Paper Mache Insects
by Stephanie Bailey, Entomology Extension Specialist
Materials needed:
- mixing bowl
- flour
- water
- all-purpose glue
- hot glue gun and glue sticks
- paint in various colors
- coat hanger or similar wire (florist wire is too thin!!)
- combinations of feathers, pipe cleaners, nerf-or other soft
balls, toothpicks, foam, party favors, etc.
- plastic wrap, window insulation wrap, or crepe paper
(membranous wings) or construction paper, tissue paper or thin fabric (colored wings)
Step 1: Group students into manageable sizes, and either let
them decide what bug they're going to make or tell them what to
try. They could even take some time to look in books for models of the
exact insect species they want to make.
Step 2: Rip up newspaper (you'll need a lot) into thin strips about six to eight
inches long, and 2 or so inches wide.
Step 3: Balloons make excellent molds for paper mache insects. All
sizes and types of balloons are useful: long, skinny balloons
are good for butterfly, dragonfly, walking stick, praying mantis,
caterpillar, and cricket bodies; long but wavy balloons are
excellent caterpillar bodies; and even the normal round balloons
make good insect heads, fly and beetle bodies, depending on the
size. Balloons of all shapes and sizes can normally be found at
either drugstores or stationery stores. Depending on the model(s) you're planning to make,
blow up balloons, and then tie them off.
Step 4: Make paste - there are several recipes for paper mache. A simple, tried-and-
true method is to start with a few cups of flour, add a little
water at a time (it will be very thick at first) and stop adding
water when it feels like glue. Some directions also advise to
include glue in the paste, but flour and water will do the trick.
Step 5: One piece at a time, dip strips of newspaper in paste,
and squeeze off excess paste with fingers. Apply to balloons, until the balloon is completely
Put several coats of newspaper on, and then allow to dry. You
will probably have to repeat this step several times, to mold and
shape the body to specification, but make sure the insects are
completely dry (a couple days) before putting on the next layer.
If more than one balloon will make up the final insect (e. g.
head, thorax, abdomen), glue them together after the first layer
is dry. Once the body is fully formed and totally dry, Apply at
least one coat of paint, and preferably more, to protect the
insect from moisture. This can also be the first step of
 S. Bailey 1995 | Painting is the main way to decorate the insect's body, and can
be as simple or detailed as the artist wants. Besides paint,
other body decorations might include glitter-painted or nerf-ball
eyes, feather or pipe cleaner antennae, party favor or pipe
cleaner mouthparts, and cut up coat hanger wires or pipe cleaner
legs, etc. as imagination allows. With a little creativity,
these bugs will look amazingly real! |
The final touch is the wings. Overhead projectors allow easy
enlargments of illustrations to the size needed. Have students
use ratios to determine what size enlargement of illustrations or
specimens is needed by measuring the length of the body in the
picture compared with the paper mache body, and calculate the
length of wings that will give the correct ratio for the size of
wings in the picture or specimen.
Transfer the projection to
window insulation film (e. g. 3M brand), clear contact paper or
wrap for membranous (see-through) wings for dragonflies, flies,
or wasps. Use crepe paper or thin fabric for butterfly, moth or
grasshopper wings. Trace the wings with a permanent marker or
pen (temporary or water-soluble markers won't work on the
plastic). |  S. Bailey 1995 | Finally, use coat hanger wire or something a little
thinner (florists' wire is too thin), shaped and glued to the
outer margins of the wings to give the wings the rigidity they
need. Finally, hot glue the inner wire portion of wings to the
body. Regular glue will not hold them.
With very heavy wings, you may have to cut a notch in the body
wall for extra glueing surface area.
Extra hints:
For butterflies or moths use colored feathers for the bodies
(moths especially are very hairy). Long feathers make great
moth antennae. Use pipe cleaners for legs and (coiled up)
mouthparts. Color in wing patterns with markers, fabric paints or glue cutouts
of tissue paper to wings. These insects will look better if the
body is no more than 2/3 the length of wings. They also look
better when there is a 'notch' between front and back wings.
Dragonflies, damselflies, mayflies, and dobsonflies all have
long, thin bodies and big, membranous wings. |  S. Bailey 1995 |  S. Bailey 1995 | Use a
long, thin
balloon, but build up sections for the head and thorax a bit more
than the abdomen, to make it more realistic. Dragonflies and
damselflies have thick legs with spines for catching prey -- use
foam legs with toothpicks glued into them. | Mayflies look similar
but have very thin legs, antennae and cerci (tails). Use twine
or rope, dipped in the paper mache to stiffen them. Male
dobsonflies have very large mandibles (jaws), which can be made
from molding rolled newspaper in paper mache or simply cutting
out foam. |
Praying mantises and walking sticks have thin
bodies as above but
walking sticks have no wings. Use pipe cleaners, twine or rope for the legs and antennae, dipped in
paper mache and bend the legs to dry. Additionally, praying
mantis front legs are thicker, use foam wrapped around coat
hanger wire, then glue in toothpicks to look like the thick
|  S. Bailey 1995 |
 S. Bailey 1995 | Flies, beetles, bees, wasps, and bugs all would
need the regular, rounded
balloons. For beetles, build up the wing covers on either side
of a pencil. The groove will not be too big, but will be enough
to separate the wings. Toothpicks or pieces of yarn glued to the
body will simulate the hairy bodies of flies. |
Use long wavy party balloons for caterpillar bodies--they're
already segmented! Look up strange and wild caterpillars for
models, e. g. hornworm, hickory horned devil, monarch, cecropia,
spicebush swallowtail, etc. (See EntFact 003--Stinging Caterpillars and EntFact 008--Saturniid Moths--for pictures of some of these caterpillars.)