Get This Bug Off of Me!
by Stephanie Bailey
Entomology Extension Specialist
It's a natural reaction to be frightened of some insects. Many
insects have the ability to harm people, and many insects look
very menacing. However, many large insects are not harmful at
all. Because it would take several volumes to describe every
insect, this publication is intended to distinguish several
common insects and insect relatives in Kentucky that are or are
not harmful.
Insects and relatives which are NOT harmful:
 UK Dept. of Entomology | Daddy-long-legs look like long-legged spiders but
are actually relatives of spiders. They only have
one body section (spiders have two body sections). They do
not sting or have venom. Daddy-long-legs feed on
plants and sometimes decaying materials in
forests. |
Millipedes cannot hurt people. They do look
similar to centipedes (their sometimes dangerous
relatives), but with two big differences:
- millipedes have chewing mouthparts
- millipedes have two
pairs of legs for each body segment (centipedes have only one pair of legs per segment).
Millipedes are
scavengers, feeding on either living or decaying
plant parts near the forest floor. Many species
are able to give off a foul smelling fluid that is
toxic to insects, but won't do any damage to
 copyright Corel PhotoCD | Dragonflies are some of the largest insects. They
are beneficial insects--predators of smaller
insects such as mosquitoes and crop pests. Dragonflies knew about fast food long before humans: they hold their prey in their legs and munch while flying--sort of like picking up an order of "mosquito in a basket" to go! |
Despite old folktales that claim they sew up your ears or your lips, they do not attack
humans. If you happen to catch one (good luck!)
and are holding onto it, it might pinch, but
it can't break the skin.
The immature stage of
this insect lives underwater in streams and lakes and feed
on aquatic insects and other arthropods. Immatures of some of the larger species even feed on small fish.
The aquatic stage can't hurt humans either.
Mayflies look similar to dragonflies, except their
hind wings are smaller than the front wings, and
they have two or three "tails," called styli. They
are usually seen near water. These insects do not
feed at all as adults. They don't have any
functional mouthparts. They will not harm humans
or any other living creature.
|  |
 | Dobsonflies are not very common, but are very
distinctive. They are very large and the males
especially have very large fanglike mouthparts.
However, as an adult, these mouthparts are not
used in aggression or defense, but only in trying
to woo the females. They are actually quite
docile. The immature stage of this insect, known
as a helgrammite, lives under rocks near water. It is a little more menacing in that it will give a good pinch if you pick one up, but it is not dangerous. |
May beetles, June beetles and Japanese
belong to a very closely related group of beetles
called scarabs. People in Egypt thought scarabs were
good luck. Beetles may fly into and land on people.
They can't hurt humans, although if you catch them
and won't let them get away, they may give a
slight pinch. |  D. Potter 1998 |
 University of Florida-Entomology | Cockroaches have been hated and feared for
centuries. While historically they have been
associated with poor housing and dirty conditions,
they can be found in any type of structure,
regardless of income level. However, they do not
have any biting or stinging ability. | Because cockroaches can be found in filthy areas as
well as clean areas, they pose a threat to human health by carrying disease-causing bacteria onto surfaces or into food in the home when they move from one place to another.
People may also develop increasingly severe allergies to cockroaches themselves with continued exposure.
Praying mantids are predators of several crop and
garden pests. Although they look quite menacing,
they do not have the ability to hurt humans. They
may make good pets, in fact, as long as they are
well fed with smaller, soft-bodied insects, and
water is available. Otherwise, they are best left
in a garden, working at keeping pests away. | |
| Lacewings are interesting-looking insects which,
as larvae, are considered beneficial because they
are predators of pest insects. Lacewing eggs are
laid at the end of very slender stalks, which
makes them very easy to distinguish. They will
not hurt humans. |
Walking sticks are well named. That's exactly
what they look like! They are plant feeders, and
have no ability to hurt humans. They make great
pets. Be sure to provide them with plenty
of plant material that they will eat. |  copyright Corel PhotoCD |
| Grasshoppers are grass feeders that normally want
nothing to do with humans. When handled, they may
regurgitate a brown liquid as a scare tactic, and
may pinch with their mandibles (jaws), but their jaws are not strong enough to do any damage. Other than
that, they do not pose a threat. |
Although silverfish are household pests, making
their living in cracks and crevices that are warm
and moist, and feeding on starchy substances, they
have no directly harmful effects against humans. |  |
 | Many caterpillars found feeding on leaves are not
harmful, and may be handled and even raised.
However, any caterpillars with hairs or spines
should be left alone or handled with extreme care
(wear gloves!). Often, caterpillar spines
are very sharp, and they sometimes contain a
chemical irritant. |
A few exceptions are woolly
worms (woolly bear caterpillars) and the hickory horned devil, a caterpillar
with very large projections, that is not harmful
at all. In general, though, it's better to be
safe than sorry. For more information see Entfact
003: Stinging Caterpillars.
Butterflies and moths are very beautiful and
graceful creatures. When caught, they will
probably put up a fight by fluttering their wings,
which can be unnerving but isn't harmful. If a
butterfly lands on a person, it is possible that
it just wants a sip of sweat, which contains salts
that butterflies need. Their mouthparts are only
modified to suck nectar and other liquids, and
they will not bite or sting. |  copyright Corel PhotoCD |
 copyright Corel PhotoCD | Cicadas are large, distinctive creatures that are
common in late summer and make very loud,
unnerving noises, especially when disturbed. They
do not feed as adults, and other than making noise,
will not bother people. |
Dangerous Insects and Relatives
Even insects that do have the ability to bite or sting will
usually do so only when mishandled or otherwise mistreated.
 | Centipedes are not actually insects but are
closely related to insects. They have long
flattened bodies, with at least 15 pairs of legs,
and fangs, which can inflict a painful bite. |
Centipedes can be distinguished from the similar
but harmless millipedes by having fangs (instead
of chewing mouthparts), and one pair of legs per
body segment (versus two pairs of legs per body segment in
Ticks are also insect relatives. They can be
found in wooded areas, or fields with tall grass.
