NEWS RELEASE Senator Tim Philpot

March 17, 1997
For Immediate Release

Legislator Wants Post-tenure Review of College Faculty

FRANNKFORT - Sen. Tim Philpot, R-Lexington, filed legislation today to require college and university professors to receive regular post-tenure reviews.

"This won't be a popular bill with our university professors," Philpot stated, " but the public expects the highest quality of performance from our best educators. Excellent teachers and researchers have nothing to fear from a simple evaluation of their performance."

Traditionally, college professors are not subject to regular administrative reviews after they receive tenure. Under Philpot's bill, each Kentucky college and university faculty member would undergo a comprehensive post-tenure evaluation every five years.

Evaluations would include review of teaching performance, research and service. Below-standard evaluations could result in the revocation of the faculty member's tenure.

If passed, all college and university faculty members would have to complete their first post-tenure reviews by January 1, 2003.

Philpot hopes the bill will be considered in the upcoming special session on higher education, which the governor has tentatively scheduled to begin May 5. If the bill is not included in the special session, it will be considered during the 1998 Regular Session.

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For more information, contact:
Senator Tim Philpot
502-564-8100 ext. 625
or 606-224-3093

Click here to see excerpts of the bill's text .

Some actions available to faculty.

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