Research Professor
University of Kentucky Alumni Association Endowed Professor
315 Little
Library Building
College of Communication and Information
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0224
Postdoctoral research, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA,
Degree, Computer Science, University of Buckingham, England, 1996
Degree, Computer Science, University of Cambridge, England, 1991
- Highly Cited
Researcher (top 1% in Computer Science), Clarivate, Web of Science, Thomson
Reuters, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
- Distinguished
Visiting Professor, Academy of Computer Science and Software Engineering (ACSSE),
Faculty of Science, University of Johannesburg, South Africa, 2024-2029
- Abdul Kalam
Distinguished Professorship Award, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Distinguished Professor,
SRM Institute of Science and Technology, India, 2024-2029
- SEC Faculty
Achievement Award for University of Kentucky, 2024
- Fulbright Specialist
Award, 2024
- IEEE Smart Computing
Special Technical Community (SCSTC) Life-Career Award, 2023
- University of
Kentucky Alumni Professorship Award, 2023
- Certificate
of Appreciation for outstanding contribution in authorship in recognition
of the contributions made to the quality of the journal, IEEE IT Professional
Magazine, December 2023
- IEEE Computer
Society Distinguished Contributor, 2022
- Fulbright U.S.
Scholar Award, 2021-2022
- National Academic
Advising Association (NACADA) Region 3 Outstanding Advising - Faculty Advising -
Certificate of Merit, 2022
- Global Impact
Award for Distinguished Faculty Achievements in International Research and
Scholarship, University of Kentucky, 2021
- 2020 Best Survey
Paper Award (with Q. Feng, D. He, M. Khan, N. Kumar), Journal of Network and
Computer Applications, Elsevier, 2021
- Excellent Undergraduate
Research Mentor Award, University of Kentucky, 2021
- Ken Freedman
Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award, University of Kentucky, 2021
- Best Research
Paper Award (with D. He, N. Kumar, J. Lee), Thapar Institute of Engineering
and Technology, Patiala, India, 2021
- IEEE Region
3 Outstanding Engineer Award, IEEE Region 3 - United States, 2020
- Albert D. &
Elizabeth H. Kirwan Memorial Prize, University of Kentucky, 2020
- 2019 IEEE Systems
Journal Best Paper Award (with D. He and L. Wu), IEEE Systems Journal, 2019
- One of top 5
most cited articles of 2017 (with Q. Jiang, J. Ma, D. He), IEEE Access, 2019
- IET (formerly
IEE) Networks Premium Award (with B. Hammi, R. Khatoun, A. Fayad, L. Khoukhi),
The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), United Kingdom, 2019
- Certificate
of Appreciation (with A. Perez), Most Popular Paper, IEEE IT Professional
Magazine, Fall 2019
- IEEE Computer
Society Distinguished Visitor, 2019-2022
- Best Research
Paper Award 2017 (with F. Shaikh and E. Exposito), Higher Education Commission,
Pakistan, 2019
- Hood Fellowship,
University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, 2018
- 2018 IEEE Systems
Journal Best Paper Award (with D. He, N. Kumar, J. Lee), IEEE Systems Journal,
- Visiting Research
Fellowship, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, 2018
- Outstanding
Advisor Award, College of Communication and Information, University of Kentucky,
- Distinguished
Lecturer, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, 2018-2020
- Outstanding
Editor Award, IET Wireless Sensor Systems Journal, The Institution of Engineering
and Technology (IET), United Kingdom, 2018
- Honorable Order
of Kentucky Colonels, Commonwealth of Kentucky, 2018
- Outstanding
Reviewer Award, PSU Research Review: An International Journal, Emerald Literati
Awards, 2018
- ACM Distinguished
Speaker, 2017-2020
- Outstanding
Survey Paper Award (with A. Perez and N. Jabeur), Journal of Information Processing
Systems, 2017
- Great Teacher
Award, University of Kentucky Alumni Association, University of Kentucky,
- Best Paper Award
(with Juan Contreras-Castillo and Juan Guerrero Ibáñez), Journal
of Information and Telecommunication, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017
- IEEE-USA George
F. McClure Citation of Honor, 2016
- Edith Cowan
University Silver Jubilee Visiting Professorship Award, Edith Cowan University,
Perth, Australia, 2016
- University Research
Professor Award, University of Kentucky, 2016
- Certificate
of Appreciation, Computers and Electrical Engineering - An International Journal,
- Outstanding
Paper Award (with S. Winkler), Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence,
- 2015 Communications
Software Technical Achievement Award, IEEE Communications Society Communications
Software Technical Committee, 2015
- NASA Faculty
Fellowship, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, 2015
- Faculty Fellowship
Summer Institute in Israel, 2015
- Wethington Award
(for Research), University of Kentucky, 2015
- Faculty Research
Award, College of Communication and Information, University of Kentucky, 2014-2015
- Teachers Who
Made a Difference, College of Education, University of Kentucky, 2015, 2018,
2019, 2024
- IEEE-USA Professional
Achievement Award, 2014
- Visiting Professorship
Research Award, INSA/LAAS-CNRS, University of Toulouse, France, 2014
- IEEE Computer
Society Golden Core Member Award, 2013
- IEEE Computer
Society Meritorious Service Award, 2013
- Visiting Professorship
Award, Telecom ParisTECH University, Paris, France, 2013
- IET (formerly
IEE) Networks Premium Award, The Institution of Engineering and Technology
(IET), United Kingdom, 2013
- Distinguished
Alumnus Award, University of Buckingham, England, 2013 (one university-wide
award per year)
- Outstanding
Research Award from the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, University
of the District of Columbia, Washington DC, 2013
- Distinguished
Service Award, IEEE Communications Society Communications Software Technical
Committee, 2012
- Best Paper Award
(with I. Korbi), 15th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science
and Engineering, Paphos, Cyprus, 2012
- Best Paper Award
(with J. Tellez), 9th International Conference on Mobile Web Information Systems,
Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, 2012
- Visiting Fellowship,
awarded by Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 2012
- IET (formerly
IEE) Communications Premium Award, The Institution of Engineering and Technology
(IET), United Kingdom, 2011
- Fulbright Specialist
Award, Sweden, 2011
- FaST Fellowship,
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)/US Department of Energy, Richland,
WA, 2010
- Visiting Professorship
Awards (two), Scientific Council, University of Paris XII, Paris, France,
2010, 2013
- Visiting Erskine
Fellowship, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, 2009
- Boeing Welliver
Faculty Fellowship from the Boeing Company, Seattle, 2008
- Outstanding
Faculty Award for Graduate Research, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences,
University of the District of Columbia, Washington DC, 2008
- President's
Award for Excellence in Teaching (highest annual University award for
Outstanding teaching), Wayne State University, Detroit, 2004
- Fellow of the
Institution of Engineering and Technology (FIET) (formerly the Institution
of Electrical Engineers (IEE)), United Kingdom, 2004
- Fellow of the
British Computer Society (FBCS), 2004
- College of Science
Excellence in Teaching Award, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, 2003
- College of Science
Excellence in Teaching Award, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, 2001
- Doctoral research
scholarship, University of Buckingham, England
- University of
Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate undergraduate scholarship, University
of Cambridge, England
Research Interests
- Cybersecurity
- Privacy
- Internet of
- Computer networks
(including vehicular and sensor networks)
- Energy-efficient
communications and networks
- F. Shaikh and
S. Zeadally (Editors), Energy
Harvesting in Wireless Sensor Networks and Internet of Things, IET Press,
London, United Kingdom, ISBN-13: 978-1-78561-736-2, 2021, 328 pages.
- J. Tellez and
S. Zeadally, Mobile
Payment Systems - Secure Network Architectures and Protocols, Springer,
London, United Kingdom, ISBN 978-3-319-23032-0, 2017, 133 pages.
- S. Zeadally
and N. Jabeur (Editors), Cyber-Physical
System Design with Sensor Networking Technologies, IET Press, London,
United Kingdom, ISBN 978-1849198240, 2016, 368 pages.
- S. Zeadally
and M. Badra (Editors), Privacy
in a Digital, Networked World - Technologies, Implications, and Solutions,
Springer, London, United Kingdom, ISBN 978-3-319-08469-5, October 2015, 418
- N. Chilamkurti,
S. Zeadally, H. Chaouchi (Editors), Next-Generation
Wireless Technologies: 4G and Beyond, Springer, London, United Kingdom,
ISBN 978-1447151630, May 2013, 295 pages.
- O. Jumira and
S. Zeadally, Energy
Efficiency in Wireless Networks, ISBN: 9781848214446, ISTE/John Wiley
and Sons, London, United Kingdom, December 2012, 128 pages.
[Also translated into French by Hermes-Lavoisier, Paris, France, “Efficacite
energetique des reseaux sans fil”, ISBN: 978-2-7462-4533-4, September
2013, 168 pages].
- H. Moustafa
and S. Zeadally (Editors), Media
Networks: Architectures, Applications, and Standards, CRC Press, New York,
ISBN 1439877289, May 2012, 543 pages.
- D. Ranasinghe,
Q. Sheng, S. Zeadally (Editors), Unique
Radio Innovation for the 21st Century: Building Scalable and Global RFID Networks,
ISBN: 978-3-642-03461-9, Springer, Germany, October 2010, 459 pages. [Also
translated into Chinese by China Machine Press, December 2012].
Refereed Publications
Book Chapters
- M. Khan, S.
Zeadally, N. Eggers, "Hardware security considerations and challenges
in IoT architectures", Chapter 7, Emerging Real-World Applications of
Internet of Things, editors A. Verma, P. Verma, Y. Farhaoui, Z. Lv, CRC Press,
ISBN 9781032302607, 2022.
- F. Shaikh, M.
Memon, S. Zeadally, “Simultaneous wireless information and power transfer
in Internet of Things”, Chapter 9, Energy Harvesting in Wireless Sensor
Networks and Internet of Things, editors F. Shaikh and S. Zeadally, IET Press,
ISBN-13: 978-1-78561-736-2, 2021.
- M. Mollah, S.
Zeadally, M. Azad, "Emerging Wireless Technologies for Internet of Things
Applications: Opportunities and Challenges", Invited Book Chapter, Encyclopedia
of Wireless Networks on Internet of Things, editors X. Shen, X. Lin, and K.
Zhang, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-78261-4, 2020.
- J. Shamsi, M.
Hanif, S. Zeadally, "Fog Computing: Data Analytics for time sensitive
applications", Book Chapter, Convergence of Artificial Intelligence and
the Internet of Things, editors G. Mastorakis, C. Mavromoustakis, J. Batalla
and E. Pallis, Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-44906-3, 2020.
- A. Das and S.
Zeadally, "Data Security in the Smart Grid Environment", Invited
Book Chapter, Chapter 13, Pathways to a Smarter Power System, editors
A. Tascikaraoglu and O. Erdinc, Elsevier, 2019.
- Z. Baig, S.
Zeadally, A. Woodward, "Information Security", Invited Book
Chapter, Chapter 2, Authentication Technologies for Cloud Technology,
IoT and Big Data, editors Y. Alginahi and M. Kabir, IET Press, 2019.
- H. Al-Assam,
W. Hassan, S. Zeadally, "Automated Biometric Authentication for Cloud
Computing", Invited Book Chapter, Chapter 18, Biometric-Based
Physical and Cybersecurity Systems, editors I. Traore, M. Obaidat, I. Woungang,
Springer, 2019.
- H. Sellahewa,
N. Ibrahim, S. Zeadally, "Biometric Authentication for Wearables",
Invited Book Chapter, Chapter 14, Biometric-Based Physical and Cybersecurity
Systems, editors I. Traore, M. Obaidat, I. Woungang, Springer, 2019.
- K. Kalkan, A.
Levi, and S. Zeadally, "Underwater and Submerged Wireless Sensor Systems
(WSS) Security Issues and Solutions", Chapter 15, Invited Book Chapter,
Wireless Sensor Systems for Extreme Environments: Space, Underwater, Underground
and Industrial, editors H. Rashvand and A. Abedi, John Wiley and Sons, United
Kingdom, 2017.
- F. Shaikh and
S. Zeadally, “Mobile Sensors in Wireless Sensor Networks Cyber-Physical
Systems”, Chapter 9, Cyber-Physical System Design with Sensor Networking
Technologies, editors S. Zeadally and N. Jabeur, IET Press, London, United
Kingdom, 2016.
- W. Li, K. Sha,
S. Zeadally, “Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks for Cyber-Physical
Systems”, Chapter 7, Cyber-Physical System Design with Sensor Networking
Technologies, editors S. Zeadally and N. Jabeur, IET Press, London, United
Kingdom, 2016.
- M. Badra and
S. Zeadally, “WiMAX Networks: Security Issues”, Invited Book
Chapter, Encyclopedia of Information Systems and Technology (two-volume
set), editor P. Laplante, CRC press, Taylor & Francis Group, New York,
- S. Uludag,
S. Zeadally and M. Badra, “Techniques, Taxonomy, and Challenges of Privacy
Protection in the Smart Grid”, Chapter 15, Privacy in a Digital, Networked
World, editors S. Zeadally and M. Badra, Springer, London, United Kingdom,
- M. Truta, M.
Tsikerdekis and S. Zeadally, “Privacy in Social Networks”, Chapter
12, Privacy in a Digital, Networked World, editors S. Zeadally and M. Badra,
Springer, London, United Kingdom, 2015.
- H. Al-Assam,
T. Kuseler, S. Jassim and S. Zeadally, “Privacy in Biometric Systems”,
Chapter 11, Privacy in a Digital, Networked World, editors S. Zeadally and
M. Badra, Springer, London, United Kingdom, 2015.
- J. Tellez and
S. Zeadally, “Security in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs)”,
Invited Book Chapter, Chapter 3, Dynamic Ad-Hoc Networks, editors
H. Rashvand and H. Chao, The Institution of Engineering Technology (IET),
London, United Kingdom, 2013.
- F. Siddiqui,
S. Zeadally, F. Shaikh, “Energy Efficient Routing Protocols
in Ad Hoc Networks”, Invited Book Chapter, Chapter 2, Dynamic
Ad-Hoc Networks, editors H. Rashvand and H. Chao, The Institution of Engineering
Technology (IET), London, United Kingdom, 2013.
- J. Guerrero-Ibanez,
C. Flores-Cortes, S. Zeadally, “Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs):
Architecture, Protocols, and Applications”, Chapter 5, Next Generation
Wireless Technologies: 4G and Beyond, editors N. Chilamkurti, S. Zeadally,
H. Chaouchi, Springer, London, United Kingdom, April 2013.
- O. Bello and
S. Zeadally, “Communication Issues in the Internet of Things (IoT)”,
Chapter 10, Next Generation Wireless Technologies: 4G and Beyond, editors
N. Chilamkurti, S. Zeadally, H. Chaouchi, Springer, London, United Kingdom,
May 2013.
- F. Siddiqui,
S. Zeadally, S. Fowler, “Broadband Wireless Technologies”, Chapter
6, Next Generation Wireless Technologies: 4G and Beyond, editors N. Chilamkurti,
S. Zeadally, H. Chaouchi, Springer, London, United Kingdom, May 2013.
- Y. Wu, Q.
Sheng, S. Zeadally, “RFID: Opportunities and Challenges”, Chapter
7, Next Generation Wireless Technologies: 4G and Beyond, editors N. Chilamkurti,
S. Zeadally, H. Chaouchi, Springer, London, United Kingdom, May 2013.
- F. Shaikh,
S. Zeadally, F. Siddiqui, “Energy-Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor
Networks”, Chapter 8, Next Generation Wireless Technologies: 4G and
Beyond, editors N. Chilamkurti, S. Zeadally, H. Chaouchi, Springer, London,
May 2013.
- S. Zeadally,
H. Moustafa, N. Bihannic, F. Siddiqui, “Mobile TV”, Book Chapter,
Media Networks: Architectures, Applications, and Standards, editors H. Moustafa
and S. Zeadally, CRC Press, 2012.
- H. Moustafa,
F. Siddiqui, S. Zeadally, “Digital TV”, Book Chapter, Media Networks:
Architectures, Applications, and Standards, editors H. Moustafa and S. Zeadally,
CRC Press, 2012.
- K. Basu, S.
Zeadally, F. Siddiqui, "Quality of Service in WiMAX", Book Chapter,
Technologies and Protocols for Future Internet Design: Reinventing the Web,
editor D. Vidyarthi, IGI Global, USA, 2011.
- F. Siddiqui,
S. Zeadally, and K. Basu, "Mobile Agent Systems", Book Chapter,
Ubiquitous Multimedia and Mobile Agents: Models and Implementations, editor
S. Bagchi, IGI Global, USA, 2011.
- S. Zeadally,
H. El-Sayed, and F. Siddiqui, “VoIP: Fundamentals and Managerial Issues”,
Book Chapter, Handbook of Technology Management, Vol. III, Chapter 4, editor
H. Bidgoli, John Wiley and Sons, 2009.
- S. Zeadally
and N. Chilamkurti, "Home
Networking: Technologies and Management", Book Chapter, Handbook of Technology
Management, Vol. III, Chapter 3, editor H. Bidgoli, John Wiley and Sons, 2009.
- S. Fowler,
S. Zeadally, and A. Mellouk, "Quality of Service Support for MPLS-based
Wired-Wireless Domains", Book Chapter, End to End Quality of Service
Engineering in Next Generation Heterogeneous Networks, editor A. Mellouk,
Wiley/ISTE Publishing, 2008.
- S. Zeadally,
"Home Networking", Book Chapter, Handbook of Computer Networks, editor
H. Bidgoli, John Wiley & Sons, December 2007.
- S. Zeadally
and F. Siddiqui, "Internetworking of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks",
Book Chapter, Handbook of Computer Networks, editor H. Bidgoli, John Wiley
& Sons, December 2007.
- S. Zeadally
and F. Siddiqui, "Performance of Mobility Protocols", Book Chapter, Encyclopedia
of Internet Technologies and Applications, editors M. Freire and M. Pereira,
Information Science Reference, October 2007.
- S. Zeadally
and F. Siddiqui, "Voice over IP (VoIP)", Book Chapter, Handbook of Computer
Networks, editor H. Bidgoli, John Wiley & Sons, December 2007.
- S. Zeadally
and F. Siddiqui, "Mobility Protocols", Book Chapter, Encyclopedia of Internet
Technologies and Applications, editors M. Freire and M. Pereira, Information
Science Reference, October 2007.
- F. Siddiqui
and S. Zeadally, "Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP)", Book Chapter,
Encyclopedia of Internet Technologies and Applications, editors M. Freire
and M. Pereira, Information Science Reference, October 2007.
- S. Zeadally
and A. Kumar, "Personal Area Networking with Bluetooth", Invited
Book Chapter, Encyclopedia of Radio Frequency and Microwave Engineering
(6-Volume Set), ed. K. Chang, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0-471-27053-9, January
- S. Zeadally,
P. Kubher, N. Ansari, "Home Area Networking", Invited Book Chapter,
Part 2: Infrastructure for the Internet, Computer Networks and Secure Information
Transfer, The Handbook of Information Security, editor H. Bidgoli, John Wiley
& Sons, December 2005.
- S. Zeadally
and A. Kumar, “Personal Area Networking with Bluetooth”, Invited
Book Chapter, Wiley Encyclopedia of Radio Frequency and Microwave Engineering
(6-Volume Set), Vol. 4, editor K. Chang, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
- S. Zeadally,
“Distributed Computing over High Speed Local Area Networks”, Book
Chapter in High Performance Computing Systems and Applications, editor J.
Schaeffer, The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science,
- S. Zeadally,
G. Gheorghiu, A. Levi, “Throughput Optimization for Multimedia Applications
over High Bandwidth Networks”, Invited Book Chapter, Multimedia
Technologies and Applications for the 21st century: Visions of World Experts,
editor B. Furht, The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer
Science, 1997.
International Journals/Magazines
- A. Sood and S. Zeadally,
"Unveiling the Dark Side: Malicious AI Models Undermine Software Supply
Chain Security", Communications of the ACM (CACM), to appear, 2025.
- M. Tsikerdekis,
S. Zeadally, I. Katib, “Defenses against artificial intelligence attacks”,
IEEE Computer, Vol. 57, No. 11, 2024.
- M. Al-Hawawreh,
Z. Baig, S. Zeadally, “Resilient Intrusion Detection Models for Closed
Control-Loop in Cyber-Physical Systems: Combating Adversarial Examples”,
IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, to appear, 2024.
- K. Tseng, W.
Lai, W. Huang, Y. Chang, S. Zeadally, "AI Threats: Adversarial Examples
with a Quantum-Inspired Algorithm", IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine,
to appear, 2024.
- A. Mulahuwaish,
M. Khoury, B. Qolomany, J. Abdo, S. Zeadally, "Does AI Need Guardrails?",
International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications, to appear,
- H. Mekala, Z.
Baig, A. Anwar, N. Syed, S. Zeadally, “Securing Industrial Internet
of Things (IIoT): A Comprehensive Digital Forensic Readiness (DFR) Framework
and Cybersecurity Approach”, IEEE IT Professional, to appear, 2024.
- W. Chien, H.
Cho, S. Zeadally, “Human-Centric GenAI Garment Designer: 3D Fashion
Design Recommendations”, IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, to appear,
- A. Akhunzada,
A. Al-Shamayleh, S. Zeadally, A. Almogren, A. Abu-Shareha, “Design and
Performance of an AI-enabled Threat Intelligence Framework for IoT-enabled
Autonomous Vehicles”, Computers and Electrical Engineering, to appear,
- M. Mehmood,
N. Syed, Z. Baig, S. Zeadally, “The Role of Rule Mining in Generating
Synthetic Cyber-Physical System Attack Samples”, IEEE Internet of Things
Magazine, Vol. 7, No. 6, 2024.
- M. Ashraf, S.
Boudjit, S. Zeadally, N. Bahloul, N. Bashir, "Integrating Unmanned Aerial
Vehicles (UAVs) with Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs): Architectures, Applications,
Opportunities", Computer Networks, Vol. 255, 2024.
- J. Abdo and
S. Zeadally, “Disposable Identities: Solving Web Tracking”, Journal
of Information Security and Applications, Vol. 84, 2024.
- S. Javaid, H.
Fahim, S. Zeadally, B. He, "From Sensing to Energy Savings: A Comprehensive
Survey on Integrating Emerging Technologies for Energy Efficiency in WBANs
", Digital Communications and Networks, to appear, 2024.
- R. Hajlaoui,
T. Moulahi, S. Zidi, S. El Khediri, B. Alaya, S. Zeadally, “Towards
Smarter Cyberthreats Detection Model for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
4.0”, Journal of Industrial Information Integration, Vol. 39, 2024.
- Sooeon Lee,
Seungheyon Lee, H. Kim, S. Zeadally, "Fold on Fold Surveillance and Detection
Against Non-Biased Penetrations in Layered Complex Infrastructures",
IEEE Network Magazine, Vol. 38, No. 6, 2024.
- Naren, M. Peelam,
M. Gera, V. Chamola, S. Zeadally, “A Review on Emergency Vehicle Management
for Intelligent Transportation Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent
Transportation Systems, Vol. 25, No. 11, 2024.
- A. Heidari,
N. Navimipour, S. Zeadally, V. Chamola, “Everything You Wanted to Know
about ChatGPT: Components, Capabilities, Applications, and Opportunities”,
Internet Technology Letters, to appear, 2024.
- S. Sharif, S.
Zeadally, W. Ejaz, “Resource Optimization in UAV-assisted IoT Networks:
The Role of Generative AI”, IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, to appear,
- W. Zhang, S.
Zeadally, K. Bai, H. Zhang, H. Shao, A. Almogren, V. Leung, "Improving
the QoE of Real-time Video Transmission: A Deep Lossy Transmission Paradigm",
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, to appear, 2024.
- R. Arthi, S.
Krishnaveni, S. Zeadally, “An intelligent SDN-IoT enabled intrusion
detection system for healthcare systems using a hybrid deep learning and machine
learning approach”, China Communications, to appear, 2024.
- K. Zhu, Z. Zhang,
S. Zeadally, F. Sun, “Learning to Optimize Workflow Scheduling for an
Edge–Cloud Computing Environment”, IEEE Transactions on Cloud
Computing, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2024.
- M. Al-Hawawreh,
Z. Baig, S. Zeadally, “AI for Critical Infrastructure Security: Concepts,
Challenges, and Future Directions”, IEEE Internet of Things Magazine,
Vol. 7, No. 4, 2024.
- J. Abdo, S.
Zeadally, J. Demerjian, “Compartmentalization-by-design: Usability-aware
web privacy”, IEEE Computer, Vol. 57, No. 7, 2024.
- A. Jha, B. Appasani,
M. Khan, S. Zeadally, I. Katib,"6G for Intelligent Transportation Systems:
Standards, Technologies, and Challenges", Telecommunication Systems Journal,
Vol. 86, 2024.
- N. Mishra, S.
Islam, S. Zeadally, “A Survey on Security and Cryptographic Perspective
of Industrial-Internet-of-Things”, Internet of Things, Vol. 25, 2024.
- I. Din, W. Ali,
A. Almogren, I. Rassan, S. Zeadally,"Using Smart Grid Infrastructure
for Authentication and Data Management in Internet of Medical Things",
Security and Privacy, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2024.
- V. Chamola,
G. Bansal, T. Das, V. Hassija, S. Sai, J. Wang, S. Zeadally, A. Hussain, F.
Yu, M. Guizani, and D. Niyato, "Beyond Reality: The Pivotal Role of Generative
AI in the Metaverse", IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, Vol. 7, No. 4,
- W. Zhang, K.
Bai, S. Zeadally, H. Zhang, H. Shao, H. Ma, V. Leung, “DeepMA: End-to-end
Deep Multiple Access for Wireless Image Transmission in Semantic Communication”,
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, Vol. 10, No.
2, 2024.
- Z. Baig, S.
Mekala, S. Zeadally, "Ransomware Attacks of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Novel
Strains, Victims, and Threat Actors", IEEE IT Professional, Vol. 25,
No. 5, 2023.
- A. Mustapha,
R. Khatoun, S. Zeadally, F. Chbib, A. Fadlallah, W. Fahs, A. Attar, “Detecting
DDoS Attacks Using Adversarial Neural Network”, Computers & Security,
Vol. 127, 2023.
- S. Mekala, Z.
Baig, A. Anwar, S. Zeadally, "Cybersecurity for Industrial IoT (IIoT):
Threats, Countermeasures, Challenges and Future Directions", Computer
Communications, Vol. 208, 2023.
- B. Hammi, S.
Zeadally, J. Nebhen, “Security threats, countermeasures, and challenges
of digital supply chains”, ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 55, No. 14, 2023.
- S. Sharif, S.
Zeadally, W. Ejaz, "Space-Aerial-Ground-Sea Integrated Networks: Resource
Optimization and Challenges in 6G", Journal of Network and Computer Applications,
Vol. 215, 2023.
- B. Hammi, S.
“Software supply
chain security: issues and countermeasures”, IEEE Computer, Vol. 56,
No. 7, 2023.
- S. Javaid, H.
Fahim, S. Zeadally, B. He, “Self-powered Sensors: Applications, Challenges,
and Solutions”, IEEE Sensors, Vol. 23, No. 18, 2023.
- L. Bastos, G.
Pfeiff, R. Oliveira, H. Oliveira, M. Emilia Tostes, S. Zeadally, E. Cerqueira,
D. Rosario, "Data-oriented Ensemble Predictor Based on Time Series Classifiers
for Fraud Detection", Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 223, 2023.
- N. Bashir, S.
Boudjit, G. Dauphin, S. Zeadally, “An Obstacle Avoidance Approach for
UAV Path Planning”, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Vol. 129,
- W. Zhang,
S. Zeadally, W. Li, H. Zhang, J. Hou, V. Leung, "Edge AI as a Service:
Configurable Model Deployment and Delay-energy Optimization with Result Quality
Constraints", IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2023.
- Z. Shah, U.
Javed, M. Naeem, S. Zeadally, W. Ejaz, “Mobile Edge Computing (MEC)-enabled
UAV Placement and Computation Efficiency Maximization in Disaster Scenario”,
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 72, No. 10, 2023.
- A. Ranjha, M.
Javed, M. Piran, M. Asif, M. Hussien, S. Zeadally, J. Frnda, “Toward
facilitating Power Efficient URLLC systems in UAV Networks under Jittering",
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 70, No. 1, 2024.
- A. Perez, S.
Zeadally, D. Tan, “"Detecting Mobile Malware Associated with Global
Pandemics”, IEEE Pervasive Computing, Vol. 22, No. 4, 2023.
- S. Verma, S.
Bhatia, S. Zeadally, S. Kaur, “Fuzzy-Based Techniques for Clustering
in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs): Recent Advances, Challenges, and Future
Directions”, International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 36,
No. 16, 2023.
- M. Tsikerdekis
and S. Zeadally, "Misinformation detection using deep learning",
IEEE IT Professional, Vol. 25, No. 5, 2023.
- A. Perez, F.
Siddiqui, S. Zeadally, D. Lane, "A Review of IoT Systems to Enable Independence
for the Elderly and Disabled Individuals", Internet of Things, Vol. 21,
- W. Khan, M.
Javed, S. Zeadally, E. Lagunas, S. Chatzinotas, "Intelligent and Secure
Radio Environments for 6G Vehicular Aided HetNets: Key Opportunities and Challenges",
IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2023.
- V. Kohli, S.
Chakravarty, V. Chamola, K. Sangwan, S. Zeadally, "An analysis of energy
consumption and carbon footprints of cryptocurrencies and possible solutions",
Digital Communications and Networks, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2023.
- A. Aslam, R.
Chaudhary, A. Bhardwaj, I. Budhiraja, N. Kumar, S. Zeadally, “Metaverse
for 6G and beyond: The Next Revolution and Deployment Challenges”, IEEE
Internet of Things Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2023.
- B. Hammi, S.
Zeadally, A. Perez, “Non Fungible Tokens: A review”, IEEE Internet
of Things Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2023.
