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Master Volunteer in Clothing Construction
M. M. Baker
Department of Human Environmental Sciences
Project Description
The value of the Master Volunteer in Clothing Construction Program continues to be an important interdepartmental outreach for Kentucky Cooperative Extension. Nationwide, sewing is experiencing resurgence in popularity with 5 million new sewers over the past 5 years. In Kentucky, this is in part due to the continued support that the Master Volunteer in Clothing Construction Program gives to the Cooperative Extension Service. The mission of this program is to provide ongoing, in-depth educational opportunities for adults enrolled in the program. Leardership development is also stressed so that they can assist Extension professionals in planning, carrying out, and evaluating programs related to sewing. Sewing classes are taught to adults as well as youth.
During the past year, 80 active Certified Master Clothing Volunteers reported contributing 7000 volunteer hours in teaching clothing construction and related skills. This converts to an approximate value of $115,500.00. Close to 18,000 contacts were made by the 80 volunteers across the Commonwealth. Since its beginning, seventeen years ago, the Kentucky Master Volunteer in Clothing Construction program has trained 252 volunteers. There are currently 90 active volunteers in the program. Fifty-two counties representing all seven districts (14 areas) have active volunteers.
The acquisition of sewing and clothing construction skills enriches the quality of life as both a stress reliever and a means for economic gain. In addition to volunteering, over 25 percent of the active master clothing volunteers reported sewing for a profit. Alterations to ready-to-wear were the most frequent type of service and custom bridal/special occasion garment construction was second. One has a sewing related e-commerce business and five reported teaching sewing at local fabric/sewing machine dealers or community centers.