Risk Management
Location: 306 Peterson Service Building 0005 Phone: (859) 257-3708 Fax:(859) 257-1050
Responsibilities include To implement and use a risk management process to identify, measure, and control or finance risks of loss; the most cost efficient methods will be selected and these will be monitored and adjusted as needed, To eliminate or control practices and conditions that causes loss, To assume or retain risks of loss of a predictable and non-catastrophic nature that will not adversely impact the operating budgets or financial position of the University, To transfer through contract or insurance those catastrophic risks that cannot be appropriately financed internally at an acceptable cost.
James P. Frazier | Director for Process Improvement & Risk Analysis | 257-2320 |
Todd W. Adkins | Director of Risk Management | 257-6214 |
Bart Miller | Assistant Director of Risk Management | 257-3372 |
Linda Rookard | Administrative Support Associate I | 257-3708 |
Vehicle Claims Reporting Form (PDF)
Building and Contents Property Claims
Reporting Losses
- Report loss by:
Submitting a completed Potential Property Claim Form (DOC) to Risk Management
When claim involves a crime, also notify the UK Police Department.
When claim involves damages greater than $10,000, contact Risk Management by phone or email ASAP - Take necessary steps to prevent further loss or damage
- Provide all supporting documents; purchase documents, repair estimates/invoices, replacement quotes, photographs of damages, police reports, etc.
- Send the above to the attention of: Todd Adkins
Excess Accident Medical
Explanation of New Claims Processing University of Kentucky Camps Insurance Program
Part I of the Claim Form should be completed by the Camp Director or other Supervisor. This section of the Claim Form simply documents to the Insurer that an accident or illness has occurred. A copy of the claim form should be kept at the camp for their records. Once Section I is completed by the Camp Director or Supervisor, the form should be given to the camper for completion. Please note: the Claim Form should not be given to the camper until expenses are incurred.
Part II of the Claim Form should be completed by the camper/claimant or his/her parents. The information given in this section is very important because it will drive the rest of the claims process. If the camper/claimant has primary insurance, copies of the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) forms need to be included with the completed claim form and fully itemized medical bills.
If the camper/claimant does not have primary insurance, no EOB will be available. Therefore, just the completed claim form and copies of fully itemized medical bills need to be sent to the Claims Processor, AGIA. Please note: Make sure to instruct the camper/claimant that balance due bills are not acceptable in lieu of itemized medical bills.
The Authorization to Release Information and Payment Authorization contained within Part II of the Claim Form must be signed by the parent or camper/claimant before the claim form is mailed to AGIA.
As referenced above, once the Claim Form has been completed and authorized, the Claim Form, fully itemized medical bills (and EOB's if applicable) should be sent to AGIA at the address listed at the top of page one of the Claim Form. As soon as a Dedicated Claims Examiner has been assigned to the plan, his or her name and number will be made available to you in the event of a question on the status of a specific claim.
Claim Form (PDF).
Owned/Leased/Rented Vehicles
These procedures are to be followed to make a claim for any accident regardless of fault, damages, or injuries.
Claim Reporting
- In case of an accident, notify the police immediately. If the accident occurs on campus, notify the University police. If the accident occurs off campus, notify the city or state police or local authority.
- Do not admit fault. Make no commitments and do not argue with anyone at the scene.
- If anyone is injured, see that the person(s) receives proper medical attention.
- Carefully examine all damage and secure the name(s) and telephone number(s) of any witness(es).
- If physically able, complete this form at the time and at the scene of the accident. Include as much detail as possible; however, do not delay in reporting a claim because information is unavailable or unknown.
- You must include your department number on the report (see lower left area) and a telephone number where you can be reached.
- You must select one of the following Area names and include it on the report (see lower right area).
- President
- Exec VP for Health Affairs
- Athletics
- Fiscal Affairs and Information Technology
- Exec VP for Finance and Administration
- Exec VP for Research
- Provost
- For Physical Plant vehicles, report the accident to the Work Control Center at 859-257-3844. The driver must report to their departmental office to complete necessary forms.
