Graduate Students (Served as Director)

1. P.A. Golrick, 1988. M.S. Thesis: "Soil Formation and Weathering Products of the Kyrock Sandstone in Hart County, Kentucky."

2. D.C. Bartenfelder, 1988. Ph.D. Dissertation: "Pedogenesis of Soils Derived from Glauconitic-Illitic Silurian Shales in East-Central Kentucky."

3. T.M. Sobecki, 1989. Ph.D. Dissertation: "Pedogenesis of Black-Shale Influenced Soils of the Knobs Region of Eastern Kentucky."

4. B.R. Macneal, 1991. M.S. Thesis: "Parent Material Stratigraphy and Genesis of Loessial Soils in West-Central Kentucky."

5. M.L. Norfleet, 1992. Ph.D. Dissertation. "The Relationship of Fragipan Strength and Expression to the Morphology, Mineralogy, and Soil Solution Composition of Fragipan Soils of Kentucky."

6. D.N. Mubiru, 1992. M.S. Thesis: "Mineralogical and P-Sorption Characteristics of Some Highly Weathered Soils in South-Central Kentucky."

7. L.K. Mitchell, 1992. M.S. Thesis: "Biochemical Treatment of Metal-Chloride Enriched Wastewater by Simulated Constructed Wetlands."

8. A.K. Seta, 1995. Ph.D. Dissertation. "The Role of Readily Dispersible Colloids on Subsurface Transport of Contaminants."

9. Priyono Prawito, 1996. Ph.D. Dissertation. "Pedogenesis on Karst Toposequences of Kentucky."

10: C. D. Barton, 1997. M.S. Thesis. " Water Quality and Mineralogical Attributes of a Renovated Constructed Wetland Treating Acid Mine Drainage".

11. R. Jones, 1997. M.S. " Background Concentrations of Heavy Metals in Major Mapping Units of Boone County, Kentucky".

12. C.D. Barton, Ph. D. 1999. " The Role of Colloids on Transporting Atrazine and Zinc in the Soil Subsurface Environment".

13. Jutta Pils, M.S. 1999. " Trace Metal Concentrations and Distribution in Northern Kentucky".

14. Cora Potter, M.S. (degree sought 2000). "A Comparison of Conventional and Wetland Systems Treating Domestic Wastewater in Kentucky".

15. Brian Sandefur, M.S. (degree sought 2000). "Evaluation and Characterization of Mountain Bogs of Eastern Kentucky".

16. Carey Johnson, M.S., (degree sought 2001). "Speciation and Mobility of Heavy Metals Associated with the Colloidal Phase of Municipal and Agricultural Wastes".

Served on Advisory Committees: 15 M.S., 13 Ph.D.

Visiting Scientists:

Min Zhang. 1993-1994. Visiting scholar from Shandong Agricultural University, China. He is studying the effects of perched water tables on the genesis and classification of Inner Bluegrass soils.


Research Publications

Refereed Journals

1. Karathanasis, A.D., Johnson, V.A., Peterson, G.A., Sander, D.H., and Olson, R.A. 1980. Relation of Soil Properties and Other Environmental Factors to Grain Yield and Quality of Winter Wheat Grown at International Sites. Agronomy Journal 72:329-336.

2. Karathanasis, A.D. and Hajek, B.F. 1982. Revised Methods for Rapid Quantitative Determination of Minerals in Soil Clays. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Journal. 46:419-425.

3. Karathanasis, A.D. and Hajek, B.F. 1982. Quantitative Evaluation of Water Adsorption on Soil Clays. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Journal. 46:1321-1325.

4. Karathanasis, A.D. and Hajek, B.F. 1982. Transformation of Smectite to Kaolinite in Naturally Acid Soils: Structural and Thermodynamic Considerations. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 47:158-163.

5. Karathanasis, A.D., Adams, Fred, and Hajek, B.F. 1983. Stability Relationships in Kaolinite, Gibbsite, and Al-Hydroxyinterlayered Vermiculite Soil Systems. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 47:1247-1251.

6. Karathanasis, A.D., and Hajek, B.F. 1984. Evaluation of Al-Smectite Stability of Equilibria in Naturally Acid Soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 48:413-417.

7. Karathanasis, A.D. and Hajek, B.F. 1984. Shrink-Swell Potential of Montmorillonitic Soils in Udic Moisture Regimes. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 49:159-166.

8. Karathanasis, A.D. 1985. Mineralogical Variability Within Clayey Soil Control Sections and Family Mineralogy Placement. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 49:691-695.

