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A National Agricultural Program to Clear Pest Control Agents for Minor Uses
R.T. Bessin
Department of Entomology
Project Description
The IR-4 program identified minor use needs to pesticides on crops for which there is not sufficient economic incentive for major companies to pursue these small, but necessary uses. Ir-4 conducts research on efficacy and collects the necessary data to obtain tolerances and eventually section 3 federal labels. As agriculture is very diverse in Kentucky, this program is of particular importance to our producers of minor acreage crops.
On-going projects Dr. Kenny w. Seebold, Jr, UK plant pathologist, is conducting projects with management of P. capsici with biopesticides with squash. Dr. Joe Masabni, UK horticulturist with expertise in weed science, is conducting various efficacy trials in vegetables in western Kentucky. Amy Fulcher is conducting IR-4 research on ornamentals. Dr. Ric Bessin is conducting an efficacy trial for stink bug control in peppers.
Concerns expressed by clientele: 1. need for an insecticide to control wireworms in home gardens, particularly root and tuberous vegetables, fruiting vegetables and cucurbits. 2. need to address packaging issues. Many of the registered materials are not sold in packaging sizes that are appropriate for many commercial growers, particularly those involved in direct marketing (farmers markets and roadside sales).
Educational outline: 1. news from the IR-4 program is periodically sent to the Kentucky ag industry through the Kentucky Pest News newsletter. 2. growers are routinely updated on IR-4 activities and solicited for their input at regional and statewide field days and growers meetings. 3. participation at IR-4 meetings; Dr. Bessin attended the Southern Region IR-4 meeting in Ft Lauderdale to represent Kentucky. Dr. Bessin attended the Indianapolis food use workshop as well.
Potential IR-4 projects that have been identified: Several potential IR-4 projects that have been brought to my attention include: 1.field testing to support the reduction of post-transplant application interval of Sandea (halosulfuron-nmethyl) on tomato from 7 to 3 days. 2.efficacy and residue testing to support the addition of bearing fruits and small fruits to the Chateau (flumioxazin)label. 3.field studies to support the addition of the cucurbit crop group to Spartan (sulfentrazone) and Outlook (dimethenamid) labels. 4.efficacy trials to support the inclusion of squash bug control for at-planting soil application of Admire (imidacloprid) and Platinum (thiamthoxam) to cucurbits and for addition of cucumber beetle control on cucurbits to the Platinum label.
Dr. Bessin serves as the IR-4 state liaison and the contact person in the state working with both the Southern Region and national IR-4 staff. He attended IR-4 regional and food use workshops to provide input into the 2007 funding priorities and was successful in support of obtaining a needed food tolerance for cypermethrin for stink bug control on okra in 2006.