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Kentucky Interagency Groundwater Monitoring Network

Groundwater is essential to the economy of Kentucky and to the health of its citizens. Despite its extensive use, until recently there was little systematic effort to describe groundwater quality and to make that information widely available. Recognizing the importance of groundwater, the 1998 Kentucky General Assembly directed the Kentucky Geological Survey to establish a long-term, interagency groundwater monitoring network to characterize the quality, quantity, and distribution of groundwater in Kentucky (Kentucky Revised Statute 151.625). The major goals of the Interagency Groundwater Monitoring Network are to (1) collect groundwater data, (2) characterize groundwater quality, (3) distribute groundwater information, (4) improve coordination between agencies that collect groundwater data, and (5) facilitate sharing of groundwater data (Interagency Technical Advisory Committee, 1996). The network is assisted by an Interagency Technical Advisory Committee on Groundwater (ITAC), which is composed of State, Federal, and university representatives.  The ITAC was established by KRS 151.629.

The network has produced the following annual summaries and descriptions of network activities:

Annual Reports (PDF file):

Conference Proceedings (PDF file):