The Yellow Fever Mosquito is similar in appearance to the Asian Tiger Mosquito (lyre shaped scutellum markings vs a white stripe) and the Asian Bush Mosquito (last tarsal segment on hind legs white vs black).


In the past, this species was a common

human biter in Kentucky, but is now rarely encountered.  It is likely that this species was replaced by the Asian Tiger Mosquito after being introduced in the 1980’s.

Male Aedes agypti

Photo: L. Minter, 2008

Photo: L. Minter, 2008

Photo: L. Minter, 2008

Photo: L. Minter, 2008

Text Box: Yellow Fever
Text Box: Yellow fever is viral haemorrhagic fever transferred to humans by infected mosquitoes, primarily Aedes agypti.

In various places in the world, this species is the primary vector of Yellow Fever, a mainly tropical and subtropical disease which killed thousands during the building of the Panama Canal.  Click the link below to learn more about this disease. 

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Yellow Fever Mosquito, Aedes aegypti