Trifolium pratense
Genetic Stocks
White flower-white seeds GP-1
Crimson flower GP-2
No mark leaflets GP-3
Light green stem GP -4
Sun-red stem GP-5
Purple seeds GP-6
Cornucopia leaflet GP-7
Multiple head GP-8
Multiple leaflet GP-9
Male sterile GP-10
Self compatibility GP-11
Bean yellow mosaic virus resistant selection GP-52
Trisomic source GP-14
2x-4x tetraploid GP-19
4x-2x tetraploid GP-20
Powdery mildew and virus resistant selection GP-22
Ruffled leaf tetraploid GS-12
Self-fertile trisomics GS-1 to GS-7
Multiple cotyledon GS-9
Rudimentary corolla GS-8
Long stem GS-9
Multiple cotyledon GS-10
Genetic stock pool GS-11
Diploid and derived tetraploids GP-12 and 13
Round pollen C-100
Purple red flower C-97
Synaptic mutant C-106
Split leaflet C-99
Variegated leaf C-98
Long petiolule C101
FREEDOM! selection 1 for mildew resistance 1812
KNARS cycle 1 (McVeigh)
KNARS cycle 2 (McVeigh) 1725
KVMRS cycle 1 (McVeigh) 1749
Interspecific hybrids
T. pratense x T. diffusum GP-17
T. medium x T. sarosiense GP-
T. sarosiense x T. pratense GP-18
Trifolium repens
Interspecific hybrids
T. ambiguum x T. repens tetraploid GP-82
T. ambiguum x T. repens octoploid GP-95
T. ambiguum x T . repens hexaploid GP-177
Trifolium ambiguum
Rhizo kura cultivar . 79
KY-1 early germplasm Reg. no. 90
Trifolium incarnatum
KY C-1 germplasm GP-60
Pink flowered selection
Trifolium medium
KY M-1 zigzag GP-43
KY M-2 zigzag GP-96
Miscellaneous species
T. diffusum tetraploid GS-4
T. cherleri tetraploid GS-5
T. hybridum tetraploid GS-6
T. pallidum tetraploid GS-7
Trifolium pratense
Single crosses of clones
700-3v x 710-6v
710-6v x 700-3v
1224-3v x 713-5v
713-5v x 1224-3v
829-1v x 1224-3v
684-6v x 740-2v
740-2v x 684-6v
581-1v x 710-6v
1173-2v x 700-3v
700-3v x 1173-2v
710-6v x 581-1v
Kenstar clone crosses
Single crosses of populations
Varieties x 4x red clover
Flower color crosses L-38-1744
4x Kenstar x Redman Plant 1
4x Kenstar x Redman Plant 2
4x Kenstar x K4-183 Plant 3
4x Kenstar x K4-183 Plant 1
Temara x Kenstar 4x
Tedi x Kenstar 4x
Mildew resistant x virus backcross
2X x 4X
4X x 2X
Kenstar clones x Lakeland
Arlington 2X x Kenstar 4X
Double head selection Cage 2
Long stem cycles 0 to 6
Root rot resistant selection
Low pubescence selections 1782
KY-1 to KY-10 anthracnose selections
White flower crosses
Mammoth FC 39971
Virus resistant N-17
Kenstar clone selfs (high temperature)
Trisomic backcrosses
Double head selection
Flower color cycles of selection
Homozygous s-alleles
N2O treated 1694
Virus resistant 1749
Multicotyledon –multiple crown selection
4X unreduced gamete selection
Multileaf selection 1801
Virus and mildew resistant selection 1749
Cinnamon tetraploid x other cultivars 1805
Scarlett tetraploid x other cultivars 1804
Concorde tetraploid x other cultivars 1807
Marathon tetraploid x othercultivars 1806
Aclaim tetraploid x other cultivars 1803
Kenland tetraploid x other cultivars 1802
Unifoliolate selection 1808
Multicotyledon selections 1797-1&2
Tetraploid blend (1998) 1809
Multileaf selection 1801
Tetraploid blend (2000) 1811
Creeping stock F-2416
Creeping stock F-2427
Early flowering selection 92-L27-01
Virus resistant selection
Early flowering selection 95-L27-01
Early flowering selection 94-L 27-01
Rhizo field increase 99-L27-13
High vigor 1 st cycle selection GH (2000)
1st through 5th backcrosses
BC-5 x BC-5
37 entry bulk from Charles Townsend
Exp 287 generations bulked