

Photoshop Assignment

Final Project Information

TEL 555

Final Project Information

Example Projects

Citing Internet Sources

Basically, your final project is a research orientated investigation into some aspect of new media. You are free to chose your topic, and the format is at your discretion (e.g. traditional paper, web page, video, etc...).  Be sure that there is enough information on your topic, while keep in mind that very broad issues (e.g. computers and privacy) will produce too much information to synthesize a modest project. The project should be the equivalent of 5-7 pages of word-processed copy, double spaced using proportional 12 pt. type (times roman 12 pt is the most common word processor font used).

Project deadlines:

  • May 17 one page proposals due. Basically this is a topic statement/research question about what you would like to pursue.
  • MAY 29 Project outline and initial reading list due.
  • Term projects and presentations are due JUNE 4. Please identify each with a title and your full name. If your project is a web page email the URL by the due date.


  • Project focuses on a topic related to new media and the issues covered in the course
  • Project considers both on-line and traditional information as a basis for your content. That is, it must have a considerable research component, not simply be your own experience or opinion. You can go exclusively with web-based or printed materials if one entirely takes care of your research needs in a satisfactory way. You may use your own experience and offer your opinion, but like most effective argumentation, it should muster evidence, expertise and data to make your case, validate your organization and help with examples.
  • Project must be clearly organized, consider these elements as a guideline
  • What is - clearly - your issue, topic or point? Don't forget to give your website or paper a title. On websites, please identify it with your full name.
  • What is the importance of your topic to society, to new media? This may be self-evident, but if in doubt, have a paragraph describing (pretend I know nothing about new media).
  • What is your evidence, data? Organize this to build a case or make your conclusions clear. 
  • What are your conclusions? Discuss not only what you found and your opinions or conclusions, but what was unanswered in your search that is important to find out?
  • Finally, don't stop with simple description. Synthesis and critical thought should be the focus of your paper.
  • A proper bibliography is necessary. Pay attention to style, grammar and spelling. It can be hard to spot faults in formatted Web documents. If you cite hypertext documents from the web, try to provide as much information as to author, title, organization and date. Also give the document's URL and the access date. If you do a hypertext document, providing a hypertext link to the source is sufficient documentation. For traditional sources, create in-document link to endnotes.
  • Be Creative

Some possible options

  1. A Hypertext research or "issue" paper on some key aspect of new media. This would be in hypertext form, using Web links as major references and evidence. You would cover many of the points listed above, using hypertext links as references and (especially) examples or illustrations.
  2. An extended "resource" guide on a defined topic. In short, what you do here is much like what a reference librarian might do: organize a topic, then provide an overview of each major section, then finally a list of major resources under each key point. You would spend a fair of time locating sites/information, categorizing them and, critically analyzing the content. Because this is not a through-written piece, This should make-up in diversity of sources what it lacks in polished prose. Essentially, this would be like the "resource guide," except that it would function as a hypertext document set. 
  3. A traditional term paper. This would have most of the key elements of option one, but would be a tradition on-paper product. Because there isn't the overhead of managing html, I would have a somewhat greater expectation for detail and depth here.
  4. A multimedia product like a digital video or other artistic creation. Remember your project must make a point.

  5. Your suggestion? I am flexible, so use your imagination but talk to me first.