Guoqiang Yu, Ph.D.
Biographical Information:
- -2000 Ph.D. Candidate, Biomedical Engineering, Tianjin University, China
- 2000-2001 Research Scientist, PTB, Germany
- 2001-2002 Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Physics, University of Pennsylvania
- 2002-2004 Research Associate, Dept. of Physics, University of Pennsylvania
- 2004-2006 Senior Research Investigator, Dept. of Physics, University of Pennsylvania
- 2006-2007 Research Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, University of Pennsylvania
- 2007- Assistant Professor, Center for BME, University of Kentucky
Research Interests:
- Biomedical Optics
- Light propagation in biological tissue
- Diffuse optical spectroscopy/imaging
- Probe-tissue interface
- Biomedical instrumentation
- Diagnosis of Tissue Disease with Light
- Vascular disease (e.g., Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD), Carotid Artery Occlusion)
- Fibromyalgia disease (FM)
- Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
- Diabetes
- Cancers (e.g. head/neck, breast, prostate)
- Stroke
- Brain/spinal cord injury
- Assessment of Treatment Effect
- Radiation therapy
- Chemotherapy
- Photodynamic therapy (PDT)
- Surgical revascularization
Research Support:
- AHA (BGIA #2350015), Yu (PI), “A Portable Optical Flow-Oximeter for Assessment of Cerebral Hemodynamics and Metabolism during Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)”
- NIH R21-PA-08-162, Yu (co-I), “Contribution of Altered Muscle Hemodynamics to Fatigability in Older Persons with and without Fibromyalgia”
- NIH: 1-R21-HL083225, Yu (PI), “Assessment of Muscle Vascular Disease with Diffuse Light”
- AHA (BGIA #0665446U), Yu (PI), “Diffuse Optical Mapping Of Blood Flow, Oxygenation, and Metabolism in Ischemic Skeletal Muscle”
- DOD New Investigator Award (W81XWH-04-1-0006), Yu (PI), “Real-time Diffuse Optical Measurement for In-vivo PDT Dosimetry of Human Prostate”
Awards and Honors:
- Second place winner of Young Investigators Awards Competition in 15 th annual meeting of the Society of Vascular Medicine Biology (SVMB, Anaheim, CA, June 2004)
- Best Poster Award in the Institute For Medicine AND Engineering (IME) Interdisciplinary Research Symposium (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, December, 2004)
- Second place winner of Young Investigators Awards Competition in 17 th annual meeting of the Society of Vascular Medicine Biology (SVMB, Philadelphia, PA, June 2006)
- Section co-chair, 11th World Congress of the International Photodynamic Association (IPA, Shanghai, China, March 2007)
- NIH study section/site reviewer for RC3 and R43 ARRA grant applications (NIH, Washington DC, 2009)
- Section co-chair, Multimodal Biomedical Imaging V, SPIE Photonics West (San Francisco, CA, 2010)
- Pending Patent # US 2006/0063995 A1: “Optical Measurement of Tissue Blood Flow Hemodynamics And Oxygenation”
Professional Affiliations:
- Optical Society of America (OSA)
- The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE)
- American Society of Photobiology (ASP)
- Society of Vascular Medicine Biology (SVMB)
- American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
- Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)
Selected Recent Publications:
- Y. Shang, Y. Zhao, R. Cheng, L. Dong, D. Irwin, and G. Yu, “Portable optical tissue flow oximeter based on diffuse correlation spectroscopy,” Opt Lett 34(22), 3556-3558 (2009)
- T. M. Busch, X. Xing, G. Yu, A. G. Yodh, E. P. Wileyto, H. W. Wang, T. Durduran, T. C. Zhu, K. K.H. Wang, “Fluence rate-dependent intratumor heterogeneity in physiologic and cytotoxic responses to photofrin photodynamic therapy,” Photochem Photobiol Sci. 8: advance online (2009)
- C. Zhou, S. A. Eucker, T. Durduran, G. Yu, J. Ralston, S. H. Friess, R. N. Ichord, S. S. Margulies, and A. G. Yodh, “Diffuse optical monitoring of hemodynamic changes in piglet brain with closed head injury,” J Biomed Opt 14(3):034015 (2009)