9. Karathanasis, A.D., Hurt, G.W., and Hajek, B.F. 1986. Properties and Classification of Montmorillonitic Hapludults in the Alabama Coastal Plains. Soil Science. 142(2):76-82.

10. Karathanasis, A.D. and Evangelou, V.P. 1986. Water Sorption Characteristics of Al-and Ca-Saturated Soil Clays. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 50:1063-1068.

11. Evangelou, V.P. and A.D. Karathanasis. 1986. Evaluation of Potassium Quantity-Intensity Relationships by a Computer Model Employing the Gapon Equation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 50:58-62.

12. Evangelou, V.P., and A.D. Karathanasis, and R.L. Blevins. 1986. Effect of Soil Organic Matter Accumulation on Potassium and Ammonium Quantity-Intensity Relationships. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 50:378-382.

13. Bartenfelder, D.C., Karathanasis, A.D., and Sobecki, T.M. 1986. A Pocket Computer Program for Calculation of Soil Bulk Density, Coefficient of Linear Extensibility and Linear Shrinkage. Commun. Soil Plant Anal. 17(7):725-736.

14. Karathanasis, A.D. 1987. Mineral Solubility Relationships in Fragiudalfs of Western Kentucky. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 51:474-481.

15. Sobecki, T. and Karathanasis A.D. 1987. Quantification and Compositional Characterization of Pedogenic Calcite and Dolomite in Calcic Horizons of Selected Aquolls. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 51:683-690.

16. Karathanasis, A.D. 1987. Thermodynamic Evaluation of Amorphous Aluminosilicate Binding Agents in Fragipans of Western Kentucky. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 51:819-824.

17. Karathanasis, A.D. and Evangelou, V.P. 1987. Low Temperature Dehydration Kinetics of Al-saturated Soil Clays. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 51:1072-1078.

18. Karathanasis, A.D., V.P. Evangelou, and Y.L. Thompson. 1988. Aluminum and Iron Equilibria in Soil Solutions and Surface Waters of Acid Mine Watersheds. J. Environ. Qual. 17:534-543.

19. Karathanasis, A.D. 1988. Structural and Solubility Relationships Between Al-Hydroxyinterlayered Soil Smectites and Vermiculites. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 52:1500-1508.

20. Bartenfelder, D.C. and A.D. Karathanasis. 1988. A Comparison Between X-ray Fluorescence and Dissolution Methods Employing LiBO2 Fusion for Elemental Analysis of Soil Clays. Commun. Soil Plant Anal. 19(4):471-492.

21. Karathanasis, A.D. and K.L. Wells. 1989. A Comparison of Mineral Weathering Trends Between Two Management Systems on a Catena of Loess-Derived Soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 53: 582-588.

22. Bartenfelder, D.C. and A.D. Karathanasis. 1989. A Differential Scanning Calorimetry Evaluation of Quartz Status in Geogenic and Pedogenic Environments. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 53: 961-967.

23. Karathanasis, A.D., Y.L. Thompson and V.P. Evangelou. 1990. Temporal Solubility Trends of Aluminum and Iron Leached from Coal Spoils and Contaminated Soil Materials. J. Environ. Qual. 19:378-395.

24. Karathanasis, A.D. and K.L. Wells. 1990. Conservation Tillage Effects on the Potassium Status of Some Loess and Limestone Derived Soils in Kentucky. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 54:800-806.

25. Bartenfelder, D.C. and A.D. Karathanasis. 1991. Identification of Lithological and Age Discontinuities by Thermal Inversion Kinetics of Soil Quartz. Geoderma 48:17-30.

26. Karathanasis, A.D., and P.A. Golrick. 1991. Soil formation of loess over sandstone toposequences in west-central Kentucky I. Morphology and physicochemical properties. Soil Sci. 152:14-24.

27. Karathanasis, A.D., P.A. Golrick, and R.I. Barnhisel. 1991. Soil formation of loess over sandstone toposequences in west central II. Mineralogical relationships. Soil Sci. 152:151-161.

28. Karathanasis, A.D. 1991. Seasonal Variation in Solution Composition and Mineral Solubility of Two Kentucky Alfisols. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 55:881-890.

29. Evangelou, V.P. and A.D. Karathanasis. 1991. Influence of pH, SAR, and soil concentration on settling kinetics of suspended solids in coal-mine ponds. J. Environ. Qual. 20:783-788.

