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Ex-post Evaluations of Environmental Projects that Affect Kentucky Agriculture and Rural Communities
A. Pagoulatos
Department of Agricultural Economics
Project Description
We investigated what compensation private landowners require to open their land to the public, whether for consumptive or non-consumptive uses. For the Appalachian region, it was found education and income were associated with a higher willingness to open land. Education impacted the decision more than median income. Older landowners are less likely to open their land to the public and male landowners were more likely. The probability of a landowner accepting the bid increased at an increasing rate to a bid of approximately $40, and then at a decreasing rate until a bid of approximately $78, after which the probability was equal to 1. Average acres leased for all respondents was 42.12. The presence of protected land was negatively correlated with private landowners opening their land.
The mechanism suggested in this study can be used by policy-makers for a land-opening program or a program designed to increase recreational visitors in rural areas. Such programs could be used to relieve over-use of protected land (such as over-use of a national park), as well as to induce new visitors into areas to improve local revenues.