Brazil - February 13, 2006 (Joe Omielan) - Project Update
There may be snow on the ground here in Lexington but data is starting to come in from the Southern hemisphere.
The trials were planted at the EMBRAPA research station near Londrina, Brazil on December 20, 2005. Dr. Claudia Godoy is managing these trials.
- Soybean variety is BRS 154 planted in 45 cm wide rows.
- Fungicide (tetraconazole)(Eminent @ 0.4 L/ha) applied on Feb. 2 on disease-free plots.
- Plants were at R1 (begin flowering) on Feb. 4.
- LAI (leaf area index) assessment on Feb. 8 with plants at R2.
The photos below were taken on Feb. 8 by Claudia while the aerial photo was contributed by EMBRAPA.
The map from shows the location of Londrina in the State of Parana in Brazil.
This is an aerial view of the Research Station and plots (courtesy of EMBRAPA).
The soybean plots on Feb. 8.
Harvesting plant samples to measure LAI.
The plants from a segment of one sampling row (0.5 m2 area) are cut off at ground level.
All leaf blades are cut off from the plant (petioles remain with the rest of the plant).
Dr. Jim Board from Louisiana State University is putting the leaves through the Leaf Area Meter.
Stay Tuned for future updates!