30. Karathanasis, A.D. 1991. Phosphate Mineralogy and Equilibria in Two Kentucky Alfisols Derived from Ordovician Limestones. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 55:1774-1782.

31. Sobecki, T.M., and A.D. Karathanasis. 1992. The relationship of soil properties to parent material and hillslope position in the knobs of Eastern Kentucky. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 56:1218-1226.

32. Karathanasis, A.D., and Y.L. Thompson. 1993. Substrate effects on metal attenuation and speciation in simulated acid mine wetlands. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 51:421-429.

33. Norfleet, M.L., A.D. Karathanasis, and B.R. Smith. 1993. Soil Solution Composition Relative to Mineral Distribution in Highly Weathered Soils of the Blueridge Mountains. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 57:1375-1380.

34. Drees, L.R., A.D. Karathanasis. L.P. Wilding, and R.L. Blevins. 1994. Micromorphological Characteristics of Long -Term No-Till and Conventionally Tilled Soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 58:508-517.

35. Mubiru, D.N., and A.D. Karathanasis. 1994. Loess Rejuvenation Effects on Intensely Weathered Soils of South Central Kentucky. Soil Sci. 157:244-252.

36. Mubiru, D.N., and A.D. Karathanasis. 1994. P-Sorption Characteristics of Intensely Weathered Soils in South-Central Kentucky. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 25:2745-2759.

37. Karathanasis, A.D., and B.R. Macneal. 1994. Evaluation of Parent Material Uniformity Criteria in Loess-Influenced Soils of West-Central Kentucky. Geoderma 64:73-92.

38. Karathanasis, A.D., and Y.L. Thompson. 1995. Mineralogy of Iron Precipitates in a Constructed Acid Mine Drainage Wetland. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 59: 1773-1781.

39. Mitchell, L.K., and A.D. Karathanasis. 1995. Biochemical Treatment of Metal-Chloride Enriched Wastewater by Simulated Constructed Wetlands. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 17:5-12.

40. Norfleet, M.L., and A.D. Karathanasis. 1996. Some Physical and Chemical Factors Contributing to Fragipan Strength in Kentucky Soils. Geoderma 71:289-301.

41. Seta, A.K., and A.D. Karathanasis. 1996. Colloid-Facilitated Transport of Metolachlor Through Intact Soil Columns. J. Environ. Sci. Health B31(5):949-968.

42. Seta, A.K., and A.D. Karathanasis. 1997. Stability and Transportability of Water Dispersible Soil Colloids. Soil Science Soc. Am. J. 61:604-611.

43. Seta, A.K., and A.D. Karathanasis. 1997. Colloid-Facilitated Transport of Atrazine through Intact Soil Columns. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 61:612-617.

44. Barton, C., and A.D. Karathanasis. 1997. Measuring Cation Exchange Capacity and Total Exchangeable Bases in Batch and Flow Experiments. Soil Technology 11:153-162.

45. Seta, A.K., and A.D. Karathanasis. 1997. Water dispersible colloids and factors influencing their dispersibility from soil aggregates. Geoderma 74:255-266.

46. Zhang, Min, and A.D. Karathanasis. 1997. Characterization of Iron-Manganese Concretions in Kentucky Alfisols with Perched Water Tables. Clays Clay Minerals 45:428-439.

47. Barton, C.D. and A.D. Karathanasis. 1998. Aerobic and Anaerobic Metal Attenuation Processes in a Constructed Wetland Treating Acid Mine Drainage. Environmental Geosciences 5(2):43-56.

48. Zourarakis, D.P., M.Evans, and A.D. Karathanasis. 1998. Preserving Mountain Mires and Related Soil Inclusions in Southern Appalachia: Mapping and Classification Challenges. J. Applied Ecol. (in press).

49. Zhang, Min, and A.D. Karathanasis. 1998. Distribution Patterns of Fe-Mn Concretions in Alfisols of The Inner Bluegrass Region in Kentucky. Soil Science (in press).

50. Karathanasis, A.D. 1998. Subsurface Migration of Cu and Zn Mediated by Soil Colloids. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. (in press).

51. Thompson,Y.L., A.D. Karathanasis, and C.D. Barton. 1998. Soil Morphology, Redox and Hydrologic Regimes of Some Seasonal Wetland Soils in Western Kentucky. Wetlands (in press).