- For the College of Agriculture vehicles, report the accident to the Director, Management Operations at 859-257-2983. If after office hours, contact the Mechanic Supervisor at 859-257-3119 or the Director, Management Operations at 859-269-2753. The driver must also report to their departmental office to complete necessary forms. You must contact UK's Vehicle Maintenance Superintendent at 859-255-2648 to obtain one estimate of damage.
- UK department administrators will phone (877-252-4839), fax (502-489-6435) or e-mail (ukgroup@uscky.com) the completed vehicle accident report form to Underwriters Safety and Claims as soon as possible or within 24 hours. Underwriters Safety and Claims will send an acknowledgement form identifying the claim number assigned to the UK department originating the report or to the driver involved in the accident (if no department administrator was identified on the fax transmittal).
- For leased vehicles, you must advise Underwriters Safety and Claims whether or not physical damage insurance coverage was purchased through the leasing company and provide a copy of the lease agreement.
- If a third party is involved, advise them that Underwriters Safety and Claims, Louisville, KY will handle the matter and they can call 877-252-4839 after 24 hours.
- Injuries involving UK employees should be reported to UK Workers' Care at 1-800-440-6285.
Repair of University Vehicles
- Regardless of fault, you are to obtain two estimates of the damage to your vehicle and a copy of the police report and fax them to Underwriters Safety and Claims at 502-489-6435.
- Repairs are not to be started until approved by Underwriters Safety and Claims.
Camp and Field Trip Insurance
For a full understanding of the coverage and procedures please review the following items:
- Memo to All University of Kentucky Camp Directors/Field Trip Sponsors (PDF)
- Excess Participant Accident Claim Form (PDF)
- Request For Excess Medical/Accident Insurance Form (PDF)
- Participant Accident Claim Form (PDF)
Consent to Medical Treatment/Insurance Statement (PDF)
Medical Insurance Information (PDF)
Medical Authorization (PDF)
For those of you who sponsor and supervise weeklong camps or activities lasting over a week, there are camper forms you should have the campers (parents or guardians if under age 18) complete and return to you prior to participation in the camp.
Also included are the new claims process and the required excess claim form. The completed information will enable you to take the injured camper to a medical facility for treatment and facilitate their billing process to the camper's primary health insurer. Our insurance provides a safety net for deductibles, co-payments and for those injured campers who do not have health insurance.
For UK sponsored and supervised field trips (especially the one-day variety) completion of the camper forms might be unduly burdensome. It is still important that you make all participants aware that their personal health insurance is primary. You should require each participant to either bring their insurance card or a copy of the front and back and (if they are under age 18) signed consent for medical treatment by the parent or legal or legal guardian.
NOTE: To request this coverage for your camp/activity, you must use the required Request For Excess Medical/Accident Insurance Form. If you have any questions please contact Linda Rookard at Linda Rookard or (859) 257-3708.
Explanation of New Claims Processing
University of Kentucky Camps Insurance Program
Part I of the Claim Form should be completed by the Camp Director or other Supervisor. This section of the Claim Form simply documents to the Insurer that an accident or illness has occurred. A copy of the claim form should be kept at the camp for their records. Once Section I is completed by the Camp Director or Supervisor, the form should be given to the camper for completion. Please note: the Claim Form should not be given to the camper until expenses are incurred.
Part II of the Claim Form should be completed by the camper/claimant or his/her parents. The information given in this section is very important because it will drive the rest of the claims process. If the camper/claimant has primary insurance, copies of the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) forms need to be included with the completed claim form and fully itemized medical bills.
- If the camper/claimant does not have primary insurance, no EOB will be available. Therefore, just the completed claim form and copies of fully itemized medical bills need to be sent to the Claims Processor, AGIA. Please note: Make sure to instruct the camper/claimant that balance due bills are not acceptable in lieu of itemized medical bills.
- The Authorization to Release Information and Payment Authorization contained within Part II of the Claim Form must be signed by the parent or camper/claimant before the claim form is mailed to AGIA.
