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Rural Economic Development
A. Davis
Department ofAgricultural Economics
Project Description
There are two main projects I worked on: the Kentucky Rural Health Works Program and a local economic development initiative. The KRHW program's goal was to provide communities with the economic impact of their health care sectors as well as the market demand for health services. The local economic development (LED) project convened University of Kentucky officials interested in economic development and developed a united front for addressing the needs of rural communities. We also convened a group of eastern Kentucky institutions interested in development to initiate discussions about how we would tackle poverty in eastern Kentucky. In addition, we have visited with the county judge executives in fifteen counties to get them onboard for a one-year technical assistance training.
Hopefully the LED project will tackle poverty in eastern Kentucky by promoting local economic development initiatives, by motivating entrepreneurial innovation and the creation of locally owned small businesses. In addition, another output would be better communication across development officials at UK as well as throughout the state. The KRHW program will provide evidence that recruiting health services to an area not only increases the accessibility of health care for local residents but also is a strong economic factor.
The following are all authored by Alison F. Davis, non-peer reviewed extension publications:
The Economic Impact of the Local Health Care System on the Estill County Economy
The Economic Impact of the Local Health Care System on the Pike County Economy
The Economic Impact of the Local Health Care System on the Perry County Economy
The Economic Impact of the Local Health Care System on the Rowan County Economy
A Feasibility Study of a Specialists’ Clinic in Burkesville, Kentucky
The Return on Community Investment for Kentucky River Health Network
The Return on Community Investment for SKYCAP
The Economic Impact of a Rural Physician to Kentucky
The Economic Loss to Ballard County from Loss of Medically Underserved Status
The Economic Loss to Menifee County from Loss of Medically Underserved Status
The Economic Loss to Owsley County from Loss of Medically Underserved Status