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Gaseous Production from Impermeable Swine Waste Storage Tanks and its Abatement Using Biofilters
R.S. Gates, A. Singh, S.F. Higgins
Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering
Project Description
This project is examining two key issues related to a novel new method of swine production waste handling, in which all waste is stored in impermeable above-ground storage, and direct injected into crop land twice annually. The two issues are gas production (especially methane) and removal of both gas and odors using compost-based biofiltration. Work in this first year consisted of laboratory preparations, bioreactor design, scale model biofilter design and fabrication, and preliminary testing on compost as a biofilter.
Improved means of reducing odors and gaseous emissions from swine housing are important as the public grows less tolerant of animal and poultry housing.