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KY 4-H Jumps Into Foods and Fitness
D.K. Reed
State 4-H Youth Development
Project Description
The “Jump Into Foods and Fitness” curriculum was identified as one of the key components of the Kentucky 4-H Health Core Curriculum. To assist county staff in developing and implementing this curriculum, a committee, consisting of 3 county agents and one 4-H Youth Development specialist, created the Jump Into Foods and Fitness (JIFF) Logic Model. This instrument provides county staff with the information needed to conduct local needs assessments and guidelines for program implementation. During FY 2007, forty-eight counties reported conducting the “Jump Into Foods and Fitness” curriculum for over 8200 youth. Four thousand, seventy-five of those youth completed a total of six or more instructional hours which focused on My Pyramid, increasing their physical activity and the adoption of a new nutritional health habit.
One thousand, seventy-one youth completed a daily personal activity logs using pedometers as the measurement instrument. Eight thousand, two hundred and one youths stated that after participating in the Jump Into Foods and Fitness program that they now understand and can apply the concepts of My Pyramid.