The Clover Germplasm Center consists of seeds of wild clovers (Genus Trifolium)
comprising about 1900 accessions of 205 species. It also includes genetic and breeding
stocks of red clover (T. pratense), white clover (T. repens),
kura clover (T. ambiguum), crimson clover (T. incarnatum),
and zigzag clover (T. medium).
The CGC was initiated by N.L. Taylor in 1953 when a world-wide collection of seeds of
Trifolium began to be assembled. The collection is the result of collections in many countries
in three centers of diversity; Eurasia, Africa and the Americas.
The CGC unit is a part of the Department of Agronomy, Kentucky Agricultural Experiment
Station, University of Kentucky, and is cooperative with the
US National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS).
Germplasm Acquisition
Seeds of Trifolium species are acquired by exchange among gene banks and collegues
engaged in Trifolium research as well as by NPGS sponsored plant explorations. Genetic
and breeding stocks are the result of 50 years of investigations at the University of Kentucky
and by contributions from investigators who wish to make stocks available for further research.
Stock maintenance
All stocks are maintained under cold storage (-5 to -15C) to insure long-term viability.
Self-pollinated stocks usually are regenerated in insect-proof greenhouses and cross-pollinated
stocks under isolation under field conditions in the presence of honey bees (Apis mellifera)
and/or bumble bees (Bombus spp). Subsamples of species accessions have been deposited
in the National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation in Ft Collins, CO and may be available from
Pullman, WA (W-6) for the perennials and
Griffin, GA (S-9) for the annuals.
Seed Distribution
Seeds stocks may be distributed gratis (depending upon availability) to individuals interested
in Trifolium. Generally, only small amounts of seed (up to 100) are available. Submit requests
from the following stock list.
Information concerning characteristics and origins of species and genetic and breeding stocks
are available from the list of references.