Current Research Highlights
Colloid-Mediated Transport in Soils
Metal Attenuation Processes in a Renovated Constructed Wetland Treating AMD
Pedogenic Processes in Karst Basins of Kentucky
Treatment Efficiency Comparisons of Vegetated and Unvegetated Constructed Wetlands Designed to Treat Domestic Wastewater (in progress)
Characterization and Evaluation of High Elevation Wetlands in the Southern Appalachian Mountain Region of Kentucky (in progress)
Speciation and Mobility of Heavy Metals Associated with the Colloidal Phase of Agricultural and Municipal Waste Amendments (in progress)
Colloid-Mediated Transport in Soils
One of the fundamental processes controlling the fate of hydrophobic organic and inorganic pollutants in aquatic environments is their partitioning between the dissolved and sorbed state. Recent research evidence suggests that their speciation should include a three phase system (stationary sorbed, mobile dissolved, and mobile sorbed) otherwise, our environmental exposure and risk assessments may significantly underestimate their actual mobility and transport to groundwater.
Laboratory column and field research experiments at UK have shown that suspended colloidal particles, especially organically enriched, may promote the transport of hydrophobic pollutants, such as pesticides and heavy metals by: (a) preferentially sorbing and carrying contaminants through soil macropores, (b) enhancing contaminant solubility, and (c) facilitating preferential desorption and remobilization of soil matrix-retained pollutants. The presence of mineral colloids in water suspensions enhanced the transport of atrazine through soils by 3-18%, and metolachlor by 22-70%, depending on colloid and soil properties. Similarly, the transport of heavy metals was increased by 2 to 30 times for Cu and Zn and up to 3,000 times for Pb in the presence of colloids. Using colloid suspensions as flushing solutions enhanced desorption and remobilization of Pb up to 12 times over deionized water flushing solutions in contaminated intact soil columns.
The findings of these studies provide a more realistic picture of potential ground and surface water contamination by environmental pollutants and can help improve predictions and remediation strategies of contaminant migration and removal.
Metal Attenuation Processes in a Renovated Constructed Wetland Treating AMD
Acid mine drainage (AMD) from abandoned mines has significantly impaired water quality in eastern Kentucky. A small surface flow wetland constructed in 1989 to reduce AMD effects and subsequently failed after six months of operation was renovated by incorporating anoxic limestone drains (ALDs) and anaerobic subsurface drains promoting vertical flow through successive alkalinity producing limestone/organic compost beds. Two years of post renovation monitoring indicate that mean iron concentrations have decreased from 787 to 39 mg L-1, pH increased from 3.38 to 6.46and acidity has been reduced from 2244 to 199 mg L-1, (CaCO3 equivalent). Mass removal rates averaged 98% for Al, 95% for Fe, 94% for acidity, 55% for sulfate and 49% for Mn during the study period. The combination of ALDs and SAPS technologies used in the renovation and the sequence in which they were implemented within the wetland system appeared to provide sufficient buffering and longer residence time rendering a promising design for treatment of this and other source of high metal load AMD.
Characterization of sediments from
Fe-precipitates in AMD wetland flume abiotic/aerobic zones within the treatment system showed low SO4/Fe ratios in initial abiotic treatment basins, supporting the formation of jarosite and goethite. As the ratios increased due to treatment and subsequent reductions in iron concentration, jarosite was transformed to other Fe-oxyhydroxysulfates and goethite formation was inhibited. Amorphous iron minerals such as ferrihydrite and Fe(OH)3 were dominant in biotic wetland cell substrates. However, low Fe3+ activity, redox potential, and oxygen diffusion rates in the anaerobic subsurface environment inhibited crystalline iron precipitation. The formation of gypsum, rhodochrosite, and siderite as byproducts of alkalinity-generating reactions in this system also appeared to have an impact on S, Mn, and Fe solubility controls. Sustaining alkaline conditions within the wetland was necessary for maintaining metal retention consistency and long-term treatment efficiency.
Fe-precipitates in AMD wetland flume
Pedogenic Processes in Karst Basins of Kentucky
The western Pennyroyal region of Kentucky is underlain by high purity Mississippian limestones with highly expressed karst topography. Studies are being conducted in typical karst basins to assess soil hydrology, deposition patterns, and karst basin stability. Major depositional events in two basins were evaluated from macro- and micromorphological observations, physicochemical properties and 14C dating. Sedimentation rates and karst basin stability interpretations were based on 14C dating and activities of 137Cs from nuclear fallout.
Morphological observations suggested the presence of buried soils. Thin section micromorphology evaluations confirmed the presence of buried soils (better pedality expression, brighter birefringence) in spite of the uniform silt loam texture throughout the excavated profile depths. Organic carbon content fluctuated irregularly with depth reflecting the age differences as well as the different land use management between time spans. Age discontinuities were evidenced by sharp decreases in the silt/medium sand (Si/MS), silt/fine sand (Si/FS), and CEC/Mg ratios in the Ab horizons. The vermiculite/mica (V/M) ratio was also a useful discontinuity indicator, but quartz content, quartz/feldspar (Q/F) and Ti/Zr ratios were not as consistent.
Soil development and thickness of the buried soils combined with 14C data suggested dramatic changes in the filling rate of the basins during modern time. Calculated sedimentation rates from 14C dating suggested a dramatic increase (20-50 fold)
14C-dated soil horizons (MRT) and estimated over the last 300 years. Most recent (last 50 filling rates (FR) of karst basins years) sedimentation rates based on 137Cs fallout activity appeared more moderate, but still 2-6 times higher than ancient timespans.