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2024 ISCNE Anne Ngarhasta

Anne Ngarhasta takes charge at the 2024 Crisis Simulation.

Mark Mahan

Masters in Diplomacy and International Commerce

The Patterson School curriculum is carefully designed to prepare exceptional students for careers in international affairs. If you are a high achiever, bring passion to learning, flourish in a rigorous academic environment, and intend to operate on the world stage, this may be your place. Our master's program will provide you with the fundamental skills you need to successfully pursue professional work in either the public, private, or non-profit sectors.

Four concentrations


International Commerce

International Organizations and Development

International Security and Intelligence

Friday Talk - Dr. Masamichi Inoue Friday Talk - Dr. Masamichi Inoue The Community of Nuchi Du Takara ("Life Is the Ultimate Treasure") in Postwar Okinawa: Local Subjectivity within and against Empire

Spring 2025 Crisis Simulation - Russia and Ukraine Russia and Ukraine

Patterson Open House January 22nd, Patterson Office Tower Room 420, 5-8PM

We will be having an open house for prospective students on January 22nd, beginning at 5PM. Drinks and snacks will be provided. This is a great opportunity to meet with faculty and discuss the program in detail. We hope to see you there!

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events at this time

Learning beyond the curriculum

Visiting Speakers

Patterson students are frequently visited by special guest speakers: admirals, presidents, intelligence experts,  diplomats and leaders of international NGOs. Quite often an international expert is sharing a room with 35 our brightest.

Diplomacy Simulations

Each fall, we host the U.S. Army War College's International Strategic Crisis Exercise team for fast-paced two day simulation of a real world diplomatic crisis. Students form teams, act as diplomats, and try to negotiate a way forward.

2024 ISCNE: Central Asia

2022 Fall ISCNE: South China Sea

2022 Spring Crisis Simulation: Migration Crisis, Latin America

Fall Conference

Patterson brings experts in international issues from around the globe to speak share a room solely with Patterson students and discuss some of the most pressing issues in trade, development, security and the shifting balance of international power in a day long event. Four panels of practitioners, ambassadors, military officials, and global leaders, are up close and personal. Students will meet, mingle, and engage them in this exclusive event.

60 Years of history

Established in 1959, the Patterson legacy is rich and deep.

35 Spring cohort size

At this size, each student has unparalleled access to faculty and resources.

18 Months

Three semesters of coursework, summer reading, travel, crisis simulations, speakers and more.