- A. Akhunzada,
S. Zeadally, S. Islam, "Toward Performance and Energy-efficient Edge-of-Things",
IEEE IT Professional, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2023.
- W. Zhang, S.
Zeadally, H. Zhou, H. Zhang, N. Wang, V. Leung, "Joint Service Quality
Control and Resource Allocation for Service Reliability Maximization in Edge
Computing”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 71, No. 2, 2023.
- M. Khan, A.
Akhunzada, S. Zeadally, "Proactive Defense for Fog-to-Things Critical
Infrastructure", IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 60, No. 12, 2022.
- F. Sun, Z. Zhang,
S. Zeadally, G. Han, S. Tong, "Edge Computing-Enabled Internet of Vehicles:
Towards Federated Learning Empowered Scheduling", IEEE Transactions on
Vehicular Technology, Vol. 71, No. 9, 2022.
- E. Adi, Z. Baig,
S. Zeadally, "Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity: Offense Tactics,
Mitigation Techniques and Future Directions", Applied Cybersecurity &
Internet Governance, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2022.
- A. Yahaya, N.
Javaid, S. Zeadally, H. Farooq, "Blockchain based optimized data storage
with secure communication for Internet of Vehicles considering active, passive,
and double spending attacks", Vehicular Communications, Vol. 37, 2022.
- F. Chbib, S.
Zeadally, R. Khatoun, L. Khoukhi, W. Fahs, J. Haydar, "A secure cross-layer
architecture for reactive routing in vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communications",
Vehicular Communications, Vol. 38, 2022.
- F. Jameel, M.
Javed, S. Zeadally, R. Jantti, "Secure Transmission in Cellular V2X Communications
Using Deep Q-Learning", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation
Systems, Vol. 23, No. 10, 2022.
- B. Hammi, S.
Zeadally, R. Khatoun, J. Nebhen, "Survey on smart homes: Vulnerabilities,
risks, and countermeasures", Computers & Security, Vol. 117, 2022.
- B. Hammi, Y.
Idir, S. Zeadally, R. Khatoun, J. Nebhen, "Is it Really Easy to Detect
Sybil Attacks in C-ITS Environments: A Position Paper", IEEE Transactions
on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 23, No. 10, 2022.
- J. Zou, D. He,
S. Zeadally, N. Kumar, H. Wang, K. Choo, “Integrated Blockchain and
Cloud Computing Systems: A Systematic Survey, Solutions, and Challenges”,
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 54, No. 8, 2022.
- B. Hammi, S.
Zeadally, Y. Adja, M. Giudice, J. Nebhen, “Blockchain Based Solution
for Detecting and Preventing Fake Check Scams”, IEEE Transactions on
Engineering Management, Vol. 69, No. 6, 2022.
- B. Chen, L.
Wu, S. Zeadally, D. He, "Dual-Server Public-Key Authenticated Encryption
With Keyword Search", IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, Vol. 10,
No.1, 2022.
- N. Bashir, S.
Boudjit, S. Zeadally, "A closed-loop control architecture of UAV and
WSN for traffic surveillance on highways", Computer Communications, Vol.
190, 2022.
- J. Huang, Q.
Duan, C. Xing, B. Gu, G. Wang, S. Zeadally, E. Baker, "A Fine-Grained
Video Traffic Control Mechanism in Software-Defined Networks", IEEE Transactions
on Network and Service Management, Vol. 19, No. 3, 2022.
- F. Shaikh, S
Karim, S. Zeadally, J. Nebhen, "Recent Trends in Internet of Things enabled
Sensor Technologies for Smart Agriculture", IEEE Internet of Things Journal,
Vol. 9, No. 23, 2022.
- O. Bello and
S. Zeadally, "Internet of underwater things communication: Architecture,
technologies, research challenges and future opportunities", Ad Hoc Networks,
Vol. 135, 2022.
- A. Thaljaoui,
S. Khediri, S. Zeadally, A. Alourani, "Remote monitoring system using
Light Fidelity and InfraRed technologies", Computers and Electrical Engineering,
Vol. 101, 2022.
- T. Nguyen, S.
Zeadally, A. Vuduthala, "Cyber-Physical Cloud Manufacturing Systems With
Digital Twins", IEEE Internet Computing, Vol. 26, No. 3, 2022.
- S. Javed, S.
Zeadally, H. Fahim, B. He, "Medical sensors and their integration in
Wireless Body Area Networks for Pervasive Healthcare Delivery: A Review",
IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 22, No. 5, 2022.
- U. Malik, M.
Javed, S. Zeadally, S. Islam, "Energy efficient fog computing for 6G
enabled massive IoT: Recent trends and future opportunities", IEEE Internet
of Things Journal, Vol. 9, No. 16, 2022.
- A. Mchergui,
T. Moulahi, S. Zeadally, “Survey on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Techniques
for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs)”, Vehicular Communications, Vol.
34, 2022.
- S. Verma, S.
Zeadally, S. Kaur, A. Sharma, "Intelligent and Secure Clustering in Wireless
Sensor Network (WSN)-based Intelligent Transportation Systems", IEEE
Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 23, No. 8, 2022.
- R. Lopes, D.
Rosario, E. Cerqueira, H. Oliveira, S. Zeadally, "Priority-aware traffic
routing and resource allocation mechanism for space-division multiplexing
elastic optical networks", Computer networks, Vol. 218, 2022.
- T. Nguyen and
S. Zeadally, "Mobile Crowd-Sensing Applications: Data Redundancies, Challenges,
and Solutions", ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Vol. 22, No.
2, 2022.
- O. Zytoune,
H. Fouchal, S. Zeadally, “A Realistic Relay Selection Scheme for Cooperative
MIMO Networks”, Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 124, 2022.
- J. Moraes, H.
Oliveira, E. Cerqueira, C. Both, S. Zeadally, D. Rosario, “Evaluation
of an Adaptive Resource Allocation for LoRaWAN”, Journal of Signal Processing
Systems, Vol. 94, 2022.
- A. Perez and
S. Zeadally, “Secure and Privacy-Preserving Crowdsensing using Smart
Contracts: Issues and Solutions”, Computer Science Review, Vol. 43,
- J. Abdo and
S. Zeadally, "Multi-Utility Framework: Blockchain Exchange Platform for
Sustainable Development", International Journal of Pervasive Computing
and Communications, Vol. 18. No. 4, 2022.
- M. Shore, S.
Zeadally, A. Keshariya, "Zero Trust: The What, How, Why and When",
IEEE Computer, Vol. 54, No. 11, 2021.
- M. Chernyshev,
Z. Baig, S. Zeadally, "Cloud Native Application Security: Risks, Opportunities
and Challenges in Securing the Evolving Attack Surface", IEEE Computer,
Vol. 54, No. 11, 2021.
- R. Hussain,
J. Lee, S. Zeadally, "Trust in VANET: A Survey of Current Solutions and
Future Research Opportunities", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation
Systems, Vol. 22. No. 5, 2021.
- C. Lin, D. He,
S. Zeadally, X. Huang, Z. Liu, "Blockchain-based Data Sharing System
for Sensing-as-A-Service in Smart Cities", ACM Transactions on Internet
Technology (TOIT), Vol. 21, No. 2, 2021.
- K. Kaur, G.
Kaddoum, and S. Zeadally, “Blockchain-based Cyber-Physical Security
for Electrical Vehicle aided Smart Grid Ecosystem”, IEEE Transactions
on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 22, No. 8, 2021.
- Q. Hu, M. Asghar,
S. Zeadally, "Blockchain-based Public Ecosystem for Auditing Security
of Software Applications", Computing, Vol. 103, 2021.
- Y. Adja, B.
Hammi, A. Serhrouchni, S. Zeadally, "A Blockchain-based Certificate Revocation
Management and Status Verification System", Computers & Security,
Vol. 104, 2021.
- R. Gupta, M.
Patel, S. Tanwar, N. Kumar, S. Zeadally, "Blockchain-based Data Dissemination
Scheme for 5G-enabled Softwarized UAV Networks", IEEE Transactions on
Green Communications and Networking, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2021.
- S. Islam, N.
Mishra, S. Biswas, B. Keswani, S. Zeadally, “An efficient and forward-secure
lattice-based searchable encryption scheme for the big-data era”, Computers
and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 96, Part A, 2021.
- R. Hussain,
F. Hussain, S. Zeadally, J. Lee, “On the Adequacy of 5G Security for
Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks”, IEEE Communications Standards Magazine,
Vol. 5, No. 1, 2021.
- R. Gupta, P.
Bhattacharya, S. Tanwar, N. Kumar, S. Zeadally, “GaRuDa: A Blockchain-based
Delivery Scheme Using Drones for Healthcare 5.0 Applications”, IEEE
Internet of Things Magazine, Vol. 4, No. 4, 2021.
- S. Goudarzi,
M. Anisi, S. Soleymani, M. Ayob, S. Zeadally, “An IoT-based Prediction
Technique for Efficient Energy Consumption in Buildings”, IEEE Transactions
on Green Communications and Networking, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2021.
- L. Ismail and
S. Zeadally, “Healthcare Insurance Frauds: Taxonomy and Blockchain-based
Detection Framework (Block-HI)”, IEEE IT Professional, Vol. 23, No.
4, 2021.
- V. Hassija,
S. Zeadally, I. Jain, A. Tahiliani, V. Chamola, S. Gupta, “Framework
for Determining the Suitability of Blockchain: Criteria and Issues to Consider",
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Vol. 32, No. 10,
- F. Jameel, M.
Javed, S. Zeadally, R. Jantti, "Efficient Mining Cluster Selection for
Blockchain-based Cellular V2X Communications", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent
Transportation Systems, Vol. 22, No. 7, 2021.
- H. El-Sayed,
S. Zeadally, M. Khan, H. Alexander, “Edge-Centric Trust Management in
Vehicular Networks”, Microprocessors and Microsystems, Vol. 84, 2021.
- E. Lima, J.
Moraes, H. Oliveira, E. Cerqueira, S. Zeadally, D. Rosario, “Adaptive
Priority-Aware LoRaWAN Resource Allocation for Internet of Things Applications”,
Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 122, 2021.
- A. Perez and
S. Zeadally, “Recent Advances in Wearable Sensing Technologies”,
Sensors, Vol. 21, No. 20, 2021.
- A. Akhunzada,
S. Zeadally, A. Islam, “Power and Performance Efficient SDN-Enabled
Fog Architecture”, IEEE IT Professional, Vol. 23, No. 6, 2021.
- M. Javed and
S. Zeadally, "AI empowered content caching in vehicular edge computing:
opportunities and challenges", IEEE Network Magazine, Vol. 35, No. 3,
- F. Shaikh, M.
Memon, N. Mahoto, S. Zeadally, J. Nebhen, “Artificial Intelligence Best
Practices in Smart Agriculture”, IEEE Micro, Vol. 42, No. 1, 2021.
- J. Wang, L.
Wu, S. Zeadally, M. Khan, D. He, “Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
Against Malicious Data Mining Attack for IoT-enabled Smart Grid”, ACM
Transactions on Sensor Networks, Vol. 17, No. 3, 2021.
- S. Zeadally,
A. Das, N. Sklavos, "Cryptographic Technologies and Protocol Standards
for Internet of Things", Internet of Things, Vol. 14, 2021.
- M. Aazam, S.
Zeadally, E. Flushing, "Task Offloading in Edge Computing for Machine
Learning-based Smart Healthcare", Computer Networks, Vol. 191, 2021.
- S. Javaid, Z.
Wu, Z. Hamid, S. Zeadally, H. Fahim, “Temperature-Aware Routing Scheme
for Intrabody Nanonetworks”, Journal of Network and Computer Applications,
Vol. 183-184, 2021.
- F. Silva, E.
Neto, H. Oliveira, D. Rosario, E. Cerqueira, C. Both, S. Zeadally, A. Neto,
"A Survey on Long-Range Wide-Area Network Technology Optimizations",
Vol. 9, IEEE Access, 2021.
- S. Zeadally
and O. Bello, "Harnessing the Power of Internet of Things based Connectivity
to Improve Healthcare", Internet of Things, Vol. 14, 2021.
- F. Wei, S. Zeadally,
P. Vijayakumar, N. Kumar, D. He, "An Intelligent Terminal Based Privacy-Preserving
Multi-Modal Implicit Authentication Protocol for Internet of Connected Vehicles",
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 22, No. 7, 2021.
- J. Guerrero-Ibanez,
J. Contreras-Castillo, S. Zeadally, “Deep Learning Support for Intelligent
Transportation Systems”, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications
Technologies, Vol. 32, No. 3, 2021.
- F. Siddiqui,
J. Beley, S. Zeadally, G. Braught, "Secure and Lightweight Communication
in Heterogeneous IoT Environments", Internet of Things, Vol. 14, 2021.
- M. Carter, M.
Tsikerdekis, S. Zeadally, "Approaches for Fake Content Detection: Strengths
and Weaknesses to Adversarial Attacks", IEEE Internet Computing, Vol.
25, No. 2, 2021.
- S. Mukhopadhyay,
S. Tyagi, N. Suryadevara, V. Piuri, F. Scotti, S. Zeadally, "Artificial
Intelligence-based Sensors for Next Generation IoT Applications: A Review",
IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 21, No. 22, 2021.
- W. Ejaz, M.
Naeem, S. Zeadally, "On-demand Sensing and Wireless Power Transfer for
Self-sustainable Industrial IoT Networks", IEEE Transactions on Industrial
Informatics, Vol. 17, No. 10, 2021.
- T. Sanislav,
G. Mois, S. Zeadally, S. Folea, "Energy Harvesting Techniques for Internet
of Things (IoT)", IEEE Access, Vol. 9, 2021.
- N. Mishra, S.
Islam, S. Zeadally, "A Comprehensive Review on Collision-resistant Hash
Functions on Lattices", Journal of Information Security and Applications,
Vol. 58, 2021.
- J. Abdo and
S. Zeadally, “Neural Network-Based Blockchain Decision Scheme”,
Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective, Vol. 30, No. 3, 2021.
- I. Ullah, S.
Zeadally, N. Amin, M. Khan, H. Khattak, “Lightweight and Provable Secure
Cross-Domain Access Control Scheme for Internet of Things (IoT) based Wireless
Body Area Networks (WBAN)”, Microprocessors and Microsystems, Vol. 81,
- V. Hassija,
V. Chamola, B, Bajpai, Naren, S. Zeadally, "Security Issues in Implanted
Medical Devices: Fact or Fiction ?", Sustainable Cities and Society,
Vol. 66, 2021.
- B. Feroz, A.
Mehmood, H. Maryam, S. Zeadally, C. Maple, M. Shah, "Vehicle-Life Interaction
in Fog-Enabled Smart Connected and Autonomous Vehicles", IEEE Access,
Vol. 9, 2021.
- T. Alladi, V.
Chamola, S. Zeadally, "Industrial Control Systems: Cyberattack Trends
and Countermeasures", Computer Communications, Vol. 155, 2020.
- V. Hassija,
V. Chamola, S. Zeadally, "BitFund: A Blockchain-based Crowd Funding Platform
for Future Smart and Connected Nation", Vol. 60, Sustainable Cities and
Society, 2020.
- E. Adi, A. Anwar,
Z. Baig, S. Zeadally, “Machine Learning and Data Analytics for the IoT”,
Neural Computing and Applications, Vol. 32, 2020.
- A. Paranjothi,
M. Khan, S. Zeadally, "A Survey on Congestion Detection and Congestion
Control in Connected Vehicles", Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 108, 2020.
- M. Ismailov,
M. Tsikerdekis, S. Zeadally, "Vulnerabilities to Online Social Network
Identity Deception Detection Research and Recommendations for Mitigation",
Future Internet, Vol. 12, No. 9, 2020.
- A. Shamsoshoara,
A. Korenda, F. Afghah, S. Zeadally, "A Survey on Physical Unclonable
Function (PUF)-based Security Solutions for Internet of Things", Computer
Networks, Vol. 183, 2020.
- S. Shafeeq,
S. Zeadally, M. Alam, A. Khan, "Curbing Address Reuse in the IOTA Distributed
Ledger: A Cuckoo-Filter-Based Approach", IEEE Transactions on Engineering
Management, Vol. 67, No. 4, 2020.
- A. Akhunzada,
S. Islam, S. Zeadally, "Securing Cyberspace of Future Smart Cities with
5G technologies", IEEE Network magazine, Vol. 34, No. 4, 2020.
- H. Lin, S. Zeadally,
Z. Chen, H. Labiod, L. Wang, “A Survey on Computation Offloading Modeling
for Edge Computing”, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol.
169, 2020.
- K. Ghafoor,
L. Kong, S. Zeadally, A. Sadiq, G. Epiphaniou, M. Hammoudeh, A. Bashir, S.
Mumtaz, "Millimeter-Wave Communication for Internet of Vehicles: Status,
Challenges and Perspectives", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 7,
No. 9, 2020.
- B. Hammi, A.
Fayad, R. Khatoun, S. Zeadally, Y. Begriche, "A lightweight ECC-based
authentication scheme for Internet of Things (IoT)", IEEE Systems Journal,
Vol. 14, No. 3, 2020.
- S. Zeadally,
F. Siddiqui, Z. Baig, A. Ibrahim, "Smart Healthcare: Challenges and Potential
Solutions using Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data Analytics", PSU
Research Review, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2020.
- S. Tanwar, S.
Kaneriya, M. Kumar, S. Zeadally, "ElectroBlocks: A Blockchain-based Energy
Trading Scheme for Smart Grid Systems", International Journal of Communication
Systems, Vol. 33, No. 15, 2020.
- D. Manivannan,
S. Moni, S. Zeadally, "Secure Authentication and Privacy-Preserving Techniques
in Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs)", Vehicular Communications, Vol.
25, 2020.
- S. Islam and
S. Zeadally, "Provably Secure Identity-based Two-Party Authenticated
Key Agreement Protocol based on CBi-ISIS and Bi-ISIS Problems on Lattices",
Journal of Information Security and Applications, Vol. 54, 2020.
- W. Zhang, Z.
Zhang, S. Zeadally, H. Chao, V. Leung, “Energy-efficient Workload Allocation
and Computation Resource Configuration in Distributed Cloud/Edge Computing
Systems With Stochastic Workloads”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in
Communications, Vol. 38, No. 6, 2020.
- S. Zeadally,
M. Javed, E. Hamida, "Vehicular Communications for ITS: Standardization
and Challenges", IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, Vol. 4, No.
1, 2020.
- S. Zeadally,
F. Shaikh, A. Talpur, Q. Sheng, "Design Architectures for Energy Harvesting
in the Internet of Things", Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews,
Vol. 128, 2020.
- B. Hammi, S.
Zeadally, H. Labiod, R. Khatoun, Y. Begriche, L. Khoukhi, "A Secure Multipath
Reactive Protocol for Routing in IoT and HANETs", Vol. 103, Ad Hoc Networks,
- G. Razis, I.
Anagnostopoulos, S. Zeadally, "Modeling Influence With Semantics in Social
Networks: a Survey", ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 53, No. 1, 2020.
- M. Tsikerdekis
and S. Zeadally, "Detecting Online Content Deception", IEEE IT Professional,
Vol. 22, No. 2, 2020.
- A. Perez, S.
Zeadally, S. Griffith, L. Garcia, J. Mouloud, "A User Study of a Wearable
System to Enhance Bystanders’ Facial Privacy", IoT, Vol. 1, No.
2, 2020. Highlighted article, January 2021.
- Q. Feng, D.
He, S. Zeadally, K. Liang, "BPAS: Blockchain-Assisted Privacy-Preserving
Authentication System for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks", IEEE Transactions
on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 16, No. 6, 2020.
- S. Zeadally,
E. Adi, Z. Baig, I. Khan, "Harnessing Artificial Intelligence Capabilities
to Improve Cybersecurity", Invited Paper, IEEE Access,
Vol. 8, 2020. Selected as “Article
of the Week” by IEEE Access, June 2020.
- U. Sarfraz,
S. Zeadally, M. Alam, "Outsourcing IOTA Proof-of-Work to Volunteer Public
Devices", Security and Privacy, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2020.
- S. Zeadally,
J. Guerrero, J. Contreras-Castillo, "A Tutorial Survey on Vehicle-to-Vehicle
Communications", Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 73, No. 3, 2020.
- C. Lin, D. He,
S. Zeadally, N. Kumar, K. Choo, "SecBCS: A Secure and Privacy-preserving
Blockchain-based Crowdsourcing System", SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences,
Vol. 63, 2020.
- M. Aazam, S.
Zeadally, K. Harras, "Health Fog for Smart Healthcare", IEEE Consumer
Electronics Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2020.
- H. El-Sayed,
S. Zeadally, D. Puthal, "Design and Evaluation of a Novel Hierarchical
Trust Assessment Approach for Vehicular Networks", Vehicular Communications,
Vol. 24, 2020.
- A. Miglani,
N. Kumar, V. Chamola, S. Zeadally, "Blockchain for Internet of Energy
Management: Review, Solutions and Challenges", Computer Communications,
Vol. 151, 2020.
- S. Zeadally
and M. Tsikerdekis, "Securing Internet of Things (IoT) with Machine Learning",
International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 33, No. 1, 2020.
- T. Sanislav,
S. Zeadally, G. Mois, H. Fouchal, "Reliability, Failure Detection and
Prevention in Cyber-Physical Systems
(CPSs) with Agents", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience,
Vol. 31, No. 24, 2019.
- Z. Zhang, Y.
Wang, S. Zeadally, W. Zhang, F. Sun, "Performance Optimization through
Multi-Agent Sensing Framework based on Interference for Cognitive Radio",
Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 20, No. 5, 2019.
- A. Paranjothi,
M. Khan, S. Zeadally. A. Pawar, D. Hicks, "GSTR: Secure Multi-hop Message
Dissemination in Connected Vehicles using Social Trust Model", Internet
of Things, Vol. 7, 2019.
- Q. Feng, D.
He, S. Zeadally, N. Kumar, K. Liang, "Ideal Lattice-based Anonymous Authentication
Protocol for Mobile Devices", IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2019.
- S. Islam, Z.
Baig, S. Zeadally, "Physical Layer Security for the Smart Grid: Vulnerabilities,
Threats and Countermeasures", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,
Vol. 15, No. 12, 2019.
- S. Zeadally
and J. Abdo, "Blockchain: Trends and Future Opportunities", Internet
Technology Letters, Vol. 2, No. 6, 2019.
- C. Peng, J.
Chen, S. Zeadally, D. He, "Isogeny-Based Cryptography: A Promising Post-Quantum
Technique", IEEE IT Professional, Vol. 21, No. 6, 2019.
- S. Zeadally,
T. Sanislav, G. Mois, "Self-adaptation Techniques in Cyber-Physical Systems
(CPSs), IEEE Access, Vol. 7, 2019.
- J. Contreras-Castillo,
S. Zeadally, J. Guerrero, "Autonomous cars: challenges and opportunities",
IEEE IT Professional, Vol. 21, No. 6, 2019.
- L. Ismail, H.
Materwala, S. Zeadally, "Lightweight Blockchain for Healthcare",
IEEE Access, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2019.
- M. Asghar, Q.
Hu, S. Zeadally, "Cybersecurity in Industrial Control Systems: Issues,
Technologies, and Challenges", Computer Networks, Vol. 165, 2019.
- L. Wu, J. Wang,
S. Zeadally, D. He, "Anonymous and Efficient Message Authentication Scheme
for Smart Grid", Vol. 2019, Security and Communication Networks, 2019.
- R. Chaudhary,
G. Aujla, N. Kumar, S. Zeadally, "Lattice based Public Key Cryptosystem
for Internet of Things Environment: Challenges and Solutions", Vol. 6,
No. 3, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019.
- R. Hussain,
F. Hussain, S. Zeadally, "Integration of VANET and 5G Security: A review
of design and implementation issues", Vol. 101, Future Generation Computer
Systems, 2019.
- H. El-Sayed,
M. Chaqfa, S. Zeadally, D. Putkal, "A Traffic-Aware Approach for Enabling
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in Smart City Scenarios", Vol. 7, IEEE
Access, 2019.
- W. Zhang, Z.
Zhang, S. Zeadally, H. Chao, V. Leung, "MASM: A Multiple-algorithm Service
Model for Energy-delay Optimization in Edge Artificial Intelligence",
Vol. 15, No. 7, Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2019.
- M. Shore, S.
Zeadally, A. Clark, "Sanctus: An Architecture for Trusted Products",
Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2019.
- R. Hussain and
S. Zeadally, "Autonomous Cars: Research Results, Issues and Future Challenges",
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, Vol. 21, No.2, 2019.
- S. Zeadally,
F. Siddiqui, Z. Baig, "25 years of Bluetooth Technology", Invited
paper for 10th Anniversary Feature Papers, Future Internet, Vol.
11, No. 9, 2019.
- A. Perez and
S. Zeadally, "A Communication Architecture for Crowd Management in Emergency
and Disruptive Scenarios", IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 57, No.
4, 2019.
- M. Aazam, K.
Harras, S. Zeadally, "Fog Computing for 5G Tactile Industrial Internet
of Things: QoE-Aware Resource Allocation Model", IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Informatics, Vol. 15, No. 5, 2019.
- S. Goudarzi,
N. Kama, M. Anisi, S. Zeadally, S. Mumtaz, "UAV-assisted Data Collection
on a Smooth Path for Internet of Things Platforms", Computers and Electrical
Engineering, Vol. 75, 2019.
- B. Hammi, S.
Zeadally, R. Khatoun, "An Empirical Investigation of Botnet as a Service
for Cyberattacks", Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies,
Vol. 30, No. 3, 2019.
- Z. Yan, H. Li,
S. Zeadally, Y. Zeng, G. Geng, "Is DNS Ready for Ubiquitous Internet
of Things?", IEEE Access, Vol. 7, 2019.
- F. Diez, D.
Touceda, J. Camara, S. Zeadally, "Lightweight Access Control System for
Wearable Devices", IEEE IT Professional, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2019.
- M. Wazid, S.
Zeadally, A. Das, “Mobile Banking: Evolution and Threats”, IEEE
Consumer Electronics Magazine, Vol. 8. No. 2, 2019.
- U. Sarfraz,
M. Alam, S. Zeadally, A. Khan, "Privacy aware IOTA ledger: Decentralized
mixing and unlinkable IOTA transactions", Computer Networks, Vol. 148,
- Q. Feng, D.
He, S. Zeadally, M. Khan, N. Kumar, "A Survey on Privacy Protection in
Blockchain System", Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol.
126, 2019. 2020 Best Survey Paper Award.
- M. Javed, S.
Zeadally, E. Hamida, "Data Analytics for Cooperative Intelligent Transport
Systems", Vehicular Communications, Vol. 15, 2019.
- O. Bello and
S. Zeadally, "Toward Efficient Smartification of the Internet of Things
(IoT) Services", Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 92, 2019.
- W. Zhang, Z.
Zhang, S. Zeadally, H. Chao, "Efficient Task Scheduling with Stochastic
Delay Cost in Mobile Edge Computing", Vol. 23, No. 1, IEEE Communications
Letters, 2019.
- M. Chernyshev,
S. Zeadally, Z. Baig, "Healthcare Data Breaches: Implications for Digital
Forensic Readiness", Journal of Medical Systems, Vol. 43, No. 1, 2019.
- Z. Baig and
S. Zeadally, "Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Framework for Critical Infrastructures",
Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing - An International Journal, Vol.
25, No. 1, 2019.
- Y. Zhang, D.
He, S. Zeadally, D. Wang, K. Choo, "Efficient and Provably Secure Distributed
Signing Protocol for Mobile Devices in Wireless Networks", IEEE Internet
of Things Journal, Vol. 5, No. 6, December 2018.
- R. Hussain,
J. Lee, S. Zeadally, "Autonomous Cars: Social and Economic Implications",
IEEE IT Professional, Vol. 20, No. 6, 2018.
- M. Zaeri-Amirani,
F. Afghah, S. Zeadally, "A Hierarchical Spectrum Access Scheme for TV
White Space Coexistence in Heterogeneous Networks", IEEE Access, Vol.
6, No. 1, 2018.
- A. Perez, S.
Zeadally, L. Garcia, J. Mouloud, S. Griffith, "FacePET: Enhancing Bystanders’
Facial Privacy with Smart Wearables/Internet of Things", Electronics,
Vol. 7, No. 12, 2018.
- L. Wu, J. Wang,
S. Zeadally, D. He, "Privacy-preserving auditing scheme for shared data
in public clouds", Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 74, No. 11, 2018.
- J. Contreras-Castillo,
S. Zeadally, J. Guerrero, "Internet of Vehicles: Architecture, Protocols,
and Security", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 5, No. 5, 2018.
- M. Javed and
S. Zeadally, "RepGuide: Reputation-based Route Guidance using Internet
of Vehicles", IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 4,
- V. Odelu, S.
Zeadally, A. Das, M. Wazid, D. He, "A Secure Enhanced Privacy-Preserving
Key Agreement Protocol for Wireless Mobile Networks", Telecommunication
Systems, Vol. 69, No. 4, 2018.
- A. Perez, S.
Zeadally, J. Cochran, "A review and an empirical analysis of privacy
policy and notices for consumer Internet of Things (IoT)", Vol. 1, No.
3, Security and Privacy, 2018.
- S. Winkler,
S. Zeadally, K. Evans, "Privacy and civilian drone use: the need for
further regulation", IEEE Security & Privacy, Vol. 16, No. 5, 2018.
[Republished in IEEE Computing Edge, Vol. 5, No. 12,
December 2019]
- F. Jameel, Z.
Hamid, F. Jabeen, S. Zeadally, M. Javed, "A Survey of Device-to-Device
Communications: Research Issues and Challenges", IEEE Communications
Surveys and Tutorials, Vol. 20, No. 3, 2018.
- T. Sanislav,
S. Zeadally, G. Mois, S. Folea, "Wireless Energy Harvesting: Empirical
Results and Practical Considerations for Internet of Things", Journal
of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 121, 2018.
