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Consumer Marketing and Food Economics
W. Hu
Department of Agricultural Economics
Project Description
This program is to increase understanding of consumers, particulary consumers for food products. Given recent development of various food manufacturing technologies, such as genetic modification, nanotechnology, and/or irridiation, it is crucial to understand whether and to what degree consumers accept food produced using these techniques. In addition, consumers are more aware of healthy or functional food than ever before. It is important to assess the market responses for these food items. To Kentucky producers, marketing potentials for Kentucky Proud products must also be properly addressed.
This research program helps to improve knoweldge for these aspects. Results are expected to have direct benefit to producers, retailers, as well as government policy makers. Because the research method used are generally applicable to other products in other regions, this research program will have a wide implication to the field of food marketing and consumer economics.
A major consumer survey related to Kentucky blueberry consumption has been completed over the past year and several other surveys are well underway. The general methodology involved has been well documented and resulted in several peer-reviewed publications. Specific research results have also been written into several papers. The majority of these papers are under peer-review but results have either been presented to local Kentucky producers/retailers or are in the process of submission to various conferences within or outside the state.
Hu, W. (2007). A Choice Model with Systematic Structures in Decision Weights, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 32(3): 462-475.
Hu, W. (2007). Bargains or Rip-offs: Reference Price Effects in Conjoint Demand, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 32(2): 256-272.
Hu, W., Cox, L. J., and Edwards, Q. A. (2007). The Market Potential for Gift Baskets of Hawaiian Food Products in China, Agribusiness: an International Journal, 23(4): 256-272.