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Heifer Development Program
L. Anderson
Department of Animal and Food Sciences
Project Description
Most small producers simply have neither the time nor the separate handling facilities to properly develop heifers. The Kentucky Heifer Development Program was designed to give both large and small beef producers the opportunity to develop their heifers by establishing regional heifer development centers. Currently, one heifer development center has been established and over the past 10 years approximately 4,850 heifers have been developed.
The first heifer development center established was the Eastern Kentucky Heifer Development Center (EKHDC). The EKHDC developed 375 heifers in 2007. The EKHDC’s sales have been successes. The added value to each heifer sold ranged from $100-250 so the economic impact of this center for 2007 ranged from $37,500 to $93,750 and the 10-year impact ranges from $485,000 to $1,212,500. Many heifer development sales have been initiated since 1997. In 2007, approximately 4,000 heifers were marketed in 9 promoted heifer development sales in Kentucky. All heifers in these sales were developed under guidelines established by myself and other personnel of the beef extension group. Heifers in these sales averaged approximately $1,150. Producers in these sales likely increased their profitability by $100-250 per head. The impact of this program ranged from $400,000 to $1,0000,000 in 2007.
The economic impact of heifer development sales in Kentucky in 2007 was approximately $5 million and herd profitability increased about $1.0 million.