Determination of nornicotine in leaf and plants used for seed production for air-cured tobacco


By Lowell Bush



  1. What nornicotine levels are being used to select plants for inclusion in seed production?
  2. What protocols are used to sample plants being used for seed production?
  3. What procedure is used for nornicotine determinations?

Selection level

Information has been obtained from four (4) countries.  Presently France has a 15% upper limit on cured leaf and a 10% limit on plants selected as progenitors of breeder’s seed, Japan has a 5% limit on plants used for seed production, the USA has a 15% limit on cured leaf from cultivar evaluation and Zimbabwe has a 10% limit on cured leaf and a 3% limit on plants used for seed production. 

Sampling in France, Japan and Zimbabwe is done on an individual plant basis of plants used for seed production.  Cured leaf of a potential line for commercial production in France, USA and Zimbabwe is on a composite sample from a population of plants grown for agronomic evaluation. 

Protocols for sampling

In France the 15% upper limit is on a composite sample from about 50 plants grown in a trial plot to evaluate agronomic performance.  The 10% upper limit for seed production is on an individual plant basis.  The limit values are for nornicotine. 

In Japan the seventh (7th) leaf from the top is harvested 35 days after topping and cured.  Lamina of cured leaf from individual plants is analyzed for nicotine and nornicotine. 

In the USA potential new cultivars are evaluated in Minimum Standards Program for agronomic and alkaloid content.  At seven (7) locations a minimum of 40 plants are grown in each of 3 replications.  After air-curing a 500g sample, representing a weighted distribution of all grade or stalk positions, is taken from several plants from each replicate and one composite sample is made for each location.  Alkaloid determination is done on the lamina only.  If the total secondary alkaloids content is less than 15% the breeder’s seed may be used to produce Foundation seed and then certified seed for the producer without further evaluation.  

In Zimbabwe commercial leaf crops must have nornicotine as a percent of total alkaloids of 10% or less.  However, the upper limit for breeder seed is 3% nornicotine of total alkaloids on an individual plant basis.  In Zimbabwe breeder’s seed is used to produce certified seed for growers.  Plants are topped to 16 leaves and the top 6 leaves of each plant are harvested and air-cured.  Seed is bulked only from plants with nornicotine less then 3% of total alkaloids.  

Analytical methods

Gas chromatographic and HPLC procedures were used to determine individual alkaloids or nornicotine by colorimetry with isatine. 

In the USA, Foundation seed has been recently produced from individual plants with less than 5% of nornicotine of nicotine + nornicotine content.  One leaf is sampled from individual plants, treated with 2-chloroethyl phosphonic acid (ethephon) and “air-cured” for approximately 10 days (lamina must be yellow after the “curing”.  Individual plants are used for Foundation seed production only if nornicotine content is less than 5% of nicotine + nornicotine content. The threshold value for selection may be lower for some genotypes.