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Antioxidative Properties of Hydrolyzed Protein in Muscle Foods
Y.L. Xiong
Department of Animal and Food Sciences
Project Description
Hydrolyzed proteins are used in the meat industry to modify products' texture, water-binding, and flavor characteristics. Certain protein hydrolysates also exhibit antioxidant activity. Our on-going research on developing antioxidative protein hydrolysates resulted in the establishment of alcalase-hydrolyzed potato protein as a novel antioxidant for protecting meat product shelf-life. Specifically, the production of TBARS in meat emulsions with 2.5% potato hydrolysates after 7 days storage at refrigerator temperature was 25 and 45% lower for meat emulsions containing 15 and 30% fat, respectively, when compared with control emulsions. However, the presence of hydrolyzed potato protein decreased sausage firmness, which was attributed to a weakening effect on myofibrillar protein gels.
In a separate study, the incorporation of microbial transglutaminase-treated wheat gluten chymotrypsin hydrolysate also weakened myofibrillar protein gels, but it improved the protein emulsifying properties.
Results from the present studies further confirmed that enzyme hydrolyzed proteins from alcalase-hydrolyzed potato protein can function as antioxidants. Because low-cost proteins can be used, the prepared antioxidative hydrolysates can be potential, economical, natural food additives for products such as processed meats. The success from the preliminary investigations in meat batter systems strongly suggests the antioxidant technology developed can be commercialized.
Kong, B., Xiong, Y.L., Che, G., and Webster, C.D. (2007). Influence of gender and spawning on thermal stability and proteolytic degradation of proteins in Australian red claw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) muscle stored at 2 deg. C. Intl. J. Food Sci. Technol. 42:1073-1079.
Xiong, Y.L., Mullins, O.E., Stika, J.F., Chen, J., Blanchard, S.P., and Moody, W.G. (2007). Tenderness and oxidative stability of post-mortem muscles from mature cows of various ages. Meat Sci. 77:105-113.
Chen, G., Xiong, Y.L., Kong, B., Newman, M.C., Thompson, K.R., Metts, L.S., and Webster, C.D. (2007). Microbiological and Physicochemical Properties of Red Claw Crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) Stored in Different Package Systems at 2 deg. C . J. Food Sci. 72:E442-449.
Fang, C., Xiong, Y.L., Wang, C., and Pomper, K.W. (2007). Extraction and characterization of polyphenol oxidase in pawpaw (Asimina triloba) fruit. J. Food Biochem. 31:603-620.
Stika, J.F., Xiong, Y.L., Suman, S.P., Blanchard, S.P., and Moody, W.G. (2007). Frozen storage stability of antioxidant-treated raw restructured beef steaks made from mature cows. Meat Sci. 77:562-569.
Agyare, K.K., Addo, K., and Xiong, Y.L. (2008) Emulsifying and foaming properties of hydrolyzed wheat gluten treated with microbial transglutaminase. Food Hydrocolloids. (In press).
Tseng, Y.C., Xiong, Y.L., and Boatright, W.L. (2008) Effects of inulin/oligofructose on the thermal stability and acid-induced thermal gelation of soy proteins. J. Food Sci. (In press).
Chen, G. and Xiong, Y.L. (2008) Shelf-stability enhancement of precooked red claw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) by modified CO2/O2/N2 gas packaging. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und- Technologie (LWT). (In press).
Stika, J.F., Suman, S.P., and Xiong, Y.L. (2008) Frozen storage stability of vacuum-packaged precooked restructured steaks manufactured from mature cow beef. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und- Technologie (LWT). (In press).
Xiong, Y.L., Agyare, K.K., and Addo, K. (2008) Hydrolyzed wheat gluten suppresses transglutaminase-mediated gelation but improves emulsification of muscle proteins. Meat Sci. (In press).
Chen, G., Xiong, Y.L., and Newman, M.C. (2007). Microbiological and physicochemical properties of red claw crayfish stored in different packaging systems at -20 deg. C. Book of Abstracts. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists. (Abst. No. 049-01).
Agyare, K.K., Xiong, Y.L., and Addo, K. (2007). Effect of enzyme-hydrolyzed gluten and microbial transglutaminase treatment on the gelation and emulsifying properties of myofibrillar protein and the texture and cooking yield of pork frankfurters. Book of Abstracts. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists. (Abst. No. 094-13).
Nieto, G., Castillo, M., Xiong, Y.L., Wang, L.L., Blanchard, S.P., Payne, F., Banon, S., Garrido, M., and Alvarez, D. (2007). The effect of fat and hydrolyzed potato protein on quality of finely comminuted meat emulsions. Book of Abstracts. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists. (Abst. No. 094-14).
Wang, L.L. and Xiong, Y.L. 2007. Antioxidative potato protein hydrolysate reduces biochemical changes in myofibrillar proteins exposed to oxidizing compounds. Book of Abstracts. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists. (Abst. No. 094-16).
Suman, S.P., Xiong, Y.L., Stika, J.F., Blanchard, S.P., and Moody, W.G. (2007). Lipid oxidation and color stability of raw restructured beef steaks prepared from mature cows. Book of Abstracts. 60th Reciprocal Meat Conference. (Abst No. 101).
Xiong, Y.L. and Chen, J. (2007). Potato-derived peptides reduce meat protein susceptibility to oxidative stresses. Abstract Book. 7th International Conference of Food Science and Technology. (Abst No. C1-4).