- D. He, M. Ma,
S. Zeadally, N. Kumar, K. Liang, "Certificateless Public Key Authenticated
Encryption with Keyword Search for Industrial Internet of Things", IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 14, No. 8, 2018.
- K. Kalkan and
S. Zeadally, "Securing Internet of Things (IoT) with Software Defined
Networking", IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 56, No. 9, 2018.
- A. Das, S. Zeadally,
D. He, "Taxonomy and Analysis of Security Protocols for Internet of Things",
Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 89, 2018.
- L. Wu, B. Chen,
S. Zeadally, D. He, "An efficient and secure searchable public key encryption
scheme with privacy protection for cloud storage", Vol. 22, No. 23, Soft
Computing, 2018.
- F. Jameel, S.
Wyne, M. Javed, S. Zeadally, "Interference-aided Vehicular Networks:
Future Research Opportunities and Challenges", IEEE Communications Magazine,
Vol. 56, No. 10, 2018.
- Y. Yang, D.
He, N. Kumar, S. Zeadally, "Compact Hardware Implementation of a SHA-3
Core for Wireless Body Sensor Networks", IEEE Access, Vol. 6, No. 1,
- A. Perez and
S. Zeadally, "Privacy Issues and Solutions for Consumer Wearables",
IEEE IT Professional, Vol. 20, No. 4, 2018. Highlighted
article by IEEE IT Professional for July/August 2018 issue. Also
received the Certificate of Appreciation, IEEE IT Professional magazine, Most
Popular Paper, Fall 2019.
- M. Chernyshev,
Z. Baig, O. Bello, S. Zeadally, "Internet of Things (IoT): Research,
Simulators, and Testbeds", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 5, No.
3, 2018.
- M. Aazam, S.
Zeadally, K. Harras, "Deploying Fog Computing in Industrial Internet
of Things and Industry 4.0", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,
Vol. 14, No. 10, 2018.
- M. Aazam, S.
Zeadally, K. Harras, "Offloading in Fog Computing for IoT: Review, Enabling
Technologies, and Research Opportunities", Future Generation Computer
Systems, Vol. 87, 2018.
- N. Nguyen, M.
Leu, S. Zeadally, B. Liu, S. Chu, "Optimal Solution for Data Collision
Avoidance in Radio Frequency Identification Networks", Internet Technology
Letters, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2018.
- G. Mois, T.
Sanislav, S. Folea, S. Zeadally, "Performance Evaluation of Energy-Autonomous
Sensors using Power-Harvesting Beacons for Environmental Monitoring in Internet
of Things (IoT)", Sensors, Vol. 18. No. 6, 2018.
- M. Aazam, S.
Zeadally, K. Harras, "Fog Computing – Architecture, Evaluation,
and Future Research Directions", IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 56,
No. 5, 2018.
- M. Chernyshev,
S. Zeadally, Z. Baig, A. Woodward, "Internet of Things (IoT) Forensics:
The Need, Process Models and Open Issues", IEEE IT Professional, Vol.
20, No. 3, 2018.
- J. Contreras-Castillo,
S. Zeadally, J. Guerrero, "Sensor Technologies for Intelligent Transportation",
Invited Paper, Sensors, Vol. 18, No. 4, 2018.
- T. Noor, S.
Zeadally, A. Alfazi, Q. Sheng, "Mobile Cloud Computing: Challenges and
Future Research Directions", Journal of Network and Computer Applications,
Vol. 115, 2018.
- A. Perez, S.
Zeadally, N. Jabeur, "Security and Privacy in Ubiquitous Sensor Networks",
Journal of Information Processing Systems, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2018. Outstanding
Survey Paper Award, 2017.
- Q. Feng, D.
He, S. Zeadally, H. Wang, "Anonymous Biometrics-based Authentication
Scheme with Key Distribution for Mobile Multi-server Environment", Future
Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 84, 2018.
- N. Hampton,
Z. Baig, S. Zeadally, "Ransomware Behavioral Analysis on Windows Platforms",
Journal of Information Security and Applications, Vol. 40, 2018.
- S. Shah, E.
Ahmed, M. Imran, S. Zeadally, “5G for Vehicular Communications”,
IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 56, No. 1, 2018.
- M. Javed, S.
Zeadally, Z. Hamid, "Trust-based Security Adaptation Mechanism for Vehicular
Sensor Networks", Computer Networks, Vol. 137, 2018.
- F. Afghah, B.
Cambou, M. Abedini, S. Zeadally, "A ReRAM Physically Unclonable Function
(ReRAM PUF)-based Approach to Enhance Authentication Security in Software
Defined Wireless Networks", International Journal of Wireless Information
Networks, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2018.
- D. He, S. Zeadally,
L. Wu, "Certificateless Public Auditing Scheme for Cloud-assisted Wireless
Body Area Networks", IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2018. 2019
IEEE Systems Journal Best Paper Award.
- D. He, N. Kumar,
S. Zeadally, H. Wang, "Certificateless Provable Data Possession Scheme
for Cloud-Based Smart Grid Data Management Systems", IEEE Transactions
on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 14, No. 3, 2018.
- A. Perez and
S. Zeadally, "Design and Evaluation of a Privacy Architecture for Crowdsensing
Applications", ACM Applied Computing Review, Vol. 18, No. 1, 2018.
- N. Jabeur, A.
Nait-Sidi-Moh, S. Zeadally, "Crowd Social Media Computing: Applying Crowd
Computing Techniques to Social Media", Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 66,
- S. Bitam, S.
Zeadally, A. Mellouk, "Fog Computing Job Scheduling Optimization based
on Bees Swarm", Enterprise Information Systems, Vol. 12, No. 4, 2018.
- B. Hammi, R.
Khatoun, S. Zeadally, A. Fayad, L. Khoukhi, "Internet of Things (IoT)
Technologies for Smart Cities", IET Networks, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2018. [This
paper received the prestigious 2019 IET
(formerly IEE) Networks Premium Award].
- V. Kolias, I.
Anagnostopoulos, S. Zeadally, "Structural Analysis and Classification
of Search Interfaces for the Deep Web", Computer Journal, Vol. 61, No.
3, 2018.
- D. He, S. Zeadally,
N. Kumar, J. Lee, "Anonymous Authentication for Wireless Body Area Networks
with Provable Security", IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 11, No. 4, 2017.
2018 IEEE Systems Journal Best Paper
Award. [Best Research
Paper Award, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Patiala, India, 2021]
- D. He, N. Kumar,
S. Zeadally, A. Vinel, L. Yang, "Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Data
Aggregation Scheme for Smart Grid against Internal Adversaries", IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. 8, No. 5, 2017.
- D. He, S. Zeadally,
H. Wang, Q. Liu, "Lightweight Data Aggregation Scheme against Internal
Attackers in Smart Grid using Elliptic Curve Cryptography", Wireless
Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol. 2017, 2017.
- A. Das, S. Zeadally,
M. Wazid, "Lightweight Authentication Protocols For Wearable Devices",
Computers and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 63, 2017.
- M. Javed, S.
Zeadally, M. Usman, and G. Sidhu, "FASPM: Fuzzy Logic-based Adaptive
Security Protocol for Multi-hop Data Dissemination in Intelligent Transport
Systems", Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Vol.
28, No. 11, 2017.
- R. Chaudhary,
N. Kumar, S. Zeadally, "Network Service Chaining in Fog and Cloud Computing
for 5G Environment: Data Management and Security Challenges", IEEE Communications
magazine, Vol. 55, No. 11, 2017.
- Z. Zhang, Z.
Hao, S. Zeadally, J. Zhang, B. Han, H. Chao, "Multiple Attributes Decision
Fusion for Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set",
IEEE Access, Vol. 5, 2017.
- Q. Jiang, S.
Zeadally, J. Ma, D. He, "Lightweight Three-factor Authentication and
Key Agreement Protocol for Internet-integrated Wireless Sensor Networks",
IEEE Access, Vol. 5, 2017. Top 5 most cited
articles published by IEEE Access in 2017. [Selected
as “Article of the Week” by IEEE Access, February 2019]
- M. Chernyshev,
S. Zeadally, Z. Baig, A. Woodward, "Mobile Forensics - Advances, Challenges,
and Research Opportunities", IEEE Security & Privacy, Vol. 15, No.
6, 2017.
- D. He, S. Zeadally,
L. Wu, H. Wang, "Analysis of Handover Authentication Protocols for Mobile
Wireless Networks Using Identity-based Public Key Cryptography", Computer
Networks, Vol. 128, 2017.
- A. Sood, S.
Zeadally, R. Bansal, "Cybercrime at a Scale: A Practical Study of Deployments
of HTTP based Botnet Command and Control
Panels", IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 55, No. 7, 2017.
- M. Badra and
S. Zeadally, "Lightweight and Efficient Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation
Approach for the Smart Grid", Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 64, 2017.
- K. Kaur, T.
Dhand, N. Kumar, S. Zeadally, "Container-as-a-Service at the Edge: Tradeoff
between Energy-Efficiency and Service Availability at Fog Nano Data Centers",
IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Vol. 24, No. 3, 2017.
- F. Shaikh, S.
Zeadally, E. Exposito, "Enabling Technologies for Green Internet of Things",
IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2017. Best
Research Paper Award 2017, Higher Education Commission, Pakistan.
- A. Sood, S.
Zeadally, R. Bansal, "Exploiting Trust - Stealthy Attacks through Socioware
and Insider Threats", IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2017.
- Z. Yan, S. Zeadally,
G. Geng, "ISBORD: Internet Searching based on Resource Description",
ICT Express, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2017.
- T. Sanislav,
S. Zeadally, G. Mois, "A Cloud-Integrated, Multilayered, Agent-Based
Cyber-Physical System Architecture", IEEE Computer, Vol. 50, No. 4, 2017.
- A. Perez, S.
Zeadally, and S. Griffith, "Bystanders' Privacy", IEEE IT Professional,
Vol. 19, No. 3, May 2017. Highlighted
article by IEEE IT Professional for May/June 2017 issue, and by IEEE Computer
Society’s Facebook/twitter pages. Also republished in IEEE Computing
Edge - Special issue on Wireless and Wearables (Vol. 3, No. 9, September 2017).
- X. Jia, D. He,
S. Zeadally, L. Li, "Efficient Revocable ID-Based Signature with Cloud
Revocation Server", IEEE Access, Vol. 5, 2017.
- J. Contreras-Castillo,
S. Zeadally, J. Guerrero, "A Seven-layered Model Architecture for Internet
of Vehicles", Journal of Information and Telecommunication, Vol. 1, No.
1, 2017. Best Paper Award, 2017.
- R. Khatoun and
S. Zeadally, "Cybersecurity and Privacy Solutions in Smart Cities",
IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 55, No. 3, 2017.
- N. Kumar, M.
Singh, S. Zeadally, J. Rodrigues, S. Rho, "Cloud-Assisted Context-aware
Vehicular Cyber-Physical System for PHEVs in Smart Grid", IEEE Systems
Journal, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2017.
- Z. Yan, G. Geng,
S. Zeadally, Y. Park, "Distributed All-IP Mobility Management Architecture
Supported by the NDN Overlay", IEEE Access, Vol. 5, 2017.
- O. Bello, S.
Zeadally, M. Badra, "Network Layer Inter-operation of Device-to-Device
Communication Technologies in Internet of Things (IoT)", Ad Hoc Networks
Journal, Vol. 57, 2017.
- S. Zeadally,
J. Tellez, Z. Baig, “Security Attacks and Solutions in Electronic Health
(E-health) Systems”, Journal of Medical Systems, Vol. 40, No. 12, 2016.
- A. Sood and
S. Zeadally, "Drive-by Download Attacks: A Comparative Study of Browser
Exploit Packs Features and Attack Techniques", IEEE IT Professional,
Vol. 18, No. 5, 2016.
- M. Wazid, S.
Zeadally, A. Das, and V. Odelu, “Analysis of Security Protocols for
Mobile Healthcare”, Journal of Medical Systems, Vol. 40. No. 11, 2016.
- J. Shamsi, S.
Zeadally, F. Sheikh, A. Flowers, "Attribution in Cyberspace: Techniques
and Legal Implications", Security and Communication Networks Journal,
Vol. 9, No. 15, 2016.
- N. Kumar, S.
Zeadally, J. Rodrigues, "Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks for Smart
Grid Data Management using Mobile Edge Computing", IEEE Communications
Magazine, Vol. 54, No. 10, 2016.
- Z. Yan, S. Zeadally,
S. Zhang, R. Guo, and Y. Park, "Distributed Mobility Management in Named
Data Networking", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol.
16, No. 13, 2016.
- N. Kumar, S.
Zeadally, S. Misra, “Mobile Cloud Networking for Efficient Energy Management
in Smart Grid Cyber-Physical Systems", IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine,
Vol. 23, No. 5, 2016.
- G. Haralabopoulos,
I. Anagnostopoulos, S. Zeadally, "The Challenge of Improving Credibility
of User-Generated Content in Online Social Networks", ACM Journal of
Data and Information Quality, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2016.
- A. Sood and
S. Zeadally, "A Taxonomy of Domain Generation Algorithms (DGAs)",
IEEE Security and Privacy, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2016.
- J. Contreras-Castillo,
S. Zeadally, and J. Guerrero, "Solving VANET Challenges with Big Data
Solutions", IET Networks, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2016.
- R. Khatoun and
S. Zeadally, "Smart Cities: Basic Concepts, Architectural Issues, and
Research Opportunities", Communications of the ACM (CACM), Vol. 59, No.
8, 2016.
- D. He, S. Zeadally,
N. Kumar, W. Wu, "Efficient and Anonymous Mobile User Authentication
Protocol Using Self-certified Public Keys Cryptography for Multi-server Architectures",
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, Vol. 11, No. 9,
- A. Hameed, A.
Khoshkbarforoushha, R. Ranjan, P. Jayaraman, J. Kolodziej, P. Balaji, S. Zeadally,
Q. Malluhi, N. Tziritas, A. Vishnu, S. Khan and A. Zomaya, “A Survey
and Taxonomy on Energy Efficient Resource Allocation Techniques for Cloud
Computing Systems”, Computing, Vol. 98, No. 7, 2016.
- S. Bitam, S.
Zeadally, A. Mellouk, "Bio-inspired Cybersecurity for Wireless Sensor
Networks", IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 54, No. 6, June 2016.
- I. Anagnostopoulos,
S. Zeadally, E. Exposito, "Handling Big Data: Research Challenges and
Future Directions", Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 72, No. 4, 2016.
- T. Islam, D.
Manivannan, S. Zeadally, "A Classification and Characterization of Security
Threats in Cloud Computing", International Journal of Next-Generation
Computing, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2016.
- S. Winkler and
S. Zeadally, "Privacy Policy Analysis of Popular Web Platforms",
IEEE Technology & Society Magazine, Vol. 35, No. 2, 2016.
- A. Sood, S.
Zeadally, R. Enbody, “An Empirical Study of HTTP-based Financial Botnets”,
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2016.
Selected as the spotlight paper of the issue.
- T. Noor, Q.
Sheng, Z. Maamar, S. Zeadally, “Managing Trust in the Cloud: State-of-the-Art
and Research Challenges”, IEEE Computer, Vol. 49, No. 2, 2016.
- J. Shamsi, S.
Zeadally, Z. Nasir, "Interventions in Cyberspace: Status and Trends",
IEEE IT Professional, Vol. 18, No. 1, 2016. Highlighted
article by IEEE IT Professional for January/February 2016 issue.
- F. Shaikh and
S. Zeadally, "Energy Harvesting in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Comprehensive
Review", Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 55, March 2016.
- M. Badra and
S. Zeadally, “An Improved Privacy Solution for the Smart Grid”,
International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 18, No. 3, 2016.
- O. Bello and
S. Zeadally, “Intelligent Device-to-Device Communication in the Internet
of Things (IoT)”, IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2016.
- S. Malik, S.
Khan, S. Ewen, N. Tziritas, J. Kolodziej, A. Zomaya, S. Madani, N. Min-Allah,
L. Wang, C. Xu, Q. Malluhi, J. Pecero, P. Balaji, A. Vishnu, R. Ranjan, S.
Zeadally and H. Li, “Performance Analysis of Data Intensive Cloud Systems
Based On Data Management and Replication: A Survey”, Distributed and
Parallel Databases – An International Journal, Vol. 34, No. 2, 2016.
- Z. Zhang, W.
Zhang, S. Zeadally, Y. Wang, Y. Liu, "Cognitive Radio Spectrum-Sensing
Framework Based on Multi-agent Architecture for 5G Networks", IEEE Wireless
Communications Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 6, 2015.
- N. Kumar, S.
Zeadally, J. Rodrigues, "QoS-aware Hierarchical Web Caching Scheme for
Online Video Streaming Applications in Internet-Based Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks",
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 62, No. 12, December 2015.
- C. Lai, S. Zeadally,
J. Shen, Y. Lai, “A Cloud-integrated Appliance Recognition Approach
over Internet of Things”, Invited Paper, Journal of
Internet Technology, Vol. 16, No. 7, 2015.
- K. Salah, M.
Hammoud, S. Zeadally, “Teaching Cybersecurity using the Cloud”,
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, Vol. 8, No. 4, 2015.
- S. Winkler and
S. Zeadally, “An Analysis of Tools for Online Anonymity”, International
Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications, Vol. 11, No. 4, 2015. Outstanding
Paper Award, 2016 Emerald Literati
Network Awards for Excellence.
- A. Guerrero-Ibanez,
S. Zeadally, J. Contreras-Castillo, "Integration Challenges of Intelligent
Transportation Systems with
Connected Vehicle, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things Technologies",
IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 6, 2015.
- D. He, S. Zeadally,
B. Xu, X. Huang, “An Efficient Identity-based Conditional Privacy-preserving
Authentication Scheme For Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks”, IEEE Transactions
on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 10, No. 12, 2015.
- D. Touceda,
J. Sierra, S. Zeadally, M. Soriano, "Attribute-Based Authorization for
Structured Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Networks", Computer Standards and Interfaces
Journal, Vol. 42, November 2015.
- S. Bitam, A.
Mellouk, S. Zeadally, "Bio-Inspired Routing Algorithms Survey for Vehicular
Ad-hoc Networks", IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, Vol. 17,
No. 2, 2015.
- G. Haralabopoulos,
I. Anagnostopoulos, S. Zeadally, "Lifespan and propagation of Information
in On-line Social Networks: A Case Study based on Reddit", Journal of
Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 56, October 2015.
- C. Pearce and
S. Zeadally, "Ancillary Impacts of Multipath TCP On Current and Future
Network Security", IEEE Internet Computing, Vol. 19, No. 5, 2015.
- S. Mehar, S.
Zeadally, G. Remy, S. Senouci, "Sustainable Transportation Management
System for a Fleet of Electric Vehicles (STMS)", IEEE Transactions on
Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2015.
- N. Jabeur, N.
Sahli, S. Zeadally, "Enabling Cyber-Physical
Systems with Wireless Sensor Networking Technologies, Multi-Agent Paradigm,
and Natural Ecosystems", Journal of Mobile Information Systems, Vol.
- F. Siddiqui,
S. Zeadally, K. Salah, "Gigabit Wireless Networking with IEEE 802.11ac:
Technical Overview and Challenges", Journal of Networks, Vol. 10, No.
3, 2015.
- K. Sha and S.
Zeadally, "Data Quality in Cyber-Physical Systems", ACM Journal
of Data and Information Quality, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2015.
- M. Tsikerdekis
and S. Zeadally, “Detection and Prevention of Online Identity Deception
in Social Networking Services (SNSs)”, IEEE Internet Computing, Vol.
19, No. 3, 2015. Selected as Feature Article
(for July 2015) by IEEE Computer Society Special Technical Committee on Social
- T. Huang and
S. Zeadally, “Flexible Architecture for Cluster Evolution in Cloud Computing”,
Computers and Electrical Engineering – An International Journal, Vol.
42, No. 2, 2015.
- N. Kumar, S.
Zeadally, N. Chilamkurti, A. Vinel, “Performance Analysis of Bayesian
Coalition Game-Based Energy-Aware Virtual Machine Migration in Vehicular Mobile
Cloud”, IEEE Network Magazine, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2015.
- C. Alcaraz and
S. Zeadally, "Critical Infrastructure Protection: Requirements and Challenges
for the 21st Century", International Journal of Critical Infrastructure
Protection, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2015. Second
most cited article published in the journal (May 2020).
- Y. Saleem, M.
Rehmani, S. Zeadally, "Integration of Cognitive Radio Technology with
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Issues, Opportunities, and Future Research Challenges",
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 50, April 2015.
- F. Diez, D.
Touceda, J. Camara, S. Zeadally, “Towards Self-Authenticable Wearable
Devices”, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2015.
Selected as Feature Article of February 2015
- S. Bitam, A.
Mellouk, S. Zeadally, “VANET-Cloud: A Generic Cloud Computing Model
for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks”, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine,
Vol. 22, No. 1, 2015.
- D. He and S.
Zeadally, “An Analysis of RFID Authentication Schemes for Internet of
Things in Healthcare Environment Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography”,
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2015.
- D. He and S.
Zeadally, “Authentication Protocol for Ambient Assisted Living System”,
IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 53, No. 1, January 2015.
- Z. Yan, S. Zeadally,
Y. Park, "A Novel Vehicular Information Network Architecture based on
Named Data Networking (NDN)", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 1,
No. 6, 2015.
- H. Tran, A.
Mellouk, J. Perez, S. Hoceini, S. Zeadally, “QoE-based Server Selection
for Content Distribution Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Computers,
Vol. 63, No. 11, 2014.
- A. Flowers and
S. Zeadally, “Cyberwar: The What, When, Why and How”, IEEE Technology
& Society Magazine, Vol. 33, No. 3, 2014.
- E. Aguiar, A.
Riker, E. Cerqueira, A. Abelem, M. Mu, T. Braun, M. Curado, S. Zeadally, “A
Real-Time Video Quality Estimator for Emerging
Wireless Multimedia Systems", ACM/Springer Wireless Networks, Vol. 20,
No. 7, 2014.
- M. Tsikerdekis
and S. Zeadally, “Online Deception in Social Media”, Communications
of the ACM (CACM), Vol. 57, No. 9, 2014.
- H. Labiod, S.
Zeadally, and E. Tebchrany, “Performance Analysis of a Cross-Layered
Incremental Redundancy Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request (CL IR-HARQ) Mechanism”,
Ad Hoc Networks Journal, Vol. 23, 2014.
- A. Flowers and
S. Zeadally, “U.S. Policy on Active Cyber Defense”,
Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2014.
- M. Tsikerdekis
and S. Zeadally, “Multiple Account Identity Deception Detection in Social
Media Using Non-Verbal Behavior”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics
and Security, Vol. 9, No. 8, 2014.
- J. Tellez and
S. Zeadally, “Design, Implementation, and Performance Analysis of a
Secure Payment Protocol in a Payment Gateway Centric Model”, Computing
Journal, Vol. 96, No. 7, 2014.
- J. Tellez and
S. Zeadally, "Secure Mobile Payment Systems", IEEE IT Professional,
May/June 2014.
- I. Korbi and
S. Zeadally, “Energy-Aware Sensor Node Relocation in Mobile Sensor Networks”,
Ad Hoc Networks Journal, Vol. 16, 2014.
- N. Kumar, N.
Chilamkurti, S. Zeadally, Y. Jeong, “Achieving Quality
of Service (QoS) Using Resource Allocation and Adaptive Scheduling in Cloud
Computing with Grid Support”, Computer Journal, Vol. 57, No. 2, 2014.
- M. Badra and
S. Zeadally, “Design and Performance Analysis of a Virtual Ring Architecture
for Smart Grid Privacy”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics
and Security, Vol. 9, No. 2, February 2014.
- T. Noor, Q.
Sheng, S. Zeadally, J. Yu, “Trust Management of Services in Cloud Environments:
Obstacles and Solutions”, ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 46, No. 1, 2013.
- S. Bitam, A.
Mellouk, S. Zeadally, “HyBR: A Hybrid Bio-Inspired Bee Swarm Routing
Protocol for Safety Applications in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs)”,
Journal of Systems Architecture, Vol. 59, No. 10, 2013. Elsevier
Certificate for Highly Cited Research in Journal of Systems Architecture,
December 2016.
- S. Zeadally,
A. Pathan, C. Alcaraz, M. Badra, "Towards Privacy Protection in Smart
Grid", Wireless Personal Communications - An International Journal, Vol.
73, No. 1, 2013. [Selected by IEEE COMSOC Best Readings Topics on Communications
and Information Systems Security on the topic of Privacy, 2013]
- C. Alcaraz and
S. Zeadally, “Critical Control System Protection in the 21st Century”,
IEEE Computer, October 2013.
- Y. Wu, Q. Sheng,
H. Shen, S. Zeadally, “Modeling Object Flows from Distributed
and Federated RFID Data Streams for Efficient Tracking and Tracing”,
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 24, No. 10, 2013.
- H. Tran, A.
Mellouk, S. Hoceini, B. Augustin, S. Zeadally, “A Dynamic QoE Routing
System for User-Centric Applications”, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications
Technologies, Vol. 24, No. 3, 2013.
- A. Flowers,
S. Zeadally, A. Murray, “Cybersecurity and U.S. Legislative Efforts
to Address Cybercrime”, Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management,
Vol. 10. No. 1, January 2013.
- E. Tragos, S.
Zeadally, A. Fragkiadakis, V. Siris, “Spectrum Assignment in Cognitive
Radio Networks: A Comprehensive Survey”, IEEE Communications Surveys
and Tutorials, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2013.
- O. Khalid,
S. U. Khan, S. A. Madani, K. Hayat, M. I. Khan, N. Min-Allah, J. Kolodziej,
L. Wang, S. Zeadally, and D. Chen, “Comparative Study of Trust and Reputation
Systems for Wireless Sensor Networks," Security and Communication Networks,
Vol. 6, No. 6, 2013.
- K. Bilal, S.
Khan, S. A. Madani, K. Hayat, M. I. Khan, N. Min-Allah, J. Kolodziej, L. Wang,
S. Zeadally, and D. Chen, "A Survey on Green Communications using Adaptive
Link Rate”, Cluster Computing: The Journal of Networks, Software Tools,
and Applications, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2013.
- K. Salah, J.
Calero, J. Bernabe, J. Perez, S. Zeadally, “Analyzing the Security of
Windows 7 and Linux for Cloud Computing”, Computers and Security Journal,
Vol. 34, May 2013.
- A. Mellouk,
S. Hoceini, S. Zeadally, “A State-Dependent Time Evolving Multi-Constraint
Routing Algorithm”, ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems,
Vol. 8, No. 1, 2013.
- M. Pearce,
S. Zeadally, R. Hunt, "Virtualization: Issues, Security Threats, and
Solutions", ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 45, No. 2, 2013.
- N. Jabeur,
S. Zeadally, and B. Sayed, “Mobile Social Networking Applications: Requirements,
Architectures, and Opportunities”, Communications of the ACM (CACM),
Vol. 56, No. 3, March 2013.
- K. Salah, J.
Calero, S. Zeadally, S. Almulla, M. Alzaabi, “Using Cloud Computing
to Implement a Security Overlay Network”, IEEE Security and Privacy,
Vol. 11, No. 1, January/February 2013.
- I. Khan, N.
Jabeur, and S. Zeadally, “Hop-based Approach for Holes and Boundary
Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks”, IET Wireless Sensor Systems,
Vol. 2, No. 4, December 2012.
- R. Hunt and
S. Zeadally, “Network Forensics – An Analysis of Techniques, Tools,
and Trends”, IEEE Computer, Vol. 45, No. 12, December 2012.
- H. Moustafa,
N. Marechal, S. Zeadally, “Mobile Multimedia Applications: Delivery
Technologies”, IEEE IT Professional, Vol. 14, No. 5, September-October,
- C. Lin, S.
Zeadally, T. Chen, C. Chang, “Enabling Cyber Physical Systems with Wireless
Sensor Networking Technologies”, International Journal of Distributed
Sensor Networks, Volume 2012, 2012.
- S. Zeadally,
R. Hunt, Y. Chen, A. Irwin, and A. Hassan, "Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
(VANETs): Status, Results, and Challenges", Telecommunication Systems,
Vol. 50, No. 4, 2012.
- S. Zeadally,
S. Khan, N. Chilamkurti, “Energy-efficient Networking: past, present,
and future”, Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 62, No. 3, December 2012.
- F. Siddiqui,
S. Zeadally, T. Kacem. S. Fowler, “Zero Configuration Networking: Implementation,
Performance, and Security”, Computers and Electrical Engineering –
An International Journal, Vol. 38, No. 5, September 2012.
- K. Salah, A.
Manea, S. Zeadally, J. Calero, “Mitigating Starvation of Linux CPU-bound
Processes in the Presence of Network I/O”, Journal of Systems and Software,
Vol. 85, No. 8, 2012.
- S. Zeadally,
B. Yu, D. Jeong, L. Liang, “Detecting Insider Threats: Solutions and
Trends”, Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective, Taylor
and Francis, Vol. 21, No. 4, 2012.
- T. Booysen,
S. Zeadally, and J. Rooyen, “A Performance Comparison of Media Access
Control Protocols for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs)”, IET Networks,
Inaugural issue, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2012. [This paper received the prestigious
2013 IET (formerly IEE) Networks Premium Award.
- T. Booysen,
J. Gilmore, S. Zeadally, and J. Rooyen, “Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communications
in Vehicular Networks”, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information
Systems, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2012.
- K. Lin, M.
Chen, S. Zeadally, J. Rodrigues, "Balancing Energy Consumption with Mobile
Agents in Wireless Sensor Networks", Future Generation Computer Systems
– International Journal, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2012.
- J. Tellez,
S. Zeadally, J. Camara, “A Lightweight Secure Mobile Payment Protocol
for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs”, Electronic Commerce Research
Journal, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2012.
- K. Salah, A.
Manea, S. Zeadally, and J. Calero, “On Linux Starvation of CPU-bound
Processes in the Presence of Network I/O”, Computers and Electrical
Engineering – An International Journal, Vol. 37, No. 6, 2011.