52. Karathanasis, A.D. 1998. Colloid-Mediated Transport of Pb Through Soil Porous Media. Environ. Science (in press).

53. Barton, C.D., and A.D. Karathanasis. 1998. Renovation of a Failed Constructed Wetland Treating High Metal Load Acid Mine Drainage. Environ. Geology (in press).

54. Karathanasis. A.D. and P. Prawito. 1998. Depositional Processes in Karst Basins of Kentucky Assessed by Soil Age Discontinuities. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. (in review).

55. Karathanasis, A.D. and P. Prawito. 1998. Pedogenesis on Karst Toposequences of Kentucky: Effect of Parent Material Uniformity and Landscape Position. Geoderma (in review).

56. Zhang, Min, and A.D. Karathanasis. 1998. Effects of Perched Water Tables at Soil- Limestone Interfaces on Mineral Stability. Clays Clay Miner. (in review).

57. Barton, C.D. and A.D. Karathanasis. 1998. Colloid-Facilitated Transport of Atrazine and Zn Through Large Soil Monoliths. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. (in review).

58. Karathanasis, A.D. 1998. Lead Desorption and Remobilization by Mobile Soil Colloids in Contaminated Sites. J. Environ. Qual. (in review).


Books and Book Chapters

1. Karathanasis, A.D. 1989. Soil Solution: A sensitive index of mineral stability in pedogenic environments. Invited book chapter, In S.S. Augustithis (ed.) Weathering its Products and Deposits, Theophrastus Publications, Athens, Greece. Vol. 1. p. 157-195.

2. Karathanasis, A.D. 1989. Solution Chemistry of Fragipans-Thermodynamic Approach to Understanding Fragipan Formation, p. 113-139, In Fragipans: Their occurrence, classification, and genesis. Soil Science Soc. Am. Special Publication. No. 24, Madison, WI.

3. Karathanasis, A.D., R.I. Barnhisel, an W.W. Frye, 1990. Handbook for Collegiate Soils Contest, Southeastern Region (Revised edition). University of Kentucky, p.62

4. Karathanasis, A.D. 1993. Constructed Wetlands: An Alternative for Wastewater Treatment. Dept. of Agronomy, Univ. of Kentucky, p. 209.

5. Karathanasis, A.D., and W.G. Harris. 1995. Quantitative Thermal Analysis of Soil Materials. p. 360-411, In J.E. Amonette et al., (eds), Quantitative Methods in Soil Mineralogy. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Special Publication No., Madison, WI.

6. Karathanasis, A.D., and B.F. Hajek. 1996. X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry. p. 161-224, In D.L. Sparks (ed.) Methods of Soil Analysis, 3rd Ed. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Monograph No. 9, Madison, WI.

7. Karathanasis, A.D. 1997. X-Ray Fluorescence, XRD, and DSC Analysis of Feature Sediments. In T. Dillehay (ed.) Monte Verde: A Late Pleistocene Site in Chile, Vol. 2, Smithsonian Institution Press., Washington D.C.

8. Karathanasis. A.D. 1998. Wetland Delineation and Constructed Wetlands. Vol. 1 &2, p. 210 & 381. Department of Agronomy, University of Kentucky.

9. Harris, W.G., and A.D. Karathanasis. 1998. Phosphate Minerals in the Environment. In J.B. Dixon (ed.), Environmental Soil Mineralogy, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Special Publ. (in press).

10. Karathanasis, A.D. 1998. Mineral Equilibria in Environmental Soil Systems. In J.B. Dixon (ed.), Environmental Soil Mineralogy, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Special Publ. (in press).


Published Symposia & Proceedings

1. Evangelou, V.P. and A.D. Karathanasis. 1984. Reactions and mechanisms controlling water quality in surface-mined spoils. Symposium on the Reclamation of Lands Disturbed by Surface Mining. Am. Soc. Surf. Min. Recl., Owensboro, KY. July 1984.

2. Karathanasis, A.D., and Y.L. Thompson. 1989. Metal Distribution and Speciation in Simulated Acid Mine Wetlands. Proc. Kentucky Water Resources Symposium, Lexington, KY, November 1989.

3. Karathanasis, A.D., and Y.L. Thompson. 1991. Metal Distribution and Speciation in Effluents and Substrates of Simulated Acid Mine Wetlands. p. 100-114, Proc. 17th Annual Conf. Wetlands Restoration & Creation, Tampa, Florida, May 1990.

4. Karathanasis, A.D. and Y.L. Thompson. 1991. Metal speciation and retention patterns in a high metal load acid mine wetland of Southeastern Kentucky. p. 485-498, 2nd. International Conference on the abatement of acidic drainage, Montreal, Canada, September 1991.