Part III of the Claim Form does not need to be completed by the Physician or Provider if EOB's are included. If the Cigna Plan is Primary, a physician must complete Part III.
As referenced above, once the Claim Form has been completed and authorized, the Claim Form, fully itemized medical bills (and EOB's if applicable) should be sent to AGIA at the address listed at the top of page one of the Claim Form. As soon as a Dedicated Claims Examiner has been assigned to the plan, his or her name and number will be made available to you in the event of a question on the status of a specific claim.
All University of Kentucky Sponsored and Supervised Camps, Field Trips, Seminars have available Excess Accident Medical Insurance. Not all camps, field trips, and other activities are eligible to be insured by the University. In order to be eligible, an activity must meet both of the following conditions:
- The activity must be sponsored by the University and supervised by University personnel. That is, some department of the University must take responsibility for the organization, hosting, and (usually) funding of the activity. Student organization activities, or activities held on University property but sponsored by an outside organization, do not meet this condition, and are not eligible for insurance.
- The activity must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Summer camp
- Sports activity
- Out-of-state field trip
- Involves participants that are under the age of 18
- It is not any of the above, but it exposes participants to a risk of injury that is not ordinarily present in an academic setting. Examples: A rock climbing trip, snow ski trip, or a carpentry workshop involving the use of power tools.
Summary of Coverage
Insurance coverage is on an excess basis only. The participant's personal health insurance policy will be primary and provide coverage for accident and sickness. The excess policy will cover any out-of-pocket expense not paid by the participant's personal insurance up to the limits of the policy listed below. (This includes payment of the deductible and coinsurance amounts if applied under the participant's personal policy.) The sickness medical expense will be limited to $500 on an excess basis. The benefit period is one year. The first expense must be incurred within 60 days of the accident or sickness. If the participant does not have personal health insurance coverage, this excess policy will pay first dollar, up to the limits of this policy. Pre-existing conditions are not covered. A pre-existing condition is any condition for which a prudent person should have sought treatment or was treated in the previous six months.
Coverage Benefits and Limits
Item | Amount/Comment |
Accident Medical Expense (Excess) | $50,000 |
Accident Dental Expense (Excess) | Included |
Deductible | Nil |
Sickness Medical Expense (Excess) | $500 |
Deductible | Nil |
AD&D and Paralysis, Principal Sum | $15,000 |
Benefit Period | One Year |
Effective Date | 1/1/16 |
Rate Per Camper Per Day
Camp | Amount |
4H Camps, Week Long | $ .35 |
4H Camps, 2 Days | $ .24 |
Sports Camps | $ .52 |
Misc. Camps/Trips | $ .22 |
Football Camp (Per Week) | $9.50 |
Property insurance
State Fire and Tornado Insurance Fund
Fire and EC section (Required by Chapter 56, KRS 56.065 through KRS 56.170)
Insures state-owned buildings and/or contents on a July 1 fiscal year basis, and provides All Risks-Special Form coverage for direct physical loss including earthquake and flood. The buildings and contents are currently insured on a Replacement Cost basis with a $1000 deductible applicable per occurrence.
Effective July 1, 1997, All Risks Special Form coverage is provided and includes theft, water-damage, and breakage. All contents that remain in a designated building, that have been included in the total value reported for that building, are now automatically provided All Risks coverage. Values are primarily obtained from capitalized inventory records and are scheduled according to official UK building number assignments. This coverage excludes computer and telephone coverage, which is insured on a separate certificate and outside policy. Contents that do not remain in a designated building are not insured.
Additional Coverage
Debris Removal; Preservation of Property; Fire Department Service Charge; Pollutant Clean Up and Removal; Collapse (limited).(Excludes: Computer and Telephone Equipment)
Inland Marine Section (optional)
The State Fire and Tornado Insurance Fund offers optional All Risk Inland Marine Coverage. Computer and telephone is not available under this section. This is currently on a Replacement Cost Basis with a $1000 deductible applicable per occurrence. Departments may decide to take advantage of this additional coverage because the basic contents insurance does not provide coverage for:
- Owned items valued over $2,000 that do not remain in inventory designated building.
