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KGS Home > Kentucky Oil and Gas Well Location Shapefile

About the Oil and Gas Well Shapefile

Version 15, March, 2022

Contact: Carrie Pulliam

Some links in this document require an active connection to the Web. This version of the documentation has been prepared for distribution with the oil and gas maps of Kentucky on CD-ROM; all references to "kyog_*" apply to the ogwells shapefile.


Data and images in this distribution are copyrighted (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008) by the Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky. The user is granted the right to use these data to produce maps, charts, and reports. The user of these data is further granted the right to provide copies of the oil and gas well-data shapefiles included as described in this document provided:

  1. The data are distributed in their original form, as acquired from the Kentucky Geological Survey or downloaded from its Web site.
  2. This documentation, including the notice of copyright and disclaimer, are provided without modification.

If you have acquired these data from a third party, the Kentucky Geological Survey invites you to visit our Web site.


Data in this file are presented as is with no warranty either expressed or implied as to the completeness or accuracy of any location or well status. Data on file at the Kentucky Geological Survey are submitted by well operators under requirements established by Kentucky Revised Statute 353. The producing or abandoned status of any well is dependent on the completion type reported by the operator on the well log and completion report, on the availability of a plugging affidavit, and on other information or maps on file in the Public Information Center of the Kentucky Geological Survey.

Some wells in the database have duplicate locations (sometimes more than one well at a given location). As in the case of workovers and deepenings of existing wells, this is intended. However, in the recent conversion of our database to new software on a new server, some valid locations were inadvertently duplicated to wells that have no location. These wells are being identified and corrected. Suspect invalid duplication if there are significantly more than four or five entries at a given location and the location is in the middle of a 1-minute or 5-minute Carter coordinate section or the middle of a 7.5-minute quadrangle. Your assistance in this matter is requested and appreciated.

Data vintage

The oil and gas well data included in this distribution are typically updated on a monthly basis. To determine when the oil and gas well data were last updated, check the extract date in the file kyog_info.txt included with each data distribution. Users are invited to go to Kentucky Oil and Gas Well Location Shape Files and subscribe to the RSS feed to be notified when updates are uploaded.

A note on the wells included in this distribution

The wells in this distribution include only those wells for which a complete Carter coordinate location is available; that is, only wells for which latitude and longitude can be calculated. For most areas in Kentucky there are wells for which we have insufficient location data to determine latitude and longitude. To obtain data for wells for which only the county, 7.5-minute quadrangle, or partial Carter coordinate are known, copies of the electronic data must be obtained.

Production data

Limited production data by well are available at the Kentucky Division of Oil and Gas Web site. Oil and gas production data by county are available in the Division's Technical Information Library.


Both shape files are projected using the North American Datum of 1983. Location data in the attributes supplied in both shapefiles include latitude and longitude in both North American datums of 1927 and 1983 (NAD27 and NAD83). The shapefile kyog_dd.shp was created using location values from the two fields: Rec_Lat83 and Rec_Lng83. The attribute files (*.dbf) of either shapefile can be loaded into ArcView as a table, and the fields "Rec_Lat27" and "Rec_Lng27" can be used to create a shapefile projected to the NAD27 datum. Latitude and longitude are expressed as decimal degrees for both datums. By convention, west longitude is expressed as a negative number.

Base map data

These locations are best used posted on a base map. Base maps for displaying these data may be downloaded from the Kentucky Geological Survey Web site.