- T. Durduran, C. Zhou, L. E. Brian, G. Yu, R. Choe, M. N. Kim, B. L. Cucchiara, M. E. Putt, Q. Shah, S. E. Kasner, J. H. Greenberg, A. G. Yodh, and J. A. Detre, "Transcranial optical monitoring of cerebral blood flow and hemoglobin concentration in acute stroke patients during positional interventions," Annals of Neurology, Optics Express 17(5):3884-3902 (2009)
- M. Buckley, N. M. Cook, T. Durduran, M. N. Kim, C. Zhou, R. Choe, G. Yu, S. Schultz, C. M. Sehgal, D. J. Licht, P. H. Arger, M. E. Putt, H. H. Hurt, and A. G. Yodh. “Cerebral hemodynamics in preterm infants during positional intervention measured with diffuse correlation spectroscopy and transcranial doppler ultrasound,” Optics Express, 17(15):12571-12581 (2009)
- C. Zhou, T. Shimazu, T. Durduran, J. Luckl, D. Y. Kimberg, G. Yu, X. H. Chen, J. A. Detre, A. G. Yodh and J. H. Greenberg, "Acute functional recovery of cerebral blood flow after forebrain ischemia in rat," J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 28(7), 1275-1284 (2008)
- G. Yu, T. F. Floyd, T. Durduran, C. Zhou, J. A. Detre, A. G. Yodh, “Diffuse Correlation Spectroscopy for Muscle Blood Flow: Validation with Arterial-Spin-Labeling Perfusion MRI,” Optics Express, 15:1064-1075, 2007
- U. Sunar, S. Makonnen, C. Zhou, T. Durduran, G. Yu, H. W. Wang, W. M. Lee and A. G. Yodh, "Hemodynamic responses to antivascular therapy and ionizing radiation assessed by diffuse optical spectroscopies," Optics Express 15(23), 15507-15516 (2007)
- C. Zhou, R. Choe, N. Shah, T. Durduran, G. Yu, A. Durkin, D. Hsiang, R. Mehta, J. Butler, A. Cerussi, B. J. Tromberg and A. G. Yodh, "Diffuse optical monitoring of blood flow and oxygenation in human breast cancer during early stages of neoadjuvant chemotherapy," J Biomed Opt 12(5), 051903 (2007)
- C. Zhou, G. Yu, D. Furuya, J. A. Detre, J. H. Greenberg, A. G. Yodh and T. Durduran, "Diffuse optical correlation tomography of cerebral blood flow during cortical spreading depression in rat brain," Optics Express 24(3), 1125-1144 (2006)
- G. Yu, T. Durduran, C. Zhou, T. C. Zhu, J. C. Finlay, T. M. Busch, S. B. Malkowicz, S. M. Hahn and A. G. Yodh, "Real-time in situ monitoring of human prostate photodynamic therapy with diffuse light," Photochem Photobiol 82(5), 1279-1284 (2006)
- U. Sunar, H. Quon, T. Durduran, J. Zhang, J. Du, C. Zhou, G. Yu, R. Choe, A. Kilger, R. Lustig, L. Loevner, S. Nioka, B. Chance and A. G. Yodh, "Noninvasive diffuse optical measurement of blood flow and blood oxygenation for monitoring radiation therapy in patients with head and neck tumors: a pilot study," J Biomed Opt 11(6), 064021 (2006)
- G. Yu, T. Durduran, C. Zhou, H. W. Wang, M. E. Putt, H. M. Saunders, C. M. Sehgal, E. Glatstein, A. G. Yodh and T. M. Busch, "Noninvasive monitoring of murine tumor blood flow during and after photodynamic therapy provides early assessment of therapeutic efficacy," Clin Cancer Res 11(9), 3543-3552 (2005)
- G. Yu, T. Durduran, G. Lech, C. Zhou, B. Chance, E. R. Mohler, 3rd and A. G. Yodh, "Time-dependent blood flow and oxygenation in human skeletal muscles measured with noninvasive near-infrared diffuse optical spectroscopies," J Biomed Opt 10(2), 024027 (2005)
- T. Durduran, R. Choe, G. Yu, C. Zhou, J. C. Tchou, B. J. Czerniecki and A. G. Yodh, "Diffuse optical measurement of blood flow in breast tumors," Opt Lett 30(21), 2915-2917 (2005)
- T. Durduran, G. Yu, M. G. Burnett, J. A. Detre, J. H. Greenberg, J. Wang, C. Zhou and A. G. Yodh, "Diffuse optical measurement of blood flow, blood oxygenation, and metabolism in a human brain during sensorimotor cortex activation," Opt Lett 29(15), 1766-1768 (2004)
- T. Durduran, M. G. Burnett, G. Yu, C. Zhou, D. Furuya, A. G. Yodh, J. A. Detre and J. H. Greenberg, "Spatiotemporal quantification of cerebral blood flow during functional activation in rat somatosensory cortex using laser-speckle flowmetry," J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 24(5), 518-525 (2004)
- G. Yu, T. Durduran, D. Furuya, J. H. Greenberg and A. G. Yodh, "Frequency-domain multiplexing system for in vivo diffuse light measurements of rapid cerebral hemodynamics," Appl Opt 42(16), 2931-2939 (2003)