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Systems for Controlling Air Pollutant Emissions and Indoor Environments of Poultry, Swine and Dairy Facilities
R.S. Gates, D.G. Overhults, A.J. Pescatore, R.E. Fehr
Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering
Project Description
1.Develop and improve sustainable technologies and systems to measure, model and control indoor air quality and reduce air pollution emissions from poultry and livestock buildings.
2.Quantify animal response to thermal environments and develop improved methods for providing productive thermal environments without degrading air quality or sustainability.
3.Develop and improve methods of optimizing energy and resource utilization in poultry and livestock facilities to increase profitability without degrading air quality or animal well being.
Accomplishments: (KY and ARS) Work was started in 2007 on an NRI Air Quality grant to quantify gaseous production from dilute swine manure as stored in above-ground, impermeable tanks. Impact: As more swine systems are constructed that utilize such systems, knowledge of biogas production will be important to assess potential for bioenergy capture and emission mitigation.
Accomplishments: (KY and ARS) Work was started in 2007 on an NRI Air Quality grant to quantify ammonia and methane reduction and nitrous oxide production in biofilters used to treat headspace ventilation for impermeable swine manure storage structures. Impact: As more swine systems are constructed that utilize such systems, improved knowledge of biofilter efficacy will be needed to control odors and greenhouse gas emission.
Accomplishments: (KY and IA) A two-year study to quantify emissions from U.S. broiler housing was completed. This study is one of those in the EPA Air Consent Agreement. Impact: High quality time-series data of gaseous and particulate emissions from U.S. systems are necessary to provide baseline information to inform policy and advise industry and regulatory agencies on potential areas for abatement and mitigation technologies.
Accomplishments: (KY) The Fan Assessment Numeration System (FANS) design was improved to enhance the data acquisition and user interface. This system is used to calibrate ventilation fans in situ so that by measurement of building static pressure and fan operation status, and use of the fan curve constructed in the calibration procedure, continuous building ventilation rate can be accurately measured. Impact: Ten existing models were upgraded, and fifteen newly constructed units were completed, calibrated and provided to researchers around the country for ongoing building emission studies. This is critical for accurate measurement of building emissions.
Accomplishments: (KY and IA) A simplified ammonia emission methodology using Portable Monitoring Units was compared to standard Mobile Air Emissions Monitoring Unit values. Impact: The simplified method can be used, with appropriate adjustment, thereby greatly reducing instrumentation costs associated with running long-term building ammonia emission measurement projects.
Gates, R.S., K.D. Casey, E.F. Wheeler, H. Xin and A.J. Pescatore. 2007. U.S. broiler ammonia emissions inventory model. Atmospheric Environment. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2007.06.057.
Topper, P.A., E.F. Wheeler, J.S. Zajaczkowski, R.S. Gates, H. Xin, Y. Liang and K.D. Casey. 2007. Ammonia emissions from two empty broiler houses with built-up litter. Transactions of the ASABE (in press)
Casey, K.D., S.E. Ford, J.W. McClure, Y. Zhang and R.S. Gates. 2006. Determining fan performance using FANS: an investigation of performance impacts. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 23(3):333-338.
Casey, K.D., R.S. Gates, E.F. Wheeler, H. Xin, Y. Liang, A. Pescatore, M. Ford. 2007. On-farm fan performance: implications for ventilation and operating cost. Journal of Applied Poultry Research (in press)
Amaral, M.F.P., R.S. Gates, E.G. Wilkerson, D.G. Overhults, I.F.F. Tinoco, H. Li, R.T. Burns, H. Xin and J.W. Earnest. 2007. Comparison between two systems for ammonia emission monitoring in broiler houses. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Air Quality and Waste Management for Agriculture, 15-19 September. Broomfield, Colorado, USA. ASABE: St. Joseph, MI.
Burns, R.T., H. Xin, R.S. Gates, H. Li, D.G. Overhults, L. Moody and J.W. Earnest. 2007. Ammonia emissions from poultry broiler systems in the southeastern United States. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Air Quality and Waste Management for Agriculture, 15-19 September. Broomfield, Colorado, USA. ASABE: St. Joseph, MI.
Burns, R.T., H. Xin, R.S. Gates, H. Li, L.B. Moody, D.G. Overhults, J. Earnest and S. Hoff. 2007. Continuous monitoring method for ammonia emissions from poultry broiler houses in the United States. Page 152 in: Ammonia Conference Abstract Book, Monteny, G.-J., E. Hartung, M. van den Top and D. Starmans, editors. 18-21 March, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Wageningen Academic Publishers. 171 pp.
Casey, K.D., R.S. Gates, E.F. Wheeler, H. Xin and Y. Liang. 2007. Quantifying uncertainty for the multi-state broiler ammonia emissions project. Page 154 in: Ammonia Conference Abstract Book, Monteny, G.-J., E. Hartung, M. van den Top and D. Starmans, editors. 18-21 March, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Wageningen Academic Publishers. 171 pp.
Wheeler, E.F., R.S. Gates, H. Xin, K. Casey, P. Topper and Y. Liang. 2007. Ammonia emissions from layer hen and broiler chicken houses in the U.S.A. Page 109 in: Ammonia Conference Abstract Book, Monteny, G.-J., E. Hartung, M. van den Top and D. Starmans, editors. 18-21 March, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Wageningen Academic Publishers. 171 pp.
Wheeler, E.F., K.D. Casey, R.S. Gates, H. Xin, J.L. Zajaczkowski, P.A. Topper, Y. Liang and A.J. Pescatore. 2006. Ammonia emissions from twelve U.S.A. broiler houses. Transactions of the ASABE 49(5):1495-1512.