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Certified Pre-conditioned for Health
R. Burris
Department of Animal and Food Sciences
Project Description
This program has been a major focus and has extended beyond the extension program. Over 20 sales were conducted at 11 locations across Kentucky for calves which had met the CPH-45 health requirements. Approximately 30,000 feeder calves were marketed in these sales, receiving an average premium of $7.38 per hundredweight over the average sale prices reported by the KDA.
Using a partial budget to account for the increased value of calves less costs (feed, vet cost, interest, and initial value of calves), the net income realized per head was $50.97. When this is multiplied by 30,000 head, the net increase is $1,529,100 for Kentucky farmers. By retaining ownership of these feeder calves for additional time in Kentucky, there is also an increased business for veterinarians, farm supply stores and stockyards. These numbers only include the sales that Ky Extension is involved with and there are many spin-off sales.
Rakshit, S. , Matocha, C.J. , and Coyne, M.S. Coyne. 2008. “Nitrite Reduction by Siderite.” Soil Science Society of America Journal. (Accepted for publication.)
Tyagi, P., Edwards, D.R., and Coyne. 2008. “Distinguishing Between Human and Animal Sources of Fecal Pollution in Waters – A Review.” International Journal of Water. (Accepted for publication. )
Tyagi, P., Edwards, D.R., and Coyne, M.S. Coyne. 2008. Use of sterol and bile acid biomarkers to identify domesticated animal sources of fecal pollution. Water, Air, Soil Pollution. 187:263-274.
Handayani, I.P., Coyne, M.S., Barton, C. and Workan, S. 2007. "Soil Carbon Pools and Aggregation Following Stream Restoration in a Riparian Corridor: Bernheim Forest, Kentucky." Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Restoration. (Accepted for Publication.)
Luo, W., D'Angelo, E.M. and Coyne, M.S. 2007. “Organic Carbon Effects on Aerobic Polychlorinated Biphenyl Removal and Bacterial Community Composition in Soils and Sediments”. Chemosphere. (Accepted for publication.)
Tyagi, P., Edwards, D.R., and Coyne, M.S. 2007 “Statistical Model Approach with Sterol and Bile Acid Biomarkers to Identify the Sources of Fecal Pollution.” EWM 07-0223. International Journal of Environment and Waste Management (IJEWM). (Accepted for publication.)
Tyagi, P., Edwards, D.R., and Coyne, M.S. 2007. Use of selected chemical markers in combination with multiple regression model to assess the contribution of domesticated animal sources to fecal pollution in the environment. Chemosphere 69:1617-1624.
Ipsilantis, I. and M.S. Coyne. 2007. Rhizosphere and bulk soil microbial community response to hexavalent chromium. Journal of Environmental Quality 36:638-645.
Matocha, C.J. and Coyne, M.S. 2007. Short-term response of soil iron to nitrate addition. Soil Science Society of America Journal 71:108-117.
Luo, W., D'Angelo, E.M. and Coyne, M.S. 2007. Secondary plant metabolites and surfactant (hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin) effects on polychlorinated biphenyl biotransformation and microbial community structure in soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39: 735-743.
Coyne, M.S. 2008. Biological denitrification. p. 197-249. In J.S. Schepers and W. Raun (ed.) Nitrogen in agricultural systems. Agronomy Monograph 49. ASA-CSSSA-SSSA, Madison, WI. (In press. )
Popa, D. and Coyne, M.S. 2007. Soil microbiology: The life beneath your feet. InstantPublisher. Collierville, TN. ISBN 978-1-59872-872-9. 241 pp.