November 12-13, 1999
Department of Communication
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky
Registration Information

The prepaid conference registration fee of $85.00 ($50.00 for students and the unwaged) provides admission and a lunch package for Friday and Saturday. The prepaid subscription to the volume of conference proceedings is $25.00. After October 16, 1999 (postmarked), the regular registration fee will be $95.00, the student registration $60.00.

    Please make your registration checks payable to the University of Kentucky and send them to the address below.


    Submissions are restricted to extended abstracts not exceeding 1000 words; they must be accompanied by a briefer abstract of no more than 50 words, which will be included in the program. Please also provide your e-mail address; this information will be listed in the program to facilitate preconference discussion between panel members.
 Please send two copies of your submission to the conference chair:

Joachim Knuf, Conference Chair
Department of Communication
University of Kentucky
231 Grehan Building
Lexington, KY 40506-0042
(606)  257-4102 * E-mail: * fax:  (606) 257-4103

    The postmarked deadline for submissions is October 16, 1990. Confirmation letters, registration forms and hotel information will be mailed to participants as submissions arrive; a preliminary program, registration forms, and other information will be available on the Internet. Please note that, in contrast to previous conferences, no presentations will be programmed unless the registration fee has been received! Late submissions, accompanied by the registration fee, will be accepted as long as is practical.

    Manuscripts completed by February 15, 2000, will be reviewed for inclusion in the conference proceedings. Previous proceedings are available at $30 each.

    An e-mail listserv has been set up to facilitate conference organization. Mail the message "sub narrate firstname lastname" to to receive conference mailings. The conference website is


Name to appear on conference badge: ___________________________________________

Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________

City: ____________________________  State: ______________    Country:____________

Zip: ____________________

Day time phone: (_____)__________________      E-Mail: __________________________

Institutional affiliation: _____________________________________________________

Please check the appropriate boxes:

[    ]  I need the following equipment for my presentation:
                VCR                [    ]
                overhead         [    ]
                data projector [    ]

[    ]  I will be attending the luncheon on Friday, November 12, 1999
[    ]  I will be attending the luncheon on Saturday, November 13, 1999
[    ]  Please make my catering package vegetarian.

[    ]  I am registering at the regular rate.                                $85.00 [$90 after Nov. 1, 1999 ]
[    ]  I am registering at the reduced rate.                               $50.00 [$55 after Nov. 1, 1999]

Total enclosed                                                                           $_________

I will be staying in the following hotel:


Mail registration form and checks payable to the University of Kentucky to:

The Seventh International Conference on Narrative
c/o Judy Stivers, Staff Associate
Department of Communication
226 Grehan Building
Lexington, KY  40506-0042
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