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KSPG Fall Fieldtrip, November 2-4, 2000

Panoramic view of the Vulcan Materials Reed Quarry
Field trip guidebook (in pdf format, WARNING 12 Mb!)
Images from the field trip (click on the thumbnail images to get a larger image):
All photos © 2000 by Brandon C. Nuttall. Camera used is a digital Olympus C-3030 zoom.
Click on the thumbnail images to see larger image.

Breakfast at Days Inn, Mayfield

Hauler at Old Hickory Clay Co., Marshall Pit

Excavator at Marshall Pit

Fragments of log recovered from clay
(on bench)

Failure on back highwall of Marshall Pit

Clay-filled root structures in lignite
overlying main clay deposit

Clay-filled root structures in lignite
overlying main clay deposit

Log, diagonal lines are tool marks of
teeth on bucket of excavator

Overall view of Marshall Pit

View of pit wall showing
rapid oxidation of clay

Field trip group watching excavator

Loading toilets into a hauler
at the Marshall Pit

Lignite blocks

Scour zone in continental deposits
(Lafayette Gravel) at Marshall Pit
Stop 2: Old Hickory Clay Co. storage shed and processing plant.

Old Hickory Clay Co. storage shed
and processing plant |

Clay segregated into piles based on physical
and chemical properties

Organic- and illite-rich clay
destined for toilets

Tertiary leaf fossil

Tertiary leaf fossil (found by Steve Martin)

Cast of leaf in picture 122

Feed hopper for shredder

Controls for drying ovens, used for
moisture content control

Drying oven

Mill with internal "whizzer" for
controlling final powder size

Loader getting clay for a
particular product mix

Slurry intended for casting as toilets

Slurry tanks
Much of the clay from Old Hickory's operations was destined for "sanitary ware."

Where all the clay was going
toilet and tiles
Stop 3: Powell Pit, sand and gravel.

Sorted sand and gravel piles at Powell Pit

Working face at Powel Pit

Lafayette gravel showing poor sorting
Stop 4: Clastic dikes near Symsonia.

Clastic dike with large tabular body

Small vertical clastic dike

Clastic dike, Roy VanArsdale in picture
Stop 5: Geologic hazards, landslides at Hickman, Kentucky.

Downtown Hickman, block cleared
for park, shot along inside
of floodwall

Downtown Hickman, shot along
[virtually abandoned] main street

Dr. Kiefer telling group the story
of Hickman (from top of floodwall)

Area of slurry trench, view
from top of floodwall showing

Corps of Eng. Remediated slide, shotcrete
covering of slope held together
by 80' +/- soil nails
Stop 6: Vulcan Materials, Reed Quarry
Click on the thumbnail images to see larger image.

Vulcan Materials, Reed Quarry

Hauler being loaded on quarry bench

Zoom in on scene in picture 154

Quarry panorama picture 1 (left panel)

Quarry panorama picture 2 (center panel)

Quarry panorama picture 3 (right panel)

60' +/- high waterfalls at quarry bench edges

View of our destination, bottom of quarry

Zoomed view of falls into quarry

GPS at bottom of quarry showing
elevation of 36' below sea level

Camera is faster than the
speeding geologist

Bioherm (mud mound) in Ft. Payne

View of quarry floor from Ft. Payne

Onlapping beds on flank of Ft. Payne

[Distant] view of Ft. Payne bioherm

Chart showing section and model
of bioherm

Stylolites (pressure solution features)
in bryozoan-crinoid grainstone facies
of Ullin

Hauler (85-90 tons per load)