NUMBER 1214 |
October 13, 2009 |
Harvesting and Storing Kentucky's 2009 Corn Crop By Sam McNeill, Extension Agricultural Engineer and Paul Vincelli |
USDA’s mid-September crop report1 predicted record level corn yields for Kentucky of 155 bushels per acre. Coupled with increased acreage, the state’s production could top 175 million bushels, which is also a record. However, a potential ‘fly in the ointment’ with this year’s crop is the delayed harvest coupled with damp weather which has led to stalk, ear and kernel rots. As noted in previous news stories, potential problems with field fungi (Diplodia, Gibberella, Fusarium, etc.) have lead to concerns about subsequent storage. While not all fungi produce mycotoxins, mold-damaged kernels are more susceptible to those that do. So it is best to err on the side of caution and check corn lots with field mold for mycotoxins before feeding to livestock. When harvesting mold-damaged corn, adjust combines to minimize mechanical damage so that sound kernels are protected and to maximize cleaning, so that lightweight kernels are removed. Harvest, handle and store damaged corn separately when feasible and market early to reduce demands on storage management. Grain moistures above 18-20% favor the growth of field fungi and the longer corn remains in the field the greater the chance of mycotoxin production. Thus, damaged corn should not be allowed to dry in the field to avoid drying costs. Corn with light damage should be dried to 15% within 24 hours after harvest and cooled to 40 degrees as soon as weather permits, in order to control mold growth during storage. This will create a storage environment within the grain mass that is below 65% humidity, which is dry enough to control mold growth and development (see values in the equilibrium moisture table). Corn with heavy to moderate damage should be dried to 13 to 14%, respectively, cooled as quickly as possible and moved before March. The table on the next page presents the equilibrium moisture contents for shelled yellow corn at different temperature and relative humidity conditions. Example: Corn that is 40 degrees and 13.7% moisture will create a relative humidity of 55% within the grain mass, which is safe for storage.
If mycotoxin problems are suspected, check with crop insurance providers to see if adjustments may be needed and how to account for the areas that are impacted. Insurance adjustments generally need to be made on standing corn at or before harvest. The following publications provide more information on vomitoxin, aflatoxin and grain testing labs:
Cercospora Leaf Blight More Extensive than Usual By Don Hershman |
Every year we have copious amounts of pod and stem blight and anthracnose (Figure 1). However, these diseases usually come in late and tend to be superficial. As a result, they often look more damaging than they really are, as long as affected crops are harvested in a timely manner. If crop harvest is significantly delayed, however, the diseases can impact seed quality (especially pod and stem blight). Just looking around, I do not get the sense that either anthracnose or pod and stem blight are especially problematic despite the season. But a wet October will delay harvest in many fields and this could result in a range of problems, including reduced grain/seed quality. The disease that seems to have been impacted the most this season is Cercospora leaf blight (CLB). CLB, caused by the fungus Cercospora kikuchii, is usually first noticed by producers when the upper leaves in the canopy begin to turn yellow, often with a bronze tint (Figure 2). A close inspection of affected leaves reveals very small, dark lesions that are frequently on or near major leaf veins and on petioles (Figure 3). “Bronzing” is the result of a multitude of lesions that have coalesced. When symptoms are severe, the upper surface of affected leaves has a puckered, leathery appearance (Figure 4). Severely affected leaves are blighted and eventually drop off the plant. Blighting of upper canopy leaves was rapid in some fields this year due to the unusually wet late-season conditions. Some producers suggested that the visual impact was akin to frost injury or “sunburn”. Pods are also commonly infected and both pods and seed can have purplish discoloration (Figure 5). The purplish discoloration of seed is known as “purple seed stain”. Extensive purple seed stain can reduce grain marketability, and planting severely infected seed can result in stand reductions in subsequent soybean crops The pathogen produces a light-activated plant toxin called cercosporin. Cercosporin is red, which accounts for the tendency of diseased tissue to develop a purplish discoloration. The toxin causes plant cells to rupture and die. This is what causes most the symptoms we see. The impact of CLB is highly variable and can range from no significant impact to substantial yield and grain/seed quality reductions. The foliar phase of the disease contributes the most to yield loss when the disease is extensive. The time of disease onset relative to crop growth stage, and the speed with which the disease develops, are the key factors that determine crop impact. If blighting occurs while pods are filling, then significant yield loss can be anticipated. However, if pod fill is mostly complete prior to the onset of blighting, than damage will be minimal. In most years, in most fields, CLB is a minor problem. Past experience and observations suggest that most commercially available soybean varieties have at least some resistance to CLB in spite of limited breeding efforts targeting the disease. However, no varieties are immune. Fungicides can reduce CLB, but no fungicides are highly effective. In general, strobilurin fungicides do a slightly better job than triazoles or thiophanate-methyl. Also, single applications applied at the R5 (beginning seed) growth stage tend to perform better than applications made at the R3 (beginning pod) stage. Of course, multiple applications perform better than single applications, but even then, results are marginal.