Ticks are very small, and many are hard to see.
Once female ticks bite, they swell up with the
blood of the host. When entering an area that may
be infested with ticks, the best way to keep from
getting bitten is to tuck pantlegs into socks, and
to wear loose-fitting clothing. |  UK Dept. of Entomology |
Ticks are dangerous because of the diseases (Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, etc.) they may carry. Ticks often do not attach immediately, but walk around over the skin until they come to a tight place, such as around the waist or wherever clothing is tight on the body. Check yourself or
have someone else check you for ticks as often as
you can, so you can remove them before they bite. If a tick does attach to the skin, do
not try to pull it off with your fingers, because the
mouthparts may break off underneath the skin. It
is better to use a clean pair of tweezers, grasping the tick as close to the front of the head as possible, to pull the tick off
with its mouthparts intact. For more information
see Entfact
618, Ticks and Disease.
 copyright Corel PhotoCD | Scorpions are very distinctive animals. The tip
of the abdomen has a sting, and the first pair of
legs are pinchers. It is best to leave these
creatures alone. Kentucky does have a native
species of scorpion , in scattered populations
throughout the state, but they are less than an
inch long at maturity. Their stings are not
deadly, but can be as painful as a bee or wasp
sting. |
Lice are highly modified insects. They have no
wings, and their legs are modified to move through
animal or human hair. The best way to protect
yourself from lice is healthy hygiene and not
sharing brushes, combs, hats, etc. |  |
 UK Dept. of Entomology | Fleas are pests of dogs, cats, and livestock.
They have legs which can jump relatively long
distances, for changing hosts, and comblike
appendages that will help the insects resist being
brushed out of hair. The immatures or larvae are
very tiny wormlike creatures, and can be present
on fabric, carpet, or outdoors. |
Both adults and
larvae are present outdoors, where pets have been,
in warm weather. Fleas generally do not prefer
humans, however they may try to feed on humans if
they have been starved for a long period of time.
Fleas have also been known to carry diseases such
as black plague (from fleas that usually infest
rats), although there is not a lot of risk of
those diseases in the United States at this time.
See Entfact
602, Ridding your Home of Fleas and Entfact 628, Pet-Centered Flea Prevention and Control, for
more information.
 copyright Corel PhotoCD | Honey bees are a part of a colony or community.
There is a queen bee which lays eggs, drones (males), and workers which are all females. The
workers are responsible for maintaining the hive
as well as finding nectar and pollen to feed the
colony. |
Bees will not generally attack people.
However, when people get too close to the hive, or
swat at the workers, workers may sting in defense.
If bees are flying nearby, the best strategy is to
stand still or run away. Swatting may only make
bees mad. If a bee does sting, sometimes people
have allergic reactions, including rapid tissue swelling and difficulty breathing. If
this happens, seek medical attention immediately. This could be a life-threatening situation if the person is highly allergic to bee venom.
 UK Dept. of Entomology | Solitary bees and wasps also have to find food for their
offspring. If you leave them alone, they will
probably leave you alone, although some wasps may be
more aggressive in the fall when fewer food
sources are available. Be aware that
honey bees can only sting once, but wasps are able
to sting repeatedly.
Stag beetles are related to scarabs. However,
they are a little more aggressive. The males have
very large mouthparts called mandibles that can
inflict a very painful pinch if they are
Blister beetles can also be harmful, especially to
livestock. Their blood contains a substance
called cantharadin which will cause blisters if it
comes in contact with skin or is swallowed. |  |
 copyright Corel PhotoCD | Mosquitoes are very well-known human pests.
Only the
females bite; they need blood to reproduce. What actually
itches when mosquitoes bite is the saliva that is
injected while the mosquito inserts her mouthparts
under the skin. |
Mosquitoes are found most
frequently near water, although they can travel a
fair distance looking for hosts. Besides lakes
and streams, mosquitoes breed in any pool of
water, such as birdfeeders, puddles and old tires.
 UK Dept. of Entomology | Most 'true bugs,' a group of insects including
stinkbugsand boxelder bugs, are harmless. |
However, assassin bugs such as the wheel bug,
ambush bugs and giant
water bugs can inflict a
very painful (although non-poisonous) bite. |  |
Helgrammites are another name for immature
dobsonflies. These larvae live in streams. In
contrast to the adults, the immature's large
mouthparts are quite functional, and can inflict a
painful bite. Use forceps or a twig to move them
rather than touching them if possible. If you
must handle them, be careful!
 UK Dept. of Entomology | Earwigs can be found in warm, damp basements and garages. |
They have two tail-like appendages which look very much like tweezers. If mishandled, they may try to inflict a pinch, which can be painful. They may also spray a foul-smelling liquid as a means of defense.
All spiders have venom that is used to paralyze
their prey. There are only two spiders in Kentucky
that are considered very dangerous:
 University of Florida -Entomology | The black widow spider is black with a red hourglass on the underside of the abdomen. |
The toxins will make people who are bitten very
sick. Prompt medical treatment is recommended.
The brown recluse is a light brown spider with a
darker brown fiddle shape on its back. |  UK Dept. of Entomology |
The toxins
cause tissue surrounding the bite to die and rot. For some people who are highly sensitive to the toxins, a bite can be a life-threatening situation. Seek medical attention promptly.
For more information, see
Original document: 7 July 1995
Last updated: 19 April 1999