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border:'2 outset #FFFFFF'; position:relative" /> <BR /> <BR /> <DIV CLASS="pn">Keywords</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="lt2"><SPAN CLASS="pn">Theme: </SPAN> geoscientificInformation, geology, economics, environment, hydrogeology, tectonics, karst, mineral resources, land use, planning</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="lt2"><SPAN CLASS="pn">Place: </SPAN> Kentucky</DIV> <BR /> <DIV CLASS="pn">Description</DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Abstract <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:"> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><PRE ID="original">Geology of Kentucky. Based on Geologic Map of Kentucky,1988, scale 1:500,000. Compiled by Martin C. Noger, Kentucky Geological Survey, from the Geologic Map of Kentucky, scale 1:250,000, 1981 by Robert C. McDowell, George J. Grabowski, and Samuel L. Moore, U.S. Geological Survey. Tectonic and karst interpretations added by Claude S. Dean, 2002.</PRE></SPAN><BR /> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Purpose <DIV ID="Purpose" CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:"> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><PRE ID="original">Simplified regional geology to provide for broad-based planning and geologic studies.</PRE></SPAN><BR /> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="text-align:center; color:#6495ED">_________________</DIV><BR /> <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Status of the data <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> Complete<BR /><I>Data update frequency: </I> None planned<BR /></DIV> </DIV> <BR /> <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Time period for which the data is relevant <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <DIV><I>Date and time: </I> 2002</DIV> <DIV> <I>Description: </I> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><PRE ID="original">publication date</PRE></SPAN><BR /> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <BR /> <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Publication Information <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"><SPAN CLASS="lt2"> <I>Who created the data: </I>Kentucky Geological Survey<BR /></SPAN> <DIV><I>Date and time: </I> May, 2002</DIV> <DIV><I>Publisher and place: </I> Kentucky Geological Survey, Lexington, KY </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="text-align:center; color:#6495ED">_________________</DIV><BR /> <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Data storage and access information <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>File name: </I>kygeol_tect<BR /> <I>Type of data: </I>vector digital data<BR /> <DIV><I>Location of the data: </I></DIV><DIV><LI STYLE="margin-left:0.2in">http://kgsweb.uky.edu/download/state/kygeol.ZIP</LI></DIV> <I>Data processing environment: </I><SPAN CLASS="lt">Microsoft Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 4; ESRI ArcCatalog</SPAN><BR /> <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Accessing the data <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Size of the data: </I>6.004 MB<BR /> <I>Data transfer size: </I>6.004 MB<BR /> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Constraints on accessing and using the data <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Access constraints: </I> <SPAN CLASS="lt">None<BR /></SPAN><DIV> <I>Use constraints: </I> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><PRE ID="original">Not compatible with 1:24,000 scale data. Acknowledgment of Kentucky Geological Survey</PRE></SPAN><BR /> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <BR /> <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Details about this document <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> Contents last updated: 20050214 at time 14524100 <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Who completed this document <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> Dan Carey<BR />Kentucky Geological Survey<BR /><I>mailing and physical address:</I><BR /><DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.3in"> <DIV CLASS="lt"> <PRE ID="original">Kentucky Geological Survey</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="lt"> <PRE ID="original">228 Mining and Mineral Resources Building</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="lt"> <PRE ID="original">University of Kentucky</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <DIV> Lexington, KY 40506-0107</DIV> </DIV> <BR /> 859-257-5500. (voice)<BR />859-257-1147 (fax)<BR />carey@uky.edu<BR /><BR /> <DIV><I>Hours of service:</I> 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., M-F</DIV><BR /> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph1" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Standards used to create this document <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Standard name: </I>FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata<BR /> <I>Standard version: </I>FGDC-STD-001-1998<BR /> <I>Time convention used in this document: </I>local time<BR /> Metadata profiles defining additonal information<LI STYLE="margin-left:0.2in"> ESRI Metadata Profile: <A TARGET="viewer" HREF="http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html">http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html </A> </LI> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <BR /> </DIV> <DIV ID="Spatial" class="pv" STYLE="display:none"><BR /> <DIV CLASS="pn">Horizontal coordinate system</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in"><I>Geographic coordinate system name: </I>GCS_Assumed_Geographic_1</DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">Details <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <DIV CLASS="srh1">Geographic Coordinate System</DIV> <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Latitude Resolution: </I>0.000000</DIV> <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Longitude Resolution: </I>0.000000</DIV> <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Geographic Coordinate Units: </I>Decimal degrees</DIV> <BR /> <DIV CLASS="srh1">Geodetic Model</DIV> <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Horizontal Datum Name: </I>North American Datum of 1927</DIV> <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Ellipsoid Name: </I>Clarke 1866</DIV> <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Semi-major Axis: </I>6378206.400000</DIV> <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Denominator of Flattening Ratio: </I>294.978698</DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="text-align:center; color:#6495ED">_________________</DIV><BR /> <DIV CLASS="pn">Bounding coordinates</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn">Horizontal</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" CLASS="pn">In decimal degrees</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>West: </I> -89.576712</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>East: </I> -81.962286</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>North: </I> 39.142949</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>South: </I> 36.486149</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" CLASS="pn">In projected or local coordinates</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>Left: </I>-89.576712</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>Right: </I>-81.962286</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>Top: </I>39.142949</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>Bottom: </I>36.486149</DIV> <DIV STYLE="text-align:center; color:#6495ED">_________________</DIV><BR /> <DIV CLASS="pn">Spatial data description</DIV> <DIV CLASS="pn" STYLE="margin-left:0.2in">Vector data information</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" CLASS="pn">ESRI description</DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph2" STYLE="margin-left:0.6in" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> kygeol_tect <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>ESRI feature type: </I>Simple<BR /> <I>Geometry type: </I>Polygon<BR /> <I>Topology: </I>FALSE<BR /> <I>Feature count: </I>3839<BR /> <I>Spatial Index: </I>FALSE<BR /> <I>Linear referencing: </I>FALSE<BR /> </DIV> </DIV> <BR /> <DIV CLASS="ph2" STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)">SDTS description <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <DIV>Feature class: SDTS feature type, feature count</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in"> <LI> kygeol_tect: G-polygon, 3839 </LI> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <BR /> </DIV> <DIV ID="Attributes" class="pv" STYLE="display:none"><BR /> <DIV CLASS="pn">Details for kygeol_tect</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in"><I>Type of object: </I>Feature Class</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in"><I>Number of records: </I>3839</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> Attributes<DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> FID <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>FID<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>OID<BR /> <I>Width: </I>4<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>0<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">Internal feature number.</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">ESRI</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> Shape <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>Shape<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>Geometry<BR /> <I>Width: </I>0<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>0<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">Feature geometry.</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">ESRI</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> LABEL <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>LABEL<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>5<BR /> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> GENGEOL <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>GENGEOL<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>13<BR /> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> KARST <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>KARST<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>10<BR /> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> COUNT <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>COUNT<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>Number<BR /> <I>Width: </I>11<BR /> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> GEOL_DESCR <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>GEOL_DESCR<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>110<BR /> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onmouseover="doHilite()" onmouseout="doHilite()" onclick="hideShowGroup(this)"> AREA <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>AREA<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>Number<BR /> <I>Width: </I>16<BR /> <I>Number of decimals: </I>3<BR /> <BR 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