- S. Zeadally,
H. Moustafa, and F. Siddiqui, “Internet Protocol Television (IPTV):
Architecture, Trends, and Challenges”, IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 5,
No. 4, 2011.
- X. Li, J. Liu,
Q. Sheng, S. Zeadally, and W. Zhong, “TMS-RFID: Temporal Management
of Large-Scale RFID Applications”, International Journal of Information
Systems Frontiers, Vol. 13, No. 4, 2011.
- A. Mellouk,
S. Hoceini, and S. Zeadally, “A Bio-Inspired Quality of Service (QoS)
Routing Algorithm”, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 15, No. 9, 2011.
- C. Lin, N.
Chilamkurti, S. Zeadally, C. Shieh, "Performance Modeling of MPEG-4 Video
Streaming Over IEEE 802.11 Using Distribution Coordination Function",
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol. 11, No. 9, 2011.
- M. Iftikhar,
B. Landfeldt, S. Zeadally, A. Zomaya, "Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
parameter negotiation between heterogeneous 4G wireless network operators",
Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal, Vol. 7, No. 5, 2011.
- Y. Wu, D. Ranasinghe,
Q. Sheng, S. Zeadally, and J. Yu, “RFID Enabled Traceability Networks:
A Survey”, Distributed and Parallel Databases – An International
Journal, Vol. 29, Nos 5-6, 2011.
- R. Mehmood,
R. Alturki, and S. Zeadally, “Multimedia Applications over Metropolitan
Area Networks (MANs)”, Journal of Network and Computer Applications,
Vol. 34, No. 5, 2011.
- T. Booysen,
S. Zeadally, and J. Rooyen, "Survey of Media Access Control (MAC) Protocols
for Vehicular Ad-Hoc NETworks (VANETs)", IET Communications Journal,
Vol. 5, No. 11, 2011.
- S. Fowler,
S. Zeadally, N. Chilamkurti, “Impact of Denial of Service Solutions
on Network Quality of Service”, Security and Communication Networks
Journal, Vol. 4, No. 9, 2011.
- E. Cerqueira,
S. Zeadally, M. Leszczuk, M. Curado, A. Mauthe, “Recent Advances in
Multimedia Networking”, Multimedia Tools and Applications - An International
Journal, Vol. 54, No. 3, 2011.
- M. Shore, Y.
Du, S. Zeadally, “A Public-Private Partnership Model for National Cybersecurity”,
Policy and Internet Journal, Vol. 3, No. 2, Oxford Internet Institute/Oxford
University, Berkeley Press, 2011.
- M. Tsai, N.
Chilamkurti, S. Zeadally, A. Vinel, “Concurrent Multipath Transmission
combining Forward Error Correction and Path Interleaving for Video Streaming”,
Computer Communications, Vol. 34, No. 9, 2011.
- J. Tellez,
S. Zeadally, and J. Camara, “Security Attacks and Solutions for Vehicular
Ad-Hoc Networks”, IET Communications Journal, Vol. 4, No. 7, 2010. [This
paper received the prestigious 2011 IET
(formerly IEE) Communications Premium Award].
- Q. Sheng, S.
Zeadally, Z. Luo, J. Chung, and Z. Maamar, “Ubiquitous RFID: Where Are
We?”, International Journal of Information Systems Frontiers, Vol. 12,
No. 5, 2010.
- J. Tellez,
S. Zeadally, J. Camara, "Implementation and Performance Evaluation of
a Payment Protocol for Vehicular Ad hoc Networks", Electronic Commerce
Research Journal, Springer, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2010.
- M. Pearce,
S. Zeadally, and R. Hunt, “Assessing and Improving Authentication Confidence
Management”, Information Management and Computer Security, Vol. 18,
No. 2, 2010.
- N. Chilamkurti,
S. Zeadally, R. Soni, and G. Giambene, “Wireless Multimedia Delivery
over 802.11e with Cross-layer Optimization Techniques”, Multimedia Tools
and Applications - An International Journal, Vol. 47, No. 1, 2010.
- O. Falowo,
S. Zeadally, and H. Chan, “Dynamic Pricing for Load-Balancing in User-Centric
Joint Call Admission Control of Next-Generation Wireless Networks”,
International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2010.
- Tzu-Chi Huang,
S. Zeadally, N. Chilamkurti, and Ce-Kuen Shieh, “A Programmable Network
Address Translator: Design, Implementation, and Performance”, ACM Transactions
on Internet Technology, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2010.
- N. Chilamkurti,
S. Zeadally, and F. Mentiplay, "Green Networking for Major Components
of Information Communication Technology Systems", EURASIP Journal on
Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol. 2009, 2009.
- C. Lin, C.
Shieh, C. Ke, N. Chilamkurti, and S. Zeadally, “An Adaptive Cross-layer
Mapping Algorithm for MPEG-4 Video Transmission over IEEE 802.11e WLAN”,
Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 42, Nos. 3-4, 2009.
- A. Mellouk,
S. Hoceïni, S. Zeadally, “Design and Performance Analysis of an
Inductive QoS Routing Algorithm”, Computer Communications, Vol. 32,
No. 12, 2009.
- K. Brasee,
S. Makki, and S. Zeadally, “A Secure Two-Factor Authentication Scheme
for Single Sign-On Services”, Security and Communication Networks Journal,
Vol. 2, No. 4, 2009.
- F. Siddiqui,
S. Zeadally, H. El-Sayed, N. Chilamkurti, "A Dynamic Network Discovery
and Selection Method for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks", International
Journal of Internet Protocol Technology, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2009.
- H. Liang, S.
Zeadally, N. Chilamkurti, C. Shieh, “Optimizing Channel Access in Wireless
Local Area Network Environments with a New Backoff Approach”, International
Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2009.
- Tzu-Chi Huang,
S. Zeadally, N. Chilamkurti, and Ce-Kuen Shieh, "Design, Implementation,
and Evaluation of a Programmable Bandwidth Aggregation System for Home Networks",
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 32, No.3, 2009.
- N. Chilamkurti,
S. Zeadally, V. Sharma, and A. Vasilakos, “Cross-layer Support for Energy
Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Journal of Sensors,
Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Vol. 2009.
- J. Mo, Q. Sheng,
X. Li, and S. Zeadally, “RFID Infrastructure Design: A Case Study of
Two Australian National RFID Projects", IEEE Internet Computing, Vol.
13, No.1, January/February 2009.
- H. El-Sayed,
A. Mellouk, L. George, S. Zeadally, "Quality of Service Models for Heterogeneous
Networks: Overview and Challenges", Annals of Telecommunications, Vol.
63, No. 11-12, 2008.
- Q. Sheng, X.
Li, and S. Zeadally, “Enabling Next-Generation RFID Applications: Solutions
and Challenges”, IEEE Computer, Vol. 41, No. 9, September 2008.
- S. Colombo,
N. Chilamkurti, S. Zeadally, "A Novel Centralized Clustering Algorithm
for Energy-Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks", Invited Paper,
International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems, Vol.
1, No. 2, 2008.
- J. Tellez,
J. Camara, S. Zeadally, J. Marquez, “A Secure Vehicle-to-Roadside Communication
Payment Protocol in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks”, Computer Communications,
Vol. 31, No. 10, 2008.
- F. Siddiqui
and S. Zeadally, “An Agent-based Architecture for Fast Context Transfers
during Handoffs”, International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing,
Vol. 3, No. 4, 2008.
- F. Siddiqui
and S. Zeadally, “An Efficient Wireless Network Discovery Scheme for
Heterogeneous Access Environments”, International Journal of Pervasive
Computing and Communications, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2008.
- F. Siddiqui
and S. Zeadally, “Ubiquitous Wireless Connectivity across Cellular and
Wireless Local Area Networks”, Journal of Information Science and Engineering,
Vol. 24, No. 2, March 2008.
- L. Zhang, Q.
Cheng, Y. Wang, and S. Zeadally, “A Novel Distributed Sensor Positioning
System Using the Dual of Target Tracking”, IEEE Transactions on Computers,
Vol. 57, No. 2, February 2008.
- S. Zeadally
and P. Kubher, “Internet Access to Heterogeneous Home Area Network Devices
with an OSGi-based Residential Gateway”, Invited paper,
International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol. 3, No.1, 2008.
- S. Zeadally,
N. Sklavos, M. Rathakrishnan, S. Fowler, “End-to-End Security across
Wired-Wireless Networks for Mobile Users”, Information Systems Security
Journal, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 16, No. 5, 2007.
- S. Zeadally
and F. Siddiqui, “An Empirical Analysis of Handoff Performance for SIP,
Mobile IP, and SCTP Protocols”, Wireless Personal Communications (WPC),
Vol. 43, No. 2, Springer, October 2007.
- S. Zeadally
and F. Siddiqui, “Security Protocols for Wireless Local Area Networks
(WLANs) and Cellular Networks”, Invited Paper, Journal
of Internet Technology, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2007.
- L. Zhang and
S. Zeadally, “Enabling End-to-End QoS over Hybrid Wired-Wireless Networks”,
Wireless Personal Communications (WPC), Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 167-185, Springer,
- F. Siddiqui
and S. Zeadally, “Mobility Management across Hybrid Wireless Networks:
Trends and Challenges”, Computer Communications, Vol. 29, No. 9, pp.
1363-1385, Elsevier Science, 2006.
- S. Zeadally
and J. Pan, “J2EE Support for Wireless Services”, Journal of Systems
and Software, Vol. 75, No.1-2, pp. 215-226, Elsevier Science, February 2005.
- S. Zeadally
and A. Kumar, “Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of the Audio/Video
Distribution Transport Protocol (AVDTP) for High Quality Audio Support over
Bluetooth”, Computer Communications, Vol. 28, No.2, pp. 215-223, Elsevier
Science, February 2005.
- L. Zhang and
S. Zeadally, “A Framework for Efficient Resource Management in IEEE
802.11 WLANs”, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC) Journal,
Vol. 4, No. 8, pp: 835-848, December 2004.
- S. Zeadally,
R. Wasseem, I. Raicu, “Comparison of End-System IPv6 Protocol Stacks”,
IEE Proceedings Communications Journal, Vol. 151, No. 3, pp: 238-242, June
- S. Zeadally,
F. Siddiqui, P. Kubher, “Voice over IP in Intranet and Internet Environments”,
IEE Proceedings Communications Journal, Vol. 151, No. 3, pp: 263-269, June
- S. Zeadally,
L. Zhang, Z. Zhu, J. Lu, “Network Application Programming Interfaces
(APIs) Performance on Commodity Operating Systems”, Journal of Information
and Software Technology, Vol. 46, No. 6, Elsevier Science, pp: 397-402, May
- S. Zeadally,
A. Banda, A. Kumar, “Improving Bluetooth Performance in 802.11 Interference
Environments”, Computer Communications, Vol. 27, No. 7, Elsevier Science,
pp: 616-621, May 2004.
- S. Zeadally
and L. Zhang, “Enabling Gigabit Network Access to End Users”,
Invited Paper, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 92, No. 2, pp:
340-353, February 2004.
- S. Zeadally
and P. Kukkalli, “Design and Implementation of a User-level Transport
Protocol”, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)
Transactions on Communications, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp: 1-10, 2003.
- S. Zeadally
and I. Raicu, “Evaluating IPv6 on Windows and Solaris”, IEEE Internet
Computing, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp: 51-57, May 2003.
- S. Zeadally,
“Implementation and Performance of QoS-aware Java Applications over
ATM networks”, Computer Journal, Vol. 43, No. 4, Oxford University Press,
pp: 266-273, November 2000.
- S. Zeadally,
“Performance Evaluation of a Java-based Networking Application Programming
Interface (API)”, Information Processing Letters, Vol. 75, No. 3-4,
Elsevier Science, pp: 199-209, October 2000.
- S. Zeadally,
“Impact of ATM Switch Architectures on CBR Video Performance”,
Computer Communications, Vol. 23, No. 1, Elsevier Science, pp: 1-12, January
- S. Zeadally
and W. Cui, “Experiences with Multimedia Applications over Native ATM”,
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 21, No. 2, Academic Press,
pp: 107-123, October 1998.
- S. Zeadally,
“A Low Cost Video Conferencing System over ATM”, IASTED International
Journal of Computers and Applications, Vol. 20, No. 2, Acta Press, pp: 74-82,
- S. Zeadally,
“Distributed Medical Visualization over High Speed Networks”,
Electronic Journal on Networks and Distributed Processing - An International
Journal, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp: 51-65, February 1998.
- S. Zeadally,
G. Gheorghiu, A. Levi, “Improving End System Performance for Multimedia
Applications over High Bandwidth Networks”, Multimedia Tools and Applications
– An International Journal, Kluwer Publishers, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp: 307-322,
November 1997.
- S. Zeadally,
“An ATM Multimedia Architecture: Design, Implementation, and Performance”,
Journal of High Speed Networks, Vol. 6, No. 2, IOS press, pp: 93-109, October
International Conference Proceedings
- A. Wehby, S.
Zeadally, R. Khatoun, M. Bouchouia, and A. Fadlallah, "How Does Distributed
Denial of Service Affect the Connected Cars Environment?", in Proceedings
of the 10th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information
Technologies (CoDIT), Valletta, Malta, July 2024.
- T. Alrubaie,
W. Elmedany, N. Ababneh, S. Zeadally, K. Curran, "A Cybersecurity Architecture
to Mitigate Shamoon Attacks", in Proceedings of International Conference
on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies
(3ICT 2022), Bahrain, November 2022.
- L. Bastos, B.
Martins, I. Medeiros, A. Neto, S. Zeadally, D. Rosário, E. Cerqueira,
"Ensemble Learning Method for Human Identification in Wearable Devices",
in Proceedings of 18th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile
Computing (IEEE IWCMC) Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 2022.
- J. Hu, Z. Xu,
D. He, S. Zeadally, K. Choo, "Efficient and Secure Three-Factor User
Authentication and Key Agreement Using Chaotic Maps", in Proceedings
of 11th International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 11982, Springer, Guangzhou, China,
December 2019.
- T. Li, W. Shen,
H. Chao, S. Zeadally, "Analysis of Student's Learning Emotions using
EEG", in Proceedings of Second International Conference of Innovative
Technologies and Learning, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol.
11937, Springer, Tromso, Norway, December 2019.
- M. Tsikerdekis,
S. Zeadally, A. Schlesener, N. Sklavos, "Approaches for Preventing Honeypot
Detection and Compromise", in Proceedings of Global Information Infrastructure
and Networking Symposium (GIIS 2018), Thessaloniki, Greece, October 2018.
- A. Perez and
S. Zeadally, "PEAR: A Privacy-Enabled Architecture for Crowdsensing",
in Proceedings of ACM Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (RACS 2017),
Krakow, Poland, September 2017.
- A. Perez, S.
Zeadally, N. Jabeur, "Investigating Security for Ubiquitous Sensor Networks",
in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks
and Technologies (ANT-2017), Elsevier
Procedia Computer Science, Volume 109, Madeira,
Portugal, May 2017.
- N. Jabeur, N.
Sahli, S. Zeadally, “ABAMA: An Agent-Based Architecture for Mapping
Natural Ecosystems onto Wireless Sensor Networks”, Invited Paper,
in Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Future Networks and Communications
(FNC-2014), Elsevier
Procedia Computer Science, Volume 34, Niagara
Falls, Ontario, Canada, August 2014.
- Z. Doukha, S.
Zeadally, S. Moussaoui, “A Directional Geocast Warning Dissemination
Protocol for Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs)”, in Proceedings of
12th International Conference on Wired & Wireless Internet Communications,
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 8458, Springer Verlag, Paris, France,
May 2014.
- F. Siddiqui,
S. Aryal, S. Zeadally, “Performance Evaluation of Virtualized Architectures
on Windows Server Operating Systems”, in Proceedings of 19th Asia-Pacific
Conference on Communications (APCC 2013), Bali Island, Indonesia, August 2013.
- M. Booysen,
S. Zeadally, and G. Van Rooyen, “Impact of Neighbor Awareness at the
MAC Layer in a Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork (VANET), in Proceedings of 5th IEEE
International Symposium on Wireless Vehicular Communications (WIVEC 2013),
Dresden, Germany, June 2013.
- M. Badra
and S. Zeadally, “Key Management Solutions in the Smart Grid Environment”,
in Proceedings of 6th IFIP/IEEE Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference,
Dubai, UAE, April 2013.
- I. Korbi
and S. Zeadally, “A Chain Based Relocation Approach to Maintain Connectivity
with a Center of Interest”, in Proceedings of The 15th IEEE International
Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE 2012), Paphos, Cyprus,
December 2012. [Best Paper Award]
- I. Korbi,
C. Zidi, S. Zeadally, L. Saidane, “A Novel Sensor Node Relocation Approach
to Maintain Connectivity with a Center of Interest”, in Proceedings
of 15th ACM Annual Conference on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Wireless
and Mobile Systems (MSWiM 2012), Paphos, Cyprus, October 2012.
- J. Tellez
and S. Zeadally, “An Anonymous Secure Payment Protocol in a Payment
Gateway Centric Model”, in Proceedings of 9th International Conference
on Mobile Web Information Systems”, Elsevier Procedia Computer Science,
Volume 10, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, August 2012. [Best
Paper Award]
- A. Murray,
S. Zeadally, A. Flowers, "An Assessment of U.S. Legislation on Cybersecurity",
in Proceedings of the International Conference on Cyber Security, Cyber Warfare
and Digital Forensic (CyberSec 12), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 2012.
- N. Jabeur,
S. Zeadally, S. Maydebura, “Improving Trust and Privacy Models in Social
Networks”, Invited Paper, in Proceedings of 5th IFIP
International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS
2012), Istanbul, Turkey, May 2012.
- E. Aguiar,
A. Riker, E. Cerqueira, A. Abelem, M. Mu, S. Zeadally, “Real-Time QoE
Prediction for Multimedia Applications in Wireless Mesh Networks”, in
Proceedings of 2012 IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference
(CCNC’ 2012), January 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- A. Shukaili,
N. Chilamkurti, S. Zeadally, “Enabling "Quality of Service"
in IEEE802.16 Networks for Distributed Mesh Topologies”, in Proceedings
of The Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference
(ATNAC 2010), Auckland, New Zealand, October 2010.
- J. Al-Zaabi,
N. Chilamkurti, S. Zeadally, and J. Kim, “A Proposed Authentication
Protocol for Mobile Users of WiMAX Networks”, in Proceedings of the
3rd International Conference on Human-Centric Computing, Cebu, Philippines,
August 2010.
- H. Liang,
N. Chilamkurti, S. Zeadally, C. Ke, “QoS Support over IEEE 802.11e in
Multirate Networks”, in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium
on Wireless Pervasive Computing (ISWPC’09), Melbourne, Australia, February
- F. Siddiqui,
S. Zeadally, H. El-Sayed, N. Chilamkurti, “Design, Implementation, and
Evaluation of TAILOR (Intelligent Handoff Decision Model for Heterogeneous
Networks)”, in Proceedings of 5th IEEE International Conference on Innovations
in Information Technology (Innovations’08), Al Ain, UAE, December 2008.
- M. Tsai,
N. Chilamkurti, S. Zeadally, C. Shieh, H. El-Sayed, “An Efficient Multi-hop
FEC Scheme for Wireless Mesh Networks”, in Proceedings of 5th IEEE International
Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems 2008 (ISWCS’08), Reykjavik,
Iceland, October 2008.
- H. Liang,
S. Zeadally, N. Chilamkurti, C. Shieh, “A Novel Pause Count Backoff
Algorithm for Channel access in IEEE 802.11 based Wireless LANs ”, in
Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium Computer Science and its Applications
(CSA-08), Hobart, Australia, October 2008.
- M. Tsai,
N. Chilamkurti, S. Zeadally and C. Shieh, “A Concurrent Multi-path Transmission
Control Scheme to Reduce Packet Reordering Latency at the Receiver”
in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Technologies for
Communications (ATC’08), Hanoi, Vietnam, October 2008.
- R. Soni,
N. Chilamkurti, G. Giambene, S. Zeadally, “A Cross-layer Design for
H.264 Video Stream over Wireless Local Area Networks”, in Proceedings
of IEEE International Symposium Computer Science and its Applications (CSA-08),
Hobart, Australia, October 2008.
- K. Brasee,
S. Makki, and S. Zeadally, “A Novel Distributed Authentication Framework
for Single Sign-On Services”, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference
on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing (SUTC'08), Taichung,
Taiwan, June 2008.
- H. Elsayed,
S. Zeadally, M. Boulmalf, “Experimental Evaluation and Characterization
of the Long-Distance 802.11g Links”, in Proceedings of 7th International
Conference on Networking, Cancun, Mexico, April 2008.
- S. Fowler
and S. Zeadally, “Defending against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
Attacks with Queue Traffic Differentiation over Micro-MPLS-based Networks”,
in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications
(ICSNC’06), Tahiti, French Polynesia, November 2006.
- F. Siddiqui
and S. Zeadally, “Mobility Protocols for Handoff Management in Heterogeneous
Networks’, in Proceedings of 11th IFIP International Conference on Personal
Wireless Communications (PWC’06), Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS), Springer Verlag, Albacete, Spain, September 2006.
- S. Fowler
and S. Zeadally, “Fast Handover over Micro-MPLS-based Wireless Networks”,
in Proceedings of 11th IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications
(ISCC 2006), Sardinia, Italy, June 2006.
- S. Fowler
and S. Zeadally, “Adaptive Queue Management on Micro-MPLS-based Wireless
Networks for Multimedia Traffic”, in Proceedings of 4th IEEE/ACM Communication
Networks and Services Research Conference (CNSR 2006), Moncton, New Brunswick,
Canada, May 2006.
- F. Siddiqui
and S. Zeadally, “SCTP Multihoming Support for Handoffs across Heterogeneous
Networks”, in Proceedings of 4th IEEE/ACM Communication Networks and
Services Research Conference (CNSR 2006), Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada,
May 2006.
- L. Zhang,
Q. Cheng, Y. Wang, and S. Zeadally, “Landscape: A High Performance Distributed
Positioning Scheme for Outdoor Sensor Networks”, in Proceedings of IEEE
International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and
Communications (WIMOB’05), Montreal, Canada, August 2005.
- S. Fowler,
S. Zeadally, F. Siddiqui, “QoS Path Selection Exploiting Minimum Link
Delays in MPLS-based Networks”, in Proceedings of IEEE/IEE International
Conference of High-Speed Networks (ICHSN’05), Montreal, Canada, August
- F. Siddqui,
S. Zeadally, S. Fowler, “A Novel Architecture for Roaming between 3G
and Wireless LANs”, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference
on Multimedia Services Access Networks (MSAN’05), Orlando, Florida,
July 2005.
- S. Fowler
and S. Zeadally, "Priority-based Congestion Control in MPLS-based Networks",
in Proceedings of IEEE Advanced Industrial Conference on Telecommunications
(AICT'05), Lisbon, Portugal, July 2005.
- F. Siddiqui,
S. Zeadally, E. Yaprak, “Design Architectures for 3G and IEEE 802.11
WLAN Integration”, in Proceedings of 4th IEEE/IEE International Conference
on Networking (ICN’05), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol.
3421, Springer Verlag, Reunion Islands, France, pp. 1047-1054, April 2005.
- S. Zeadally
and A. Kumar, “Protocol Support for Audio Streaming between Bluetooth
Devices”, in Proceedings of IEEE Radio and Wireless Conference (RAWCON
2004), Atlanta, GA, September 2004.
- S. Zeadally,
F. Siddiqui, N. Deepakmavatoor, P. Randhawa, “SIP and Mobile IP Integration
to Support Seamless Mobility”, in Proceedings of 15th IEEE International
Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC ’04),
Barcelona-Spain, pp: 1927-1931, September 2004.
- S. Zeadally,
A. Kumar, A. Banda, “Seamless Bluetooth Connectivity to IPv6 Networks”,
in Proceedings of International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing
(EUC’2004), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 3207, Springer
Verlag, Aizu, Japan, pp: 612-621, August 2004.
- L. Zhang
and S. Zeadally, "HARMONICA: Enhanced QoS Support with Admission Control
for IEEE 802.11 Contention-based Access", in Proceedings of 10th IEEE
Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2004),
pp: 64-71, May 2004, Toronto, Canada.
- S. Zeadally
and S. Nanduri, “Fast Secure Handoff in Public Wireless Local Area Networks”,
in Proceedings of 59th IEEE Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC
2004-Spring), Milan, May 2004.
- S. Zeadally,
N. Deepakmavatoor, P. Randhawa, F. Siddiqui, "Delivery of Voice over
Mobile IP in Mobile Environments", in Proceedings of 15th IEE International
Symposium on Services and Local Access, Edinburgh, March 2004.
- S. Zeadally,
M. Saklay, P. Kubher, and N. Ansari, “Smart Home Networking with OSGI”,
in Proceedings of 15th IEE International Symposium on Services and Local Access,
Edinburgh, March 2004.
- S. Zeadally
and F. Siddiqui, “Design and Implementation of a SIP-based VoIP Architecture”,
in Proceedings of 18th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information
Networking and Applications (AINA 2004), Fukuoka, Japan, pp: 187-190, March
- S. Zeadally
and F. Siddiqui, “Deploying VoIP over SIP”, in Proceedings of
18th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2004), Busan,
Korea, Vol. II, pp: 929-938, February 2004.
- S. Zeadally,
J. Lu, S. Nanduri, “Design and Implementation of a Jini-J2EE Bridge
enabling Access to Enterprise Services”, in Proceedings of IEEE Consumer
Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC’04), Las Vegas, pp: 370-375,
January 2004.
- S. Zeadally
and J. Pan, “Design and Implementation of a Wireless Prescription System”,
in Proceedings of 37th IEEE Hawaii Conference on Computer and System Sciences
(HICSS-37), Hawaii, pp: 161-170, January 2004.
- S. Zeadally,
F. Siddiqui, P. Kubher “Voice Transmissions over Local and Wide Area
Networks”, in Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Telecommunication
Systems, Modeling, and Analysis (ICTSM11), Monterey, CA, pp. 35:44, October
- L. Zhang
and S. Zeadally, “Extending RSVP to IEEE 802.11 Local Area Networks”,
in Proceedings of 6th IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia
Communications (WPMC ’03), Kanagawa, Japan, October 2003.
- L. Zhang
and S. Zeadally, “A Novel Approach to Enhance QoS Support over Wireless
LANs”, in Proceedings of 6th IEEE International Symposium on Wireless
Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC ’03), Kanagawa, Japan, October
- S. Nanduri
and S. Zeadally, “A Novel Secure Handoff Approach for Wireless LANs”,
in Proceedings of 5th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Mobile and Wireless
Communication Networks (MWCN’03), Singapore, October 2003.
- L. Zhang
and S. Zeadally, “QoS Support in Wireless LANs using Dynamic Adaptation
of Channel Access Parameters”, in Proceedings of 5th IFIP/IEEE International
Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks (MWCN’03),
Singapore, Vol. 3, pp: 303-307, October 2003.
- S. Zeadally
and N. Deepakmavatoor, “Mobile IPv6 Support for Highly Mobile Hosts”,
in Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Communications Systems
and Networks”, Benalmadena, Spain, pp: 144-150, September 2003.
- S. Zeadally,
S. Ghias, J. Yu, and X. Li, “Plug and Play Architectures in Proximity
Networks”, in Proceedings of 7th IASTED International Conference on
Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (IMSA), Hawaii, pp: 251-256,
August 2003.
- S. Ghias
and S. Zeadally, “Analysis of Scheduling Policies in a User Level Prioritization
Service”, in Proceedings of 7th IASTED International Conference on Internet
and Multimedia Systems and Applications (IMSA), Hawaii, pp: 38-43, August
- S. Zeadally,
A. Banda, A. Kumar, “On the Coexistence of Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11
Technologies in Real Networking Environments”, in Proceedings of 4th
IEE International Conference on 3G Mobile Communication Technologies (3G 2003),
London, England, pp: 269-273, June 2003.
- S. Zeadally,
E. Yaprak, Y. Li, X. Che, “A Survey of Network Performance Tools For
Computer Networking Classes”, in Proceedings of IASTED 2003 International
Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education (CATE 2003),
Rhodes, Greece, pp: 381-386, June 2003.
- S. Zeadally,
and L. Zhang “Experiences with Gigabit/s Networks using Commodity PCs”,
in Proceedings of 7th IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications
(ConTel’03), Zagreb, Croatia, Vol. 1, pp: 243-250, June 2003.
- S. Ghias
and S. Zeadallly, “Design and Implementation of a User-level Prioritization
Service”, in Proceedings of 8th IEEE International Symposium on Computers
and Communications (ISCC 2003), Antalya, Turkey, Vol. 1, pp: 30-35, July 2003.
- S. Zeadally
and J. Lu, “A Performance Comparison of Communication APIs on Solaris
and Windows Operating Systems”, in Proceedings of IEEE International
Conference on Information Technology: Computing and Communications (ITCC 2003),
Las Vegas, NV, pp: 336-340, April 2003.
- S. Ghias
and S. Zeadally, “Enabling User Prioritization of Multimedia Applications”,
in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Information Technology:
Computing and Communications (ITCC 2003), Las Vegas, NV, pp: 650-654, April
- I. Raicu
and S. Zeadally, “Evaluating IPv4 to IPv6 Transition Mechanisms”,
in Proceedings of 10th IEE/IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications
(ICT’ 2003)”, Tahiti, Papeete, French Polynesia, Vol. 2, pp: 1091-1098,
February 2003.
- I. Raicu
and S. Zeadally, “Impact of IPV6 on End-user Applications”, in
Proceedings of 10th IEE/IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications
(ICT’2003)”, Tahiti, Papeete, French Polynesia, Vol. 2, 973-980,
February 2003.
- I. Raicu,
O. Richter, L. Schwiebert, and S. Zeadally, "Using Wireless Sensor Networks
to Narrow the Gap between Low-Level Information and Context-Awareness,"
in Proceedings of the ISCA 17th International Conference, Computers and their
Applications (CATA 2002), ISBN 1-880843-42-0, San Francisco, CA, pp: 209-214,
April 2002.
