| Easy to Understand and Use
"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."
- Antoine de Saint Exupery
- Keep It Simple!
- Avoid grammer and spelling misteakes
- Use at least the required tags (HTML, /HTML, HEAD, /HEAD, TITLE, /TITLE, BODY,/BODY)
- 5 Items Per Menu (or 5 items per group)
- 3 Click Rule
- Provide good navigation aids so the user does not get lost deep in your site
- Always provide a link to lead the user back to the beginning of your site (i.e. don't leave them stranded at a deadend page)
- 30 Second Time Limit
- use HEIGHT and WIDTH options in the IMG tag so the page will load text and leave appropriate space for slower-loading images
- if you use a background image, make sure it is small and fastloading
- Recommended TOTAL page size should be no more than 50 KB
- Intuitive Interface
- Use a consistent theme throughout all your pages
- Use standard ways for users to interact with the page (i.e. link colors, menu placement, menu items)
- The page should be usable by disabled viewers (espec. the blind)--
- So...Reproduce image menus in text
- And...Label all images with alt tag in img
- Test your page with different browsers, with the images turned off, with different window sizes, etc.
"Computer bug" cartoon courtesy of C. Ware, copyright 1997, used with permission