results available to USDA-NRI program leaders for use in widely distributed reports concerning carbon storage in North America. I have become a member of the National American Carbon Program.
The results of this study are expected to better inform natural resource managers and policy makers about the efficacy of using grassland restoration in agricultural areas as a means of sequestering carbon.
McCulley, R.L., Fierer, N., and Jackson, R.B. 2007. Restoration of grasslands after agriculture: Insights from regional chronosequences. Ecological Society of America Abstracts, San Jose, CA