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Absence of data does not imply absence of features. Neither the U.S. Department of Agriculture--Natural Resources Conservation Service, nor the Kentucky Geological Survey, assumes any responsibility for the accuracy or use of this data. This is a product under continued development by NRCS. More information on the status of the NRCS digital mapping programming is available at http://www.ky.nrcs.usda.gov/technical/GIS/index.html</PRE></SPAN><BR /> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="text-align:center; color:#6495ED">_________________</DIV><BR /> <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Status of the data <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> In work<BR /><I>Data update frequency: </I> As needed<BR /></DIV> </DIV> <BR /> <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Time period for which the data is relevant <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <DIV><I>Date and time: </I> unknown</DIV> <DIV> <I>Description: </I> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><PRE ID="original">publication date</PRE></SPAN><BR /> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <BR /> <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Publication Information <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"><SPAN CLASS="lt2"> <I>Who created the data: </I>U.S. Department of Agriculture--Natural Resources Conservation Service<BR /></SPAN> <DIV><I>Date and time: </I> February, 2005</DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="text-align:center; color:#6495ED">_________________</DIV><BR /> <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Data storage and access information <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>File name: </I>nrcs_sf_ky_PARTIAL_020805<BR /> <I>Type of data: </I>vector digital data<BR /> <DIV><I>Location of the data: </I></DIV><DIV><LI STYLE="margin-left:0.2in">http://kgs.uky.edu/kgsweb/download/geology/soils/nrcs_sf_ky_PARTIAL_020805.zip</LI></DIV> <I>Data processing environment: </I><SPAN CLASS="lt">Microsoft Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 4; ESRI ArcCatalog</SPAN><BR /> <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Accessing the data <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Data format: </I>ARCG<BR /> <I>Size of the data: </I>9.177 MB<BR /> <I>Data transfer size: </I>9.177 MB<BR /> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Constraints on accessing and using the data <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Access constraints: </I> <SPAN CLASS="lt">None.<BR /></SPAN><DIV> <I>Use constraints: </I> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><PRE ID="original">None</PRE></SPAN><BR /> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <BR /> <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Details about this document <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> Contents last updated: 20050208 at time 17571100 <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Who completed this document <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> Dan Carey<BR />Kentucky Geological Survey<BR /><I>mailing and physical address:</I><BR /><DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.3in"> <DIV CLASS="lt"> <PRE ID="original">Kentucky Geological Survey</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="lt"> <PRE ID="original">228 Mining and Mineral Resources Building</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="lt"> <PRE ID="original">University of Kentucky</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <DIV> Lexington, Kentucky 40506-0107</DIV> </DIV> <BR /> 859.257.5500 x157 (voice)<BR />carey@uky.edu<BR /><BR /> <DIV><I>Hours of service:</I> 8-5</DIV><DIV><I>Contact Instructions:</I></DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.3in"> <PRE ID="original">M-F</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Standards used to create this document <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Standard name: </I>FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata<BR /> <I>Standard version: </I>FGDC-STD-001-1998<BR /> <I>Time convention used in this document: </I>local time<BR /> Metadata profiles defining additonal information<LI STYLE="margin-left:0.2in"> ESRI Metadata Profile: <A TARGET="viewer" HREF="http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html">http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html </A> </LI> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <BR /> </DIV> <DIV ID="Spatial" class="pv" STYLE="display:none"><BR /> <DIV CLASS="pn">Horizontal coordinate system</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in"><I>Geographic coordinate system name: </I>GCS_Assumed_Geographic_1</DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Details <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <DIV CLASS="srh1">Geographic Coordinate System</DIV> <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Latitude Resolution: </I>0.000000</DIV> <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Longitude Resolution: </I>0.000000</DIV> <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Geographic Coordinate Units: </I>Decimal degrees</DIV> <BR /> <DIV CLASS="srh1">Geodetic Model</DIV> <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Horizontal Datum Name: </I>North American Datum of 1983</DIV> <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Ellipsoid Name: </I>Geodetic Reference System 80</DIV> <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Semi-major Axis: </I>6378206.400000</DIV> <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Denominator of Flattening Ratio: </I>294.978698</DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="text-align:center; color:#6495ED">_________________</DIV><BR /> <DIV CLASS="pn">Bounding coordinates</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn">Horizontal</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" CLASS="pn">In decimal degrees</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>West: </I> -89.519943</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>East: </I> -82.272489</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>North: </I> 38.758770</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>South: </I> 36.503008</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" CLASS="pn">In projected or local coordinates</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>Left: </I>-89.519943</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>Right: </I>-82.272489</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>Top: </I>38.758770</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>Bottom: </I>36.503008</DIV> <DIV STYLE="text-align:center; color:#6495ED">_________________</DIV><BR /> <DIV CLASS="pn">Spatial data description</DIV> <DIV CLASS="pn" STYLE="margin-left:0.2in">Vector data information</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" CLASS="pn">ESRI description</DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph2" STYLE="margin-left:0.6in" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> nrcs_sf_ky_PARTIAL_020805 <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>ESRI feature type: </I>Simple<BR /> <I>Geometry type: </I>Point<BR /> <I>Topology: </I>FALSE<BR /> <I>Feature count: </I>37876<BR /> <I>Spatial Index: </I>TRUE<BR /> <I>Linear referencing: </I>FALSE<BR /> </DIV> </DIV> <BR /> <DIV CLASS="ph2" STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">SDTS description <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <DIV>Feature class: SDTS feature type, feature count</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in"> <LI> nrcs_sf_ky_PARTIAL_020805: Entity point, 37876 </LI> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <BR /> </DIV> <DIV ID="Attributes" class="pv" STYLE="display:none"><BR /> <DIV CLASS="pn">Details for nrcs_sf_ky_PARTIAL_020805</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in"><I>Type of object: </I>Feature Class</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in"><I>Number of records: </I>37876</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> Attributes<DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> FID <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>FID<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>OID<BR /> <I>Width: </I>4<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>0<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">Internal feature number.</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">ESRI</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> Shape <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>Shape<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>Geometry<BR /> <I>Width: </I>0<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>0<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">Feature geometry.