- Short-term coverage (exhibits, etc.)
- Transit coverage
- Non-owned items
In order to obtain coverage, according to the State's requirement, we obtain from departments requesting the coverage, a categorized list including: insured value, description, UK property number, serial number, model number, location, and ownership. Departments may maintain coverage during the year by written request for any necessary changes to their list. At the beginning of each policy year a new list is required. Premiums are recharged to department account numbers by JV. Effective July 1, 2001, except for Fine Arts and non-owned items, the University of Kentucky will only insure University owned items valued over $2,000.
(Excludes: Computer and Telephone Equipment)
Telephone Equipment and Systems
Coverage for Telephone equipment and systems is available on a separate State Fire and Tornado Insurance Fund Certificate of Insurance. Coverage provided is All Risk with a $1,000 deductible applicable per occurrence.
Values are primarily obtained by direct communication with full description and backup of purchase documents provided by the department requesting coverage. For those systems inventoried as telephone equipment, values are obtained by Risk Management and insured on the Telephone Certificate. For those items not included on the inventory records coverage must be added by departmental request to Risk Management with full description and backup of purchase documents.
Computer Equipment
Computers and related equipment are currently insured for "All Risk" coverage on a replacement cost basis with the State Fire and Tornado Insurance Fund. With the renewal of July 1, 2004 there is a $1,000 deductible per loss.
Coverage is provided on a blanket basis for owned and inventoried computer equipment and includes $200,000 transit coverage, $750,000 for extra expenses incurred due to the loss and up to $500,000 automatic coverage for newly acquired equipment. For premium purposes values are obtained from capitalized inventory records and are scheduled according to official UK building number assignments.
Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) Release and Information Form (DOC)
Announcement of MVR Safety Program
June 20, 2005 UK News
New Safety Program announced
As an additional step to increase traffic awareness and safety on campus, the University of Kentucky recently implemented a series of new safety initiatives applicable to the operation of university-owned or -operated vehicles and the employees who operate them.
When UK President Lee T. Todd, Jr. launched the Pedestrian Awareness and Safety Program (PAWS) recently, he said, "The safety of all our students, faculty, staff, and visitors is a top priority. We are implementing safety measures across campus to decrease the number of incidents that have resulted in injury and even death."
The new safety initiatives include:
- An Accident Review Board, made up of representatives of several university departments, will review preventable accidents involving university drivers as well as university policies and procedures applicable to vehicle operators.
- An online driver safety refresher course designed to remind experienced drivers of some of the hazards faced in the day-to-day operation of a motor vehicle.
- A motor vehicle record (MVR) check program to verify the driving records of employees authorized to operate university vehicles.
The programs are being coordinated by the UK Risk Management Department. For further information, contact Lou Drapeau, director of risk management, 257-6214.
Motor Vehicle Record
The University of Kentucky is asking all faculty, staff, and, in some very limited cases, students who drive any motor vehicle on behalf of the University to complete a MVR Release and Information form.
The purpose of the policy is to protect the University from claims of "negligent entrustment" if we allow a person with an extremely poor driving record or suspended license to drive on University business. We have a large number of vehicles and drivers and this is the most efficient way to obtain this information.
We are basically asking for only the information necessary to run an MVR. We need the name, date of birth, driver's license number, and State in order to obtain an MVR. The other information helps us keep drivers organized by college or department and determine how various situations are handled. We are obtaining only the past three years of driving history, and driving history does not include credit information, insurance information, or criminal background information.
The form was developed as a result of the Federal "Driver Privacy Protection Act" which determines exactly what can and cannot be done with the personal information in a driving record. It is accepted by 43 of the 50 states and therefore, cannot be changed. The release says that you won't sue the various contractors as long as they obtain your information lawfully and don't do anything illegal with it. The forms are maintained here in our offices, under lock and key, and are not forwarded to Sonic e-Learning. Sonic e-learning is a company that was formed to meet the needs of employers to have access to their employees' driving records.
