Taylor, N.L.1985. (ed.) Clover Science and Technology. Amer. Soc Agron. Monograph. 25. 616p. Madison, WI. Taylor, N. L. and K. H. Quesenberry. 1996. Red Clover Science. 226p. Kluwer Academic Publ. The Netherlands. Gillett, J.M. and N.L. Taylor. 2001. (M. Collins, ed.) The World of Clovers. 457p. CD with Searchable Data Base. Iowa State Press, Ames, IA.

Book Chapters

Bowley, S.R., N.L. Taylor, and C.T. Dougherty. 1984. Physiology and morphology of red clover. In Advances in 
Agronomy. Academic Press 35: 317-347.

Bowley, S.R. and N.L. Taylor. 1987. E.R. Christie (ed.) Introgressive hybridization. In Handbook of Plant 
Science. 1:23-59. CRC Press.

Cope, W.A. and N. L. Taylor. 1985. Plant breeding and genetics. In Clover Science and Technology.N.L. Taylor 
(ed.). Amer. Soc. Agron. Monograph 25:383-404. Madison, WI.

Peaslee, D.F.and N. L. Taylor. Red clover In D.L. Plunkett and H.B. Sprague (eds.) Detecting Mineral 
Nutrient Deficiences in Tropical and Temperate Crops. West View Press. Boulder, CO.

Smith, R.R., N.L. Taylor and S .R. Bowley. 1985. Red clover. In Clover Science and Technology. N.L. Taylor 
(ed.). Amer. Soc. Agron. Monograph 25:457-470. Madison, WI.

Taylor, N.L. 1979. Red clover and alsike clover. In Forages, the Science of Grassland  Agriculture. 3rd 
edition. M. E. Heath, D. S. Metcalfe, and R. F. Barnes (eds). Iowa State University Press. Ames, IA.

Taylor, N.L. 1980. The clovers. In Hybridization of Crop Plants. W.R. Fehr and H.H. Hadley (eds.). P. 
261-272. Amer Soc Agron. Madison, WI.

Taylor, N.L. 1985. Creating and utilizing variation in grasses and legumes via intra- and interspecific 
hybridization. In J. Sodjin (ed.) Proc. Eucarpia Meetings. Svalov, Sweden.

Taylor, N.L. 1985. Clovers. In Clover Science and Technology. N.L. Taylor (ed). Amer. Soc Agron. Monograph 


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Anderson, J.A., S.A. Ghabrial and N.L. Taylor. 1991. Natural incidence of peanut stunt virus infection in 
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Anderson, M.K., N.L. Taylor, and R.R. Hill.  1974.  Combining ability in I0 single crosses of red clover.  
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Bowley, S.R., N.L. Taylor and C.T. Dougherty.  1984.  Physiology and Morphology of red clover.  In Advances 
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Collins, G.B. and N.L. Taylor.  1964.  Relation of chromatographic patterns and interspecific 
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