5. Sobecki, T.M., and A.D. Karathanasis. 1993. Chemical Properties of Shale-Derived Soils as Influenced by Topography and Parent Material. Internat. Symp. on Structure of Soil Cover, Sep. 6-11, 1993. Moscow, Russia.

6. Seta, A.K., and A.D. Karathanasis. 1994. Potential Transport of Colloid-Bound Atrazine to Groundwater: Kentucky Water Resources Research Symposium, Lexington, KY, November 1994.


Extension Publications

1. Karathanasis, A.D., H.H. Bailey, R.I. Barnhisel, and R.L. Blevins. 1986. Descriptions and laboratory data for some soils in Kentucky: 2. Bluegrass Region. Special Report 86-1, University of Kentucky, Agric. Exp. Station. pp. 105.

2. Karathanasis, A.D. 1986. Soils of Kentucky: An overview. Southern regional technical work planning conference, Lexington, KY.

3. Karathanasis, A.D., H.H. Bailey, R.I. Barnhisel, and R.L. Blevins. 1988. Descriptions and laboratory data for some soils in Kentucky: 3. Western Coalfields Region. Special Report 88-2. Univ.of Kentucky Agric. Exp. Station, pp. 104.

4. Karathanasis, A.D., H.H. Bailey, R.I. Barnhisel, and R.L. Blevins. 1988. Descriptions and laboratory data for some soils in Kentucky: 4. Western Pennyroyal Region. Special Report 88-3. Univ.of Kentucky Agric. Exp. Station, pp. 116.

5. Karathanasis, A.D., V.P. Evangelou and M.L. Norfleet. 1988. Effect of Moisture Distribution and Solute Composition at the Soil-Soil, and Soil-Spoil Interfaces on Soil Development and Nutrient Availability Patterns of Reconstructed Prime Farmlands. First Annual Report, 1988, Prime Farmland Reclamation after Surface Mining, II: 111-122. Agricultural Exp. Stations Univ. of Kentucky and Univ. of Illinois at Urbana, Champaign.

6. Karathanasis, A.D., V.P. Evangelou, and Y.L. Thompson. 1988. Predicting potential aluminum contamination of surface and ground waters from acid sulfate enriched drainages emanating from low neutralization capacity watersheds. Research Report No. 170, p. 78. Water Resources Research Institute, Univ. of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.

7. Karathanasis, A.D. and Y.L. Thompson. 1990. Metal Speciation and immobilization reactions affecting the true efficiency of artificial wetlands to treat acid mine drainage. Research report No. 175, Water Resources Research Institute, Univ. of Kentucky.

8. Karathanasis, A.D., H.H. Bailey, R.I. Barnhisel, and R.L. Blevins. 1991. Descriptions and Laboratory Data for Some Soils in Kentucky. 5. Mountain and Eastern Coalfields Region, Special Report 91-1. Agr. Exp. Station, Univ. of Kentucky, p. 296.

9. Karathanasis, A.D. 1992. Descriptions and Laboratory Data for Some Soils in Kentucky. 6. Knobs Region, Special Report 92-1. Agr. Exp. Station, Univ. of Kentucky, p. 84.

10. Karathanasis, A.D. 1992. Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian systems of Bluegrass and north-eastern Kentucky. Field trip guide, Southern Regional Mineralogy meeting. Lexington, KY.

11. Karathanasis, A.D. 1993. Descriptions and Laboratory Data for Some Soils in Kentucky. 7. Eastern Pennyroyal Region. Special Report 93-1. Agr. Exp. Station, Univ. of Kentucky, p. 186.

12. Karathanasis, A.D., and A.K. Seta. 1993. Heavy Metal Levels of Some Kentucky Soils. Univ. of KY Agr. Exp. Station Bull. No. 727, October 1993.

13. Karathanasis, A.D. 1993. Constructed Wetlands: An Alternative for Wastewater Treatment. Dept. of Agronomy, Univ. of Kentucky, p. 209.

14. Zalidis, G., S. Stefanou, X. Dimitriadis, A. Apostolakis, and A.D. Karathanasis. 1995. Soil Characteristics as indicators for Wetland Identification. Greek Biotope/Wetland Centre, Thessaloniki, Greece.

15. Hajek, B.F., A.D. Karathanasis, and B.R. Smith. 1998. Soil Mineral Associations of the Southern United States. South. Cooper. Series Bull. # 391.