Reducing Overwintering Apple Scab Inoculum By John Hartman |
Growers with scab in the orchard now will want to assess the damage and take actions that will reduce scab disease pressure for next year. The scab fungus overwinters in infected fallen leaves left from the previous season. In Kentucky commercial orchards, most of the spores that can start an apple scab epidemic come from within the orchard, however, unsprayed apple and flowering crabapple trees growing nearby can also be a source of inoculum. Because scab spores don’t travel very far, the risk of scab infection early in the season can be greatly decreased by reducing or eliminating any old infections in apple leaves on the orchard floor. Research done in many apple growing regions has shown that either flail-mower chopping of fallen leaves or application of urea will significantly reduce apple scab spore production the next year. Doing both leaf chopping and urea application will reduce scab inoculum even more. After a moist 2009 growing season, Kentucky apple growers could benefit from reducing scab inoculum harbored in apple leaf litter. Leaf shredding and urea applications are relatively inexpensive and reliable sanitation methods that will decrease the risk of apple scab in 2010. Chopping and shredding leaves. Shredding all leaves on the orchard floor after they have fallen in November is thought to reduce the number of scab spores by more than 50%. Scab spore reduction is less if the flail mower cannot reach into the strip between the trees. The smaller the leaf pieces that are left behind, the more easily they will become decomposed and the more likely they will be consumed by earthworms. Even leaf shredding done in March or April can have some beneficial effect. In springtime, the scab fungus has begun to grow and prepare to release spores into the air at about the apple green tip stage. If shredding is done in early spring, some of the leaves and leaf pieces will be overturned and the spores formed on overturned leaves won’t be easily released into the air. Reducing scab inoculum now will make apple scab disease easier to manage next spring and summer. Reduced disease pressure next year will make it more difficult for the fungus to develop resistance to fungicides.
By Julie Beale and Paul Bachi |
On fruit and vegetable samples, we have diagnosed Phytophthora fruit rot on fig; anthracnose and common [bacterial] blight on bean; late blight and Septoria leaf spot on tomato; Rhizoctonia root rot and southern blight on beet; Cercosporella leaf spot and Rhizoctonia root rot on mustard; and Phytophthora root rot on turnip. On ornamentals and turf, we have seen Pythium root rot on poinsettia; rust and powdery mildew on goldenrod; black root rot on holly; Phloeospora leaf spot on mulberry; Dutch elm disease on elm; powdery mildew on tuliptree and crape myrtle; anthracnose, bacterial leaf scorch, Phyllosticta leaf spot and Verticillium wilt on maple; Actinopelte leaf spot and bacterial leaf scorch on oak; Rhizosphaera needlecast on spruce; and rust on bluegrass. |
NOTE: Trade names are used to simplify the information presented in this newsletter. No endorsement by the Cooperative Extension Service is intended, nor is criticism implied of similar products that are not named.