- D. Ford
and S. Zeadally, "Application-to-Application Priority with STREAMS",
in Proceedings of 26th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN
01), Tampa, Florida, pp: 334-343, November 2001.
- S. Zeadally
and D. Ford, “BSD versus STREAMS Protocol Stack Implementations”,
in Proceedings of 8th IEE/IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications
(ICT 2001), Bucharest, Romania, pp: 223-230, June 2001.
- S. Zeadally
and D. Ford, “Evaluating STREAMS-based Protocol Stacks over High Performance
Networks ”, In Proceedings of 20th IEEE International Performance, Computing,
and Communications Conference (IPCCC 2001), Phoenix, AZ, pp: 95-102, April
- S. Zeadally,
“Enabling QoS-aware Java Applications over ATM networks”, in Proceedings
of IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing
Technologies, Heidelberg, Germany, pp: 257-265, June 2000.
- S. Zeadally
and X. Chen, “Performance Evaluation of a Java-Based Networking Application
Programming Interface (API)”, Short version in Proceedings of SCS 2000
Applied Telecommunications Symposium (ATS 2000), Washington D.C., pp: 73-80,
April 2000.
- S. Zeadally
and W. Cui, “Empirical Jitter Analysis of CBR Traffic over ATM Local
Area Networks”, in Proceedings of SCS 2000 Symposium on Performance
Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS’2000),
Vancouver, July 2000.
- C. Kyriakakis,
S. Zeadally, T. Holman, “Multi-channel Audio over ATM using Internet
2”, Preprint 5000, AES 107th Convention, New York, September 1999.
- S. Zeadally,
C. Xuan, W. Cui, “Design and Implementation of a QoS-aware Network Application
Programming Interface”, in Proceedings of International Conference on
Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA’99),
Las Vegas, pp: 475-481, June 1999.
- S. Zeadally
and W. Wong, “Interactive Educational Applications over High Bandwidth
Networks”, in Proceedings of 3rd IASTED International Conference Computers
and Advanced Technology in Education (CATE’99), Philadelphia, pp: 107-111,
May 1999.
- S. Zeadally,
“Towards Native ATM Services: How far are we?”, in Proceedings
of Fourteenth ISCA Conference on Computers and Their Applications (CATA-99),
Cancun, pp: 120-125, April 1999.
- W. Cui
and S. Zeadally, “Voice-aware User Interface Support for Multimedia
Applications”, in Proceedings of 3rd Annual IEEE Multimedia Technologies
and Applications Conference (MTAC’03), Anaheim, California, September
- S. Zeadally,
“Best-Effort Delivery of Live Video across a Local Area ATM Network”,
in Proceedings of 13th ISCA Conference on Computers and Their Applications
(CATA-98), Hawaii, pp: 262-265, March 1998.
- S. Zeadally,
“A Performance Comparison of IP Implementations on ATM Networks”,
in Proceedings of SPIE - Performance and Control of Network Systems, Dallas,
TX, pp: 218-229, November 1997.
- S. Zeadally,
“A UNIX-based ATM Multimedia Architecture”, in Proceedings of
IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC’97),
Alexandria, Egypt, pp: 131-138, July 1997.
- S. Zeadally,
G. Gheorghiu, A. Levi, “Throughput Optimization for Multimedia Applications
over High Speed Networks”, in Proceedings of 7th IFIP High Performance
Networking, NY, pp: 101-114, April 1997.
- B. Murphy,
S. Zeadally, C. Adams, “An Analysis of Process and Memory Models to
Support High-Speed Networking in a UNIX Environment”, in Proceedings
USENIX Winter Technical Conference, CA, pp: 239-249, January 1996.
- B. Murphy,
C. Adams, S. Zeadally, “The CHARISMA ATM Host Interface”, in Proceedings
of Broadband Islands, Hamburg, Germany, pp: 81-100, June 1994.
International Workshop Proceedings
- R. Veiga, R.
Flexa, L. Bastos, I. Medeiros, D. Rosario, E. Cerqueira, S. Zeadally, L. Villas,
"A Federated Learning Approach for Continuous User Identification",
in Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on Converge of Edge Intelligence in IoT (EdgeAI-IoT
2023), 9th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT 2023), Aveiro, Portugal,
October 2023.
- S. Sharif, S.
Zeadally, W. Ejaz, "Space-Aerial-Ground-Sea Integrated Networks: Resource
Optimization Security in 6G Networks", in Proceedings of MILCOM 2022
- Cyber-Physical Security in Mission-Critical Tactical Networks (CyberNet)
Workshop, Rockville, MD, December 2022.
- T. Sanislav,
S. Zeadally, G. Mois, H. Fouchal, “Multi-agent Architecture for Reliable
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), in Proceedings of 9th IEEE International Workshop
on Performance Evaluation of Communications in Distributed Systems and Web
based Service Architectures (PEDISWESA 2017), Crete, Greece, July 2017.
- F. Siddiqui,
S. Zeadally, C. Alcaraz, S. Galvao, “Smart Grid Privacy: Issues and
Solutions”, Invited Paper, in Proceedings of Second
International Workshop on Privacy, Security, and Trust in Mobile and Wireless
Systems (MobiPST 2012) (held in conjunction with IEEE ICCCN 2012), Munich,
Germany, July 2012.
- K. Lin, M. Chen,
J. Rodrigues, S. Zeadally, L. Wang, “On Energy Equilibrium in Wireless
Sensor Networks”, in Proceedings of 2010 IEEE Globecom Workshop on Advanced
Sensor Integration Technology, Miami, Florida, December 2010.
- C. Yu , S. Zeadally,
N. Chilamkurti, C. Shieh, “An Enhanced Uplink Scheduling Scheme for
IEEE 802.16 Metropolitan Area Networks”, in Proceedings of ACM/IET/ICST
International Workshop on Performance and Analysis of Wireless Networks, Ilan,
Taiwan, September 2008.
- S. Zeadally,
“Native ATM to the Desktop: Performance, Experiences, and Challenges”,
in Proceedings of Ninth IEEE LANMAN 98 Workshop, Alberta, Canada, pp: 319-324,
May 1998.
- S. Zeadally,
“Delivery of High Quality Uncompressed Video over ATM to Windows NT
Desktop”, in Proceedings of USENIX NT Workshop, Seattle, Washington,
August 1997. Also appeared in ;login magazine, Special issue on Windows NT,
“Uncompressed Video over ATM”, pp: 67-80, November 1997.
- S. Zeadally,
“TCP-UDP/IP Performance on Windows NT over ATM”, in Proceedings
of Third IEEE ATM Workshop, Lisboa, Portugal, pp: 63-72, May 1997.
ICT 410 - Privacy
CSIT 3529-352-01
- Information Security
LIS 690-210 - Special
Topics: Cybersecurity (Graduate)
CSIT 3529-490 -
Network Security
CSIT 3529-490 -
Information Security (operational and organizational)
CSCI 553 - Network
Security (Graduate)
ICT 351-001 - Technology
ICT 550-001 - Security
Informatics (Graduate)
CSIT 3529-434-01
- Data Structures/Analysis of Algorithms
CSIT 3528-231-02
- Introduction to Computer Science
CSCI 508 - Principles
of Data Communication Networks (Graduate)
CSCI 551 - Computer
Network Architecture and Protocol (Graduate)
CSIT 3528-104-04/05
- Introduction to Computer Applications
CSC 4992 - Introduction
to Computer Networks
CSIT 3529-499 -
Senior Projects
CSC 5250 - Networking,
Distributed, Concurrent Programming (Graduate)
CSC 6290 - Data
Communications and Computer Networks (Graduate)
CSIT 3529-490-02
- Computer Networking
CSC 7290 - Broadband
Network Architectures (Graduate)
CSC 8260 - Seminar
on Wireless Networks (Graduate)
ICT/IS 303-201
- System Analysis
ICT 390-002 - Special
Topics: Introduction to Networking Technologies
ICT 202-201 - Technology
for Information Services
Professional Activities
Editorship of Refereed
International Journals
- Editor-in-Chief,
IET Wireless Sensor Systems, London, England, March 2013 - present
- Co-Editor-in-Chief,
International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology (IJIPT), Inderscience
Publishers, England, 2005 - present
- Program Advisor
in Cybersecurity, IET Engineering and Technology Reference, IET, England,
- Associate Editor,
Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, John Wiley and
Sons, 2020 - present
- Editorial Board
Member, Security and Communication Networks, 2007- present
- Editorial Board
Member, Journal of Surveillance, Security and Safety (JSSS), 2019 - present
- Associate Editor,
Information Security Journal - A Global Perspective, Taylor & Francis
Group, London, England, 2011-present
- Associate Editor,
Digital Twins and Applications, 2024 - present
- Associate Editor,
Telecommunication Systems Journal, Springer, New York, 2009 – present
- Editorial Advisory
Board Member, International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications,
Emerald Publishers, Emerald Group Publishing, England, 2024 - present
- Editorial Board
Member, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 2021 - present
- Associate Editor,
Computers and Electrical Engineering – An International Journal, Elsevier,
2011 - 2016,
- Technical Editor,
IEEE Wireless Communications, 2015 – July 2020
- Editorial Board
Member, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier, 2009 - 2024
- Associate Editor,
International Journal of Communication Systems, John Wiley and Sons, 2010
– present
- Editorial Board
Member, Vehicular Communications, Elsevier, 2013 – 2024
- Editorial Board
Member, Sensors - Section: Internet of Things, MDPI, Switzerland, 2017 –
- Editorial Board
Member, Internet Technology Letters, John Wiley and Sons, 2017 - present
- Editorial Board
Member, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (IJDSN), SAGE
Publishing, England, 2019 – present
- Editorial Board
Member, IET Networks, IET, England, 2011- present
- Editorial Board
Member, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, John Wiley
and Sons, 2013 – present
- Associate Editor,
International Journal of Computers and Applications, Taylor and Francis, 2003-present
- Associate Editor,
Journal of Information and Telecommunication, Taylor and Francis, 2017-present
- Associate Editor,
Digital Communications and Networks, Elsevier, 2015 – present
- Associate Editor,
Electronics Letters, IET, 2018 - present
- Senior Associate
Editor, PSU Research Review: An International Journal, Emerald Group Publishing,
United Kingdom, 2016 – present.
- Associate Editor,
Journal of Internet Services and Information Security, 2017 – present
- Editorial Board
Member, Future Internet, MDPI, Switzerland, 2017 – present
- Editorial Board
Member, Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, MDPI, Switzerland, 2018 -
- Associate Editor,
International Journal of Wireless Networks and Broadcasting Technologies,
IGI Global, 2010-present
- Advisory Board
Member, International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Inderscience
Publishers, England, 2014 – present
- Editorial Board
Member, Information, MDPI, Switzerland, 2015 - present
- Senior Editor,
Human-Centric Computing and Information Sciences, Springer, 2018 - present
- Associate
Editor, International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking
(IJBDCN), IGI Global, 2014 - present
- Editorial Board
Member, International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, Inderscience
Publishers, England, 2010 - present
- Editorial
Board Member, International Journal of Network Security, Femto Technique Ltd,
Taiwan, 2009 – present
- Editorial Board
Member, International Journal of Network Science, Inderscience Publishers,
England, 2018 - present
- Editorial Board
Member, International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems
(IJCNDS), Inderscience Publishers, 2012 – present.
- Editorial Board
Member, Journal of Universal Computer Science, Springer, Graz, Austria, 2003-present
- Editorial Board
member, International Journal of Next Generation Computing, Perpetual Innovation,
India, 2010-present
- Associate Editor,
Journal of Internet Technology, Taiwan, 2005-present
- Editorial Board
Member, IET International Book Series on Sensors, 2015-2021
- Editorial Advisory
Board Member, International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications,
Emerald Publishers, Emerald Group Publishing, England, 2012-2023
- Editorial
Advisory Board Member, Cryptographic Security Solutions for the Internet of
Things, Book, IGI Global, USA, 2017
- Editorial Advisory
Board Member, Emerging Research in Cloud Distributed Computing Systems, Book,
IGI Global, USA, 2014
- Editorial Advisory
Board Member, Using Cross-Layer Techniques for Communication Systems, Book,
IGI Global, USA, 2012
- Editorial Advisory
Board Member, Technologies and Protocols for the Future of Internet Design:
Reinventing the Web, Book, IGI Global, USA, 2010-2011
- Editorial Board
Member, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Hindawi Publishing Corporation,
2018 - 2023
- Associate
Editor, Alexandria Engineering Journal, Elsevier, 2020-2022
- Editorial Board
Member, Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, Hindawi Publishing
Corporation, 2016-2023
- Editorial Board
Member, International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Inderscience
Publishers, England, 2009 – 2013
- Editorial Board
Member, Scalable Computing, Springer, 2012 – 2013
- Editorial Board
Member, Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, 2007- 2013
- Editorial Board
Member, IET Wireless Sensor Systems, IET, England, 2010 – 2012
- Editorial Board
Member, WSEAS Transactions on Communications, WSEAS Press, Athens, 2004-2011
- Editorial Advisory
Board Member, Computer Communications, Elsevier, 2008 – 2012
- Editorial Board
Member, International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications, Emerald
Group Publishing, England, 2004-2010
- Editorial Board
Member, The Handbook of Technology Management (3 Volume Set with over 200
contributed chapters), Editor-in-Chief, H. Bidgoli, John Wiley and Sons, 2007-2009
- Editorial Board
Member, International Journal of Computer Research, Nova Science Publishers,
New York, 2003-2005
Guest Editorship
of Special Issues of Refereed International Journals
- Guest Editor
(with M. Collota, I. You, F. Song), Computers and Electrical Engineering,
Special issue on Smart Green Applications: QoS and Security-Aware Solutions
in Collaborative Wireless Networks, Vol. 97, 2022.
- Guest Editor
(with S. Tyagi, W. Wei, V. Piuri, S. Mukhopadhyay, A. Striegel, O. Elloumi,
W. Wang, N. Kumar), IEEE Sensors Journal, Special issue on Artificial Intelligence-based
Sensors for Next Generation IoT Applications", Vol. 21, No. 22, 2021.
- Guest Editor
(with J. Rodrigues, K. Cengiz, M. Javed, S. Tanwar, Z. Ning), Internet of
Medical Things in the Context of COVID-19, IEEE Internet of Things Magazine,
Vol. 4, No. 2, June 2021.
- Guest Editor
(with C. Tsai, M. Chen, F. Piccialli, T. Qiu, J. Jung, P. Hung), IEEE Access,
Special issue on Data Mining for Internet of Things, Vol. 9, 2021.
- Guest Editor
(with H. Wang, S. Yu, D. Rawat, Y. Gao), IEEE Transactions on Network Science
and Engineering, Special issue on Network Science for Internet of Things (IoT),
Vol. 7, No. 1, 2020.
- Guest Editor
(with P. Koutsakis, C. Mavromoustakis, J. Rodrigues), Computer Communications,
Special issue on Mobile Video in the 5G/IoT Era, Vol. 118, 2018.
- Guest Editor
(with Y. Chen, C. Chang, T. Chen, V. Leung), Sensors (MDPI), Special Issue
on The Architectures, Systems, and Applications of Internet of Things for
Smart Cities, 2017.
- Guest Editor
(with J. Rodrigues, G. Han, N. Kumar), Computer Networks, Special issue on
5G Wireless Networks and Body Sensors, Vol. 129, Part 2, 2017.
- Guest Editor
(with I. You, Y. Chen, F. Song), EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications
and Networking, Special issue on Intelligent Mobility Management for Future
Wireless Networks, Vol. 2017, 2017.
- Guest Editor
(with I. You and A. Tjoa), International Journal of Computer Systems Science
and Engineering, Special issue on Foundations and Practice of Security in
Emerging ICT Applications, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2017.
- Guest Editor
(with I. Anagnostopoulos and M. Wallace), Social Network Analysis and Mining,
Special issue on Semantic Social Networks and Media Applications, Vol. 7,
No. 1, 2017.
- Guest Editor
(with J. Hu, K. Merrick, K. Shafi), Future Internet, Special issue on Cyber
Warfare, Vol. 8, 2016.
- Guest Editor
(with H. Wang, S. Chen, N. Ansari), Digital Communications and Networks, Special
issue on Advances in Big Data, Vol. 2, No. 3, August 2016.
- Guest Editor
(with H. Chao and B. Hu), Journal of Medical Systems, Special issue on Wearable
Computing for Health Care, Vol. 39, No. 12, 2015.
- Guest Editor
(with M. Rehmani, M. Shadaram, P. Bellavista), Pervasive and Mobile Computing
Journal, Special issue on Recent Developments in Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks,
Vol. 22, 2015.
- Guest Editor,
Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Special issue on Cybersecurity,
Cybercrime, Cyberwarfare, Vol. 11, No. 4, 2014.
- Guest Editor
(with N. Kumar, N. Chilamkurti, and C. Ke), International Journal of Communication
Networks and Distributed Systems, Special issue on Multi Constraints Algorithms
for Heterogeneous Networks, Vol. 12, No. 4, 2014.
- Guest Editor
(with M. Shadaram and S. Smys), Computers and Electrical Engineering –
An International Journal, Special issue on Wireless Systems: new technologies,
resource optimization and security, Vol. 40, No. 2, 2014.
- Guest Editor
(with H. Chao, V. Leung, and J. Lee), IEEE Systems Journal, Special issue
on Recent Advances in Cloud-based Multimedia Systems, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2014.
- Guest Editor
(with G. Martinez and H. Chao), Information Sciences - An International Journal,
Special issue on Cloud Computing Service and Architecture Models, Vol. 258,
- Guest Editor
(with G. Martinez and H. Chao), IEEE Computer, Special issue on Cybersecurity,
April 2013.
- Guest editor
(with C. Chang and T. Chen), International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks,
Special issue on Cyber Physical Systems using Sensor Technologies, Volume
2012, 2012.
- Guest Editor
(with S. Khan, P. Bouvry, N. Chilamkurti), Journal of Supercomputing, Special
issue on Green Networks, Vol. 62, No. 3, 2012.
- Guest Editor
(with M. Leszczuk, E. Cerqueira, M. Curado, A. Mauthe, S. Zeadally), International
Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, Special issue on Quality of
Experience for Multimedia Applications, Vol. 61, No. 3, 2012.
- Guest Editor,
IEEE Latin America Transactions, Special issue on Wireless Technologies and
Applications, Vol. 10, No. 3, April 2012.
- Guest Editor
(with Y. Huang, D. Deng, J. Ding), International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous
Computing, Special issue on Ubiquitous Multimedia Computing: Systems, Networking,
and Applications, Vol. 9, No. 4, 2012.
- Guest editor
(with H. Chao and C. Lai), KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems,
Special issue on Machine 2 Machine Communications: Applications, Architectures
and Protocols, Vol. 6, Nos. 1-2, 2012.
- Guest Editor
(with C. Chang, Y. Chen, T. Chen), Telecommunication Systems Journal, Special
issue on Vehicular Communications, Networks, and Applications, Vol. 51, Nos.
2-3, 2012.
- Guest Editor
(with N. Jabeur), International Journal of Next Generation Computing, Special
issue on Emerging Networking Technologies and Services, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2011.
- Guest Editor
(with K. Shih and M. Liang), Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, Special
issue on Ubiquitous Computing, Technology, and Applications, Vol. 14, No.
3, 2011.
- Guest Editor
(with M. Curado, A. Mauthe, E. Cerqueira, M. Leszczuk), International Journal
of Multimedia Tools and Applications, Special issue on Future Multimedia Networking,
Vol. 54, No. 3, 2011.
- Guest Editor
(with N. Sklavos and C. Tello), Computers and Electrical Engineering –
An International Journal, Special issue on Modern Trends in Applied Security:
Architectures, Implementations & Applications, Vol. 37, No. 2, 2011.
- Guest Editor
(with M. Sheng, K. Mitrokotsa, Z. Maamar), Journal of Network and Computer
Applications, Special issue on RFID Technology, Systems, and Applications,
Vol. 34, No. 3, 2011.
- Guest Editor
(with M. Sheng, Z. Luo, J. Cheung, Z. Maamar), International Journal of Information
Systems Frontiers, Special issue on Advances in RFID Technology, Vol. 12,
No. 5, 2010.
- Guest Editor
(with H. Chao, Y. Chen, G. Martinez), International Journal of Communication
Systems, Special issue on Next Generation Networks, 2010, Vol. 23, Nos 6-7,
June-July 2010.
- Guest Editor
(with Z. Zhang, F. Naït-Abdesselam, A. Casimiro), International Journal
of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems, Special issue on Security,
Trust, and Privacy in Vehicular Communications, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2010.
- Guest Editor
(with Yan Zhang and Hassnaa Moustafa), Wireless Communications and Mobile
Computing Journal, Special issue on Recent Advances in Wireless Communications
and Networks, Vol. 10, No. 1, January 2010.
- Guest Editor
(with N. Chilamkurti, A. Jamalipour, S. Das), EURASIP Journal on Wireless
Communications and Networking, Special issue on Enabling Wireless Technologies
for Green Pervasive Computing, Vol. 2009, 2009.
- Guest Editor
(with A. Zomaya and H. Chao), Telecommunication Systems Journal, Special issue
on Mobility Management and Wireless Access, Vol. 42, Nos. 3-4, December 2009.
- Guest Editor
(with H. Chao and Y. Huang), Telecommunication Systems, Special issue on Cross
Layer Design for Cognitive Networks, Vol. 42, No. 1-2, October 2009.
- Guest Editor
(with A. Mellouk and P. Mueller), Annals of Telecommunications, Special issue
on Inter-Domain Routing and QoS over Heterogeneous Networks, Springer, Vol.
63, No. 11-12, 2008.
- Guest Editor
(with H. Chao), Computer Communications Journal, Special Issue on Mobility
Protocols for ITS/VANET, Vol. 31, No. 12, 2008.
- Guest Editor
(with B. Wei and B. Landfeldt), Computer Communications Journal, Special Issue
on End-to-End Support over Heterogeneous Wired-Wireless Networks, Vol. 31,
No. 11, 2008.
- Guest Editor
(with L. Yan), International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Special
issue on Recent Advances on Networking Support for Ubiquitous Computing, Vol.
3, No. 4, 2008.
- Guest Editor
(with L. Yan), International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications,
Special Issue on Recent Advances of Wireless Communication Technologies for
Ubiquitous Computing, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2008.
- Guest Editor
(with M. Sheng, Z. Maamar, and M. Cameron), International Journal of Internet
Protocol Technology (IJIPT), Special Issue on RFID: Technologies, Applications
and Trends, Vol. 2, No. 3-4, December 2007.
Refereed International
Conferences and Workshops
- General Co-Chair
and Co-Program Chair, First IEEE International Workshop on Pervasive Computing
for Smart Autonomous Systems and Networks
(PerSASN), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, March 2023.
- Co-Chair, IEEE
GLOBECOM 2021 Workshop on AI and Blockchain-Enabled Secure and Privacy-Preserving
Air and Ground Smart Vehicular Networks, Madrid, Spain, December 2021.
- Co-Chair, 2nd
Workshop on Internet of Mobile Things (IoMT) (in conjunction with IEEE ICC
2021), Montreal, Canada, June 2021.
- Co-Chair, International
Workshop on Internet of Mobile Things (IoMT) (in conjunction with IEEE PIMRC
2019), Istanbul, Turkey, September 2019.
- Program Co-Chair,
Workshop on Wireless Mesh and Ad-hoc Networking (held in conjunction with
25th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN
2016), August 2016, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA.
- Technical Program
Track Co-Chair, 11th International Conference on Innovations in Information
Technology (IIT'15), Innovations in Information and Communication Infrastructures
track, UAE, November 2015.
- Technical Program
Chair, 2nd International Conference on Safety and Security in Internet of
Things (SaSeIoT), Rome, Italy, October 2015.
- Technical Program
Co-Chair, IEEE International Workshop on Cloud-based Network and Applications
(IEEE CloudNA 2015) (in conjunction with 40th IEEE Conference on Local Computer
Networks), Clearwater Beach, Florida, October 2015.
- Technical Program
Track Co-Chair, 24th International Conference on Computer Communications and
Networks (ICCCN 2015), Internet of Things track, Las Vegas, Nevada, August
- Technical Program
Co-Chair, 8th International Conference on Mobile Multimedia Communications,
Chengdu, China, May 2015.
- General Co-Chair,
4th International Symposium on Cloud and Service Computing (SC2 2014), Beijing,
China, September 2014.
- Technical Program
Co-Chair, International Multi-Topic Conference (IMTIC’13), Mehran University,
Jamshoro, Pakistan, December 2013.
- Technical Program
Track Co-Chair, 22nd International Conference on Computer Communications and
Networks (ICCCN 2013), Mobile Computing and Communication Networks track,
Nassau, Bahamas, July 2013.
- Technical Program
Vice-Chair of Emerging Networking, Tracking and Sensing Technologies track,
4th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies
(ANT-2013), Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 2013.
- Program Vice-Chair,
Advanced Networking and Applications track, 15th IEEE International Conference
on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE-2012), Cyprus, December 2012.
- Program Vice-Chair,
Mobile Networks, Protocols, Applications track, 9th International Conference
on Mobile Web Information Systems (MobiWIS-2012), Niagara Falls, Canada, August
- Technical Program
Co-Chair, 4th International Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks: Architectures,
Deployments, and Trends (WSN-ADT), Istanbul, Turkey, May 2012.
- Program Co-Vice-Chair,
Ad Hoc, Mesh and Sensor Networks track, 26th IEEE Advanced Information Networking
and Applications (IEEE AINA-2012), Tokyo, Japan, March 2012.
- Technical Program
Co-Chair, 2011 IEEE Globecom joint First International Workshop on Smart Communication
Protocols & Algorithms (SCPA 2011) and the Second IEEE International Workshop
on SmArt Communications (SaCoNaS II) (Joint SCPA-SaCoNaS II), Houston, Texas,
December 2011.
- Technical Program
Co-Chair, Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference,
Melbourne, Australia, November 2011.
- Co-Chair, Fifth
International Workshop on RFID Technology - Concepts, Applications, Challenges
(IWRT 2011), Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, September 2011.
- Technical Program
Chair, International Symposium on Wireless and Pervasive Computing (ISWPC
2011), Hong Kong, China, February 2011.
- Technical Program
Co-Chair, 4th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility,
and Security, Paris, France, February 2011.
- Technical Program
Co-Chair, 2010 IEEE Globecom Workshop on Smart Communications and Network
technologies applied on Autonomous Systems (SaCoNAS) (in conjunction with
IEEE Globecom 2010), Miami, Florida, December 2010.
- Program Co-Chair,
3rd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless & Internet Services (WISe
2010) (held in conjunction with the 35th IEEE International Conference on
Local Computer Networks), Denver, Colorado, October 2010.
- Technical Program
Chair, 3rd International Workshop on Future Multimedia Networking (FMN’10),
Krakow, Poland, June 2010.
- Co-Chair, 4th
International Workshop on RFID Technology (IWRT'10), held in conjunction with
the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS'10),
Madeira, Portugal, June 2010.
- Co-Chair, Wireless
Network Symposium, 2010 IEEE Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking,
and Information Security (WCNIS 2010), Beijing, China, June 2010.
- Technical Program
Co-Chair, International Workshop on Vehicular Communications, Networks, and
Applications (VCNA 2009), held in conjunction with the 10th International
Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks, I-SPAN 2009, Kaoshiung,
Taiwan, December 2009.
- Technical Program
Co-Chair, International Conference on Next Generation Wireless Systems (NGWS
2009), Melbourne, Australia, October 2009.
- Technical Program
Co-Chair, 2nd International Workshop on Future Multimedia Networking (FMN’09),
Coimbra, Portugal, June 2009.
- Co-Chair, Workshop
on Mobility and its Applications (held in conjunction with International Wireless
Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC 2009)), Leipzig, Germany, June
- Co-Chair, 3rd
International Workshop on RFID Technology (IWRT'09), to be held in conjunction
with the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS'09),
Milan, Italy, May 2009.
- General Co-Chair,
3rd International Workshop on Web and Pervasive Security (WPS-09), held in
conjunction with the 7th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive
Computing and Communications, Dallas, Texas, March 2009.
- Steering Committee
Chair, IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing, Melbourne,
Australia, February 2009.
- Vice Chair,
Network Protocol Track, IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and
Ubiquitous Computing (EUC '08), Shanghai, China, December 2008.
- General Chair,
6th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access,
Vancouver, Canada, October 2008.
- Technical Program
Co-Chair, ACM/IET/ICST International Workshop on Performance and Analysis
of Wireless Networks, held in conjunction with the International Conference
on Mobile Technology, Applications and Systems (Mobility 2008), Ilan, Taiwan,
September 2008.
- Technical Co-Chair,
ACM/IET/ICST International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications and
Systems (Mobility 2008), Ilan, Taiwan, September 2008.
- Co-Chair, 2nd
International Workshop on RFID Technology (IWRT'08), held in conjunction with
the 10th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS'08),
Barcelona, Spain, June 2008.
- Technical Program
Chair, 5th ACM International Workshop on Mobility Management and Wireless
Access, held in conjunction with the 10th ACM/IEEE International Symposium
on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM
2007), Chania, Greece, October 2007.
- General Co-Chair,
IEEE International Workshop on Pervasive Computing and Ad-hoc Communications
(PCAC’06), held in conjunction with 20th IEEE International Conference
on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, Vienna, Austria, April
Steering Committee Memberships/Technical
Advisory Panels of Refereed International Conferences/Symposia/Workshops
- Member, Advisory Committee,
International Conference on Connected Systems and Intelligence (CSI'22), Kerala,
India, September 2022.
- Member, International
Advisory Committee, International Workshop on Human-centric Computing and
Information Sciences (HCIS 2020 Workshop), Jeju, Korea, August 2020.
- Member, Advisory
Committee, 4th International Conference on Computing and Network Communications
(CoCoNet'20), Chennai, India, October 2020.
