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Molecular Genetics of the Interaction between Corn and Corn Stalk Rot Fungi (Colletotrichum graminicola and Gibberella zeae)
L.J. Vaillancourt
Department of Plant Pathology
Project Description
Between 5 and 10 percent of the corn crop in the U.S. is lost to fungal stalk rot disease annually. In spite of the economic importance of this disease, almost nothing was known when this project began about fungal factors that are important for pathogenicity to corn stalks. We have used a combination of molecular and cytological approaches to study the relationship of the stalk rot fungi to the nutritional and defense status of the host, and to observe how these fungi enter and colonize stalks.
Our research is focused on understanding the genetic basis for the biotrophic to necrotrophic transition in the hemibiotrophic fungus Colletotrichum graminicola, which causes anthracnose stalk rot disease of corn. A novel nonpathogenic mutant was identified during a large-scale screening experiment. The mutant initiates the biotrophic phase of the disease normally, but does not switch to necrotrophic growth in leaves. Extensive cytological studies were carried out to compare fluorescently labeled mutant and wild type strains in order to understand how the fungi colonized and moved through stalk and leaf tissues. The mutant is deficient in one component of the signal peptidase enzyme responsible for cleavage of signal peptides from proteins destined for transport through the endoplasmic reticulum system of the cell. The gene encoding this enzyme was named CPR1. The CPR1 cDNA was cloned and transformed into two different yeast signal peptidase mutants. However, CPR1 did not complement either mutant yeast strain, perhaps because CPR1 is too divergent from the homologue of this protein in yeast.
To further elucidate the function of CPR1, a gene encoding a putative pSEC11 homologue of C. graminicola (Cgs11), was cloned and characterized. pSEC11 is one of four subunits of the signal peptidase in yeast, and has been shown to physically interact with pSPC3. The predicted protein encoded by the Cgs11 cDNA was 67 % similar to pSEC11. The Cgs11 cDNA complemented two different yeast sec11 mutants. Co-immunoprecipitation and co-localization experiments are underway to determine the location and interaction of the Cgs11 and CPR1 proteins. Results of additional research demonstrated that CPR1 has little effect on secretion when nutritional conditions are optimal, but that it is important for secretion of pectinase activity under inducing conditions. These experiments are currently being expanded. Other experiments suggested that the pathogen fails to suppress resistance responses in the host because it cannot secrete a specific suppressor of the host resistance response. We are exploring this possibility further. Work is also underway to compare C. gramincola and G. zeae in corn stalks, and to compare G. zeae in corn stalks and on wheat heads.
Our investigations have already dramatically increased our understanding of how stalk rot fungi cause decay symptoms in their host plants, and how those symptoms relate to fungal infection and colonization. We developed a reproducible greenhouse assay for infection of corn stalks that we have shared now with many other labs. We have been able to show more parallels than previously suspected between infections of leaves and stalks by C. graminicola. We have identified a novel and previously unsuspected role for the protein secretion machinery, including the signal peptidase, in the establishment of biotrophic colonization and also in necrotrophic (rotting) development. We have uncovered evidence that C. graminicola produces a secreted suppressor of the corn resistance response. If this suppressor and its receptor can be identified, it may be possible to engineer corn plants not to express the receptor, thus making them resistant to this diseaase.
Venard, C., Vaillancourt L. (2007). Penetration and colonization of unwounded maize tissues by the maize anthracnose pathogen Colletotrichum graminicola, and by the related non-pathogen C. sublineolum. Mycologia 99: 368-377
Venard, C., Vaillancourt, L. (2007). Colonization of fiber cells by Colletotrichum graminicola in wounded maize stalks. Phytopathogy 97: 438-44