Publications of Prof. Dennis M. TeKrony
Egli, D.B. and D.M. TeKrony. 1996. Seed bed conditions and prediction of field emergence of soybean seed. Journal of Production Agriculture 9: 365-370.
Egli, D.B. and D.M. TeKrony. 1997. Species differences in seed water status during seed maturation and germination. Seed Science Research 7: 3-11.
Fabrizius, E., D.M. TeKrony, D.B. Egli, and M. Rucker. 1998. Evaluation of a viability model for prediction of soybean seed germination during warehouse storage. Crop Science (In Press).
Spears, J.F., D.M. TeKrony and D.B. Egli. 1997. Temperature during seed filling and soybean seed germination and vigor. Seed Science and Technology 25: 233-244.
Tang, S., D.M. TeKrony, D.B. Egli, P. Cornelius, and M. Rucker. 1998. Survival characteristics of corn seed during storage. I. Normal distribution of seed survival. Crop Science (In Press).
Tang, S., D.M. TeKrony, D.B. Egli, P. Cornelius, and M. Rucker. 1998. Survival characteristics of corn seed during storage. II. Rate of seed deterioration. Crop Science (In Press).
TeKrony, D.M. and D.B. Egli. 1991. Relationship of seed vigor to crop yield: A review. Crop Science 31: 816-822.
TeKrony, D.M. and D.B. Egli. 1996. Accumulation of seed vigor during development and maturation. p.369-385. In: R.H. Ellis, M.Black, A.J. Murdock and T.H. Hong (eds.). Basic and Appllied Aspects of Seed Biology. Kluwer Academic Pub. London, UK.
TeKrony, D.M., L.J. Grabau, M. DeLacey and M. Kane. 1996. Influence of early planted, early maturing soybeans on seed germination and Phomopsis seed infection. Agronomy Journal 88: 428-433.
TeKrony, D.M. and J.C. Hampton. (Co-editors). 1995. Handbook of seed vigour test methods. International Seed Testing Association.
TeKrony, D.M. and J.L. Hunter. 1995. Effect of seed maturation and genotype on seed vigor in maize. Crop Science 35: 862-868.
TeKrony, D.M. and J.M. Woltz. 1997. Standardization of the cold test for corn seed. Proceedings of the Corn and Sorghum Research Conference 52: 206-227.
Trawatha, S.E., D.M. TeKrony and D.F. Hildebrand. 1995. Soybean lipoxygenase mutants and seed longevity. Crop Science 35: 862-868.
Woltz, J.M., D.M. TeKrony, D.B. Egli, and P. Vincelli. 1998. Corn cold test germination as influenced by soil moisture, temperature and pathogens. Seed Technology 20: 56-70.
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