- Member, Advisory
Committee, 7th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications
and Informatics (ICACCI’18), Bangalore, India, September 2018.
- Member, Steering
Committee, 17th International Conference on Networks (ICN 2018), Athens, Greece,
April 2018.
- Member, Steering
Committee, 3rd International Workshop on Research Advancements in Future Internet
Architectures (RAFNET 2017), Toronto, Canada, September 2017.
- Member, Steering
Committee, 2nd International Conference on Security of Smart Cities - Industrial
Control System and Communications (SSIC 2016), Paris, France, July 2016.
- Member, Steering
Committee, International Workshop on Cloud of Things (CoT 2016), Brasilia,
Brazil, October 2016.
- Member, Advisory
Committee, International Conference on Informatics and Analytics (ICIA' 16),
Pondicherry, India, August 2016.
- Member, Steering
Committee, 1st International Workshop on Research Advancements in Future Networking
Technologies (RAFNET 2016), Colmar, France, July 2016.
- Member, Advisory
Committee, 5th International Conference on Smart Cities, Systems, Devices
and Technologies, Valencia, Spain, May 2016.
- Member, Steering
Committee, International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things
(ICGCIoT), Delhi, India, October 2015.
- Member, Advisory
Committee, 3rd International Conference on Smart Systems, Devices and Technologies,
Paris, France, July 2014.
- Member, International
Advisory Board, 2nd International Conference on Ubiquitous Context-Awareness
and Wireless Sensor Network (UCAWSN-13), Jeju, Korea, July 2013.
- Member, Steering
Committee, 7th International Symposium on Wireless and Pervasive Computing
(ISWPC 2012), Dalian, China, July 2012.
- Member, Steering
Committee, 3rd IEEE International Workshop on SmArt COmmunications in NEtwork
Technologies (SaCoNeT-III) SaCoNeT 2012 (in conjunction with 2012 IEEE International
Conference on Communications (ICC'12)), Ottawa, Canada, June 2012.
- Member, Technical
Advisory Panel, Wireless Sensor Systems Conference (WSS 2012), June 2012,
London, England.
- Member, Technical
Advisory Committee, International Conference on Information, Signal, and Communication
(ICISC 2011), Gujarat, India, February 2011.
- Member, International
Advisory Committee, 4th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Information
Technologies & Applications (IEEE ICUT-09), Fukuoka, Japan, December 2009.
Current Technical
Program Committee Memberships of Refereed International Conferences/Symposia/Workshops
- PC member, 2025
International Conference on Computer, Information, and Telecommunication Systems
(CITS 2025), Colmar, France, July 2025.
- PC member, IEEE International
Conference on Communications (ICC 2025): IoT and Sensor Networks Symposium,
Montreal, Canada, June 2025.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC 2025): Mobile and Wireless
Networks Symposium, Montreal, Canada, June 2025.
- PC member,
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2025): Next Generation
Networking and Internet Symposium, Montreal, Canada, June 2025.
- PC member,
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2025): Signal Processing
for Communications, Montreal, Canada, June 2025.
- PC member,
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2025): Selected Areas
in Communications - E-Health, Montreal, Canada, June 2025.
- PC member,
Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS), Dubai,
UAE, February 2025.
- PC member, IEEE
43rd International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Las Vegas, Nevada,
January 2025.
- PC member, 39th
International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2025), Chiang Mai,
Thailand, January 2025.
- PC member,
23rd IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing
and Communications (TrustCom-2024), Sanya, China, December 2024.
- PC member, 21st
IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC
2024), Denarau Island, Fiji, December 2024.
- PC member,
22nd IEEE International Conferences on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC),
Sanya, China, December 2024.
- PC member, IEEE
Global Communications Conference: Mobile and Wireless Networks, Cape Town,
South Africa, December 2024.
- PC member,
IEEE Global Communications Conference: IoT and Sensor Networks, Cape Town,
South Africa, December 2024.
- PC member,
4th International Conference on Ubiquitous Security (UbiSec 2024), Changsha,
China, December 2024.
- PC member, IEEE
UROCON 2024, Montevideo, Uruguay, November 2024.
- PC member, IEEE
Latin-American Conference on Communications, Medellín, Colombia, November
- PC member, IEEE
10th World Forum on Internet of Things, Ottawa, Canada, November 2024.
- PC member, 2024
International Conference on Future Communications and Networks (FCN) - AI-Enabled
Communications and Networks (AICN) Symposium, Valletta, Malta, November 2024.
- PC member, 2024
International Conference on Future Communications and Networks (FCN) -
Mobile and Wireless
Communications (MWC) Symposium, Valletta, Malta, November 2024.
- PC member, 2024
IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (APWiMob) Bali, Indonesia,
November 2024.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services,
Nara, Japan, November 2024.
- PC member, 2024
IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF'24), Dubai, UAE, October 2024.
- PC member, 6th
Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks
and Services (BRAINS 2024), Berlin, Germany, October 2024.
- PC member, International
Conference on Communications, Computing, Cybersecurity and Informatics (CCCI
2024), Beijing, China, October 2024.
- PC member, 29th
Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC), Surabaya, Indonesia, October
- PC member,
IEEE International
Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (IEEE PIMRC),
Valencia, Spain, September 2024.
- PC member, 2nd
IEEE CSR Workshop on Hardware Cybersecurity Systems 2024 (HACS’24),
London, United Kingdom, September 2024.
- PC member, 2024
IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC’24),
Hangzhou, China, August 2024.
- PC member, 20th
IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom-2024),
Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2024.
- PC member, International
Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS),
Girona, Spain, July 2024.
- PC member, 2024
IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence of Things (IEEE AIoT
2024), Melbourne, Australia, July 2024.
- PC member, 2024
Fifteenth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN),
Budapest, Hungary, July 2024.
- PC member, 10th
International Conference on Smart Computing and Communication (ICSCC), Bali,
Indonesia, July 2024.
- PC member, 11th
International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications (WINCOM
2024), Leeds, England, July 2024.
- PC member, 30th
IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), Deadsea, Jordan,
June 2024.
- PC member, 2024
International Conference on Ubiquitous Networking (UNet), Marrakesh, Morocco,
June 2024.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC 2024): IoT
and Sensor Networks Symposium, Denver, USA, June 2024.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC 2024): Mobile
and Wireless Networks Symposium, Denver, USA, June 2024.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC 2024): Next Generation Networking
and Internet Symposium, Denver, USA, June 2024.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC 2024): Wireless Communications
Symposium, Denver, USA, June 2024.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC 2024): Selected Areas in Communications
- E-Health, Denver, USA, June 2024.
- PC member, 29th
IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Paris, France, June
- PC member, 20th
International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC
2024), Cyprus, May 2024.
- PC member,
IEEE Wireless
Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2024), Dubai, United Arab Emirates,
April 2024.
- PC member, International
Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC): Wireless Ad
hoc and Sensor Networks, Big Island, Hawaii, USA, February 2024.
- PC member, International
Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC): Multimedia
Computing and Communications, Big Island, Hawaii, USA, February 2024.
- PC member, Global
Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS), Dubai, UAE, February
- PC member, International
Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC),
Osaka, Japan, February 2024.
- PC member, International
Conference on Green Energy, Computing and Sustainable Technology (GECOST 2024),
Miri Sarawak, Malaysia, January 2024.
- PC member, 38th
International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2024), Ho Chi Minh
City, Vietnam, January 2024.
- PC member, 2022
IEEE GLOBECOM: Wireless Communications symposium, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
December 2023.
- PC member, 2023
IEEE GLOBECOM: IoT and Sensor Networks symposium, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
December 2023.
- PC member, 2023
IEEE GLOBECOM: Communications Software and Multimedia symposium, Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia, December 2023.
- PC member, 2023
IEEE GLOBECOM: Mobile and Wireless Networks symposium, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
December 2023.
- PC member, 2023
IEEE GLOBECOM: Selected Areas in Communications: Cloud/edge Computing, Networking,
and Data Storage, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 2023.
- PC member, 2023
IEEE GLOBECOM: Selected Areas in Communications: Big Data, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
December 2023.
- PC member, 2023
RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies,
Hanoi, Vietnam, December 2023.
- PC member, IEEE
Future Networks World Forum, Baltimore, MD, USA, November 2023.
- PC member, IEEE
Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (IEEE CSCN 2023),
Munich, Germany, November 2023.
- PC member, 22nd
IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing
and Communications (TrustCom-2023), Exeter, United Kingdom, November 2023.
- PC member, 2023
IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence Systems
(IoTaIS'2023), Bali - Indonesia, November 2023.
- PC member, 28th
IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC), Sydney, Australia,
November 2023.
- PC member, International
Conference on Ubiquitous Networking (UNet23), Clermont-Ferrand, France, November
- PC member, 15th
Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM), Panama City, Panama,
November 2023.
- PC member,
10th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications
(WINCOM’23), Istanbul, Turkey, October 2023.
- PC member, 2023
International Conference on Communications, Computing, Cybersecurity, and
Informatics (CCCI 2023), Chongqing, China, October 2023.
- PC member, 2023
IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (APWiMob), Bali, Indonesia,
October 2023.
- PC member, 7th
Cyber Security in Networking Conference (CSNet'23), Montreal, Canada, October
- PC member, 5th
Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks
and Services (BRAINS 2023), Paris, France, October 2023.
- PC member, IEEE
34th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications
(PIMRC): Track 3: Practical and Experimental Systems, Toronto, Canada, September
- PC member, Second
International Conference on Innovation in Computing Research (ICR'23) - Computer/Network
Security, Madrid, Spain, September 2023.
- PC member, The
Fifth International Workshop on Smart Living with IoT, Cloud, and Edge Computing
2023 (SLICE 2023) in conjunction with the 20th IEEE International Conference
on Mobile Ad Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS), Toronto, Canada, September 2023.
- PC member, 2023
Industrial Electronics and Intelligent Systems Conference (IEISC 2023), Shanghai,
China, September 2023.
- PC member, IEEE/CIC
International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), Dalian City, China,
August 2023.
- PC member, 2023
Fourteenth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN),
Barcelona, Spain, July 2023.
- PC member, 28th
IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Tunis, Tunisia, July
- PC member, 19th
International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and
Communications (WiMob 2023), Montreal, Canada, June 2023.
- PC member, International
Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2023), Marrakesh,
Morocco, June 2023.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Metaverse Computing, Networking and Applications
(IEEE MetaCom 2023), Blockchain and Web3.0 track, Kyoto, Japan, June 2023.
- PC member, 2023
European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC) & 6G Summit,
Gothenburg, Sweden, June 2023.
- PC member, IEEE
97th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2023-Spring), Florence, Italy, June
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC 2023): IoT and Sensor Networks,
Rome, Italy, June 2023.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC 2023): Next Generation Networking
and Internet symposium, Rome, Italy, June 2023.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC 2023): Signal Processing for
Communications, Rome, Italy, June 2023.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC 2023): Selected Areas in Communications
- E-Health, Rome, Italy, June 2023.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC 2023): Selected Areas in Communications
- Cloud Computing, Networking and Storage, Rome, Italy, June 2023.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, Dubai, UAE, May
- PC member, IEEE
Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Glasgow, Scotland,
United Kingdom, March 2023.
- PC member, 37th
International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2023), Bangkok,
Thailand, January 2023.
- PC member, IEEE
International Workshop on Blockchain and Smart Contracts (BSC 2022), Guangzhou,
China, December 2022.
- PC member, 19th
IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC
2022), Haikou, China, December 2022.
- PC member, 16th
International Conference on Network and System Security (NSS 2022), Denarau
Island, Fiji, December 2022.
- PC member, 2022
IEEE Autonomous and Trusted Vehicles Conference (ATC 2022), Haikou, China,
December 2022.
- PC member, 7th
IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile 2022 (APWiMob 2022), Bandung,
Indonesia, December 2022.
- PC member, Second
International Conference on Ubiquitous Security (UbiSec 2022), Zhangjiajie,
China, December 2022.
- PC member, 2022
IEEE GLOBECOM: Mobile and Wireless Networks, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December
- PC member, 2022
IEEE GLOBECOM: IoT and Sensor Networks (IoTSN), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December
- PC member, 2022
IEEE GLOBECOM: Wireless Communications, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 2022.
- PC member, 2022
IEEE GLOBECOM: Communications Software and Multimedia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
December 2022.
- PC member, 5th
International Conference on Machine Learning for Networking (MLN'2022), Paris,
France, November 2022.
- PC member, IEEE
2022 6th Symposium on Future Telecommunication Technologies (SOFTT 22), Johor
Bahru, Malaysia, November 2022.
- PC member, 20th
International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia
Intelligence (MoMM 2022), Virtual Conference, November 2022.
- PC member, IEEE
Future Networks World Forum, Montreal, Canada, October 2022.
- PC member, 6th
Cyber Security in Networking Conference (CSNet 2022), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
October 2022.
- PC member, 21st
IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing
and Communications (IEEE TrustCom 2022), Wuhan, China, October 2022.
- PC member, 2022
International Conference on Communications, Computing, Cybersecurity, and
Informatics (CCCI 2022), Virtual Conference, October 2022.
- PC member, 14th
IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (IFIP WMNC), Sousse, Tunisia,
October 2022.
- PC member, International
Conference on Ubiquitous Networking (UNet22), Montreal, Canada, October 2022.
- PC member, 18th
International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and
Communications (WiMob 2022), Thessaloniki, Greece, Virtual Conference, October
- PC member, 9th
International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications (WINCOM
2022), Rabat, Morocco, October 2022.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services
(Healthcom 2022), Genoa, Italy, October 2022.
- PC member, 27th
Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications 2022 (APCC 2022), Jeju, Korea, October
- PC member, International
Conference on Green Energy, Computing and Sustainable Technology (GECOST 2022),
Miri Sarawak, Malaysia, October 2022.
- PC member, 4th
Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks
and Services (BRAINS), Paris, France, September 2022.
- PC member, Global
Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS 2022), Argostoli,
Kefalonia Island, Greece, September 2022.
- PC member, 2022
Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications
(IEEE PIMRC 2022), Virtual Conference, September 2022.
- PC member, 11th
IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC 2022),
Foshan City, China, August 2022.
- PC member, 18th
IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom-2022),
Espoo, Finland, August 2022.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Machine Learning
Applications, Fremont, CA, August 2022.
- PC member, 27th
IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (IEEE ISCC 2022), Rhodes, Greece,
July 2022.
- PC member, 2022
International Conference on Computer, Information, and Telecommunication Systems
(CITS 2022), Athens, Greece, July 2022.
- PC member, 2022
IEEE 9th International Conference on Communications and Electronics, Nha Trang
City, Vietnam, July 2022.
- PC member, 13th
International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN 2022), Barcelona,
Spain, July 2022.
- PC member, Global
IoT Summit (GIoTS 2022), Dublin, Ireland, June 2022.
- PC member, European
Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC) & 6G Summit, Grenoble,
France, June 2022.
- PC member, International
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2022) - Wireless
Networking Symposium, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 2022.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC): Mobile and Wireless Networks
Symposium, South Korea, May 2022.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC): Signal Processing for Communications
Symposium, Seoul, South Korea, May 2022.
- PC member,
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): SAC Cloud Computing,
Networking and Storage Track, Seoul, South Korea, May 2022.
- PC member,
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): Next-Generation Networking
and Internet Symposium, Seoul, South Korea, May 2022.
- PC member,
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): IoT and Sensor Networks
Symposium, May 2022.
- PC member, IEEE
Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (IEEE WCNC), Austin, USA,
April 2022.
- PC member, IEEE
Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Austin, TX, USA, April
- PC member, 4th
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication
(ICAIIC 2022), Guam, USA, February 2022.
- PC member, 8th
NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS’21), Hanoi
city, Vietnam, December 2021.
- PC member, 17th
International Conference on Ubiquitous Security (UbiSec 2021), Guangzhou,
China, December 2021.
- PC member, IEEE
Global Communications Conference: IoT and Sensor Networks (IoTSN), Madrid,
Spain, December 2021.
- PC member, 17th
IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (IEEE
GreenCom-2021), Melbourne, Australia, December 2021.
- PC member, IEEE
Global Communications Conference: Mobile and Wireless Networks, Madrid, Spain,
December 2021.
- PC member, IEEE
Global Communications Conference: Communications Software, Services and Multimedia
Applications, Madrid, Spain, December 2021.
- PC member, IEEE
Global Communications Conference: Wireless Communications, Madrid, Spain,
December 2021.
- PC member, IEEE
URUCON 2021 Conference, Montevideo, Uruguay, November 2021.
- PC member, 8th
International Annual Conference on Electronic Governance and Open Society:
Challenges in Eurasia (EGOSE 2021), St. Petersburg, Russia, November 2021.
- PC member, 2021
International Conference on Communications, Computing, Cybersecurity and Informatics
(CCCI 2021), Beijing, China, October 2021.
- PC member, 5th
International Conference on Cyber Security in Networking (CSNet 2021), Abu
Dhabi, UAE, October 2021.
- PC member, International
Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC 2021), Ho Chi
Minh City, Vietnam, October 2021.
- PC member, International
Workshop on Data Leakage Protection and Trustworthiness in Health Data, Gold
Coast, Australia, October 2021.
- PC member, 5th
IEEE International Conference on Smart City Innovations (SCI 2021), Atlanta,
GA, October 2021.
- PC member, 13th
IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC), Montreal, Canada, October
- PC member, 3rd
Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks
and Services (BRAINS), Paris, France, September 2021.
- PC member, IEEE
32nd Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications
(PIMRC), Helsinki, Finland, September 2021.
- PC member, Computational
Aspects of Network Science (CAoNS) workshop, Tartu, Estonia, August 2021.
- PC member, 12th
International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN), Jeju Island,
Korea, August 2021.
- PC member, 17th
International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC
2021) - Wireless Networking Symposium, Harbin, China, July 2021.
- PC member, International
Conference on Green Energy, Computing, and Sustainable Technology 2021 (GECOST
2021), Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia, July 2021.
- PC member, 2021
International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems
(CITS), Istanbul, Turkey, July 2021.
- PC member, 30th
International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, IEEE ICCCN
2021 - Track 4: Internet of Things (IoT), Athens, Greece, July 2021.
- PC member,
3rd ACM International
Symposium on Blockchain and Secure Critical Infrastructure (BSCI 2021), Hong
Kong, China, June 2021.
- PC member, 28th
International Conference on Telecommunications: ICT 2021, London, United Kingdom,
June 2021.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC'21): Next-Generation Networking
and Internet Symposium (NGNI), Montreal, Canada, June 2021.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC'21): Communication QoS, Reliability
and Modeling Symposium (CQRM), Montreal, Canada, June 2021.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC'21): Signal Processing for
Communications Symposium (SPC), Montreal, Canada, June 2021.
- PC member, Joint
European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit (EuCNC/6G
Summit): Vertical Applications and Internet of Things (VAP), Porto, Portugal,
June 2021.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC 2021), Sydney,
Australia, May 2021.
- PC member, International
Symposium on Ubiquitous Networking (UNet 21), Marrakesh, Morocco, May 2021.
- PC member, IEEE
93rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-2021) - Green communications and
networks, Helsinki, Finland, April 2021.
- PC member, 2nd
IFIP NTMS Workshop on “Cybersecurity on Hardware (CyberSECHARD), Paris,
France, April 2021.
- PC member, International
Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC
2021), Jeju Island, Korea, April 2021.
- PC member, IEEE
Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile 2021 (APWiMob 2021), Bandung,
Indonesia, April 2021.
- PC member, IEEE
Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (IEEE WCNC 2021), Nanjing,
China, April 2021.
- PC member, IEEE
International Workshop on Blockchain and Smart Contracts (IEEE BSC 2020),
Macau, China, December 2020.
- PC member, 2020
IEEE Global Communications Conference: Communications Software, Services and
Multimedia Applications, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2020.
- PC member, 2020
IEEE Global Communications Conference: Mobile and Wireless Networks, Taipei,
Taiwan, December 2020.
- PC member, 2020
IEEE Global Communications Conference: Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Taipei,
Taiwan, December 2020.
- PC member, 2020
PMU International Conference on Industrial Revolution 4.0 in Computing, Mobility,
and Manufacturing (CMM 2020), Khobar, Saudi Arabia, December 2020.
- PC member, 19th
IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing
and Communications (TrustCom 2020), Guangzhou, China, December 2020.
- PC member, 16th
EAI International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability,
Security and Robustness (Qshine 2020), Chengdu, China, November 2020.
- PC member, 7th
NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS’20), Ho
Chi Minh city, Vietnam, November 2020.
- PC member, 2020
International Conference on Communications, Computing, Cybersecurity, and
Informatics (CCCI 2020), Sharjah, UAE, November 2020.
- PC member, 16th
IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom-2020),
Rhodes Islands, Greece, November 2020.
- PC member, 7th
International Annual Conference on Electronic Governance and Open Society:
Challenges in Eurasia, St. Petersburg, Russia, November 2020.
- PC member, 18th
International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia
(MoMM2020), Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 2020.
- PC member, 2nd
Second Symposium on Machine Learning and Metaheuristics Algorithms, and Applications
(SoMMA'20), Chennai, India, October 2020.
- PC member, 4th
Cybersecurity in Networking Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, October 2020.
- PC member, 17th
IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (IEEE MASS
2020), Delhi, India, October 2020.
- PC member, 8th
International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communications (SSCC'20),
Chennai, India, October 2020.
- PC member, 13th
International Conference on Security, Privacy and Anonymity in Computation,
Communication and Storage (SpaCCS 2020), Nanjing, China, October 2020.
- PC member, 8th
International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications (WINCOM
2020), Reims, France, October 2020.
- PC member, 27th
International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT 2020), Bali, Indonesia,
October 2020.
- PC member, 12th
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks
(CICN 2020), Nainital, India, September 2020.
- PC member, 6th
IEEE International workshop on Communication, Computing, and Networking in
Cyber Physical Systems (CCNCPS 2020), September 2020.
- PC member, 2nd
conference on Blockchain Research and Applications for Innovative Networks
and Services (BRAINS'20), Paris, France, September 2020.
- PC member, 31st
IEEE Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications:
Networking and MAC track, September 2020.
- PC member, 31st
IEEE Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications:
Applications and Business track, London, UK, September 2020.
- PC member, IEEE
3rd 5G World Forum (5GWF’20), Bangalore, India, September 2020.
- PC member, IEEE/CIC
International Conference on Communications in China, Chongqing, China, August
- PC member, 4th
International Conference on Recent Advances in Signal Processing, Telecommunications
& Computing (SigTelCom 2020), Hanoi, Vietnam, August 2020.
- PC member, 2020
International Conference on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, and Communications
Technology (IAICT), Bali, Indonesia, July 2020.
- Program Board
member, 2nd International Conference on HCI for Cybersecurity, Privacy and
Trust (HCI-CPT), Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2020.
- PC member, 8th
International Annual Conference on Electronic Governance and Open Society:
Challenges in Eurasia (EGOSE 2021), St. Petersburg, Russia, November 2021.
- PC member, 8th
IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS 2020), Avignon,
France, July 2020.
- PC member, 8th
International Conference on Smart Computing and Communications, Kochi, India,
July 2020.
- PC member, 15th
International conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications
(WASA 2020), Qingdao, China, June 2020.
- PC member, 21st
International Symposium on "A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia
Networks" (WoWMoM), Cork, Ireland, June 2020.
- PC member, 12th
International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN), Porto,
Portugal, June 2020.
- PC member, 29th
European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2020): Vertical
Applications and Internet of Things (VAP), Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 2020.
- PC member, IEEE
ICC 2020 Next Generation Networking and Internet Symposium (NGNI), Dublin,
Ireland, June 2020.
- PC member, IEEE
ICC 2020 Communication QoS, Reliability, and Modeling Symposium (CQRM), Dublin,
Ireland, June 2020.
- PC member, IEEE
ICC 2020 Selected Areas in Communications (SAC-IoT Track), Dublin, Ireland,
June 2020.
- PC member, IEEE
ICC 2020 Selected Areas in Communications (Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Symposium),
Dublin, Ireland, June 2020.
- PC member, IEEE
ICC 2020 Selected
Areas in Communications E-Health Track, Dublin, Ireland, June 2020.
- PC member, IEEE
ICC 2020 Signal Processing for Communications Symposium (SPC), Dublin, Ireland,
June 2020.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC 2020), Toronto,
Canada, May 2020.
- PC member, 2020
International Conference on Computer, Information, and Telecommunication Systems
(CITS 2020), Hangzhou, China, May 2020.
- PC member, 2020
IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2020-Spring - IoT, M2M, Sensor
Networks, and Ad-Hoc Networking, Antwerp, Belgium, May 2020.
- PC member, 2020
IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2020-Spring - Green communications
and Networks, Antwerp, Belgium, May 2020.
- PC member, IEEE
Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Seoul, South Korea,
April 2020
- PC member, 2020
International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC):
Machine Learning for Communication and Networking, Big Island, Hawaii, February
- PC member, 17th
International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia
(MoMM2019), Munich, Germany, December 2019.
- PC member, Global
Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS), Paris, France,
December 2019.
- PC member, 6th
NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS’19), Hanoi,
Vietnam, December 2019.
- PC member, 3rd
International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet'19)
- Symposium on Internet of Things, Fog Computing and Wireless Location Technologies,
Kerala, India, December 2019.
- PC member, 9th
International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPES 2019), Perth,
Australia, December 2019.
- PC member, International
Conference on Machine Learning for Networking (MLN'2019), Paris, France, December
- PC member, Symposium
on Machine Learning and Metaheuristics Algorithms, and Applications (SoMMA'19),
Kerala, India, December 2019.
- PC member, IEEE
Healthcom 2019, Bogota, Colomnia, October 2019.
- PC member, 3rd
Cybersecurity in Networking Conference (CSNet 2019), Quito, Ecuador, October
- PC member, 2019
International Symposium on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ISEE 2019),
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, October 2019.
- PC member, 11th
International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE 2019),
Vietnam, October 2019.
- PC member, International
Symposium on Ubiquitous Networking (UNet'19), Limoges, France, September 2019.
- PC member, 12th
IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC 2019), Paris, France,
September 2019.
- PC member, 30th
IEEE Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio
Communications (PIMRC 2019) - Track: Services, Applications, and Business,
Istanbul, Turkey, September 2019.
- PC member, 2019
International Conference on Computer, Information, and Telecommunication Systems
(CITS 2019), Beijing, China, August 2019.
- PC member, IEEE/CIC
International Conference on Communications in China, Changchun, China, August
- PC member, 14th
International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW
2019), Nice, France, August 2019.
- PC member, 28th
International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2019),
Valencia, Spain, August 2019.
- PC member, 14th
International Conference on Future Networks and Communications (FNC 2019),
Halifax, Canada, August 2019.
- Program Board
member, 1st International Conference on HCI for Cybersecurity, Privacy and
Trust (HCI-CPT), Orlando, FL, July 2019.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom 2019),
Atlanta, July 2019.
- PC member, 12th
International Conference on ICT, Society and Human Beings, Porto, Portugal,
July 2019.
- PC member, International
Conference on Hardware Security and Trust, Wuxi, China, July 2019.
- PC member, 16th
International Conference on Security and Cryptography (Secrypt 2019), Prague,
Czech Republic, July 2019.
- PC member, International
Conference on Innovative Computing and Management Science (ICMS 2019), Osaka,
Japan, July 2019.
- PC member, 11th
International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN 2019), Zagreb,
Croatia, July 2019.
- PC member, IEEE
20th International Symposium on "A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia
Networks" (WoWMoM), Washington DC, June 2019.
- PC member, IEEE
Workshop on Communication, Computing, and Networking in Cyber Physical Systems
(WoWMoM-CCNCPS'2019), Washington DC, June 2019.
- PC member, Cybersecurity
on Hardware Workshop, Canary Islands, Spain, June 2019.
- PC member, International
Conference on Networks and Cryptology (NetCrypt), New Delhi, India, June 2019.
- PC member, European
Conference on Networks and Communications 2019 (EuCNC 2019) - Vertical Applications
and Internet of Things track, Valencia, Spain, June 2019.
- PC member, 4th
International Conference, Digital Transformation and Global Society (DTGS'19),
St. Petersburg, Russia, June 2019.
- PC member, 14th
International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications
(WASA 2019), Honolulu, HI, June 2019.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC 2019), Seoul,
South Korea, May 2019
- PC member, 26th
International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT 2019), Hanoi, Vietnam,
April 2019.
- PC member, IEEE
Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Marrakech, Morocco,
April 2019.
- PC member, 2nd
International Conference on Emerging Data and Industry 4.0 (EDI40), Leuven,
Belgium, April 2019.
- PC member, IEEE/IFIP
International Workshop on Managing and Managed by Blockchain (Man2Block 2019),
Washington DC, April 2019.
- PC member, 33rd
International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications
(AINA-2019), Next Generation Wireless Networks Track, Matsue, Japan, March
- PC member, 2019
International Conference on Blockchain Technology (ICBCT 2019), Honolulu,
Hawaii, March 2019.
- PC member, International
Conference on Wireless, Intelligent and Distributed Environment for COMmunication
(WIDECOM 2019), Milan, Italy, February 2019.
- PC member, 2019
International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC):
Machine Learning for Communication and Networking, Hawaii, USA, February 2019.
- PC member, 2019
International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC):
Green Computing, Networking, and Communications, Hawaii, USA, February 2019.
- PC member, 2018
IEEE GLOBECOM: Selected Areas in Communications: E-Health, Abu Dhabi, UAE,
December 2018.
- PC member, 2018
IEEE GLOBECOM: Wireless Communications Symposium, Abu Dhabi, UAE, December
- PC member, 10th
IEEE International Symposium on UbiSafe Computing (UbiSafe 2018), Melbourne,
Australia, December 2018.
- PC member, 2018
IEEE GLOBECOM: Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 2018.
- PC member, 2018
IEEE GLOBECOM: Mobile and Wireless Networks, Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 2018.
- PC member, 4th
IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications, Chengdu, China,
December 2018.
