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Stress Factors of Farm Animals and Their Effects on Performance
R.S. Gates
Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering
Project Description
Two objectives guide Kentucky's contributions and partnerships in this Multi-State Project:
- A.Identify appropriate measures of animal stress and well-being and characterize factors affecting the biology of the stress response.
- B.Evaluate management strategies that minimize the detrimental effects of animal stress
An improved understanding of horse thermoregulatory response during road transport is important for enhancing animal welfare, improving trailer design characteristics and to develop better means of measurement of animal thermal status. The method developed to determine bird behavior during normal and stressful events is a useful improvement over tedious video recording analyses, the current standard method for quantifying animal behavior.
Green, A., R., Gates, R. S., Lawrence, L., M. 2007. Equine thermoregulatory responses during summertime road transport and stall confinement. Brazilian Journal of Biosystems Engineering 1(1):83-92.
Green, A.R., R. S. Gates, L. M. Lawrence and E.F. Wheeler. 2007. Evaluation of three core body temperature monitoring systems for horses. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (in press)
Gates, R.S. and H. Xin. Extracting poultry behavior from time-series weigh scale records. 2007. Computers & Electronics in Agriculture. doi:10.1016/j.compag.2007.08.015.