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Assessing the Invasion Pattern of Exotic Plants in Forest Ecosystems in Kentucky
S. Fei
Department of Forestry
Project Description
There are hundreds of invasive plants,insects, and pathogens in Kentucky. These invasive species cast serious threats to the Commonwealth's cities, agriculture lands, urban-wild interfaces, and natural areas. Understanding and predicting the spatial invasion patterns of exotic species can significantly enhance our ability to prevent and/or mitigate the invasion of exotic species. Using GIS, remote sensing, and ground survey, we have conducted research in Robinson forest and in six city parks in Lexington and Louisville. Specific activities include invasive plant survey and georeferencing, boundary and road system georeferencing, on-site interviews with park managers, and delivery of research findings. Results of this research has been presented in a national conference and published as a book chapter.
The research findings of this project have the potential applicability to benefit several national organizations and interest groups. Virtually every forest remnant across the country could benefit from this research. First, the findings will be used to inform the public involved in the process of invasive species prevention and mitigation. Second, the findings will also help natural resource agencies to formulate rules and regulations to alter exotic species invasions. Third, the resulting knowledge will help urban and natural resource managers nationwide to better manage urban and community remnants. Fourth, this model will enable landscape architects and related design/planning professionals incorporate scientifically based strategies for planning and designing future parks and natural areas to prevent and/or slow the invasion across the nation. Finally, the knowledge gained from this project can better equip private landowners and/or state and national park managers in the battle against biological invasion.
Lee, B. and Fei, S. 2007. Influence of Management History on Invasive Exotic Plants in Urban Forest Parks. Proceedings of Emerging issues along urban /rural interfaces: 182-185.
Fei, S., Kong, N., Stringer, J. and Bowker, D. 2008. Invasion Pattern of Exotic Plants in Forest Ecosystems. In: Jose S. ed., Invasive plants and forest ecosystems. (In press)