- PC member, 8th
IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPES 2018), Colombo,
Sri Lanka, December 2018.
- PC member, International
Conference on Intelligent, Secure, and Dependable Systems in Distributed and
Cloud Environments (ISDDC 2018), Vancouver, Canada, November 2018.
- PC member, 16th
International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia (MoMM
2018), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, November 2018.
- PC member, The
8th International Workshop on Context-Aware and IoT Services (CIoTS 2018),
Hangzhou, China, November 2018.
- PC member, International
Symposium on Advanced Electrical and Communication Technologies (ISAECT 2018),
Kenitra, Morocco, November 2018.
- PC member, 10th
International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE), Ho Chi
Minh City, Vietnam, November 2018.
- PC member, 2nd
IEEE International Workshop on Cyberspace Security (IWCSS 2018), Guangzhou,
China, October 2018.
- PC member, 10th
IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2018),
Sabah, Malaysia, October 2018.
- PC member, Global
Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS 2018), Thessaloniki,
Greece, October 2018.
- PC member, IEEE
MASS' 2018 Workshop on Trust, Security and Privacy for Big Data (BigTrust
2018), Chengdu, China, October 2018.
- PC member, 6th
International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications (WINCOM'18),
Marrakesh, Morocco, October 2018.
- PC member, 4th
IEEE International Conference on Internet of People (IoP 2018), Guangzhou,
China, October 2018.
- PC member, 16th
International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems Telecommunications
(ITST'2018), Lisboa, Portugal, October 2018.
- PC member, 13th
EAI International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (Chinacom
2018), Chengdu, China, October 2018.
- PC member,
10th IFIP Latin America Networking Conference (LANC 2018), Sao Paulo, Brazil,
October 2018.
- PC member, International
Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC), Ho Chi Minh
City, Vietnam, October 2018.
- PC member, IEEE
23rd International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modelling and Design of Communication
Links and Networks (CAMAD), Barcelona, Spain, September 2018.
- PC member, 29th
IEEE Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio
Communications (PIMRC 2018), Bologna, Italy, September 2018.
- PC member, 11th
IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC 2018), Prague, Czech
Republic, September 2018.
- PC member, Symposium
on Internet of Things, Fog Computing and Wireless Location Technologies (SIFL'18),
Bangalore, India, September 2018.
- PC member, 14th
International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile
Computing (WiCOM 2018), Chongqing, China, September 2018.
- PC member, 2018
IEEE 88th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2018-Fall - IoT, M2M, Sensor
Networks, and Ad-Hoc Networking, Chicago, August 2018.
- PC member, 23rd
IEEE International Symposium on Computer Communications (ISCC 2018), Natal,
Brazil, July 2018.
- PC member, IEEE
5G World Forum 2018 (WF-5G), Santa Clara, CA, July 2018.
- PC member, 7th
International Conference on Smart Cities, Systems, Devices and Technologies,
Barcelona, Spain, July 2018.
- PC member, 2018
International Conference on Computer, Information, and Telecommunication Systems
(CITS 2018), Colmar, France, July 2018.
- PC member, 13th
International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications
(WASA 2018), Tianjin, China, June 2018.
- PC member, Workshop
on Industrial Internet of Things Security (WIIoTS), Bilbao, Spain, June 2018.
- PC member,
14th International
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2018) - Wireless
Networking Symposium, Limassol, Cyprus, June 2018.
- PC member,
14th International
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2018) - Smart
Cities and Connected Communities Symposium, Limassol, Cyprus, June 2018.
- PC member, European
Conference on Networks and Communications (EUCNC 2018), Ljubljana, Slovenia,
June 2018.
- PC member, International
Conference on Selected Topics in Mobile & Wireless Networking (MoWNet'
18), Tangier, Morocco, June 2018.
- PC member, 2nd
International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics (ICMHI 2018), Tsukuba,
Japan, June 2018.
- PC member, 19th
IEEE International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia
Networks (WoWMoM), Chania, Crete, Greece, June 2018.
- PC member, 4th
International Symposium on Ubiquitous Networking (UNet2018), Hammamet, Tunisia,
May 2018.
- PC member, 19th
IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (IEEE MELECON'18), Marrakesh,
Morocco, May 2018.
- PC member, IEEE
ICC 2018 Next Generation Networking and Internet Symposium (NGNI), Kansas
City, MO, May 2018.
- PC member, IEEE
ICC 2018 Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networking Symposium (AHSN), Kansas City, MO, May
- PC member, IEEE
ICC 2018 Communication QoS, Reliability, and Modeling Symposium (CQRM), Kansas
City, MO, May 2018.
- PC member, IEEE
ICC 2018 Signal Processing for Communications Symposium (SPC), Kansas City,
MO, May 2018.
- PC member, 4th
International Symposium on Ubiquitous Networking, Hammamet, Tunisia, May 2018.
- PC member, IEEE/IFIP
International Workshop on Managing and Managed by Blockchain (Man2Block 2018),
Taipei, Taiwan, April 2018.
- PC member, International
Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC)- Cognitive Computing
and Networking, Maui, Hawaii, March 2018.
- PC member, International
Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC)- Multimedia
Computing and Communications, Maui, Hawaii, March 2018.
- PC member, 10th
International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE 2018),
Brisbane, Australia, February 2018.
- PC member, 36th
IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) - Internet of
Things and Internet of Everywhere track, January 2018.
- PC member, 4th
International Conference on Mathematics and Computing (ICMC-2018), Varanasi,
India, January 2018.
- PC member, 10th
International Conference on Security, Privacy and Anonymity in Computation,
Communication and Storage (SpaCCS 2017), Guangzhou, China, December 2017.
- PC member, 2017
IEEE GLOBECOM: Mobile and Wireless Networks, Singapore, December 2017.
- PC member, 9th
EAI International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management (MNM), Melbourne,
Australia, December 2017.
- PC member, 2017
IEEE GLOBECOM: Communication QoS, Reliability and Modeling, Singapore, December
- PC member, 2017
IEEE GLOBECOM: Wireless Communications, Singapore, December 2017.
- PC member, 2017
IEEE GLOBECOM: Selected Areas in Communications: E-Health, Singapore, December
- PC member, 2017
IEEE GLOBECOM: Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Singapore, December 2017.
- PC member, 8th
International Workshop on Trust, Security and Privacy for Big Data (TrustData
2017), Guangzhou, China, December 2017.
- PC member, The
International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications (WINCOM'17),
Rabat, Morocco, November 2017.
- PC member, ISDDC
2017 International Conference on Intelligent, Secure, and Dependable Systems
in Distributed and Cloud Environments, Vancouver, Canada, October 2017.
- PC member, 2017
IEEE 28th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio
Communications (PIMRC' 17) - Services, Applications, and Business Track, Montreal,
Canada, October 2017.
- PC member, 2017
IEEE 28th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio
Communications (PIMRC' 17) – Mobile and Wireless Track, Montreal, Canada,
October 2017.
- PC member, International
Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP 2017) -
Ad Hoc and Sensor Networking Symposium, Nanjing, China, October 2017.
- PC member, International
Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP 2017) -
Wireless Networking Symposium, Nanjing, China, October 2017.
- PC member, 1st
Cyber Security in Networking Conference (CSNet'17), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
October 2017.
- PC member, 2nd
IEEE International Workshop on Networks of Sensors, Wearable, and Medical
Devices, Singapore, October 2017.
- PC member, International
Conference on Intelligent, Secure, and Dependable Systems in Distributed and
Cloud Environments, Vancouver, Canada, October 2017.
- PC member, 5th
International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communications (SSCC'17),
Manipal, India, September 2017.
- PC member, Electronic
Governance and Open Society: Challenges in Eurasia (EGOSE 2017), St. Petersburg,
Russia, September 2017.
- PC member, 10th
Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC 2017), Valencia, Spain, September
- PC member, 7th
iCatse Conference on IT Convergence and Security, Seoul, Korea, September
- PC member, ACM
International Workshop on Mobility, Interference and MiddleWare Management
in HetNets (ACM MobiMWareHN'17), Chennai, India, July 2017.
- PC member, 13th
International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications (IWCMC 2017)
– Wireless Networks, Valencia, Spain, June 2017.
- PC member 22nd
IEEE International Symposium on Computer Communications (ISCC 2017), Heraklion,
Crete, July 2017.
- PC member, International
Conference on Connected Smart Cities (CSC 2017), Lisbon, Portugal, July 2017.
- PC member, 6th
International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technologies, and
Applications, Nice, France, July 2017.
- PC member, 22nd
IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication
Links and Networks (CAMAD), Lund, Sweden, June 2017.
- PC member, European
Conference on Networks and Communications (EUCNC 2017), Oulu, Finland, June
- PC member, 2nd
IEEE International Workshop on Communication, Computing, and Networking in
Cyber Physical Systems (CCNCPS 2017), Atlanta, GA, June 2017.
- PC member, 11th
International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology (FCST
2017), Exeter, United Kingdom, June 2017.
- PC member, 2nd
International Conference, Digital Transformation and Global Society (DTGS'17),
St. Petersburg, Russia, June 2017.
- PC member, 18th
IEEE International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia
Networks (WoWMoM), Macao, China, June 2017.
- PC member, 12th
International Conference on Future Networks and Communications (FNC 2017),
Leuven, Belgium, June 2017.
- PC member, International
Conference on Selected Topics in Mobile & Wireless Networking (MoWNet'2017),
Avignon, France, May 2017.
- PC member, 15th
International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST 2017), Warsaw, Poland,
May 2017.
- PC member, 24th
International Conference on Telecommunication (ICT 2017), Limassol, Cyprus,
May 2017.
- PC member, 3rd
International Symposium on Ubiquitous Networking (UNet2017), Casablanca, Morocco,
May 2017.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC 2017), Ad-hoc and Sensor Networking
Symposium, Paris, France, May 2017.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC 2017), Next Generation Networking
and Internet Symposium, Paris, France, May 2017.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC 2017), Mobile and Wireless
Networking Symposium, Paris, France, May 2017.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC 2017), Communications Software,
Services and Multimedia Applications Symposium, Paris, France, May 2017.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC 2017), Communications QoS,
Reliability and Modeling Symposium, Paris, France, May 2017.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC 2017), Selected Areas in Communications
- E-Health, Paris, France, May 2017.
- PC member, 3rd
International Conference on Mathematics and Computing (ICMC-2017), Haldia,
India, January 2017.
- PC member, International
Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), Cognitive Computing
and Networking, Silicon Valley, CA, January 2017.
- PC member, International
Conference on Recent Advances on Signal Processing, Telecommunications, and
Computing (SigTelCom 2017), Da Nang, Vietnam, January 2017.
- PC member, 2016
IEEE Global Communications Conference: Selected Areas in Communications: E-Health,
Washington, DC, December 2016.
- PC member, IPCCC
2016 first International Workshop on Communication, Computing, and Networking
in Cyber Physical Systems (IPCCC 2016), Las Vegas, Nevada, December 2016.
- PC member, 14th
IEEE International Conference on Smart City (SmartCity 2016), Sydney, Australia,
December 2016.
- PC member, 2016
IEEE Global Communications Conference: Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Washington,
DC, December 2016.
- PC member, 2016
IEEE Global Communications Conference: Mobile and Wireless Networks, Washington,
DC, December 2016.
- PC member, 1st
International Workshop on Trust, Security and Privacy for Big Data, Granada,
Spain, December 2016.
- PC member, Electronic
Governance and Open Society: Challenges in Eurasia (EGOSE 2016), St. Petersburg,
Russia, November 2016.
- PC member, 6th
International Conference on Power and Energy Systems, Paris, France, November
- PC member, 7th
International Workshop on Trust, Security, and Privacy for Big Data (TrustData
2016), Zhangjiajie, China, November 2016.
- PC member, 1st
EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Vehicular Network,
Madrid, Spain, November 2016.
- PC member, 9th
International Conference on Security, Privacy and Anonymity in Computation,
Communication and Storage (SpaCCS 2016), Zhangjiajie, China, November 2016.
- PC member, 1st
International Workshop on Cloud Storage Service and Computing, Zhangjiajie,
China, November 2016.
- PC member, 14th
International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia (MoMM2016),
Singapore, November 2016.
- PC member, The
International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications (WINCOM'16),
Fez, Morocco, October 2016.
- PC member, 21st
IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modelling and Design of Communication
Links and Networks (IEEE CAMAD 2016), Toronto, Canada, October 2016.
- PC member, 11th
International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization,
Thessaloniki, Greece, October 2016.
- PC member, 27th
IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications
- (PIMRC): Mobile and Wireless Networks, Valencia, Spain, September 2016.
- PC member, 12th
International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC
2016), Paphos, Cyprus, September 2016.
- PC member, IEEE
2016 International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE), Seattle,
WA, September 2016.
- PC member, International
Symposium on Advances in Applied Informatics (SAI'16), Jaipur, India, September
- PC member, 3rd
National Foundation for Science and Technology Development Conference on Information
and Computer Science (NICS), Danang City, Vietnam, September 2016.
- PC member, 5th
International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics,
Jaipur, India, September 2016.
- PC member, 27th
IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications
- (PIMRC): Services Applications and Business, Valencia, Spain, September
- PC member, International
Cross Domain Conference and Workshop (CD-ARES 2016) held in conjunction with
11th International Conference on Availability, Reliability, and Security (ARES
2016), Salzburg, Austria, September 2016.
- PC member, 11th
International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications
(WASA 2016), Bozeman, Montana, August 2016.
- PC member, 22nd
Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC 2016), Yogyakarta, Indonesia,
August 2016.
- PC member, 2016
International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems,
Kunming, China, July 2016.
- PC member, 9th
IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC 2016), Colmar, France,
July 2016.
- PC member, International
Conference on Connected Smart Cities (CSC 2016), Madeira, Portugal, July 2016.
- PC member, 12th
EAI International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability,
Security and Robustness (Qshine 2016), Seoul, South Korea, July 2016.
- PC member, 21st
IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2016),
Messina, Italy, June 2016.
- PC member, Digital
Transformations and Global Society, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, June 2016.
- PC member, 1st
International Workshop on Security, Privacy, and Trustworthiness in Medical
Cyberphysical System, Washington DC, June 2016.
- PC member, Global
Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications (GC-WOC' 16), Malaga, Spain,
June 2016.
- PC member, European
Conference on Networks and Communications (EUCNC 2016), Athens, Greece, June
- PC member, 23rd
International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT 2016), Thessaloniki, Greece,
May 2016.
- PC member, IEEE
ICC 2016 - Next-Generation Networking and Internet Symposium (NGN), Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2016.
- PC member, IEEE
ICC 2016 - Ad-hoc and Sensor Networking Symposium (AHSN), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
May 2016.
- PC member, IEEE
ICC 2016 – Symposium on Selected Areas in Communications (SAC E-Health),
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2016.
- PC member, IEEE
ICC 2016 - Communication QoS, Reliability and Modeling Symposium (CQRM), Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2016.
- PC member, IEEE
ICC 2016 - Mobile and Wireless Networking Symposium (MWN), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
May 2016.
- PC member, IEEE
Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC’ 2016) –
Services Applications and Business, Doha, Qatar, April 2016.
- PC member, International
Conference on Selected Topics in Mobile and Wireless Networking (MoWNet'2016),
Cairo, Egypt, April 2016.
- PC member, 7th
IEEE INFOCOM International Workshop on Mobility Management in the Networks
of the Future World (MobiWorld 2015), San Francisco, CA, April 2016.
- PC member,
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC’ 2016)
– Mobile and Wireless Networks, Doha, Qatar, April 2016.
- PC member, International
Conference on Internet of Things and Cloud Computing, Cambridge, United Kingdom,
March 2016.
- PC member, 7th
International Conference on Advanced Service Computing, Rome, Italy, March
- PC member, 9th
International Workshop on Privacy and Anonymity in the Information Society
(PAIS'16), Bordeaux, France, March 2016.
- PC member, International
Conference on Information Science and Applications (ICISA 2016), Ho Chi Minh,
Vietnam, February 2016.
- PC member, 8th
International Conference on Advances in Multimedia (MMEDIA 2016), Lisbon,
Portugal, February 2016.
- PC member, 1st
International Conference on Information Systems and Applications, Manama,
Bahrain, February 2016.
- PC member, International
Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), Multimedia
Computing and Communications, Kauai, Hawaii, February 2016.
- PC member, 11th
International Conference on Systems (ICONS 2016), Lisbon, Portugal, February
- PC member, International
Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), Cognitive Computing
and Networking, Kauai, Hawaii, February 2016.
- PC member, 2015
IEEE Global Communications Conference: Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks Track, San
Diego, CA, December 2015.
- PC member, 14th
International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST 2015), Copenhagen,
Denmark, December 2015.
- PC member, 2015
IEEE Global Communications Conference: Selected Areas in Communications: E-Health
Track, San Diego, CA, December 2015.
- PC member, 13th
International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia (MoMM2015),
Brussel, Belgium, December 2015.
- PC member, International
Conference on Computing, Management & Telecommunications (ComManTel 2015),
DaNang, Vietnam, December 2015.
- PC member, 6th
International Workshop on Trust, Security, and Privacy for Big Data (TrustData
2015), Zhangjiajie, China, November 2015.
- PC member, 8th
International Conference on Advances in Human-oriented and Personalized Mechanisms,
Technologies, and Services, Barcelona, Spain, November 2015.
- PC member, IEEE/CIC
International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC15), Shenzhen, China,
November 2015.
- PC member, International
Conference on Smart Wearable Devices and IoT for Health and Wellbeing Applications,
Toronto, Canada, October 2015.
- PC member, International
Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE 2015), Shenzhen, China, October
- PC member, 11th
International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications, St. Julians,
Malta, October 2015.
- PC member, 17th
International Conference on E-health, Networking, Application & Services
(Healthcom’15), Boston, October 2015.
- PC member, International
Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE 2015), Shenzhen, China, October
- PC member, 2nd
NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science, Ho Chi Minh City,
Vietnam, September 2015.
- PC member, International
Workshop on Data-Driven and Predictive Business Analytics (DPBA 2015), Adelaide,
Australia, September 2015.
- PC member, 26th
Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications
(PIMRC’15) – Services Applications and Business track, Hong Kong,
China, September 2015.
- PC member, 26th
Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications
(PIMRC’15) – Mobile and Wireless Networks track, Hong Kong, China,
September 2015.
- PC member, 10th
International Conference on Body Area Networks (BodyNets 2015), Cloud-assisted
Body Area Networks (CBAN) track, Sydney, Australia, September 2015.
- PC member, 20th
IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication
Links and Networks (CAMAD 2015), Guildford, United Kingdom, September 2015.
- PC member, 5th
International Conference on IT Convergence and Security (ICITCS2015), Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia, August 2015.
- PC member, Ubiquitous
Wireless Sensor Systems Workshop (UWSS 2015), Beijing, China, August 2015.
- PC member, 11th
International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC
2015) – Wireless Networking Symposium, Dubrovnik, Croatia, August 2015.
- PC member, International
Conference on Security of Smart Cities, Industrial Control System and Communications
(SSIC 2015), Shanghai, China, August 2015.
- PC member, 20th
IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2015),
Larnaca, Cyprus, July 2015.
- PC member, International
Conference on Connected Smart Cities (CSC 2015), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,
Spain, July 2015.
- PC member, 3rd
International Workshop on Intelligent Vehicles, Sapporo, Japan, July 2015.
- PC member, 2015
European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2015), Paris, France,
July 2015.
- PC member, 10th
International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, Brussels,
Belgium, June 2015.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC’15), Ad-hoc and Sensor
Networking Symposium, London, United Kingdom, June 2015.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC’15), Next Generation
Networking Symposium, London, United Kingdom, June 2015.
- PC member, 2015
International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS) –
4th International Workshop on Mobile Systems and Sensors Networks for Collaboration
(MSSNC 2015), Atlanta, GA, June 2015.
- PC member, 8th
IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC 2015), Novi Sad, Serbia,
June 2015.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC’15), Communications
Software, Services, and Multimedia Applications Symposium, London, United
Kingdom, June 2015.
- PC member, 10th
International Symposium on Intelligent Techniques for Ad Hoc and Wireless
Sensor Networks (IST-AWSN), London, United Kingdom, June 2015.
- PC member,
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’15), Selected Areas
in Communications Symposium – E-Health track, London, United Kingdom,
June 2015.
- PC member, 6th
International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT
2015), London, United Kingdom, June 2015.
- PC member, 2nd
International Symposium on Future Information and Communication Technologies
for Ubiquitous Healthcare (Ubi-Health Tech 2015), Beijing, China, May 2015.
- PC member, IEEE
INFOCOM 2015 International Workshop on Multimedia Cloud Communication (MMCloudCom
2015), Hong Kong, China, May 2015.
- PC member, 11th
International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS’15), Rome,
Italy, May 2015.
- PC member, 14th
International Conference on Networks (ICN’15), Barcelona, Spain, April
- PC member,
7th International Conference on Advances in Multimedia (MMEDIA 2015), Barcelona,
Spain, April 2015.
- PC member, IEEE
Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC’15) –
SAB track, New Orleans, USA, March 2015.
- PC member, IEEE
Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC’15) –
Mobile and Wireless Networks track, New Orleans, USA, March 2015.
- PC member, 8th
International Workshop on Privacy and Anonymity in the Information Society
(PAIS), March 2015, Brussels, Belgium, 2015.
- PC member,
7th International Conference on Advanced Service Computing, Nice, France,
March 2015.
- PC member, International
Multi-Topic Conference (IMTIC'15), Jamshoro, Pakistan, February 2015.
- PC member,
Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN’2015), Noida, India,
February 2015.
- PC member,
5th International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication
Systems (PECCS 2015), Angers, France, February 2015.
- PC member,
International Conference on Computing, Networking, and Communications –
Cognitive Computing and Networking Symposium, Anaheim, California, February
- PC member, IEEE
Globecom 2014 – Wireless Networking Symposium, Austin, TX, USA, December
- PC member,
IEEE Globecom 2014 – Communications, Software, Services and Multimedia
Symposium, Austin, TX, USA, December 2014.
- PC member,
IEEE Globecom 2014 – Ad Hoc and Sensor Networking Symposium, Austin,
TX, USA, December 2014.
- PC member,
IEEE Globecom 2014 – Cognitive Radio and Networks Symposium, Austin,
TX, USA, December 2014.
- PC member, 2014
Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC 2014), IoT Services and
Mobile Services Track, Fuzhou, China, December 2014.
- PC member,
19th IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of
Communication Links and Networks (IEEE CAMAD 2014), Athens, Greece, December
- PC member,
3rd IEEE International Conference on Connected Vehicles & Expo (ICCVE
2014), Vienna, Austria, November 2014.
- PC member, 3rd
International Conference on Green Communications and Networking (GreeNets’14),
Bali, Indonesia, October 2014.
- PC member,
16th International Conference on E-health, Networking, Application & Services
(Healthcom’14), Natal, Brazil, October 2014.
- PC member,
2014 International Conference on Advanced Technologies and Communications,
Hanoi, Vietnam, October 2014.
- PC member,
7th International Conference on Advances in Human-Oriented and Personalized
Mechanisms, Technologies, and Services (CENTRIC 2014), Nice, France, October
- PC member,
9th International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications (ICSNC
2014), Nice, France, October 2014.
- PC member,
25th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio
Communications (PIMRC’14) – Mobile and Wireless Networks, Washington
DC, September 2014.
- PC member,
25th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio
Communications (PIMRC’14) – Services Applications and Business
track, Washington DC, September 2014.
- PC member,
9th International Conference on Body Area Networks (Bodynets’14), London,
England, September 2014.
- PC member,
IEEE International Workshop on Mobility Management and Mobile Middleware (MobiMMWare
2014), Rome, Italy, September 2014.
- PC member,
3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications, and
Informatics, Delhi, India, September 2014.
- PC member,
International Conference on Selected Topics in Mobile and Wireless Networking
(MoWNet’2014), Rome, Italy, September 2014.
- PC member,
IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom
2014), September 2014, Taipei, Taiwan.
- PC member,
8th IFIP/ACM Latin America Networking Conference 2014 (LANC 2014), Montevideo,
Uruguay, September 2014.
- PC member,
4th International Symposium on Cloud and Service Computing, Beijing, China,
September 2014.
- PC member, 2014
International Conference on Internet of Vehicles (IOV2014), Beijing, China,
August 2014.
- PC member, 11th
International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC
2015) - Wireless Networking Symposium, Dubrovnik, Croatia, August 2015.
- PC member,
4th International Workshop on Privacy, Security, and Trust in Mobile and Wireless
Systems (MobiPST 2014), Shanghai, China, August 2014.
- PC member,
14th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel
Processing (ICA3PP 2014), Dalian, China, August 2014.
- PC member,
9th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (Chinacom’14)
– Communication Software, Services, and E-Health Symposium, Maoming,
China, August 2014.
- PC member,
International Workshop on Cloud and Service Engineering (CSE’14), Toulouse,
France, July 2014.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC’14), Ad-hoc and Sensor
Networking Symposium, Sydney, Australia, June 2014.
- PC member, Workshop
on Security in Ad-Hoc Networks (SecAN 2014), Benidorm, Spain, June 2014.
- PC member, 3rd
IEEE Workshop on Video Everywhere (VidEv 2014), Sydney, Australia, June 2014.
- PC member, International
Workshop on Security, Privacy and Trust for Wireless Networks (SPTWN-2014),
Hasselt, Belgium, June 2014.
- PC member, 19th
IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2014),
Madeira, Portugal, June 2014.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC’14), 3rd Workshop on
Multimedia Communication and Services, Sydney, Australia, June 2014.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC’14), Communication Software,
Services and Multimedia Applications, Symposium, Sydney, Australia, June 2014.
- PC member, 28th
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications
(AINA-2014), Internet Computing and Web Applications Track, Victoria, Canada,
May 2014.
- PC member, International
Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV), Dhaka, Bangladesh,
May 2014.
- PC member, 4th
International Conference on Wireless Communications, Vehicular Technology,
Information Theory and Aerospace & Electronic Systems (Wireless ViTAE
2014), Aalborg, Denmark, May 2014.
- PC member, 7th
IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC’2014), Algarve,
Portugal, May 2014.
- PC member, 3rd
IEEE International Conference on Connected Vehicles & Expo, Vienna, Austria,
November 2014.
- PC member, The
International Conference on Computing, Management, and Telecommunications
(ComManTel 2014), Vietnam, April 2014.
- PC member, IEEE
Infocom, Workshop on Mobile Cloud Computing, Toronto, Canada, April 2014.
- PC member, 4th
International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology (ICRTIT
2014), Chennai, India, April 2014.
- PC member, 5th
International Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN): Architectures, Dubai,
UAE, April 2014.
- PC member, IEEE
Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (’14) – Mobile
and Wireless track, Istanbul, Turkey, April 2014.
- PC member, IEEE
Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC’14) –
SAB track, Istanbul, Turkey, April 2014.
- PC member, 3rd
International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems (SMARTGREENS
2014), Barcelona, Spain, April 2014.
- PC member, 2014
World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST’14),
Madeira, Portugal, April 2014.
- PC member, International
Workshop on Optimization Issues in Energy Efficient Distributed Systems (OPTIM
2014), Bologna, Italy, March 2014.
- PC member, 6th
International Conference on Advances in Multimedia (MMEDIA 2014), Nice, France,
February 2014.
- PC member, 9th
International Conference on Systems (ICONS 2014), Nice, France, February 2014.
- PC member, 13th
International Conference on Networks (ICN’14), Nice, France, February
- PC member, 4th
International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication
Systems (PECCS 2014), Lisbon, Portugal, January 2014.
- PC member, Globecom
2013 – Communications Software, Services, and Multimedia Symposium (GC13
CSSM), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, December 2013.
- PC member, 13th
International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing
(ICA3PP-2013), Sorrento Peninsula, Italy, December 2013.
- PC member, 1st
International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data (ICCD 2013), Nanjing,
Jiangsu, China, December 2013.
- PC member, Globecom
2013 - Ad Hoc and Sensor Networking Symposium (GC13 AHSN), Atlanta, Georgia,
USA, December 2013.
- PC member, Globecom
2013 – Cognitive Radio and Networks Symposium (GC13 CogRN), Atlanta,
Georgia, USA, December 2013.
- PC member, 2nd
International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE’13),
Las Vegas, Nevada, December 2013.
- PC member, 6th
International Conference on Advances in Human Oriented and Personalized Mechanisms,
Technologies, and Services (CENTRIC 2013), Venice, Italy, November 2013.
- PC member, 15th
International Conference on E-health Networking, Application and Services,
Lisbon, Portugal, October 2013.
- PC member, 8th
International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication,
and Applications (BWCCA 2013), Emerging Topics on Ambient Systems and Wireless
Networks Track, Compiegne, France, October 2013.
- PC member, 8th
ACM International Conference on Body Area Networks, Special Track on Cloud-assisted
Cyber-Physical Systems (CCPS), Boston, Massachusetts, October 2013.
- PC member, 24th
Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications
(PIMRC’13) – Mobile and Wireless Networks track, London, United
Kingdom, September 2013.
- PC member, 18th
IEEE International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design
of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), Special Session on Resource Optimization
in Heterogeneous Wireless Next Generation Networks, Berlin, Germany, September
- PC member, 24th
Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications
(PIMRC’13) – Services Applications and Business track, London,
United Kingdom, September 2013.
- PC member, 16th
Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, Satander, Spain, September
- PC member, 2nd
International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics
(ICACCI 2013), Mysore, India, August 2013.
- PC member, International
Symposium on Security in Computing and Communications (SSCC’13), Mysore,
India, August 2013.
- PC member, 10th
International Conference on Mobile Web Information Systems (MobiWIS 2013),
Cyprus, August 2013.
- PC member, 3rd
International Workshop on Privacy, Security, and Trust in Mobile and Wireless
Systems (MobiPST 2013), held in conjunction with ICCCN 2013, Nassau, Bahamas,
August 2013.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Green Computing and Communications: Storage, Big
Data, and Cloud Computing track, Beijing, China, August 2013.
