Vol. 18, No. 4
M.S. Coyne, S.W. McMurry, and E. Perfect
Bacterial pathogens can degrade ground water quality by infiltrating
and eroding from land treated with poultry wastes. The potential for ground
water contamination (as well as associated health risks and cost of water
treatment) greatly depends on the depth of soil to the water table or
bedrock and soil structure. Pathogens must move through the soil profile
to contaminate ground water (although sinkholes can provide a direct channel
from the soil surface to the water table in karst areas). Deep soils have
less potential for contamination than shallow soils. Structureless soils
retain fecal bacteria better than well structured soils. Research at UK
indicates that surface-applied fecal bacteria, and other contaminants,
travel rapidly toward ground water through soil pores in well structured,
intact soil. Tillage disrupts pores and channels in the tilled layer, and
increases water and bacteria contact with soil. To improve our understanding
of bacterial movement, and of the potential for ground water contamination,
we decided to examine whether tillage affected fecal coliform transport
through intact soil amended with poultry wastes. We used poultry wastes
because their disposal is an increasingly important waste management issue
in western Kentucky.
We evenly distributed undercage poultry manure from layer production
houses over the surface of intact soil blocks (13 inches per side) to
approximate a 5 ton/acre field application rate (about 0.2 lb. of wet
manure/block). The soil blocks came from a Maury silt loam in Lexington
and were either sod-covered or removed from a field that was chisel plowed
to a depth of 5 inches and disked (the soil was too dry for deeper tillage).
The total fecal coliforms added to the top of each block ranged from 100
million to almost 5 billion. We looked for fecal coliforms because they are
indicator bacteria used for water quality standards in Kentucky. A
laboratory rainfall applicator simulated rain at 0.4 inch/hour for 36
hours, during which we sampled the leachate below the soil blocks every
4 hours.
Most of the poultry waste added to soil is broiler litter which is
drier, less compact, and has 100 to 1000 times fewer fecal coliforms by
weight than laying house manure. However, fecal coliforms should behave
the same once leaching begins, regardless of whether they come from litter
or manure. Our results should be applicable to litter as well as manure
application to soil.
Ten percent of the area beneath the soil blocks accounted for between
63 and 100 % of the total drainage. This means that preferential flow
through intact soil pores let water bypass much of the soil mass that
would otherwise filter pathogens and chemicals. Water movement and fecal
coliform transport were significantly correlated. Even though we applied
fecal coliforms uniformly to the top of the soil blocks, they leached from
just a few areas at the bottom. On average, 10% of the area beneath the
soil blocks accounted for 94% of the total fecal coliforms that leached
(the range was from 77 to 100 %).
Figure 1 shows the fecal coliform leaching patterns for representative
sod-covered and tilled soil blocks. There were 18 million fecal coliforms/100
ml in the drainage we collected from the sod-covered block after 4 hours
(Figure 1). The standard for fecal coliforms in primary contact water
(bathing and swimming water) is only 200 CFU/100 ml. Fecal coliform
concentrations in the three tilled blocks were similarly above water
quality standards in the first drainage we collected.
The fecal coliforms leached from the waste in a pulse; the more
numerous the fecal coliforms applied, the higher the maximum concentration
in the pulse. Figure 1 shows that the maximum fecal coliform concentrations
appeared after about 3.1 acre-inches of rain fell on the sod-covered soil
block. In the tilled soil block, fecal coliforms were held up in the soil
profile, and the maximum concentration of fecal coliforms in drainage didn't
appear until 6.2 acre-inches of rain fell. The delay was probably because
tillage disrupted preferential flow paths in the upper 5 inches of soil.
On average, maximum fecal coliform leaching occurred after about 2.4
acre-inches of rain fell on sod-covered soil blocks and not until about 6
acre-inches of rain fell on tilled soil blocks. Although tillage did not
hinder the flow of fecal coliforms sufficiently to meet water quality
standards for primary contact water, our results are encouraging and
suggest that more extensive tillage does retard their movement.
Rainfall delivering 1.6 acre-inches of water (the amount of rain
applied in 4 hours) was sufficient to drive bacteria-contaminated water
to a depth of at least 13 inches in the Maury soil, and presumably to as
great a depth in similarly well drained, well structured soils. The
potential exists for leaching to greater depths with the same rainfall
because of preferential flow, but we can't extrapolate with confidence
beyond the depths we sampled. Between 1990 and 1995, rain exceeded 1.6
acre-inches 52 times (13 % of all measurable rains) at the Lexington site
from which we removed the soil blocks. We previously showed that fecal
bacteria applied to a Maury soil can move at least 35 inches deep when
less than 1.6 acre-inches of rain falls after application (Soil Science
News and Views, Vol. 17, No. 4), so the potential for preferential flow
to contaminate ground water with fecal bacteria at this site appears to
be high. However, rain exceeding 3.1 acre-inches occurred only 8 times
(2% of all measurable rains).
Tilled soil reduces the potential for leaching the peak concentration
of fecal coliforms from poultry manure. For the tilled soil block in which
fecal coliforms most rapidly leached, the maximum fecal coliform populations
appeared after 4.6 acre-inches of water fell. That much rain only occurred
twice in Lexington between 1990 and 1995. So, the potential for maximal
fecal bacteria concentrations to leach through a tilled Maury soil in a
single rain is probably negligible.
Tillage made it unlikely that the maximum leachable fecal coliform
concentrations in surface-applied poultry manure would contaminate ground
water during a single rain. Nevertheless, fecal coliforms moved rapidly
through soil in preferential water flow regardless of whether the soil
was tilled or sod-covered. Their concentration in drainage water was
thousands of times greater than water quality limits. This is a problem
in well structured, shallow soils, if preferential flow reaches ground
water, and inadequate dilution or treatment of ground water occurs before
its use.
Figure 1. Fecal coliform leaching patterns for representative sod-covered
and tilled soil blocks.