</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">ESRI</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> FEATSYM <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>FEATSYM<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>3<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">Unique identifier for each well in the KGS database</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">Kentucky Geological Survey</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> CODE <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>CODE<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>3<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">Permit issued by the Kentucky Division of Oil and Gas</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">KY Division of Oil and Gas, see http://dmm.ppr.ky.gov/OilAndGas.htm</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> DESCRIPT <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>DESCRIPT<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>200<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">Well operator of record when the well was originally drilled</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">Permit application, well log and completion report</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> WELL <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>WELL<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>15<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">Well number assigned by operator</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">Permit application, well log and completion report</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> FARM <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>FARM<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>32<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">Farm or lease name (usually mineral owner in the case of severed minerals</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">Permit application, well log and completion report</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> COUNTY <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>COUNTY<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>254<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">County in which the well is located</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">Permit application, well log and completion report</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> TOPO <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>TOPO<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>254<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">Name of the 7.5-minute quadrangle in which the well is located</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">Permit application, well log and completion report</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> ELEV <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>ELEV<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>Number<BR /> <I>Width: </I>16<BR /> <I>Number of decimals: </I>6<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">Ground-level elevation of the well in feet above sea level</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">Permit application, well log and completion report</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> SEC <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>SEC<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>Number<BR /> <I>Width: </I>4<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">1-minute Carter coordinate section in which the well is located (1 to 25)</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">Permit application, well log and completion report</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> LTR <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>LTR<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>2<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">5-minute Carter coordinate section letter (" A" to " Z" and "AA" to "GG")</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">Permit application, well log and completion report</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> NUM <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>NUM<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>Number<BR /> <I>Width: </I>4<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">5-minute Carter coordinate section number (0 to 92)</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">Permit application, well log and completion report</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> TD <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>TD<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>Number<BR /> <I>Width: </I>16<BR /> <I>Number of decimals: </I>6<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">Total depth of the well in feet</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">Well log and completion report</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> TDFM <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>TDFM<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>8<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">Name of the formation penetrated at the total depth of the well. For list of values see http://www.uky.edu/KGS/emsweb/kyogfaq/kyogfaq16.html</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">Well log and completion report</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> RESULT <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>RESULT<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>4<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">Completion type of well.</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">Well log and completion report</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> IOF_IP <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>IOF_IP<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>254<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">Initial open flow (IOF) for gas wells or initial potential (IP) for oil wells. These data are reported for the deepest or only producing interval (pay). Wells with commingled production may not have IOF or IP in this database. Value consists of a numeric quantity and a unit of measurement.</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">Well log and completion report</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> DEEPESTPAY <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>DEEPESTPAY<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>8<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">Name of the deepest or only producing formation (AAPG codes same as above)</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">Well log and completion report</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> CDATE <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>CDATE<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>19<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">Date well was completed, if known</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">Well log and completion report</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> ABND <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>ABND<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>Number<BR /> <I>Width: </I>6<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">Value of -1 indicates the well is abandoned (see especially abandoned producers); otherwise the value is 0</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">Well log and completion report</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> ELOG <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>ELOG<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>Number<BR /> <I>Width: </I>6<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">Value of -1 indicates an electric log is on file at the KGS; otherwise the value is 0 (no log on file)</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">Document on file</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> LAT27 <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>LAT27<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>Number<BR /> <I>Width: </I>16<BR /> <I>Number of decimals: </I>6<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">North latitude of well in decimal degrees (NAD27)</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">Calculated from Carter coordinate</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> LON27 <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>LON27<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>Number<BR /> <I>Width: </I>16<BR /> <I>Number of decimals: </I>6<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">West longitude of well in decimal degrees (NAD27)</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">Calculated from Carter coordinate</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> LAT83 <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>LAT83<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>Number<BR /> <I>Width: </I>16<BR /> <I>Number of decimals: </I>6<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">North latitude of well in decimal degrees (NAD83). Geographic coordinate value used for shape file creation.</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">Calculated from Carter coordinate</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> LON83 <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>LON83<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>Number<BR /> <I>Width: </I>16<BR /> <I>Number of decimals: </I>6<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">West longitude of well in decimal degrees (NAD83). Geographic coordinate value used for shape file creation.</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">Calculated from Carter coordinate</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </BODY> </HTML>