The main thing we are looking for is suspended licenses or extremely poor driving records. We are not going to suspend driving privileges for a speeding ticket or other minor violations.
We need to be able to obtain MVR's from other states in addition to Kentucky. Sonic e-Learning has contract with all 50 states.
No. Per the University's contract with Sonic e-Learning, the University of Kentucky is the only entity that has access to the driving records.
If there are any further questions please feel free to call the Risk Management Department at (859) 257-3708.
International Travel Registry
In order to ensure coverage under UK's international travel medical insurance and evacuation plan, all faculty and staff traveling outside the United States in the course and scope of UK employment or representation should register their international travel with the UK International Center. The travel registry allows UK officials to quickly and proactively reach out to you in the event of an emergency overseas, and helps to facilitate the authorization process for claims made in your name to the insurance company. Please visit https://ihss.uky.edu in order to register.
International Travel Medical Insurance & Evacuation Coverage
All UK employees traveling abroad in the course and scope of UK employment, enrollment or representation are eligible for coverage under the University's blanket travel medical insurance and evacuation policy. This coverage extends to family members and guests of faculty and staff who may be traveling with them on the same trips. It is a benefit covered by the University, and no costs are incurred by the travelers for the coverage. Coverage is not available for employees or students who are traveling solely for personal reasons (e.g., vacations). A description of what is offered under this plan, as well as access to the full summary of benefits, can be found at this link.
In the event of a natural or political disaster in your host country, all travelers covered by this policy are eligible for evacuation service. The evacuation service will coordinate any pay to evacuate you to the nearest place of safety, or to the U.S. If you have a security concern or require evacuation, seek shelter as soon as possible and call AXA Assistance at 1-312-935-3542. Then call the UK Police Department at 1-859-257-8573, who will relay your information to the appropriate authorities on campus. Both AXA Assistance and the UK Police Department's phone lines are staffed at all times. Work-related injuries and some illnesses that occur while abroad on UK business are covered by Workers' Compensation, and should be reported to UK Workers' Care. See UK HR Policy #96.0 for more information, or report an incident at 1-800-440-6285.
For travel to areas where war or terrorism represents a substantial risk, long-term disability coverage requires travel authorization at the level of the Provost or higher. E-mail approval should be directed to Bart Miller, Employee Benefits, at bart.miller@uky.edu.
If you need any additional information, please contact Jason Hope, Manager of International Health, Safety & Security, at jasonhope@uky.edu.
Non-Academic Groups Traveling Internationally with Students
In order to ensure compliance with Administrative Regulation 4:9, all UK faculty and staff traveling abroad with students are required to submit their travel plans for review by the UK International Center and UK Risk Management. A detailed summary of this process can be found at this link.
Groups of five or more student participants will be billed a non-refundable Risk Management fee of $50 per participant. All student participants, regardless of group size, will be billed $10.50 per week for coverage under UK's international travel medical insurance and evacuation plan. These costs should be included in any budgetary information distributed to the participants. Please direct any questions regarding this process to Jason Hope, Manager of International Health, Safety & Security, at jasonhope@uky.edu.
Instructions for:
Minors Involved in University-Sponsored Programs or Programs Held at the University.
- At least fourteen (14) days prior to the start of a new program, or as soon as is reasonably practical, the program leader shall complete the "University of Kentucky Programs Involving Minors Notification Form".
- Program leaders shall ensure that all program staff and any other individuals who will have direct contact with minors have been subject to a criminal background check and a National Sex Offender Public Registry check within the previous five years. If you have any questions concerning criminal background checks and/or National Sex Offender Public Registry checks please contact Scott Hall in Human Resources at schall4@email.uky.edu or 859-257-3842 for additional information.
- Prior to beginning any assignments with programs including minors all program leaders shall complete the appropriate training administered through Risk Management, or its designee, every three years. Information on how to complete the online training can be found HERE.
- Have participant's parents complete the "Informed Consent, Voluntary Waiver, Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Form".