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Healthy Divas
C. Whipple
Project Description
The Healthy Divas is a program designed to improve healthy lifestyle choices for adolescent females that are not usual participants in after school activities due to lack of resources. Studies show that girls in early adolescence are very focused on themselves. Early adolescents tend to believe that they are special or different—that no one understands how they feel and, at the same time, that nothing bad can happen to them. They believe that everyone else is watching them at all times and passing judgment on their appearance and their behavior. They also are watching everyone else. In early adolescence, girls begin to seek the company of adults other than parents who can serve as role models and provide support and guidance according to the Expanding Your Horizons Network (http://www.expandingyourhorizons.org/).
This after school program was attended by 15 5th and 6th graders that were hand selected by the teachers to participate. These young females attended 25 sessions. Each session covered a nutrition and or health topic, exercise topic and a time for journaling. These young women seemed to blossom as the school year progressed according to the teachers, principle and parents. The HEEL specialist worked with the Extension Agents, program assistants and school personnel to design the curriculum, create the evaluation tool and conduct two of the workshops this past year.Impact
This after school program was attended by 15 at risk 5th and 6th graders were were selected by the teachers to participate. These young females attended 25 sessions. Each session covered a nutrition and or health topic, exercise topic and a time for journaling. According to the teachers, principle and parents, these young students began to exhibit more self-confidence, better health habits, and better school performance. One parent commented that he had seen a big change in his daughter’s attitude and her willingness to speak up. Another parent commented on her daughter’s excitement about sharing and cooking recipes learned from the sessions.
This program built the girls self-esteem through activities that engaged them in choosing the name of this group, picking some favorite colors and deciding on a logo for the program.
As part of this program, they shared their newly gained knowledge and skills with their school by making health posters and assisting the EFNEP assistant with her 3rd grad class program on Health rocks. The Healthy Divas kept a weekly journal of reflections on what they were learning. Guest speakers including a local physician, Extension specialist, and personl hygiene consultant reinforced what they were learning..
Pre and post tests indicated that the students gained in their self esteem levels, increased their exercise time, were making better food choices and learned the importance of hand washing. The Fleming County School System is implementing this program during the Spring Semester in all elementary schools in the county.