- PC member, 3rd
International Conference on Selected Topics in Mobile and Wireless Networking
(MoWNet’2013), Montreal, Canada, August 2013.
- PC member, 3rd
International Workshop on Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (AHUC 2013), Taichung,
Taiwan, July 2013.
- PC member, 5th
IEEE International Symposium on UbiSafe Computing (IEEE UbiSafe 2013), Melbourne,
Australia, July 2013.
- PC member, International
Workshop on Optimization Issues in Energy Efficient Distributed Systems (OPTIM
2013), Helsinki, Finland, July 2013.
- PC member, 2nd
International Conference on Ubiquitous Context-Awareness and Wireless Sensor
Network (UCAWSN-13), Jeju, Korea, July 2013.
- PC member, International
Workshop on Cloud and Service Engineering, Aalborg, Denmark, July 2013.
- PC member, 11th
IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications
(ISPA-13), Melbourne, Australia, July 2013.
- PC Member, 18th
IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC' 13), Split,
Croatia, July 2013.
- PC member, 2nd
IEEE Workshop on Video Everywhere (VidEv 2013) in conjunction with IEEE WoWMoM
2013, Madrid, Spain, June 2013.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC’2013), Ad-hoc and Sensor
Networking Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013.
- PC member,
International Wireless Summit (IWS 2013), New Jersey, USA, June 2013.
- PC member,
International Workshop on Body Area Sensor Networks (BASNet-2013), Halifax,
Canada, June 2013.
- PC member,
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’2013), Wireless
Networking Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013.
- PC member,
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’2013), Communication
Software And Services Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013.
- PC member, 8th
International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing (GPC 2013), Daegu,
Korea, May 2013.
- PC member, 2nd
International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems, Aachen, Germany,
May 2013.
- PC member, 2013
International Conference on Computer, Information, and Telecommunication Systems
(CITS 2013), Athens, Greece, May 2013.
- PC member, IEEE
Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2013), Network Track,
Shanghai, China, April 2013.
- PC member, 27th
International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications
(AINA 2012) – Autonomic and Trustworthy Computing/Networking track,
Barcelona, Spain, March 2013.
- PC member, 2013
World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST’13),
Algarve, Portugal, March 2013.
- PC member, International
Conference on Information Communication Technology-EurAsia Conference, Yogyakarta,
Indonesia, March 2013.
- PC Member, 10th
Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC 2013),
Wireless Networking, Las Vegas, Nevada, January 2013.
- PC member,
10th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia
(MoMM 2012), Bali, Indonesia, December 2012.
- PC member, Globecom
2012 Workshop, 1st IEEE International Workshop on Emerging Technologies for
Smart Devices (ETSD 2012), Anaheim, California, USA, December 2012.
- PC member, GC'12
Workshop: The 7th IEEE International Workshop on Heterogeneous, Multi-Hop,
Wireless and Mobile Networks (HeterWMN 2012), Anaheim, California, USA, December
- PC member, Globecom
2012 Workshop, IEEE International Workshop on Green Internet of Things (G-IoT),
Anaheim, California, USA, December 2012.
- PC member, Globecom
2012 – Ad Hoc and Sensor Networking Symposium (GC12 AHSN), Anaheim,
California, USA, December 2012.
- PC member, Globecom
2012 Workshop, IEEE Workshop on Smart Grid Communications: Design for Performance
(SGComm 2012), Anaheim, California, USA, December 2012.
- PC member, Globecom
2012 – Communications Software, Services, and Multimedia Symposium (GC12
CSSM), Anaheim, California, USA, December 2012.
- PC member, 12th
International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems Telecommunications
(ITST 2012), Taipei, Taiwan, November 2012.
- PC member, 2012
Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference, Brisbane,
Australia, November 2012.
- PC member, 15th
ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Wireless
and Mobile Systems (MSWiM), Cyprus Island, October 2012.
- PC member, The
IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom
2012), Besancon, France, November 2012.
- PC member, 4th
IEEE International Workshop on Mobile Computing and Networking Technologies
(WMCNT 12), St. Petersburg, Russia, October 2012.
- PC member, Mobile
Computing and Wireless Communications track, 15th IEEE International Conference
on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE-2012), Cyprus, October 2012.
- PC member, 2nd
International Conference on Green Communications and Networking, Gandia, Spain,
October 2012.
- PC member, 2012
International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing
– Wireless Networking Symposium, Huangshan, China, October 2012.
- PC member, 12th
IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Local Networks (WLN 2012), Clearwater,
Florida, October 2012.
- PC member, 3rd
International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2012), Wuxi, China,
October 2012.
- PC member, 7th
Latin America Networking Conference (LANC 2012), Medellin, Colombia, October
- PC member, The
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom
2012), Besancon, France, September 2012.
- PC member, 15th
Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, Special session on architectures
and hardware for security applications, Izmir, Turkey, September 2012.
- PC member, International
Workshop on Technologies and Applications for Cyber Physical System (TACPS
2012), Gwangiu, Korea, September 2012.
- PC member, 23rd
Annual IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications
– Services and Applications track, Sydney, Australia, September 2012.
- PC member, 23rd
Annual IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications
– Mobile and Wireless Networks track, Sydney, Australia, September 2012.
- PC member, 2012
IEEE International Conference on Communications in China - Communications
QoS and Reliability (CQR), Beijing, China, August 2012.
- PC member, First
International ICST Conference on Eco-Technology and Green Computing, Chennai,
India, August 2012.
- PC member, 7th
International Symposium on Intelligent Systems Techniques for Ad hoc and Wireless
Sensor Networks (IST-AWSN), Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, August 2012.
- PC member, International
Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications, and Informatics (ICACCI-2012),
Chennai, India, August 2012.
- PC member, 2012
International Conference on Selected Topics in Mobile and Wireless Networking
(iCOST’2012), Avignon, France, July 2012.
- PC member, User-Centric
Personalized TV ubiquitous and secure services workshop, Berlin, Germany,
July 2012.
- PC member, International
Workshop on Mobile Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks (iWMANET'2012), Avignon, France,
July 2012.
- PC Member, 17th
IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC' 12), Cappadocia,
Turkey, July 2012.
- PC member, Workshop
on optimization issues in energy efficient distributed systems (OPTIM 2012),
The International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation
(HPCS 2012), Madrid, Spain, July 2012.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC 2012), Symposium on Communication
Software Services and Multimedia Applications, Ottawa, Canada, June 2012.
- PC member, 2012
International Workshop on Trust, Security and Privacy in e-Government, e-Systems,
and Social Networking (eGSSN-12), Liverpool, United Kingdom, June 2012.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC 2012), Symposium on Ad-Hoc
and Sensor Networking, Ottawa, Canada, June 2012.
- PC member, 1st
IEEE WoWMoM Workshop on Video Everywhere (VidEv 2012), San Francisco, California,
USA, June 2012.
- PC member,
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2012), Wireless Networks
Symposium, Ottawa, Canada, June 2012.
- PC Member, Vehicular
Technology and Telematics Symposium, 2012 International Conference on Communications,
Mobility, and Computing (CMC 2012), Guilin, China, May 2012.
- PC member, 2012
International Workshop on Mobile Cloud and Ubiquitous Computing (Mobi-Cloud
2012), Hong Kong, May 2012.
- PC member, The
7th International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing (GPC 2012), Hong
Kong, May 2012.
- PC member, First
International Conference on Smart Systems, Devices, and Technologies, Stuttgart,
Germany (SMART 2012), May 2012.
- PC Member, The
4th International Conference on Advances in Multimedia (MMEDIA 2012), Chamonix,
France, April 2012.
- PC member, 1st
International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems (SMARTGREENS
2012), Porto, Portugal, April 2012.
- PC member, 2012
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC’12) –
Mobile and Wireless Track, Paris, France, April 2012.
- PC member, 2012
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC’12) –
Services and Applications Track, Paris, France, April 2012.
- PC member, IEEE
Globecom 2012 - Workshop on Green Internet of Things (G-IoT), Anaheim, CA,
December 2012.
- PC member, The
Eighth International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS 2012), St.
Maarten, Netherlands, Antilles, March 2012.
- PC member, 2012
International Conference on Computer, Information Technology, and Telecommunication
Systems (CITS 2012), Amman, Jordan, February 2012.
- PC member, International
Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, Communication Software
and Services Symposium, Maui, Hawaii, February 2012.
- PC Member, 7th
International Conference on Systems (ICONS 2012), Reunion Island, France,
February 2012.
- PC member, 2nd
International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication
Systems (PECCS’12), Rome, Italy, February 2012.
- PC member, IEEE
Globecom 2011 - Ad-hoc and Sensor Networking Symposium, Houston, Texas, December
- PC member, 2011
IEEE Globecom - Workshop on Mobile Computing and Emerging Communication Networks
(MCECN’11), Houston, Texas, December 2011.
- PC member, 2011
IEEE Globecom – 2nd IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Communications and Services,
Houston, Texas, December 2011.
- PC member, 2011
International Workshop on Computing and Communications, Jeju island, Korea,
December 2011.
- PC member, 3rd
IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (IEEE
CloudCom 2011), Athens, Greece, December 2011.
- PC member, International
Conference on Advanced Computing, Chennai, India, December 2011.
- PC member, 3rd
International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications (CSA-11),
Jeju, Korea, December 2011.
- PC member, 4th
International Conference on Advances in Human-oriented and Personalized Mechanisms,
Technologies, and Services (CENTRIC 2011), Barcelona, Spain, October 2011.
- PC member, International
Conference on Selected Topics in Mobile & Wireless Networking (iCOST'2011),
Shanghai, China, October 2011.
- PC member, 11th
IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Local Networks (WLN'11), held in conjunction
with the 36th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, Bonn, Germany, October
- PC member, 14th
ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Wireless
and Mobile Systems (MSWiM 2011), Miami, Florida, October 2011.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on e-Business Engineering, Green Supply Chain, Business
and RFID track, Beijing, China, October 2011.
- PC member, IEEE/ACM
International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings 2011), Dalian, China,
October 2011.
- PC member, 6th
Latin American Networking Conference 2011, Quito, Ecuador, October 2011.
- PC member, 13th
IEEE Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-2011),
Banff, Canada, September 2011.
- PC member,
22nd Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio
Communications (PIMRC'11), Local and Personal Area Networks track, Toronto,
Canada, September 2011.
- PC member, 14th
International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS-2011)
– Energy Efficient Networks and Green IT track, Tirana, Albania, September
- PC member, 2nd
International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies
– Security, Trust, and Reputation Track, Tirana, Albania, September
- PC member, 13th
IEEE Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-2011),
Banff, Canada, September 2011.
- PC member, 22nd
Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio
Communications (PIMRC'11), Local and Personal Area Networks track, Toronto,
Canada, September 2011.
- PC member, 14th
International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS-2011)
– Energy Efficient Networks and Green IT track, Tirana, Albania, September
- PC member, International
Workshop on Privacy, Security, and Trust in Mobile and Wireless Systems (MobilPST
2011), held in conjunction with ICCCN 2011, Maui, Hawaii, August 2011.
- PC member,
2011 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Green Computing and Communications
(GreenCom 2011), Chengdu, China, August 2011.
- PC member, Fourth
International Conference on Advances in Mesh Networks (MESH 2011), Cote d'Azur,
France, August 2011.
- PC member, 7th
International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC
2011), Symposium on Communication and Information Theory, Istanbul, Turkey,
July 2011.
- PC member, IEEE
International Workshop on Networking and Communications for Advanced Society
(NCAS2011), held in conjunction with the 7th International Wireless Communications
and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2011), Istanbul, Turkey, July 2011.
- PC Member, Workshop
on optimization issues in energy efficient distributed systems (OPTIM 2011)
held in conjunction with the International Conference on High Performance
Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2011), Istanbul, Turkey, July 2011.
- PC Member, Third
International Workshop on Specialized Ad Hoc Networks and Systems (SAHNS 2011),
Minneapolis, MN, June 2011.
- PC Member, 16th
IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC' 11), Corfu,
Greece, June 2011.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC 2011), Symposium on Selected
Areas in Communications - eHealth Track (SAC-EH), Kyoto, Japan, June 2011.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC 2011), Wireless Networking
Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, June 2011.
- PC member,
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2011), Communication
Software, Services, and Multimedia Applications Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, June
- PC member, 7th
International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications (ICWMC 2011),
Luxembourg, June 2011.
- PC Member, 2011
International Conference on Network Computing and Information Security (NCIS'11),
Guilin, China, May 2011.
- PC Member, The
Seventh International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS 2011), Venice,
Italy, May 2011.
- PC Member, 2011
IEEE International Workshop on Ubiquitous Media and Embedded System (UMES
2011), Busan, South Korea, May 2011.
- PC Member, 9th
IEEE/ACM Annual Communication Networks and Services Research Conference (CNSR
2011), Ottawa, Canada, May 2011.
- PC Member, The
Third International Conference on Advances in Multimedia (MMEDIA 2011), Budapest,
Hungary, April 2011.
- PC Member, 10th
International Symposium on Programming and Systems, Algiers, Algeria, April
- PC member, 14th
SCS/ACM Communications and Networking Simulation Symposium (CNS’11),
Boston, MA, April 2011.
- PC member, International
Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS’11),
Algarve, Portugal, March 2011.
- PC member, IEEE
Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2011), Cancun, Mexico,
March 2011.
- PC member, 3rd
International Conference on Wireless Information Networks & Business Information
System (WINBIS'11), Kathmandu, Nepal, February 2011.
- PC member, IEEE
Globecom 2010 - Ad-hoc and Sensor Networking Symposium, Miami, Florida, December
- PC member, IEEE
Globecom 2010 - Workshop on Mobile Computing and Emerging Communication Networks
(MCECN’10), Miami, Florida, December 2010.
- PC member, 2nd
International Conference on Advanced Computing, Chennai, India, December 2010.
- PC member, IEEE
Globecom 2010 – International Workshop on Advanced Sensor Integration
Technology (ASIT 2010), Miami, Florida, December 2010.
- PC member, IEEE
Globecom 2010 - Communications Software, Services and Multimedia Applications
Symposium (CSSMA), Miami, Florida, December 2010.
- PC member, IEEE/ACM
International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom 2010),
Computer Networking and Internet, Hangzhou, China, November 2010.
- PC member, 2nd
International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, Indianapolis,
November 2010.
- PC member, IET
International Conference on Wireless Sensor Network (IET-WSN 2010), Beijing,
China, November 2010.
- PC member, 1st
International Workshop on Engineering Low-Carbon Business (ELCB’10),
Shanghai, China, October 2010.
- PC member, 8th
ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access, Bodrum,
Turkey, October 2010.
- PC member, 10th
IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Local Networks (WLN'10), held in conjunction
with the 35th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, Denver, Colorado,
October 2010.
- Session Co-Chair/Organizer,
Session on “Future Internet Challenges”, Networking and Electronic
Commerce Research Conference 2010 (NAEC 2010), Riva Del Garda, October 2010.
- PC member, 2nd
International Workshop on Design, Optimization and Management of Heterogeneous
Networked Systems (DOM-HetNetS’10), San Diego, California, September
- PC member, 3rd
International Conference on Human-Centric Computing (Human-Com-10), Privacy,
Security, and Trust Management Track, Cebu, Philippines, August 2010.
- PC member, 3rd
International Conference on Advances in Human-oriented and Personalized Mechanisms,
Technologies, and Services (CENTRIC 2010), Nice, France, August 2010.
- PC member, Workshop
on optimization issues in energy efficient distributed systems (OPTIM 2010)
held in conjunction with the International Conference on High Performance
Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2010), Normandy, France, July 2010.
- PC member, 2nd
International Workshop on Communication Technologies for Vehicles (Nets4Cars
2010), Newcastle, UK, July 2010.
- PC member, ATHENA
Summer School on Cellular Technologies and Solutions, Nafpaktos, Hellas, July
- PC member, The
First International Workshop on Cloud Computing Interoperability and Services
(InterCloud 2010), held in conjunction with the 6th International Wireless
Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2010), Normandy, France,
July 2010.
- PC member, The
Second International Conference on Advances in Multimedia (MMEDIA 2010), Athens,
Greece, July 2010.
- PC member, 2nd
International Conference on Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systems (Mobilight’10),
Barcelona, Spain, May 2010.
- PC member, 5th
International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing (GPC 2010), Hualien,
Taiwan, May 2010.
- PC member, 8th
IEEE/ACM Annual Communication Networks and Services Research Conference (CNSR
2010), Montreal, Canada, May 2010.
- PC member, 2nd
Open NGN and IMS Testbeds Workshop, held in conjunction with the 6th International
Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of
Networks and Communities (TRIDENTCOM 2010), Berlin, Germany, May 2010.
- PC member, 24th
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications
(AINA 2010), Vehicular Networks and Applications track, Perth, Australia,
April 2010.
- PC member, IEEE
Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2010), Sydney, Australia,
April 2010.
- PC member, 13th
SCS/ACM Communications and Networking Simulation Symposium (CNS’10),
Orlando, Florida, April 2010.
- PC member, The
Sixth International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS 2010), Cancun,
Mexico, March 2010.
- PC member, 2nd
International Conference on Wireless Information Networks & Business Information
System (WINBIS'10), Kathmandu, Nepal, February 2010.
- PC member, 1st
International Conference on Cloud Computing (CloudCom 2009), Beijing, China,
December 2009.
- PC member, International
Conference on Information Technology (ICIT 2009), Bhubaneswar, India, December
- PC member, 3rd
IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS'09),
Cairo, Egypt, December, 2009.
- PC member, 2nd
ACM Workshop on Many-Task Computing on Grids and Supercomputers (MTAGS), Co-located
with IEEE/ACM International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking,
Storage and Analysis (SC09), Portland, November 2009.
- PC member, International
Workshop on Dependable Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks, for Critical
Infrastructure Protection (DWSAN4CIP 2009), Madrid, Spain, November 2009.
- PC member, 9th
IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Local Networks (WLN'09), held in conjunction
with the 34th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, Zurich, Switzerland,
October 2009.
- PC member, 7th
ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access, Canary
Islands, Spain, October 2009.
- PC member, 2nd
IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Internet Services (WISe'09), held
in conjunction with the 34th IEEE International Conference on Local Computer
Networks (LCN 2009), Zurich, Switzerland, October 2009.
- PC member, 2nd
International Workshop on Advances in RFID (AIR 2009), held in conjunction
with IEEE ICEBE 2009, Macao, China, October, 2009.
- PC member, IFIP
Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference 2009 (NAEC 2009), Lake
Garda, Italy, October 2009.
- PC member, 2nd
International Conference on Advances in Human-Oriented and Personalized Mechanisms,
Technologies, and Services, Porto, Portugal, September 2009.
- PC member, The
First International ICST Conference on Communications Infrastructure, Systems
and Applications in Europe (EuropeComm 2009), London, England, August 2009.
- PC member, IEEE
Workshop Nano, Molecular, and Quantum Communications (NanoCom 2009), in conjunction
with ICCCN 2009, San Francisco, USA, August 2009.
- PC member, 13th
IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications
(IMSA 2009), Hawaii, August 2009.
- PC member, The
First International Conference on Evolving Internet (INTERNET 2009), Cap Esterel,
France, August 2009.
- PC member, 8th
International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2009),
Network Architecture and Protocols Track, San Francisco, USA, August 2009.
- PC member, 9th
IASTED International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications (WOC’09),
Banff, Alberta, Canada, July 2009.
- PC member, Workshop
on Emerging Multimedia Communication Technologies, held in conjunction with
the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo, Cancun, Mexico,
July 2009.
- PC member, The
First International Conference on Advances in Multimedia (MMEDIA 2009), Colmar,
France, July 2009.
- PC member, Smart
Homes Infrastructures and Interactions Workshop, 18th IEEE International Workshops
on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE
2009), Groningen, Netherlands, July 2009.
- PC member,
2nd International Workshop on Specialized Ad Hoc Networks and Systems (SAHNS
2009), held in conjunction with the 29th IEEE International Conference on
Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2009), Montreal, June 2009.
- PC member, IFIP/IEEE
Network and Service Security International Conference 2009 (N2S’09),
Paris, France, June 2009.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC'09), Wireless Networking Symposium,
Dresden, Germany, June 2009.
- PC member, 7th
IEEE/ACM Annual Communication Networks and Services Research Conference (CNSR
2009), New Brunswick, Canada, May 2009.
- PC member, 4th
International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing, Geneva, Switzerland,
May 2009.
- PC member, 2nd
Workshop on Experimental Evaluation and Deployment Experiences on Vehicular
Networks, held in conjunction with TRIDENTCOM 2009, Washington DC, April 2009.
- PC member, 5th
International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS’09), Valencia,
Spain, April 2009.
- PC member, 2009
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC’09), Budapest,
Hungary, April 2009.
- PC member, 12th
SCS/ACM Communications and Networking Simulation Symposium (CNS’09),
San Diego, March 2009.
- PC member, IEEE
Globecom 2008, Communications Software and Services Symposium, New Orleans,
December 2008.
- PC member, 16th
International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication, Chennai,
India, December 2008.
- PC member, Workshop
on Many-Task Computing on Grids and Supercomputers, co-located with ACM/IEEE
International Conference for High Performance, Networking, Storage and Analysis,
Austin, Texas, November 2008.
- PC member, 4th
ACM International Workshop on Wireless Multimedia Networking and Performance
Modeling (WMuNeP 2008), Vancouver, Canada, October 2008.
- PC member, 8th
IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Local Networks (WLN’08), held
in conjunction with the 33rd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN),
Montreal, Canada, October 2008.
- PC member, The
2008 International Symposium on Computer Science and its Applications (CSA-08),
Australia, October 2008.
- PC member, International
Conference on Advances in Human-oriented and Personalized Mechanisms, Technologies,
and Services (I-CENTRIC 2008), Malta, October 2008.
- PC member, First
International Workshop on Advances in RFID (AIR 2008), held in conjunction
with IEEE ICEBE 2008, Xi'An, China, October, 2008.
- PC member, IFIP
Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference 2008 (NAEC 2008), Lake
Garda, Italy, September 2008.
- PC member, 3rd
International Conference on Nano-Networks (Nano-Net 2008), Boston, September
- PC member, 1st
International Workshop on Future Multimedia Networking, Cardiff, UK, September
- PC member, IEEE
International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications
(PIMRC’08), Cannes, France, September 2008.
- PC member, International
Workshop on Wireless Technologies for Smart Homes, held in conjunction with
the International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications and Systems
(Mobility 2008), Taiwan, September 2008.
- PC member, Network
Security Symposium, held in conjunction with the 17th IEEE International Conference
on Computer Communications and Networks (IC3N'08), US Virgin Islands, August
- PC member, 12th
IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications
(IMSA 2008), Hawaii, August 2008.
- PC member, 3rd
International ICST International Conference on Scalable Information Systems
(Infoscale’ 08), Vico Equense, Italy, June 2008.
- PC member, 5th
International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing (ATC-08), Oslo,
Norway, June 2008.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC'08), Wireless Networking Symposium,
Beijing, China, May 2008.
- PC member, 8th
IASTED Wireless and Optical Communications (WOC 2008), Quebec, Canada, May
- PC member, 3rd
International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing, Kunming, China,
May 2008.
- PC member, 6th
IEEE/ACM Annual Communication Networks and Services Research Conference (CNSR
2008), Nova Scotia, Canada, May 2008.
- PC member, 1st
ACS/IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Internet Services (WISe'08), held
in conjunction with 6th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems
and Applications (AICCSA'08), Doha, Qatar, April 2008.
- PC Member, 11th
Communications and Networking Simulation Symposium, Ottawa, Canada, April
- PC member, IEEE
AINA 2008, Mobile Network and Applications Track, Okinawa, Japan, March 2008.
- PC member, 1st
International Workshop on Peer to Peer Networks (PPN’07), Algarve, Portugal,
November 2007.
- PC member, IASTED
International Conference Communications, Internet, & Information Technology,
Alberta, Canada, November 2007.
- PC member, 3rd
IEEE International Workshop on Performance and Management of Wireless and
Mobile Networks (P2MNet 2007), held in conjunction with the 32nd IEEE Conference
Local Computer Networks, Dublin, Ireland, October 2007.
- PC member, Special
Session on “Intelligent Internet Systems: Emerging Technologies and
Applications”, held in conjunction with the 4th IFIP Conference on Artificial
Intelligence Innovations and Applications (AIIA 2007), Athens, Greece, September
- PC member, 11th
IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications
(IMSA 2007), Hawaii, August 2007.
- PC member,
Pervasive Computing and Mobile Networking track of 16th IEEE International
Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (IC3N'07), Hawaii, August
- PC member, Broadband
Networking and Protocols Symposium, held in conjunction with the 16th IEEE
International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (IC3N'07),
Hawaii, August 2007.
- PC member, 7th
IASTED International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications (WOC
2007), Quebec, Canada, June 2007.
- PC member, 5th
IEEE/ACM Annual Communication Networks and Services Research Conference (CNSR
2007), New Brunswick, Canada, May 2007.
- PC member, 2007
IEEE International Symposium on UbiSafe Computing (UbiSafe-07), Niagara Falls,
Canada, May 2007.
- PC member, 2007
IEEE International Workshop on Smart Living Space, held in conjunction with
the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering
(MUE 2007), Seoul, Korea, April 2007.
- PC member, 4th
IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering (SE 2007), 25th International
Multi-Conference on Applied Informatics, Innsbruck, Austria, February 2007.
- PC member, Annual
IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEA),
Dallas, November 2006.
- PC member, IASTED
International Conference Communications, Internet, & Information Technology,
St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands, November 2006.
- PC member, 10th
IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications
(IMSA 2006), Hawaii, August 2006.
- PC (Poster)
Member, ACM International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 06), Edinburgh, Scotland,
May 2006.
- PC Member, 3rd
IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering (SE 2006), 24th International
Multi-Conference on Applied Informatics, Innsbruck, Austria, February 2006.
- PC member, 4th
IASTED International Conference Communications, Internet, & Information
Technology, Cambridge, MA, November 2005.
- PC member, Annual
IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEA),
Phoenix, AZ, November 2005.
- PC member, 14th
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (IC3N'05),
Dallas, October 2005.
- PC member, 9th
IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications,
Hawaii, August 2005.
- PC (Poster)
Member, ACM International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 05), Chiba, Japan,
May 2005.
- PC member, 19th
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications
(AINA 2005), Taiwan, March 2005.
- PC Member, IASTED
23rd International Multi-Conference on Applied Informatics, Innsbruck, Austria,
February 2005.
- PC member, Annual
IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEA),
MIT, Cambridge, November 2004.
- PC member, 2nd
IASTED International Conference Communications, Internet, & Information
Technology, Scottsdale, AZ, November 2004.
- PC member, 13th
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (IC3N'04),
Dallas, October 2004.
- PC member, 8th
IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications,
Hawaii, August 2004.
- PC (Poster)
Member, 13th ACM International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 04), New York,
May 2004.
- Scientific Committee
member, Wi-Fi Voice Conference 2004, Paris, France, May 2004.
- PC Member, WSEAS
4th International Conference on Information Science, Communications and Applications
(ISA 2004), Miami, Florida, April 2004.
- PC member, IASTED
22nd International Multi-Conference on Applied Informatics, Innsbruck, Austria,
February 2004.
- PC member, 2nd
IASTED International Conference Communications, Internet, & Information
Technology, Scottsdale, AZ, November 2003.
- PC member, 3rd
IASTED International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications, Banff,
Canada, 2003.
- PC member, 7th
IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications,
Hawaii, 2003.
- PC member, 12th
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (IC3N'03),
Dallas, 2003.
- PC member, 7th
IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEA),
California, 2003.
- PC member, Annual
IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEA),
Cambridge, 2002.
- PC member, IASTED
Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (IMSA) Conference, Hawaii,
- PC member, IASTED
Wireless and Optical Communications (WOC), Banff, Canada, 2002.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Computer Communication and Network (IC3N’02),
- PC member, Annual
IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEA),
California, 2001.
- PC member, IASTED
Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (IMSA) Conference, Hawaii,
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Computer Communication and Network (ICCCN), Arizona,
- PC member, IASTED
Wireless and Optical Communications (WOC), Banff, Canada, June 2001.
- PC member, IEEE
International Conference on Computer Communication and Network (IC3N’00),
Las Vegas, October 2000.
- PC member, Annual
IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEA),
Las Vegas, 2000.
- PC member, IASTED
Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (IMSA) Conference, Las Vegas,
- PC member, 4th
World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics (SCI/ISAS),
Orlando, July 2000.
- PC member of
3rd Annual IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications
(SEA '99), Scottsdale, Arizona, October 1999.
- PC member, 17th
Annual AoM/IAoM International Conference on Computer Science, San Diego, California,
August 1999.
- PC member, 6th
International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS'99), Aizu,
Japan, July 1999.
- PC member, International
Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications
(PDPTA'99), Las Vegas, June 1999. Also Session Chair of “Multimedia
Communications, Systems, and Applications” technical session in PDPTA’99.
- PC member, Session
Chair (Multimedia session), 13th ISCA International Conference on Computers
and Their Applications, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 1998.
I thank my mother, father, and my family for their unconditional support over
the years. I have, so far, been privileged and very lucky to collaborate with
and learn from many outstanding researchers (undergraduate/graduate students,
scientists, and numerous professors) over the years from around the world (South
America, North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, Australia/New Zealand, and
Africa) in many of my research activities and publications. These great colleagues
have contributed (and continue to contribute) in one way or another to my growth,
research accomplishments and academic career. My deepest gratitude goes to all
of them. A special thank you goes to my early mentors - Martin Richards, Alan
Mycroft, Matthew Doar at the University of Cambridge (England) & Chris Adams
(deceased) and Brendan Murphy (deceased) at the University of Buckingham (England)
whose tireless efforts and encouragements during my early Computer Science days
will always be remembered.
contents in this page are those of the author and are not those of The University
of Kentucky or its officers and trustees. The author is solely responsible for
the contents of this page.
Last modified: November 2024.