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DAIReXNET- National Web-based Resource For and About the Dairy Industry
D. M. Amaral-Phillips
Department of Animal and Food Sciences
Project Description
DAIReXNET, a national, extension-driven web resource, was launched in October of 2007 and is designed to meet the educational and decision-making needs of dairy producers, allied industry partners, extension educators and consumers. Through collaboration amongst dairy professionals, relevant, cutting-edge information and learning opportunities are provided which are science-based and peer-reviewed in a format accessible 24/7. Informational resources include
(1) answers to frequently asked questions,
(2) access to information by top experts in their fields of expertise,
(3) access to cutting-edge content currently in 13 subject areas,
(4) searchable state and regional newsletters,
(5) consumer links about the dairy industry and its products, and
(6) news and lists of upcoming extension programs.
Currently, resources are provided in the areas of business management and farm labor, calf and heifer management, facilities, food safety, genetics, health and diseases, mastitis and milking management, milk marketing, nutrient management, nutrition of milking and dry cows, organic dairy production, and reproduction. Several of these materials are available in Spanish for Spanish-speaking farm workers.
Plans for 2008 are to continue to expand these resource areas and include pilot areas in the form of learning modules, hold webinar meetings for dairy producers and allied industry on cutting-edge, timely topics, and hold a webinar training session for county extension educators across the US.
Leadership for this project is provided by 10 dairy extension professionals from across the United States. Additionally, our subject areas are led by 13 dairy experts from across the country. To date, 211 dairy professionals representing 35 universities and allied industries and the top 25 states for milk production have contributed to DAIReXNET. DAIReXNET can be accessed through the following web address: (http://www.extension.org/dairy+cattle).
By providing information, decision-aids and learning opportunities that are science-based, peer-reviewed, and timely, dairy farmers can make sound, informed decisions regarding their dairy businesses. In addition, this collaboration of dairy professionals from across the United States transcends state and regional borders to provide valuable and valued educational materials benefiting and improving the quality of life of dairy farmers, allied industry partners, and consumers alike.