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Characterizing Active Soil Organic Matter Pools Controlling Soil N Availability in Maize-based Cropping Systems
J.H. Grove
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
Project Description
The basic intent of the project is to improve nitrogen (N) use efficiency in corn production. Both corn and N prices have risen dramatically in the past 36 months. The major objective is to better understand the potential of split fertilizer N applications on corn N use efficiency, across major corn production environments. The approach was to initiate field research to directly address these issues. The 2007 corn production year was the first year of the study. Results confirmed greater N use efficiency (both greater yield and N uptake) with split N application, but with only one year of work, no broad conclusions can yet be drawn.
The impact that the project will have is the development of a broader understanding of how rate and timing drive corn-fertilizer N use efficiency, across the entire "Corn Belt". There is considerable argument regarding the benefit of split/delayed N applications, especially on well-drained soils, irrigation, and in subhumid corn production environments.