16. Karathanasis, A.D., L. Zelazny, and W.G. Harris. 1998. XRD and Thermal Analysis. In Mineralogy and Charge Properties of Readily-Dispersible Colloidal Fractions from Selected Soils and Sediments of the Southern Region. South. Coop. Series Bull. # 388.

17. Jacobs, S., R. Jones, and A. D. Karathanasis. 1995. Soil Survey of the University of Kentucky Woodford County Farm.

18. Approximately 27 Soil Survey Reports Published in Cooperation with the NRCS.


Short Articles

1. Karathanasis, A.D. (1985). Mineralogy of Kentucky Soils. Soil Sci. News and Views. Vol. 6 (1).

2. Karathanasis, A.D. (1985). Mineralogy and Soil Productivity. Agronomy Notes. Vol. 18 (2).

3. Karathanasis, A.D. (1986). Effect of soil mineral variability on soil use and management. Soil Sci. News and Views. Vol. 7 (2).

4. Karathanasis, A.D. (1987). Potassium mineralogy of Kentucky soils. Soil Sci. News and Views. Vol. 8 (11).

5. Wells, K.L., K.D. Strohmeier, A.D. Karathanasis, and V.P. Evangelou. (1988). Potash Studies on Burley Tobacco in Owen County, Kentucky. Agronomy Notes Vol. 21(1).

6. Karathanasis, A.D. (1991). A new concept in treating wastewaters: Constructed Wetlands. Soil Sci. News and Views, Vol. 12, No. 3.

7. Karathanasis, A.D. (1992). Using simulated wetlands to assess acid mine drainage treatment efficiency. IMMR, Highlights, Vol. 11, No. 4.

8. Ditsch, D.C., and A.D. Karathanasis. (1993). Wetlands Mechanisms for Treating Acid Mine Drainage. Agron. Notes Vol. 25.


Abstracts (Last 2 years)

1. Karathanasis, A.D. 1997. Lead Transport in the Vadose Zone Mediated by Colloidal particles. Agr. Abs. 89th ASA meetings, Anaheim, CA.

2. Barton, C.D. and A.D. Karathanasis. 1997. Aerobic and Anaerobic Attenuation Processes in a Constructed Wetland Treating AMD. Agr. Abs. 89th ASA meetings, Anaheim, CA.

3. Karathanasis, A.D. and C.D. Barton. 1997. Ameliorative Designs to Improve the Efficiency of Constructed Wetlands Treating High metal Load AMD in the Rock Creek Watershed. KY Non-Point Source Conference, Lexington, KY.

4. Karathanasis, A.D. 1997. Movement of Pb in Subsurface Soil Environments Induced by the Presence of Water-Dispersible Colloidal Particles. KY Water Resources Symposium, Lexington, KY.

5. Barton, C.D., and A.D. Karathanasis. Speciation and stability of minerals forming in a constructed wetland treating acid mine drainage. Joint meeting of the Eastern Section-American Association of Petroleum Geologist and The Society for Organic Petrology. Lexington, KY. September 29, 1997.

6. Barton, C.D., A.D. Karathanasis and G. Chalfant. Treatment of acid mine drainage with constructed wetlands in the Daniel Boone National Forest. USDA Forest Service 1997 Watershed and Aquatic Ecology Workshop. Ashland, KY. May 7, 1997.

7. Karathanasis, A.D. 1998. Colloid-Facilitated Desorption and Transport of Pb in Contaminated Soils. 16th World Congress of Soil Science, Montpellier, France.

8. Pils, J.P., and A.D. Karathanasis. 1998. Trace Metal Concentration and Distribution in Northern Kentucky. Agr. Abs. 90th ASA meetings, Baltimore,MD.

9. Barton, C.D., and A.D. Karathanasis. 1998. Colloid-Facilitated Transport of Atrazine and Zn Through Large Soil Monoliths. Agr. Abs. 90th ASA meetings, Baltimore, MD.

10. Karathanasis, A.D. 1998. Colloid-Mediated Desorption and Remobilization of Pb in Contaminated Soils. Agr. Abs. 90th ASA meetings, Baltimore, MD.

11. Karathanasis, A.D. 1998. Colloid-Induced Desorption and Remobilization of Pb in Contaminated Soils. KY Water Resources Symposium, Lexington, KY.



Approximately 60 more abstracts, 18 research reports, and 55 presentations in regional, national and international meetings .